Louise looked at Wales Tudor's expression with doubts.

"No, nothing."

Wales Tudor shook his head, then put away the envelope.

Louise was not shown.

"Please give me a word for Anrietta, please."


"Help me tell her: forget..."


A terrifying roar came from afar, followed by a terrifying shock, as if the entire battleship was about to shatter, and Louise even trembled along with it.

"What's this? What's going on? It's such a nasty feeling. What's going on?"

Louise put her arms around her shoulders and looked around nervously, completely unaware of what happened, but the terrible roar told her that something terrifying had appeared.

Both Welsh Tudor and Varudo looked into the distance with extremely solemn expressions. The wind changed direction, and all the winds were blowing from one direction, so the clouds were collectively blown away in one direction.

"Is something coming out?"

"It should be, and it's something extremely dangerous."

Varudo's face is not very good. This is completely inconsistent with what he planned. It is too far away. All plans have been disrupted by the familiar, and it is too troublesome now.

"Look, prince! What is that!"

The soldier looking around with the binoculars found movement in the distance, so he handed the binoculars to Wales Tudor and pointed him in the direction.

Wales Tudor took the binoculars and looked in the direction the soldiers were pointing at, only to see a huge black shadow.

"That is!"

"Simple Devil"

"It's time to end." While murmuring, he stepped into the hall, staring straight into the darkness in front of him, the long sword was stained with dark red blood.

Suddenly the torch was lit, and there were layers of things under the torch, which were almost uncountable.The brave man blinked, seeing the faces of those things clearly, his pupils subconsciously contracted.My heart trembled uncontrollably.

Is that...the throne?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Osman is very anxious now, anxiously swaying by the window of the office.

Ever since Louise was taken away by Captain Varudo just now, he has been very worried, feeling that something big will happen. His familiar, the white mouse, has been spinning around on the ground, looking anxious to death.

The old man and the mouse kept turning around in front of Anrietta like this, which made Anrietta look puzzled and worried at the same time.

"Principal Osman, are you in such a hurry? I have asked Captain Varudo to take Louise and the others out."

"How can you not be in a hurry, they went out so long late, and the speed of the griffin is obviously not the match of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, no matter where you go, it is already too late, all I can hope now is Aziz Your Excellency Dakaha did not encounter too many resistances on the road, or in other words, he expected His Excellency Aziz Dakaha to cause less damage."

Osman had a sad look on his face.

"This is already my greatest expectation."

"It's okay, President Osman, I believe it will be fine. Captain Varudo will warn Albion well."

"It's not just this Albion, Your Royal Highness Princess Anrietta, you have to know that it's not just Torristine and Albion that have classes in the Halkkinia continent, you only care about Torristine and Is there Albion?"


"You know, once those countries are affected by a disaster, it will be very troublesome if we find out that the source is our side. Other countries will attack us. Do you think that the Albion you care about has its own trusteeship?" Is Christine all right? Are you thinking too easily?"


Anrietta's expression was a little frustrated, and it was obvious that what Osman said was serious.

Osman still frowned.

"The point is not just that, I'm worried about another thing."


"His Royal Highness, Princess Anrietta, to be honest, there is one very important thing to tell you this time."

Othman became serious.

"Do you know the importance of Miss Vallière?"

"The importance of Louise? What do you mean?"

Princess Anrietta was a little puzzled.

"Do you know why Louise was able to summon such a powerful familiar, Lord Az Dakaha?"

Anrietta shook her head.

"That's because Miss Vallière is a descendant of nothingness!"

"Descendants of Nothing..."

Anrietta obviously didn't understand these things.

"That's right. We all know that magic was created by the ancestor Brimir. There are 4 systems in total: wind, fire, earth, and water, each representing the 4 points on the pentagram. But the other shop basically has no Too many people care about it. In fact, that is the most important point, nothingness! So it should be said that there are 5 systems in total: nothingness, wind, fire, earth, and sleep! Except that the nothingness system can only be used by the ancestors and their descendants. Other systems can be used as basic abilities or acquired additionally according to talent and aptitude. Except for special magic or emergency magic, general magic requires chanting incantations to be effective, and the chanting time of void incantations is the most effective. The longest one is also the strongest."

"And Miss Vallière is the successor of nothingness magic, the descendant of nothingness!"

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