"God! You are the mortal enemy of the god Veleslana that my king killed just now. In mythology, you were once defeated by him." Erica said here, and stopped to look at Az Dhaka Ha, seeing that the other party showed no signs of being angry, he continued, "If I didn't expect it, you just wanted to fight with him and wash away the shame of defeat, but you didn't expect to be defeated by our king. "

"Now, you must be very annoyed, but ah! Please listen to me! My king slaughtered and killed your mortal enemy Veleslana, and seized the power of Veleslana, at this time , my king is the one who killed Veleslana and became a godslayer, he is the one who gave Veleslana defeat! The one who killed Veleslana! The one who took the power of Veleslana People!" Erica said.

"Is that what you want to say?" Aziz Dakaha responded indifferently.

"If you want to defeat your sworn enemy Veleslana, just wait for my king to wake up! Fight my king, as the one who defeated Veleslanar and took the power of Veleslanar, My king is more powerful than Veleslana, if you want to defeat Welleslana to wash away the shame, you just need to defeat my king!" Erica said immediately upon seeing this.

"So! Please wait for a while! Just wait until my king wakes up!"

"Human! You thought that your little ingenuity could hide from my eyes!" Aziz Dakaha looked at Erica and said coldly.

Erica's eyes widened after hearing this, cold sweat began to appear on her forehead, and she clenched her palms, 'Sure enough, it's too hard to hide from the gods with her little attention. '

"But! I promise you!" Aziz Dakaha said again.At the same time, it slowly fell to the ground, directly sinking both feet into the ground.Standing on the ground, Aziz Dakaha said loudly to Erica.

"Although he interrupted my battle with my old enemy, I was angry! But! As a god, I recognize his actions! Killing gods as a human being, I appreciate him!"

"You can take him away! But! Remember to tell him! Me! Az Dakaha! Wait here for him to wake up and fight me!"

It's not easy for me to get up early in the morning and code words~

Chapter 14. The Seventh King

After recalling the scene of his coma after killing Wellesrana, Kusakagogodo rubbed his head, lifted the quilt, got up, barefooted in slippers, opened the door, and walked out of the room.

In the corridor, a girl in a black and white maid outfit saw Kusaka Godou, and hurriedly said hello, "Mr. Godou, you are awake."

"Ah, yes, I'm already awake, Miss Ariana." Kusanagi Godou hurriedly greeted him, and then asked, "What about... Erica?"

"Godou-san, are you looking for Miss Erika? Please wait a moment, I'll inform Miss Erika right away." The maid said so, bowing slightly to Godou Kusanagi, then turned and left.

But after a while, Erica appeared in the corridor. Erica, who was wearing a gorgeous red dress, appeared, and directly under the shocked eyes of Kusanagi Godou, she threw herself on Kusanagi Godou and hugged him. Pheasant Godou's neck.

"Godou! You finally woke up!"

"Wait! Wait!" Kusanagi Godou hurriedly leaned back and shouted at the same time, "What's going on here! Erika, why are you suddenly rushing up!"

"Why are you still asking me?" Erica smiled slyly, "Did you forget what the two of us did yesterday?"

"Wait! Wait!" Kusanagi Godou was shocked, "What happened to what we did yesterday, we didn't do anything, okay!?"

"Ala, so Godou, you are such an irresponsible man!" Erica showed a horrified expression, released her hands around Godou's neck, and slowly backed away, backing as she went. He said, "I really saw you wrong! I've given myself over to you."

"Hey! Enough is enough! Erica! It's boring to keep making trouble!" Kusanagi Godou complained.

Seeing this, Erica no longer pretended, but became serious, and suddenly knelt down on one knee before Godou.

"King! Please accept me! Knight from the Copper Black Cross, Erica Browntree's allegiance!"

"Oh!?" Kusanagi Godou was suddenly stunned, not knowing what to say, "Well, Erica, what do you mean by that, and what do you mean by allegiance?"

"You don't understand, Wang, so let me explain it to you." Erica knelt on one knee on the ground, looked up at the Pheasant Godou and began to explain.

"The existences we faced yesterday were all gods, you know, King, they are the god King Mekal in the Mediterranean Canaanite mythology, the ancient Persian war god Veleslana, and the ancient Persian evil god. Az Dakaha, as gods, they are existences that human beings cannot resist, and they will use their power to bring natural disasters to human beings."

"However, there is a class of people who can stand against them, and they are the godslayers."

"Godslayer?" Kusanagi Godou felt familiar when he heard the word, then frowned and muttered, "Godslayer...'Campione'"

"That's right, it's 'Campione'." Erica nodded and said, "The so-called 'Campione' god-killer is killing the gods in the sky! And usurped the supreme power of the gods! And can use the power of usurping from gods. The power to come! It will not be dominated by all beings on the ground! No one can compete with it! The only existence that can resist the [God of Disobedience]!"

"There used to be six 'Campiones' in this world, now! You're the seventh! Because you..."

"Killed Veleslana...Is that so?" Godou Kusanagi asked indifferently.

"That's right!" Erica nodded and said, "'Campione' is the existence that reigns at the apex of mankind, it is the overlord! It is the king! It is the devil!"

Saying that, Erica lowered her head again, "So! King! I, Erica Browntree, swear my allegiance here! I will accompany you and become your knight! Please accept my allegiance!"

"That, Erica, it's not so exaggerated, you get up first and then talk." Kusanagi Godou hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Erica up.

"No!" Erica rejected Kusakago Godou, "If you don't respond to me, Wang, I can't afford to kneel here!"

"Ah~ Then, I accept your allegiance to the head office, get up quickly." Kusanagi Godou then replied, "Also, Erica, you should call me Godou, king or something, I really don't want to. Habit."

"Thank you very much." Erica nodded and stood up, smiling at Kusaka Godou.

"Then, now, Godou, come with me." Grabbing Kusakagogodo's arm, he walked towards the central hall of the castle.

There, the witch Lucrazia was lying on the reclining chair, as if waiting for someone.

Seeing Erica walk in with the pheasant Godou, Luculazia sat up and said with a smile, "You finally woke up, new king!"

"Miss Luculazia, why are you the same as Erika, the king, the king." Kusakagogodou complained a little uncomfortable. "Just like before, just call me Godou or a boy."

"This can't be done, you have successfully killed the [God of Disobedience], and you have become the existence that reigns at the apex of mankind. You are the king of mankind. In front of you, no matter how big the relationship is, you need to abide by etiquette. ' Lucurazia said with a smile.

"Ah~ I don't care, you can do as you like, I don't care anyway." Kusakagogou scratched his head and said.

"I see, thank you very much for your tolerance, Wang." Luculazia nodded and said.

Kusanagi Godou scratched his head and sat on the sofa beside him, and Erica sat beside Kusanagi Godou.

"Speaking of which, Erica, I remember that we killed Veleslana with a slate yesterday, and then I fainted. What happened after that, where is the evil god? Where did he go?" asked.

"This..." Erica didn't answer, but bit her lip.

"What's wrong? Erica? Did that evil god do something later?" Kusakagogodou frowned.

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