It is the damn lizard in the photo, but it doesn’t look that big. Compared with the researcher next to it, it seems to be less than ten meters long. The small words are attached to the bottom of the photo, to the effect that it is based on the amphibian parasite BOW that appeared in Spain. The blueprint is to develop new projects based on reptiles, and place the second-floor D-zone laboratory. The raw material is the South African armadillo lizard, which is infected with parasites after adjusting the gene. After the mutation, the individual grows rapidly and has a powerful climbing body. The crawling ability and defense ability are also greatly enhanced, and it can resist the shooting of small-caliber ammunition. It is recommended to inject new drugs to observe the effect.

Li Yexing guessed that the reason the lizard escaped was probably because the new drug pushed it too hard.

Then, Kanan flipped through the document again. There were various photos on the document. Some were black people who had been dissected, and some were black people who had been blasted. A large group of flesh and blood with tentacles tearing the host's neck or It simply crushed the host's head and drilled out, looking very hideous.

"My God..." Kanan looked at the black people in the photo, and a trace of fear flashed across his face, "Is it possible that I will become like this in the future?"

"Probably not." Li Yexing said to Kanan.

This is not out of consolation, but speculation based on the current situation. The parasitic infection traits shown on Kanan's body are unprecedentedly peculiar. Li Yexing is almost certain that, as an ordinary soldier of the revolutionary army, Kanan didn't It may be injected with dominant parasites, but this kind of ordinary parasites, after parasitizing Kanan, not only did not make Kanan lose his mind, but also made Kanan have an extremely similar to Krause in "Resident Evil 4". Controlling the power that can only be obtained by species of parasites, Kanan can even use his own parasites to sense other infected people and forcibly eliminate their hostility.

Kanan's relationship to the parasite is like Rita's relationship to the Nymph core, and they fit together like a perfectly fitting puzzle.

On the other hand, Kanan seemed to be preoccupied. She just took Li Yexing's words as comfort, and she didn't even think about looking through the files so much.

Seeing that Kanan was a little absent-minded, Li Yexing leaned on the file shelf, lifted the file he had just held in his hand with a face full of indifference, and was stunned suddenly when he saw the words on it.

"About the cooperation project with Sanlian Pharmaceutical..."

Li Yexing immediately opened the file in his hand. The amount of text in the file was huge, but relying on his almost quantum speed-reading ability as a student of the Celestial Dynasty in his previous life, Li Yexing quickly read through the file.

This file records in detail the purpose of the establishment of this facility and related cooperation projects with Sanlian Pharmaceuticals. The organization where this facility is located has obtained parasite samples from Spain from Sanlian Pharmaceuticals, and then carried out contemporaneous research with Sanlian Pharmaceuticals. , About a year ago, the organization reached an agreement with the African branch of Triple Pharmaceuticals and decided to conduct a large-scale trial. They chose the venue in Malvia, where Triple Pharmaceuticals supported the government forces, and the organization was responsible for supporting Anti-ZF armed forces, both sides provide parasites to the forces they support at the same time, and then continuously improve their products according to the battle situation.

The entire document did not mention the name of this organization, but on the last page of the document, Li Yexing saw a logo, which was Umbrella's logo, except that the original red parts were all turned into black, while the white Some kind of pattern is also densely painted on the part of it, just like the family crest of a certain nobleman.

Black Umbrella!

Just when Li Yexing was shocked by this conclusion, Kanan suddenly raised his head and said, "Someone is coming, above us!"

Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing immediately put down the file in his hand. He raised his gun and tensed his nerves, but he didn't hear anything. Then, there is only one possibility left...

The person who comes is a parasite infected person


Three o'clock, the limit is reached, go to bed to raise your waist.

Tomorrow may be less, I have to reply.

Volume 3 Mission.40-[-]. Masculine servants tear online

In the rift that was devastated by the violent wind and rain, the battle between the monsters continued.

At this time, Rita, without Li Yexing watching, fought more and more unscrupulously. She let the bullets of the clearer troops punch her body full of holes, and then walked around on the muddy ground.

sickle?firearms?No need, her own body is the most efficient killing machine.

Knocking a cleaner to the ground, Rita lay on top of it, biting and gnawing at its neck frantically, blood mixed with minced meat splashed in all directions, until its head was completely bitten off, and Rita grabbed it casually. The corpse aimed the wound gushing blood at its own face, opened its mouth greedily, let the blood of the cleaners splash on its face, body and mouth, and finally sucked the wound crazily, The blood with a high concentration of virus was quickly absorbed by this body that had been completely reduced to an efficient predator of the digestive organs. As the strength in the body gradually became full, the wound began to be filled and repaired by tiny blood-colored tentacles at a speed visible to the naked eye. Drenched in blood, she turned her head and looked at the liquidators around who were still firing at her, with an almost crazy smile on her face.

She left the headless corpse that was almost sucked dry, turned over abruptly, drew a graceful curve in the air, and then her legs wrapped in torn black silk suddenly straightened, and fell like shells, viciously Kicked a clearer who fired at him to the ground, and before it could stand up, Rita, who had landed firmly, jumped up and grabbed its neck with both hands, the upper and lower jaws were so cracked. Generally, it was pulled away in an instant, and then, a mixture of yellow and green liquid spewed out from Rita's cracked mouth, and poured on the face of the cleaner, accompanied by wisps of white smoke, the cleaner covered his face. The lower face rotted and shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned into a puddle of liquid.

