"Well, I'm not full, the little that Louise gave is not enough."

"Louis? Miss Vallier, that's right, Mr. Familiar was summoned by Miss Vallier, and he should be in charge of arranging the meals."

The man nodded seriously.

"Come in, although it is not working time now, but if the young lady is hungry, I will work extra overtime, it can be regarded as an extra service for the young lady!"

The man said and pulled Shesta, who couldn't walk, away. It was obvious that Shesta hadn't recovered yet, and was still staring.

The man pulled Sheesta all the way closer to the kitchen, and then shouted to the outside.

"Miss, just wait outside, I'll be fine soon!"


Orpheus' response came from outside the kitchen, and then the man turned his head and patted Shesta on the shoulder to try to calm her down, but unfortunately, Shesta was still trembling.

"Shesta, calm down, calm down."

Forced to be helpless, the man calmed down softly.

Shesta finally calmed down.

"Mr. Ma Ludun, I..."

"Don't worry, it's okay, they just came to eat, and it seems that the little girl is the leader, so don't worry, it's okay."

"I see."

Shesta nodded.

"Go ahead, help me prepare, the other guys are going to rest, I need to trouble you to help me."

"Yes, I understand."

Shesta turned around and started to make some preparations.

Outside, Orpheus jumped off Aziz Dakaha's shoulders and sat on a stool, while Aziz Dakaha stood on his Dragon Shadow.

While Orpheus was waiting for the food, Aziz Dakaha was indeed thinking about what President Usman had said to him last night.

"When the void magician reappears, that is when the world is in crisis, and it is a crisis of destroying the world."

Aziz Dakaha doesn't know what the crisis of the world's destruction is. In Hakoniwa's concept, there are many crises of the destruction of the human world. The more famous one is 2000, the most famous historical transition period. There are many extinctions of human beings. The NBCR weapons led by nuclear weapons that have continued since the 20th century have led to the destruction of mankind. This can be regarded as a kind of human destruction of human beings. This is what Aziz Dakaha once did not want to happen. Of course there are also Some natural disasters or meteorite impacts, etc., but those can be avoided by relying on the power of gods and protoss.

But if we want to transcend the eschatology of human beings destroying human beings, we must allow human beings to complete the further evolution of primates, and this requires facing some special existences.

They are disasters that suddenly appeared at the dawn of the struggle of the gods around human history.Unlike the proxy war of the gods, which is carried out on the premise of the continuation of human history, the final trial of mankind is the most advanced trial that contains the possibility that human beings cannot cross or the loopholes of the world. Aziz Dakaha is one of them a member.

So in this world, will there be the final trial of mankind?According to the destruction conditions of this world, if human beings destroy themselves, then in order to save the world, it is necessary to cross the final trial of human beings born in this world, but if not, other forces can be easily caught solve.

So, what Louise will face next as a member of Saving the World, of course, that is what Aziz Dakaha will also face as Louise's familiar. This is The point of Aziz Dakaha's thinking, if possible, Aziz Dakaha will even encounter a human being in this world's final trial, wouldn't that be very interesting?

Just when Aziz Dakaha thought so.

The food in the kitchen is also ready.

"I kept you waiting! Miss!"

Chapter 7. Louise who wants power

Aziz Dakaha's suspicions were not unfounded.

The crisis of human extinction is different in different worlds, especially in this different world that has almost no connection with the original Hakoniwa, the situation should be completely different from what I expected.

That may catch Aziz Dakaha off guard, but it will also bring Aziz Dakaha a lot of new fun.

"Ah, Miss, your appetite really surprises me."

The voice of Chef Maruton next to him woke up Aziz Dakaha from his thoughts.

Orpheus was holding a plate and handing it to Chef Maruton. It was obvious that one plate was not enough.

"not enough."

Orpheus simply answered Maruton.

"Since one plate is not enough, I will prepare a few more plates! Make sure you eat until you are full, Miss."

Maruton took the plate from Orpheus with a smile, and walked back to the kitchen again, leaving Shesta standing opposite Orpheus.

Compared with just now, Shesta is obviously much better now, and there is no fear of hind legs. Although Azi Dakaha standing behind Orpheus still makes her feel scared, at least she will not back down Yes, it is a very big progress.

In order not to let Shesta face Azi Dakaha outside for too long, Maruton quickly came out with three plates, including the main stew and side dishes.

"Miss, this should be enough for you."

Putting all three plates in front of Orpheus, Maruton folded his arms and looked very proud.

Orpheus didn't answer, just left and started eating, and the way Orpheus ate seemed to suit her taste.

Seeing Orpheus's appearance, Maruton couldn't help laughing.

"How about it, Miss, the taste is not bad."

"Well, it's delicious."

"Of course, any ingredient will turn into a delicious dish as long as it passes through the hands of my chef Marutan. It feels like magic, doesn't it?"

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