"No, that's because you don't know the strength of the other party. Captain, you must not do this."

"That's for the future, don't talk about it now!"

My dean is slamming the table.

"What we need to do now is to discuss how to solve the problem of Aldebaran. Because of the army, our materials have been deducted, but this does not stop us from fighting the gastrula, we can still solve them, Of course, it would be better if the army could get rid of the gastrula, which would save us a lot of trouble and sacrifice a lot of lives."

Regarding the righteousness, my president is still very clear, and it is the most important to be able to defend Tokyo.As long as you keep Tokyo and don't do anything yourself, it's the best, and you can sacrifice less if you can.

"Report to my church captain! The stele No. 32 has all been corroded!"

A policeman who came in at the door reported the situation outside.

"I see, I'm going out now!"

After I responded, the headmaster was holding his samurai sword in his hand and turned to look at Rantaro.

"Rantaro Satomi, now is not the time for us to argue with each other, the most important thing now is to protect the safety of Tokyo, the war is about to start!"

Rantaro didn't speak anymore, just nodded lightly, and then walked out.

Rantaro, who was walking out after my dean, only saw that the huge stone stele towering into the clouds in the distance had turned from dark black to pale white at this time, and the huge stone stele began to shed white matter continuously, as if it was rotting.

"Stone No. 32, is it going to collapse just like that?"


Lan Yuan Yanzhu ran from the side, followed by several policemen and Loli, who were members of his team that Rantaro finally assembled.

"The collapse of the No. 32 stele has already begun. Wait a minute, the army will meet the first wave of attacks."

Rantaro looked at the stele that began to tilt in the distance, and clenched his fists.

"Then the war will begin."

This monument was built at the height of the 40th district, so the line of sight of the police officers such as Rentaro would be particularly good. Under the gaze of everyone, the tall stone monument in the distance collapsed.

The huge IV stage monster Aldebaran appeared in front of everyone, and then a large amount of artillery fire began to pour out. A large number of warheads made of holmium metal hit Aldebaran's body, as well as various missiles. One by one wounds exploded on the body, but it didn't have much effect. Because of the terrible recovery ability, those wounds healed quickly and seemed useless.

So under Aldebaran's leading offensive, a full 7000 troops were wiped out. In just 30 minutes, it was really a waste.

"There is news from the front, the army is completely destroyed!"

The news released by the correspondent shocked all the policemen, as well as Etentong Juzhicheng of the Tokyo Defense Ministry in the rear, but after being shocked, he immediately waved his hand.

"Execute the second plan! Guide Aldebaran to District 39!"

The police were out.

Rantaro also dispatched, and together with Lanyuan Yanzhu, began to run towards the gastrula, catching the newly replaced prosthesis, and he wanted to kill a few more gastrula.

But after running for a long time, Lan Yuan Yanzhu suddenly stopped and stared at the huge Aldebaran with wide eyes.

"What's wrong! Yanzhu, what's wrong with you?"

Lan Yuan Yanzhu watched Aldebaran's eyes slowly moving towards Rantaro, and then tears began to appear in his eyes, and his mouth was shriveled as if he was about to cry.

"Rentaro, I have always loved you."

"Yanzhu, you..."


What appeared in Rentaro's field of vision was a large amount of blood red.

Chapter 0, there are still... [-] days until the end!

Humanity itself will eventually destroy itself, this is the news that Aziz Dakaha got from the Mother of Evil.

This is the seer of the Mother of Evil.

The malice of mankind has always been gathered under the development of mankind itself, and then began to run wild, so there is the final trial of mankind, and the final trial of mankind itself, the most straightforward expression in the small garden is the third perpetual motion mechanism. .

This is the truth in this world, man himself is destroying himself.

Az Dakaha stood on the huge holmium stele at the junction of Area 39 and Area 40, and took Orpheus to watch the battle between humans and gastrula in Area 40 below.

An army of 7000 men was directly swept away by the giant Aldebaran under the watchful eye of Aziz Dakaha and perished.

That huge Aldebaran, Aziz Dakaha could feel that he had a human spirit, but at this time it was already like this, and it became the final trial that brought destruction to mankind.

After the army of 7000 people was swept away, it was the police force that was about to fight the gastritis.

Az Dakaha was amused by the actions of these policemen.

The 7000-strong army used the same weapons as the hundreds of policemen, and even more powerful weapons than these policemen. The warheads were also made of holmium metal. The firepower of 7000 people, shelling, and missiles were all aimed at Bi Su. Five is useless, can these policemen really beat them?Logically it is completely impossible.

What makes the police better than ordinary soldiers is that some police officers have better physical abilities than ordinary soldiers, because the reason why soldiers are called soldiers is that they have undergone more intensive training than ordinary people. How can they be easily defeated? Therefore, even the police, without more special training and strong transformation, cannot be stronger than the soldiers, and they can only rely on the son of the curse.Therefore, this war is said to rely on the police, it is better to say that it is purely relying on the Son of the Damned to fight.

So, what if the Son of the Damned also lost his combat effectiveness at this time?

Aziz Dakaha couldn't help grinning, looking at the situation below, he had already expected the end of this Tokyo area.

"Rentaro, I have always loved you."

"Yanzhu, you..."


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