Throwing down the corpse of the cleaner whose head had rotted into a hole in her hand, Rita stood up, feeling an unprecedented pleasure hitting herself.

Ah, this is the feeling, the feeling of freeing your own power, the feeling of not being bound by the shackles... Really, the feeling of fighting like a monster.

This is... the true power of the Goddess of the Night!

Rita laughed. She covered her face in the hail of bullets, laughing crazily, the flesh and blood behind her squirmed crazily, and then two tentacles shot out, piercing the calves of two clearers who were firing at her. , the tentacles pierced their lower legs, then stretched out the barbs to firmly hold their flesh, and dragged them towards themselves. The two cleaners lost their balance instantly and fell to the ground. Even if they fell to the ground, they were just calm She fired at Rita, but Rita didn't care, she frantically dragged the bodies of the two sweepers, leaving them bloody trails on the muddy ground.

Seeing that the two cleaners were about to be dragged over, her snow-white back opened suddenly with the sound of tearing flesh and blood, like a bloody mouth, with sharp bony spurs on both sides of the gap like teeth, one layer after another Arranged finely, I saw the tongue-like tentacles dragging the two cleaners, pulling them into the gap in an instant. With the entry of the two cleaners, the gap opened and closed crazily like eating and chewing, like A meat grinder, for a moment, the cleaner's flesh and blood splattered, and as the gap closed, Rita's figure became a little bloated, she stretched like a lady who just woke up from a nap, and the next Seconds later, the gap on the back opened again, and the body armor, black combat uniform, tactical helmet, and various small bits and pieces stained with mucus and flesh were spat out.

That's right, this body... is no longer a human body. Her body has gradually changed after collisions with Li Yexing. She no longer has digestive organs, does not need to excrete, and even no longer has a brain. This body The essence of her body is just the core of the goddess of the night and the flesh that wraps the core and maintains the human form, but even so, she still stubbornly retains her sense of taste, smell and the shape of this body, because only in this way can she always Only by presenting the most fragrant black tea to my husband can I continue to snuggle into my husband's arms, and this body has already become the shape of my husband.

The reason is simply because the gentleman likes it.

On the side, Tiliris and T-Lillian are still confronting each other, but T-Lillian's expression has changed from confident to shocked.

"What kind of monster is that?! It's a foul!" T-Lillian looked at the almost invincible maid with a horrified face, and angrily smashed the huge metal box in her hand to the ground. She kicked the box off He took out a minigun that was very similar to the gun in Tirilith's hand and pointed it at Rita, making a gesture to fire, but Tirilith's voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Your opponent is Tiriris."

"Huh?" T-Lillian was taken aback for a moment, and Tiriris, who had already been prepared, fired instantly. Accompanied by the rotating barrel and the terrifying roar, the metal storm instantly engulfed T-Lillian's body, and the large-caliber machine gun ammunition ignored T-Lillian was so angry that the body armor tore one after another. He turned his head and picked up the ninigun in his hand and pointed at Tirilith and roared: "Don't underestimate T-Lillian! Sister!"

The next second, gunfire roared.

In this extremely close distance, the roaring sounds of the two miniguns were superimposed, and they frantically washed each other's bodies. The bullets flew across the flesh and blood of the two girls' bodies. Crazy smiles, while Tilly Lis remained expressionless until each other's muscles were torn and bones began to break, until the two could no longer bear each other's firepower.

Tillyris caught the flash of tiredness on T-Lillian's face, and she dropped the gun and ripped off the belt.

It may be the tacit understanding between the sisters, or simply stubbornness. Seeing that Tiriris tore off the bullet chain that bound her body, and T-Lillian also threw away the gun in her hand, they dragged their broken bodies into the wind and rain. to each other, and then punched each other in the face at the same time. This punch seemed to shake even the rain in the air. The boxing came, and they didn't dodge or dodge the attacking fists, they just resisted with their bodies, and then beat each other frantically with more powerful punches, trying to knock them to the ground.

In the violent storm, the blonde girl and the silver-haired girl crazily hit each other's bodies.

On the other hand, Leon just climbed out from under the truck and looked stupid. This is the first time in his life to watch the battle between monsters up close. He can no longer intervene in this kind of battle. The only thing he can do is to keep fighting. They shot at the clearers in the distance. Although those guys didn't feel pain, they were still some kind of creatures in essence. If they shot a few shots in the head, they would always die, but Leon himself didn't think his firepower had any existence. Necessity, because as far as the current situation is concerned, the maid alone is enough to take care of all the enemies.

Looking at the almost chaotic scene in front of him, Leon was a little desperate, he covered his forehead and said helplessly: "Li...where are you...


One more.

Straight to the point, the defense suddenly doesn’t need to be answered, maybe it’s because too many schools find it troublesome, we don’t need to answer for these shoddy things, just put them on the road... No, let me laugh for a while, watch today Can the situation continue for three more times?There are a few typos that were solved, and now this review is really a ghost.

Volume 3 Mission.41-[-]. The macho with the girl

Where is Li Yexing?That's a good question.

At this moment, Li Yexing and Kanan were trapped in the experimental building belonging to Black Umbrella by a group of Uncle Hei, a government army infected with parasites.

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