"What! You can eat barbecue for a month!"

Yeonju loli also became excited.

"Barbecue! Barbecue!"

Excited Enju Lori grabbed Rentaro's clothes and began to twitch.

"Hurry up! Rentaro! You move faster!"

"Ah! I'm trying to get faster!"

"For the BBQ!"

"For the BBQ!"

After yelling, Rentaro increased his pedaling strength, and the speed of the bicycle immediately began to increase.

"Come on!"

Under the watchful eyes of passers-by, the two left the urban area, crossed the bridge out of the city, and then arrived at District 39.

"Wow, what's the situation here, there are so many troops, even armored vehicles, what's going on?"

Yeonju jumped out of the back seat of the car and looked around curiously.

Because of the police's notification, this time a small army came, equipped with an armored vehicle to prevent the opponent's attack.

Every soldier is issued holmium metal bullets to deal with gastrulation and children of the curse!

"Excuse me, I am a policeman who has accepted a mission. Is there anything we need to do here?"

Rentaro, who was the executor of the mission, stepped forward to ask a soldier.

"Are you a policeman? Is a kid also a policeman?"

The soldiers were clearly suspicious of Rentaro.

"That's right, I am. This is my police ID."

Rentaro handed over his ID for the soldiers to check.

After taking a brief look and confirming the identity of the policeman, the soldier threw back the ID.

"Why didn't you come here until now, where is your initiator?"

"It's in the car, she is."

Rentaro pointed to Enju Aihara behind him.

"Cut, monster..."

After cursing in a low voice, the soldier began to explain the mission to Rentaro.

"This time the commission is to kill a guy who is suspected to be the son of the curse."

"Ah? Suspected son of the curse?"

Rentaro was a little puzzled for a moment.

"That's right, it's the suspected son of the curse, you'll know it when you look at this."

The soldier took out a tablet computer from the armored vehicle and showed Rentaro a video of Aziz Dakaha killing two policemen.

"This is!"

Rentaro looked at the screen in surprise, the screen was frozen at the moment when Aziz Dakaha turned his head, and his red eyes could be clearly seen.

"That's right, only the son of the curse has red eyes, this man also has that strange shadow, so we define him as a person similar to the son of the curse, and your task is to get rid of that guy, that guy You are now in Area 39, you should be with the other sons of the curse, you have your own channel, so the next step is your business, we will be here waiting for you to come back."

"I see, I'll check it out if I choose."

After nodding to the soldiers, Rentaro began to enter Area 39 with Aihara Enju.

"Rentaro, what is the mission this time?"

Enju Aihara, who hadn't seen what Rentaro and the soldiers were looking at, asked suspiciously.

"Our mission is to find someone and, if possible, capture him."

"Huh? Arresting people?"

"Yes, the other party is the same existence as you, but he is not a child, but an adult, so you must be extra careful."

Rentaro looked around while walking.

"What does that person look like? Why are you arresting him?"

"He is tall, has no hair on his head, is bald, and has no clothes on his upper body, only a red cloak, and that's all we know so far."

"Hey, Rentaro, is that the person you're talking about?"

Aihara Enju pointed to the red figure in the middle of the road in the distance and asked.

Chapter 6. Will the battle begin?

What Yanzhu Aihara saw was Aziz Dakaha, and it was Aziz Dakaha standing in the middle of the road, because there was one of the entrances to the sewer, and Orpheus just jumped from there, Aziz Dakaha Dakaha stood outside, waiting for Orpheus' return.

After seeing Aziz Dakaha, Aihara Enju immediately took Rentaro to approach Aziz Dakaha, but because Rentaro had seen the video of Aziz Dakaha cutting two policemen, they were very excited. Be careful, shuttle from the ruins to approach each other.

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