On the road paved by the shadow of the dragon, Az Dakaha walked across the bridge step by step, and then entered the urban area.

As soon as he entered the urban area, Aziz Dakaha received a lot of strange gazes. These gazes were curious at first, but after Aziz Dakaha looked back, only disgust and fear remained. .

"Is it the fear of being strong and terrible, humans in this world?"

Az Dakaha immediately understood that the source of the other party's fear of him was not the fear of being a powerful demon king like the people in Little Garden, but the fear of his own eyes.

Just like what Matsuzaki told Aziz Dakaha just now, the world is full of gastrulations, and for gastrulations, it relies on holmium metal and the ability of the son of the curse, and the son of the curse is distinguished from ordinary girls by being The eyes are red, which means that the child is the child of the curse, and the eyes of ordinary color, which means that the child is normal.

This discernment should be with all men.

So when they first saw Aziz Dakaha, a big bald man, with no clothes on his upper body, they were full of curiosity. After all, he was wearing a big white underpants, with a cloak on his back and a shoulder on his shoulders. Little girls, no matter how they looked at them, they felt weird, but when they saw the eyes of Aziz Dakaha, they realized that Aziz Dakaha was not an ordinary person. The red eyes were too obvious, so the strong Maliciousness emerges.

Alongside malice there is intense fear.

Because the sons of the curse are often powerful, much stronger than ordinary humans, ordinary people can almost be described as having no resistance when facing the sons of the curse. Adults repel.

This all stems from the gastrenterate virus in the child of the curse.

So what if this gastropathy virus is applied to an adult?What will be the consequences?People know the consequences, because if humans are attacked by gastrulation, they will be injected with gastrulation virus, and then become a gastrulation, but Azidakaha in front of him has blood red eyes, but he has not turned into a gastrulation , which surprised them a little.

But this also shows that Aziz Dakaha is a terrible guy like those cursed children, so Aziz Dakaha is classified as a monster.

And Orpheus on his shoulder was even more obvious, because her ears are pointed, and sitting on the shoulder of Aziz Dakaha, people will naturally think that she is also the child of the curse, in fact , that group of lolis also think so, do ordinary people have pointy ears?Sorry, I haven't seen it before. Do ordinary people have red eyes?I'm sorry I haven't seen it, that's why Azi Dakaha and Orpheus were brought by the group of loli to introduce the old man Matsuzaki.

Because he was afraid of Aziz Dakaha, Aziz Dakaha didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, just carried Orpheus and walked all the way to places with food. Wherever he went, people would take the initiative to take Driving on the road, letting Aziz Dakaha pass, they stayed away from Aziz Dakaha as if they were keeping away from flies.

If it is an ordinary little girl who is the child of the curse, she must have been driven away by this group of people at this time, but Aziz Dakaha's size of 2 meters is too exaggerated, so they are cautious about Aziz Dakaha's appearance. Not daring to make a fuss, I could only curse secretly in my heart, and then they all walked away.

In this way, Az Dakaha walked all the way to the shopping street, a pastry shop that was displaying freshly baked bread and cakes.

"Welcome light..."

Seeing someone coming, the owner of the store immediately came out to greet him, but after seeing Azi Dakaha, he stopped his words of welcome in surprise. After all, it is still very scary for a big naked man with a bald head to block the door suddenly.

But after a closer look, the boss found that Aziz Dakaha's eyes were red, and the little girl's ears on his shoulders were pointed.

'Son of the curse!monster! '

The boss immediately thought of these two words.

"Sorry, our store is not open yet, please go to other stores."

The boss immediately smirked and said words to drive people away.

Aziz Dakaha didn't look at him, but looked into the bread and cakes on the counter next to him.

"Orpheus, how are these??"

Then he asked Orpheus on his shoulder.

"Well, yes, it looks delicious."

Orpheus nodded, seemingly satisfied.

With the approval of Orpheus, Aziz Dakaha looked at the boss without saying a word, but Aziz Dakaha's meaning was already obvious just now, and he wanted these breads.

"Sorry, we are not open yet, please go to another place."

The boss still had a smirk on his face, hoping that Aziz Dakaha would leave. If it was an ordinary son of the curse, he would have already driven them away, but Aziz Dakaha is too big, and he doesn't have that confidence To get rid of each other.

However, Aziz Dakaha didn't seem to appreciate it, and still looked at the boss like that. His huge height just blocked the door, blocking the light of the entire door, and the boss could only see the dark face under the light and shadow.

"I'm sorry... we really..."

The boss didn't dare to speak anymore.

The pressure is too great, being stared at by a strong man with a height of 2 meters, the pressure is too great.

"I see."

The boss gave up his resistance and chose to hand over the bread obediently.

He took a packaging bag, and the boss took out two breads and packed them.

"Too little, but a lot more, because there are a lot of people."

Seeing that the boss only picked up two, Orpheus obviously disagreed. He could eat a lot by himself, and two of them were not enough for him. What about those little friends?

"Huh? Many people?"

The boss was stunned.

'Tch, so it was a group of guys sent out to buy food, a group of monsters, why didn't they starve to death? '

Although he was cursing in his heart, he couldn't stop his hands. He was still stuffing the bread into the bag. He used several large bags to put all the freshly baked bread in.

"Is this much enough?"

In order to prevent being annoyed again, the boss directly clamped a lot at once, so that there is no need to worry about being told that it is not enough.

"It's almost there, more than everyone else."

Orpheus counted people by head, so he roughly compared the number of bread with the number of loli heads, and nodded when he felt that it was almost enough.

"Then, a total of 1W3650 yuan, thank you for your patronage."

The boss said that several packaging bags were worth it, and at the same time quoted a price, which was obviously much higher than the real price, but this was his intention, in order to make things difficult for Aziz Dakaha.

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