"That's right, that Your Excellency is so powerful that I have never seen it before. At least in this world, he is the strongest magician I have ever seen, and he is also the strongest magician I have ever seen. I can say that in front of the other party. It was easily defeated."

Osman was indeed talking cheerfully, as if he didn't care at all.

"The dean is really open-minded."

"Well, after all, I'm already old. If I'm not open-minded, I'm going to die early?"

Osman stroked his long beard and said cheerfully.

"Then, Your Royal Highness, let's go. Let's take you to your resting place to take a look. We will hold this year's magic evaluation meeting in a while. This year's students can summon some very good magicians." Demon, Miss Vallière's familiar is probably one of them, anyway, you will be the final judge at that time."

"Well, no problem, I came here from the palace just for this purpose, and I'm looking forward to the familiars tasting meeting later, what kind of magical and powerful familiars will open my eyes this year?" ?”

Anrietta looked at all the magic apprentices with a smile, making them happy for a while.

"Hehehe, then we only need to wait a little longer to find out. Now, Princess Anrietta, let's go to your resting room first."

"Then I will ask you to lead the way."

Under the leadership of Osman, Princess Anrietta, under the gaze of all the magic apprentices, left the vestibule and entered the VIP building of the school, which is a special building that will only be opened when members of the royal family come. A talent like Anrietta is qualified to do this. During the few days at the Torristine Academy of Magic, Anrietta will live there.

And while Osman brought Anrietta into the VIP building, everyone outside the venue began to arrange the venue for the Magic Tasting Fair.

But in the atrium, Louise was trying her best to persuade Aziz Dakaha to perform on stage. In front of Anrietta, Aziz Dakaha was dismissive, and the familiars would comment later. Will it really be held smoothly?

Well, helpless, another leave note

I went back from Chengdu. I have to get up at 7 o’clock to go to the train station by train at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning, so I have to go to bed early tonight. I can only give up today’s update, but don’t worry, I won’t miss it this time I’m off, I’ll make up for it on the bullet train tomorrow, damn, 11 and a half hours on the bullet train, I can only code slowly for entertainment, I’m really sorry, I’ll update it every day starting from the 14th .

Chapter 11. The Familiar of the Appraisal

The magician appraisal meeting is an event held every year by the Torristine Academy of Magic.

The combination of the magician and the familiar is mainly judged by the combination of the magician and the familiar. Of course, there are many related factors, such as the strength of the familiar, the strength of the magician, and the combination of each other. Proficiency and degree of effect, especially the last one is the most important.

The so-called degree of effect refers to the degree of cooperation between the magician and the familiar. For example, if the magician's familiar is a bird, then the stronger mutual cooperation is long-distance detection and long-distance indirect casting, especially long-distance Distance scouting, this is a more strategic role!Another example is that the magician's familiar is a flying dragon or a griffin, then the magician can cooperate with the familiar to attack at high altitude, especially some flying dragons can release breath, or some dragon-specific magic, so that they can achieve airborne Repression, this is the so-called degree of action.

This year's Magic Tasting Fair will still be like this.

Princess Anrietta of Torristine will be the judge of this year's confidant evaluation. In the past, it was basically the head of the academy or the royal family of some countries as the judges. This year it is the turn of the royal family of Torristine.

In the afternoon, the judging session started on time. Under the leadership of Osman, Anrietta came from the rest area to the huge atrium. The atrium has been completely set up during this time, with a stage, seats, and VIP and escort seats in the center.

Under the leadership of Osman, Anrietta sat in the middle of the VIP seat, while Osman and a group of mentors sat beside her.

"Then, under the supervision of Princess Anrietta of the Torristine Kingdom, this year's Torristine School of Magic and Magic Appraisal will now begin!"

Instructor Gruber came to the stage to announce the start of the magician evaluation meeting. As the instructor, he was responsible for releasing magic as a cover when Princess Anrietta came, and he also had to study fire attribute magic and put on fireworks at night. It's really not easy for Gruber to be the judge at the magic test in the afternoon.

After announcing the start, Gruber walked to the side of the stage and began to let the magic apprentices bring their familiars to perform on stage one by one.

Some familiars are frogs, and then magic apprentices perform leapfrogs with the frogs, and the frogs call or something.

Some familiars are owls, and the magic apprentice makes the owl hover in the air through gestures or something.

Some familiars are salamanders, such as Chuluke. After half of his waist-length fiery red hair was cut off by Az Dakaha's shadow blade, he simply cut it into shoulder-length short hair. The demon salamander came to the stage and Chuluk let the salamander perform a fire-breathing performance. Of course, it was not just a simple fire-breathing performance. Under the command of Chuluk, the fire spit out by the salamander turned into various The shape of it, circling in the air or something, is more distinctive than Gruber's fire magic.

Gruberu, who was on the sidelines, even began to think about whether to let Chuluk participate in the fireworks show at night. After all, it is still very difficult to prepare so many fire magic by himself, and it is rare to see such a good fire show.

Of course, there are also some weird performances, such as the gopher mouse and his master Kixiu, the two have been shining on the stage, but that is what he is used to.

And soon, the focus of all the magic apprentices and magicians came.

"Next, Miss Louise Frances Lou Brown du la Vallière! Please come on stage with your familiar."

Gruber frowned and read the name.

In other words, the next step is Louise's performance.

Louise's familiar... Azi Dakaha, will that powerful and strange familiar really perform with Louise?

Everyone couldn't help guessing, [Zero Louise] finally summoned a familiar, but the United States and Europe have never cooperated with Louise, whether it is the usual training or what, Aziz Dakaha basically The world is always doing its own way, but Louise has never been taken seriously as the master. This is something everyone at the Torristine Academy of Magic knows.

Although I am very curious about Aziz Dakaha's magic, the students are completely lost the interest they had before. Aziz Dakaha's previous ability display and appearance are indeed very popular among the students. Because it's handsome, isn't it, and it can cast magic without chanting, isn't it amazing?But since Aziz Dakaha's slap was slapped, basically the students are now only afraid of Aziz Dakaha, and the impression of that slap is too deep.

So now facing the powerful and weird Aziz Dakaha, can Louise persuade him to participate in this familiar performance?Everyone is guessing.

Some time after Gruberou pronounced Louise's name, there was no response, and no one appeared.

Discussions began to appear in the auditorium outside the stadium.

Princess Anrietta on the main seat was also puzzled, and turned to look at Osman who was sitting next to her.

"Principal Osman, what happened? Why didn't Louise show up?"

"Um... this... Her Royal Highness Princess Anrietta, this Miss Vallière's familiar is a bit special, and it will take a while to come out. He is the most special familiar of our academy over the years. "

The smile on Osman's face was a bit far-fetched, but it could be considered a smile anyway, but it should be regarded as a wry smile.

"The most special familiar?"

Anrietta, who heard that Louise summoned a humanoid familiar, generally understood what the most special familiar is. After all, it is obviously more difficult for humans to be familiars than those magical creatures. Order, and Az Dakaha is still a magician. A powerful magician is summoned by a magic apprentice and has to cooperate with the performance. This is indeed a bit difficult to say, so it is understandable that it took a while to come out.

"Miss Louise Frances Lou Brown du la Vallière! Please bring your familiar to the stage!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Gruber said Louise's name again.

But still no response.

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