"Well, go, go and communicate with your familiar, today's summoning course is over, the next step is to communicate with your familiar, remember, he is not an ordinary familiar, he is Especially powerful existence, to deal with this kind of existence, you must treat it well, don't always treat it as the master, your master's identity is of no use to him, but as he said, the contractor's Identity, treat it as a contractor."

Gruber reminded again, because Louise's character is really a problem. All the teachers in the academy know that as a child of a nobleman, Louise is full of arrogance. Even if she fails, she will not easily Admitting, with the increase in the number of failures, her character tends to forcibly refuse to admit, which is well known. Excessive pride makes Louise have few friends, and there are many problems in dealing with interpersonal relationships.

So Gruberudo is right to remind.

"I know, I'll go right now."

After Louise finished speaking, she trotted over, rushed into the crowd, pushed aside the crowd, and moved to Aziz Dakaha's side.

"Hey! Can you change back? Just like when you first appeared, the appearance of that person."

"Can you spit fire? You spit fire like a fire dragon."

The students were still asking curiously, wanting Aziz Dakaha to answer their questions, but Aziz Dakaha kept ignoring them, and Orpheus sitting on Aziz Dakaha's shoulders It was a look of curiosity, because in her eyes, this group of humans was a little different from the humans she had seen before. All the humans she had seen before would fear and stay away when they saw Aziz Dakaha, but Now this group of people will not stay away, but instead surround them, which really makes Orpheus curious.

Although the fact is that this group of ignorant children don't know how terrifying Aziz Dakaha is, they simply think that he is a powerful familiar, even though Aziz Dakaha is a giant dragon, these guys It is estimated that they will also come here to ask questions. Children who are ignorant of the world and envious of power are like this.

"Hey! Are you enough?"

Louise who rushed to Aziz Dakaha shouted at them.

"Although I know you are very envious of my familiar being so powerful."

Louise raised her head high, pinched her waist with one hand, and shook her fingers with the other, with a haughty look.

"But! He is my familiar! You all have your own familiars! Now is the time to communicate with your own familiars. Instead of communicating with your own familiars, you come to harass my familiars. What do you want? How To!"

Louise's words stunned the onlookers for a moment, and then they began to retreat one after another. Just like what Louise said, now is the time to communicate with their familiars and cultivate their feelings, but they don't care about their own familiars. Came to chat with Louise's familiar, and the other party ignored them, which seemed to be boring.

The students who retreated began to look for their familiars. They didn't notice at all that Azi Dakaha's transformation just now made their familiars run to the corner to hug each other to keep warm.

After looking around for a long time, it was the blue-haired girl who first spotted the familiars hiding in the shadows in the corner of the wall, and her familiar Rhyme Dragon was also there.

Moreover, Yunlong also used his wings to protect his head, as if he was hiding. He turned his head from time to time to take a look, and then turned back immediately. The direction he was looking at was obviously Aziz Dakaha, because it was not just Yunlong. The same goes for other familiars.

Even though he is a bit older than Aziz Dakaha, but he is afraid of Aziz Dakaha, which makes the girl feel a little puzzled. Is Aziz Dakaha really such a powerful guy?After all, Yunlong is a very powerful familiar in this world. He can fly and use wind-related magic.

Unable to figure out why, the girl could only give up thinking, and then walked towards Yunlong. After walking to Yunlong's side, she gently stroked him, as if to comfort him.


Just saying such a sentence in a soft voice made Yunlong's nervousness obviously begin to calm down.

Because of the girl's actions, the other students also found that their familiars were hiding in the shadow of the corner, and began to look for them one after another. After finding that their familiars were trembling, they also understood that the other party was probably the same as themselves Same, was terrified of Aziz Dakaha, then started to appease.

Facing the master who gave him comfort and safety, the familiar immediately became dependent.

Because of Azi Dakaha's relationship, the relationship between magicians and familiars this year is much faster than before. In a sense, this should be considered a good thing.

Gruber, who was observing the situation from a distance, felt very relieved. Compared with the past, this year has been much smoother.

But the focus is still on Aziz Dakaha, but this is Louise's business, and I can't interfere too much, and I can only see Louise herself.

After dismissing the crowd, Louise turned around and looked at the tall Aziz Dakaha. He was three meters tall in the form of a dragon. Facing Louise, who was only half her height, Aziz Dakaha All three of the heads were bent down, and the whole body covered Louise, making Louise shrouded in shadow.

"What's the matter? Contractor."

Louise pursed her lips, being stared at by six scarlet eyes at such a close distance, Louise was still a little nervous.

"Louis, my name is Louise, you can call me Louise, don't call me a contractor."

Recalling the reminder from Gruberlu's mentor just now, Louise chose to lower her posture and get closer, and this appearance still feels scary no matter how you look at it.

"So, Louise, do you have anything to tell me now?"

Az Dakaha asked.

"Ah? That...Azhi Dahaka?"

"Az Dakaha, my name is Az Dakaha."

"Ah, yes, Aziz Dakaha, let me call you Aziz, just like you call me Louise. I just passed out accidentally, and I didn't remember your name very much, sorry."

Louise apologized quickly.

"It's okay!"

Aziz Dakaha didn't care.

"Now tell me, you summoned me, what exactly do you want me to do, that is, what is your purpose."

Az Dakaha asked seriously.

Azi Dakaha responded to the call and came to this world to find a world that suits him and the meaning of his existence. To a certain extent, he still has an inertial thinking, no, the tone is inertial thinking, it is better to say It is a longing in the heart.

At the beginning, he who had been fighting alone met that woman, and was moved by her words, moved by her tears, so he took the flag from her hand and became the absolute evil, it was because he was willing, That woman bears the most primitive 'evil', and is the prototype of all good and evil in the world. She, who would not have such a fate, bears this fate, but she never complains. Instead, she feels sad for human beings and Human beings cry, because she is the most primitive 'evil', she knows that human beings will eventually destroy themselves.

It was precisely because she would not cry until this point, and it was precisely because of this that Azi Dakaha, who was bent on evil, was moved and took the initiative to take the banner of "evil" from her hand.

Now she is no longer. Before she disappeared, she hoped that Aziz Dakaha could live for herself and find the meaning of her own existence. Kaha no longer has the habit of thinking about himself.

This time I responded to Louise's call, although it was said to come to see the new world and see if it was suitable for me, but it was on a deeper level.

In Aziz Dakaha's heart, he is still longing to meet an existence like her, who can give himself a mission and the meaning of his existence.

So, can the Louise in front of me, the human who summoned herself, be able to do this?

Chapter 5, due ambition

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