However, one thing will be very interesting, that is, if Orpheus's power is given to others, it is equivalent to sharing some of his own power with others, and then that person's power will increase, such as magic power will increase, and after the magic power is increased, the magic strength will increase. Destructive power Attack power will increase to become more powerful, this is the principle.

But in this world, the power of Orpheus can be converted into directly raising a person's level. For example, he was originally at the triangle level, but now he is upgraded to the matrix level. Then, Louise doesn't know what level it is. But her explosion is very strong. According to the damage, it should be almost at the triangle level. If Louise accepts the power of Orpheus, then she can at least reach the matrix level. Then, after she learned other magic at that time If you experiment, it will be a very interesting thing. The power of the instant explosion will be greatly improved. As I said before, the matrix level can withstand an army, so what is the power of a pure matrix level explosion? What does it look like?

Probably this Torristine Academy of Magic will be blown up to the sky.

"The more magic you have, the stronger you become?"

Orpheus tilted his head to look at Louise, and then looked at Azi Dakaha beside him.

He patted Aziz Dakaha's body, and proudly said to Louise.

"Father knows thousands of magic tricks!"


"Well, that's what you call magic! Dad calls it magic!"

Orpheus nodded in reply.

"Az, do you know thousands of magic tricks?"

Louise asked Aziz Dakaha in surprise.

Azi Dakaha first looked at Orpheus, seeing that she was looking at him with a smile, then looked at Louise, and nodded.

[Thousands of Magic] The ability mastered by Aziz Dakaha, in the inheritance, Aziz Dakaha used the magic he mastered to kill many creatures, and he understands all the magic structures and the corresponding history and even Future knowledge can be said to be a self-contained radar, which can be said to be invincible for cracking the gift game. The former ruler of the northern district, Sarah Toldorek, was trapped by the authority of the organizer, so he was not able to reach it. It was solved within a day, and the reward was to seize all the other party's spiritual ranks.

This is a powerful passive, as the absolute evil behind all the malice in the world, it can establish the favor of unconditionally obtaining game-related knowledge.

At the same time, it is also a powerful initiative. As a berserker, Az Dakaha is also a powerful caster, and the magic performed by En Hui does not require any so-called magic power.

However, although Az Dakaha is good at thousands of kinds of magic, the magic mechanism of these magic is far from the magic mechanism of this world. This world is mainly dominated by elemental magic, especially powerful magicians, basically They are all dominated by various elemental magics, supplemented by some other general-purpose magics, which has caused the limitations of magic in this world, and the natural destructiveness is also much worse. Of course, the destructive power of that nothingness should be enough , because that is not elemental magic. Compared with elemental magic, it is more appropriate to call it arcane magic, because there is no attribute, the most basic existence particle of the manipulated world.

After seeing Aziz Dakaha nodding, Louise was obviously very happy, she put aside the task of cooperating with the familiar that Gruber said, and quickly began to ask about magic.

"Hey, tell me quickly, what kind of magic do you know."

Az Dakaha looked at the excited Louise and was speechless.

"There are thousands of kinds of magic tricks that I know, do you want me to tell them all?"

"Ah, that was indeed my negligence."

Louise was a little embarrassed that she had said the wrong thing.

"So, can you demonstrate some magic that I can learn and that I can use? I really need to learn some magic."

Louise is full of desire for magic.

Aziz Dakaha also knows this, but desire does not mean success, hard work may not be rewarded, because there will be many factors that hinder you, such as the influence of the environment, misleading by others, and your own factor.

Louise can express this almost entirely in her own way.

As a void magician, she can almost only use void magic in her life. Elemental magic and other types of magic have almost no possibility of success.

The same is true of Aziz Dakaha's magic, Aziz Dakaha's magic is a boon, from the original magic used in tens of thousands of battles directly blended into a powerful and incomparable boon.Does it mean that you can learn by learning?

So it was obvious that Aziz Dakaha would not make any demonstrations for Louise.

Not only can't demonstrate, Aziz Dakaha didn't even bother to talk, just stared at Louise like this, silent.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk? Didn't you say that you know a lot of magic tricks? Show me one, show me one that I can learn."

Aziz Dakaha's inaction made Louise feel a little anxious, because she was eager to see Aziz Dakaha's magic.However, Aziz Dakaha seemed determined not to rape her.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Louise looked at Aziz Dakaha with suspicion.

"You don't know magic at all, but pretend to be magic!"

Naturally, Aziz Dakaha's ignorance was understood in Louise's eyes as a person who did not know magic and dared not answer. This is a very natural thing in the eyes of ordinary people, because she does not understand Aziz Dakaha, it would never have occurred to Aziz Dakaha that he was just too lazy to take care of himself.

Louise's voice made the people around them focus on Aziz Dakaha again.

"Did you hear that, just now Louise said that he doesn't know magic."

"I heard it, but how is that possible, that wall has been cut open."

"Yes, yes, but what is Louise arguing with him?"

"Who knows, after all, it's Louise, who can always quarrel with you in inexplicable places."

"You are right."

The students talked a lot, but Gruber was also very puzzled. He didn't see the fault of Aziz Dakaha for cutting the wall, but he saw that the wall had been cut after he came out. The incision is extremely smooth, and what Louise said about pretending to be magical should not be true, so what is Louise and Aziz Dakaha arguing about?

Because everyone is paying attention, Az Dakaha feels a little irritated. This group of ignorant brats just stare at him and discuss this and that. It is really annoying, especially this Louise, although It is said that with the task of saving the world, he may be a great hero in the future, but this character is far worse than Izayoi.

In order to make Louise shut up obediently, Aziz Dakaha directly raised his hand and covered himself with an enchantment, which looked like a transparent cover, covering Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus Covered in it, in an instant, the world was quiet.

And this move was seen by everyone present, including a young girl on the central tower.

I just got off the plane and asked for leave

I came to Chengdu today, I just got off the plane, and I still have to go to the hotel, it’s too late in the evening, so I asked for a day off, and I will update it as usual tomorrow...................... ................................................

Chapter 9, slap

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