In the middle of the stage, Orpheus was still dancing vigorously, while Louise and Gruberu on the side of the stage had their eyes widened, not knowing what to do next.

The moment the huge earth and rock giant fell, the earth and rock giant suddenly exploded, turning into a large number of earth and rock fragments and bursting out towards the surroundings.

The instructors stood up one after another and launched the enchantment magic surprise defense. Huge pieces of earth and rock smashed on the enchantment, causing the enchantment to shake, but the enchantment did not break.

"What's wrong! What happened! What happened to that big guy! And what happened to Orpheus!"

Louise, who was hiding behind Gruber, asked a series of questions nervously.

"Miss Vallière, I think you should calm down first, your familiar should be fine."

Gruber told Louise directly, wanting her to calm down.

"Ah? Nothing happened at all, how could it be possible! That big guy just hit her right there!"

Louise yelled immediately.

"That guy doesn't seem to know any magic at all. There are so many stones just now, something must have happened! It's over! If something happened to her, Aziz would definitely get angry! Then the contract will be cancelled, and I won't have a familiar what!"

The focus of Louise's relationship was connected from Orpheus to Az, and finally to her familiar.

"I don't think so, although I only saw a little bit, but I think the explosion should be made by your familiar, Miss Vallière, because I saw her raise her hand when the giant fell, and then the giant It exploded suddenly, probably she made a move, I remember you said that she is the daughter of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, so, as the daughter of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, she should have a strong power. Yes, it's just that she doesn't show it normally, she probably used it just now. Isn't it a simple existence..."

Gruber is one of the few people who recognizes that Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus are not simple people. The other one is probably the head of the Usman Academy. Others just know that Aziz Dakaha is very strong. , but I don’t know how strong it is. Gruber, who talked with Aziz Dakaha with Osman, knows very well that Aziz Dakaha is much, much stronger than Usman. Character, Osman is a matrix-level magician, so what kind of level is much stronger than him?So far....

Aziz Dakaha is so strong, and Orpheus, who can stay beside Aziz Dakaha, is naturally very strong.

It's just that Grubelu didn't expect Orpheus to smash this huge earth and stone giant directly with a small stretch of hand.

"Look, there she is, all right."

As the dust dispersed, Gruberu also saw Orpheus who was still surrounded by gravel in the center of the stage, so he pointed it to Louise.

"It's really all right!"

Louise also stared wide-eyed at the unharmed Orpheus.

"It turns out that she is really powerful! And she is much better at talking than Aziz... Do I want to..."

Louise chose to start thinking about whether to give up Aziz Dakaha and let Orpheus be her familiar. After all, Aziz Dakaha looks really handsome and powerful, but he is too disobedient , Louise has no say in him at all. Orpheus and Aziz Dakaha were also summoned when he was summoned. Aziz Dakaha can be used as a familiar, and Orpheus should be able to do so. Yes, so if you can sign a contract with Orpheus and let Orpheus become your familiar, it will definitely be much more convenient.

Louise began to think about whether to try it later.

"Damn! Miscalculation, I didn't expect that guy to be so strong, and the little guy here is also so strong, what a miscalculation."

An angry voice came from the side of the stage. Louise and Gruber turned their gazes over and saw a person in a cloak. Judging from her voice and figure, it should be possible to tell that the other party was a woman .

"Wait! The earth giant just now! And the woman in the cloak! You are 'Fukai the Clod'!"

Gruber immediately thought of possible characters.

"It seems that it's not good to be too well-known. It's easy to be associated with it all at once."

The woman patted the dust on the cloak, then straightened up, looking at Gruber very naturally, but Gruber couldn't see her face clearly because of the cloak.

"Why is 'Fukai of the Clod' here! Could it be that he came to steal something from the academy!"

Gruber raised the huge magic wand in his hand.

"Forget it, no matter what your purpose of coming to the academy is, I won't let you succeed, so let me arrest you!"

A red light began to appear in the front of the huge magic wand, and then flames gathered in it.

"It's up to you!"

The woman waved her hand and pressed it to the ground.

"The magician of the cricket fire department also wants to arrest me! How naive!"

The ground began to bulge, and the earth and rock fragments on the ground also began to reassemble together, slowly accumulating, together with the earth and rock absorbed from the ground, gathered together, and became a super earth and stone giant about 30 meters high, which was the giant just now A super-strengthened version of .

"Although I'm surprised that there are two guys here who can destroy my giant, but that's just a miniature version. My real giant is not something that these guys can destroy at will!"

Fu Kai, who was standing on his shoulders, announced loudly, and then manipulated the earth-rock giant to step on Orpheus.

But just when the leg was raised, a black line appeared from a distance, pierced through the earth giant's chest and then cut upwards along the body, directly cutting towards Fukai.

Chapter 13, Death of the Big Breast


The huge roar sounded again. This time, the [-]-meter-tall earth and stone giant was directly cut open. The huge body collapsed backwards, directly hitting the city wall not far away, and then the whole body began to collapse and scatter.

The magicians were forced to erect the enchantment magic again to prevent the splashing of earth and rocks from injuring people.

At the same time as a large amount of earth and rocks scattered and splashed back to the city, a black shadow fell from the sky.

"This is..."

Gruber stared wide-eyed at the body falling from the sky. Unfortunately, this body is only half now. It was cut from the middle of the legs to the shoulder, and half of the body just fell on the ground. In front of Gruber and Louise.

Gruber said that although he had seen dead people and killed people with magic for so many years, he had never seen such a cruel scene. Not only that, he immediately turned around and covered Louise's eyes, this kind of too It's better not to let Louise see the bloody scene.

"Mr. Gruber, why did you suddenly cover my eyes?"

Louise, whose eyes were covered, was puzzled, so she asked aloud.

"It's nothing, Miss Vallière, it's just some pictures that don't suit you."

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