But despite the deal, there are still many things that are unclear for Casimir.

In fact, he always thought that T-Lilith was dead.

A new development project, the physical condition is not stable, it needs to be soaked in nutrient solution most of the time every day, without professional maintenance, its body will inevitably collapse within half a year, but now, it is alive and well.

Casimir guessed that it is likely that the huge force behind the mysterious woman helped T-Lilith carry out regular maintenance, otherwise, it would not make sense.

Thinking of this, Kasimir took another sip of coffee, looked at the ceiling and said softly: "Who the hell are you?


One more, today's class, I'm going to throw up.

There will be a competition defense tomorrow, try to make it three times today...

Reply, did you hide in the end!

Volume 3 Mission.47-[-]. The macho is beaten on the other side

On the stormy tarmac, the battle continued.

The two battlefields started the second round at the same time.

"How is it? This kind of appearance is covered with murder weapons?" In Capone's astonished eyes, Kanan, whose whole body was alienated, smiled and opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of shark-like teeth and said, "I call this form 'biting' "Man, Evil Beast", I only used it once before, to be honest, even I hate this inhuman appearance, but today, thanks to you, I have to show people this monster-like appearance."

"You are... stealing the authority of God!" A trace of anger flashed in the cloudy eyes, and Capone roared like a furious orangutan: "What a blasphemous gesture! You cousin! Look See what you have done?!"

"Hehe, I don't want to talk to you old man, I just keep repeating these few words, now, go to hell!" As she spoke, a red light flashed in Kanan's eyes, and she moved violently, towards Ka Nan. Peng X rushed up, the speed far exceeded Capone's acceptable limit, he retreated in a panic, trying to raise his right arm to resist the blow, but Kanan's speed was even faster, less than a breath away In the meantime, the alienated blade transformed from Kanan's right arm pierced Capone's chest. Capone gritted his teeth, and lifted his right arm sharply at the moment when the blade was about to touch the parasite's body. Arm hit Kanan's right arm, under this push, Kanan's alienated blade suddenly lifted up, tearing Capone's chest open, red and yellow liquid gushed out from the wound, although the deadly wound was resolved One blow, but Capone was still seriously injured. He was furious, gritted his teeth and swung his giant ax across Kanan's waist, trying to force Kanan back, but Kanan jumped up suddenly and stepped on his feet. On Capone's alienated giant ax, he took off again with his strength and chopped down on Capone's head.

Seeing that the blow could not be avoided and it was too late to parry, Capone was in a hurry, and the scar that ran across his entire face over his left eye was torn open, and a tentacles with bone spurs protruded from it. Resisting Kanan's blow, Kanan missed a hit, and the left arm that had turned into a blade slammed at Capone's neck, and Capone gritted his teeth and lifted his alienated right arm vigorously, Although it missed the neck due to being suddenly lifted, the blow still severed the tentacles growing from Capone's head and parrying Kanan.

Accompanied by the sound of the sword entering the flesh, a tentacles with bone spurs soared into the sky. While spraying yellow liquid, the severed tentacles twitched painfully in the air and retracted Capone's head. Suffering a huge injury, she retreated in pain, screaming and waving her mutated right arm crazily. Kananjian, who stepped on Capone's right arm, had no place to stand, and she flipped into the air with a backflip up, and then landed firmly on the ground.

While Capone was still covering his face and howling in pain, Kanan bowed his body, and then rushed forward with a stride, pointing directly at Capone's chest with his alienated right arm.

"You're looking for death!" Capone roared angrily and waved his right arm to meet him. Kanan jumped up suddenly, wanting to repeat the same trick, but saw the jagged ax blade on Capone's alienated right arm suddenly spinning, and turning more and more Quick, like a circular saw, once you step on it, it is estimated that the lower leg may be crushed directly. Kanan gritted his teeth, changed his posture suddenly in the air, and attacked with the longer left arm, accompanied by the sound of gold and iron, The powerful torque directly threw Kanan out. She tried her best to control her posture, her hands and feet touched the ground at the same time, and the sharp bone blades that pierced her body made scratches on the ground. Just as she stabilized her figure, Kanan When he looked up, he saw Capone waving his right arm that had turned into a circular saw, rushing towards him like a chariot.

"Accept the trial!" Capone roared, and his alienated right arm, which had turned into a circular saw, slammed down on Kanan. Then he rushed to Capone's back suddenly, and before Capone turned around, he jumped on Capone's back with a stride, his left arm pierced Capone's lute bone in an instant to stabilize his figure, and his right arm was raised high. He got up, and then plunged into Penka's back.

