From the bottom to the top, it seems to be a huge stone monument. It is made of many black metals. It looks very tall, with a full height of hundreds of meters. I don’t know how high it is. There are no marks on it, only huge numbers on it, as if that is the mark.

"Is there no sign of subordinate forces?"

After glancing at it, Az Dakaha stepped over the stele and continued on.

Because it was the reason why he chose to walk on the ground instead of flying in the sky, the dense leaves around him blocked Aziz Dakaha's vision, and Aziz Dakaha couldn't see other things around him.

I can only walk forward slowly, but I found that I rarely encountered those monsters along the way. There were only ordinary-sized animals and insects. At most, I encountered a snake-like guy, which was also very big. , and was cut across the board by Aziz Dakaha.

Orpheus also yelled "Ah! The big snake!" "Ah! The big snake is dead!".

Then along the way it became calmer.

After walking for a while, Aziz Dakaha saw the second huge stele, which was made of black metal like the previous one, towering into the sky, with number marks on it, compared to the previous one. For the former one, the number is a little smaller, probably closer to the center of influence.

And, behind this stele, Aziz Dakaha found human traces.

It was an obvious modern soldier, wearing a military uniform and carrying a gun, watching around in a guard tower behind the huge stone monument.

When Aziz Dakaha saw the other party, the other party also saw Aziz Dakaha, and one of them waved at Aziz Dakaha.

But Aziz Dakaha didn't intend to greet the other party. He ignored the other party and walked away silently after a glance, but Orpheus waved at those people as if in response.

After a soldier above came down with a gun on his back, he found that Azi Dakaha's people had disappeared.

The soldier who didn't see anyone looked around and didn't see anyone, so he yelled at another person who was still on the guard tower.

"Did you see which direction the person just now went?"

The other person replied nonchalantly after hearing it.

"I don't care, why do you care about that? He looks like a policeman at first glance, and the one on his shoulder is obviously a monster. They can't get us anywhere. We can just look at the gastrula."

"That's right, there is no need to care about the life and death of those monsters."

Instead of trying to find Az Dakaha and Orpheus, the soldier returned to the guard tower again, chatting with another soldier while looking at the surrounding situation, guarding against the gastrella they were talking about.

And Aziz Dakaha and the others had already passed them and walked into the distance.

Walking, Aziz Dakaha found that the buildings began to increase and the trees began to decrease, but the buildings were still in ruins, and in the distance, Aziz Dakaha could see that it was a bustling city , separated from the ruins by a river not far away.

The concentration of human beings, is there a very modern concentration of human beings in this world full of monsters?What happened in this world?

Aziz Dakaha began to speculate, but the speculation was quickly interrupted.

Because Aziz Dakaha could clearly feel that there were many eyes staring at him.

Are you trying?Or scouting?

Aziz Dakaha sensed those gazes and looked back, only to see pairs of blood-red eyes like his own.

Chapter 2, Dragon Master is cursed?

Blood-red eyes, just like her own.

This is what Aziz Dakaha saw.

But after a closer look, Aziz Dakaha found that the owner of these blood-red eyes was a human being, about the same size as Orpheus, but relatively thinner and smaller, and some were smaller than Orpheus. Be smaller.It was such a group of little girls, watching themselves vigilantly from behind the ruins.

"As a human being, but with inhuman elements..."

Aziz Dakaha saw through the essence of these little girls at a glance, which made Aziz Dakaha a little puzzled. As a human being, but there are inhuman elements, and those inhuman elements are still showing signs of expansion , It feels very strange, like swallowing, although it is very slow, but it is indeed swallowing, it seems to be hiding the initiative.

"Being swallowed without knowing it, the human beings in this world seem to be different from what I thought."

After seeing it, Azi Dakaha didn't care anymore, and started to walk forward.

But Orpheus had a little interest in those little girls, slipped off Aziz Dakaha's shoulders, and ran to the ruins, those little girls saw Orpheus running over, They shrank their heads in fright, but what they were wary of was not Orpheus, but Aziz Dakaha.

This made Aziz Dakaha feel a little strange. It was obviously Orpheus who ran over, so you should be wary of Orpheus, why should you be wary of yourself?

Orpheus ran all the way into the ruins, making the little girls look puzzled.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Orpheus asked curiously. She could also feel the difference between these little girls and ordinary people. Although they are mentally retarded, Orpheus, who is the [Infinite Dragon God], still has this ability, and in her In my mind, the bodies of these little girls are somewhat similar to those of those monsters.

The little girls looked at each other, and then one of them seemed to reply to Orpheus as a representative.

"You are, how did you come here?"

"I was passing by here with my father."

"Passing by with Dad?"

The little girls glanced at Orpheus in surprise, and then looked at Azi Dakaha standing outside the ruins.

It seemed difficult for them to imagine a bald, shirtless man who was the father of the cute gothic loli in front of him. This style of painting was a bit different.

But after they looked at Orpheus' ears, they looked at each other.

It seemed that they were making eye contact, and after looking at each other for a while, the little girl who was in charge of speaking asked again.

"Did you just come in from outside to complete the task?"

"Complete the mission? Come in?"

Orpheus pointed his face with his index finger, with a puzzled look on his face.

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