The alienated sharp blade pierced the skin and muscle behind Capone like cutting butter, and then ruthlessly pierced into the body of the parasite entrenched near the spine in Capone. With this fatal blow, Capone Peng let out a heart-piercing scream. He turned around frantically, waving his arms and trying to throw Kanan off, but Kanan's left arm firmly fixed Kanan on Capone's back. Despite Capone twisting and shaking his body crazily, Kanan remained motionless.

"Now, let's see how your god will save you!" Kanan gritted his teeth, and the right arm that had been stabbed into the parasite was twisting and tearing crazily, red blood mixed with yellow mucus gushing from the wound It came out and splashed on Kanan's face like a mad beast. Finally, with Kanan's sudden force, a yellow mucus from the tip of the knife came out from Capone's chest.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Capone screamed, his head split open suddenly, and groups of tiny tentacles came out of the crack with blood, as if trying to escape from this dying flesh , but Kanan didn't care at all, she just stabbed herself into Capone's alienated right arm and stirred wildly.

Accompanied by Kanan's movements, Capone's resistance finally gradually weakened. The crack in his head made him unable to make a sound. He staggered forward, and finally fell to his knees on the ground, lying down straight.

Although Capone had fallen, Kanan was still crazily stirring and piercing Capone's right arm behind his back. The little tentacles that came out of Capone's head became weaker and weaker, and finally all limply drooped. It was not until this moment that Kanan exerted force suddenly and pulled out his alienated right arm. With her movement, red blood mixed with yellow parasite body fluids splashed out instantly.

Sitting down on the ground, looking at Capone's corpse that was emitting white smoke, bleeding and parasite fluids, Kanan panted heavily. She shifted her gaze to Li Yexing's body, where the battle was still going on. Go on, she can't rest yet, she has to help Li Yexing kill the man wearing sunglasses.

Reluctantly supporting her body, Kanan was about to walk over, only to see bursts of white smoke coming out of her body, the bone spurs and bone blades all over her body were slowly retracting into her body, and the exposed scarlet muscles were gradually rotting away It fell off and turned into nothingness in the white smoke, revealing the skin that originally belonged to Kanan. Kanan raised his arms, and saw two huge blades retracting into his body little by little, returning to their original appearance.

"Damn it... have you reached the limit..." Kanan said to himself, raised her head to look at Li Yexing, who was struggling, she gritted her teeth, walked over step by step, and then suddenly her eyes went dark.

Kanan, who was exhausted, was covered in white smoke, and fell straight on the ground...

The second watch, ask for everything as usual, the third watch may not be so, don't wait, it depends on my physical condition.

Volume 3 Mission.48-[-]. The macho man does not fall

Li Yexing saw Kanan fall, but he had no time to take care of it. Wesker's offensive was getting more and more violent.

Raising his left arm and taking a heavy punch from Wesker, Li Yexing staggered and took two steps back. When Wesker pursued him, he gritted his teeth and slammed his forehead on the bridge of Wesker's nose. After taking a heavy punch from Li Yexing, this blow knocked out Wesker's nosebleed again.

Wesker staggered back two steps, clutching his nose, and distanced himself from Li Yexing. He pushed the sunglasses that fell off, and then took out a pair of desert Z-hawks that were shining with silver light from his pocket and pointed them at it. Li Yexing, Li Yexing's subconscious tactical roll, the desert Z eagle roared, and passed through the place where Li Yexing was standing, Wesker fired without hesitation, but after seeing Li Yexing's tactical roll, he turned around and faced Seeing Wesker was a sliding shovel, and Wesker was caught off guard by the shovel. Seeing that Wesker's center of gravity was unstable, Li Yexing suddenly turned over and grabbed Wesker's wrist holding the gun. Dodging, he swiped his elbow and hit Li Yexing's mandible. Li Yexing felt his eyes darken for a moment, and his head tilted to the side. Taking advantage of Li Yexing's dizziness, Wesker suddenly raised his gun and aimed at it. Li Yexing's temples, Li Yexing's nerves tensed instantly, he subconsciously grabbed Wesker's hand and lifted it up, the gun rang, and Li Yexing, whose ears were so painful from the shock, gritted his teeth and yanked Wesker to hold the gun He raised his knee and hit Wesker's wrist hard. Wesker felt his right hand go numb, and the gun fell to the ground.

Seeing Wesker's gun dropped on the ground, Li Yexing bent down to pick it up, but saw that Wesker kicked the gun far away, and his head became chaotic, unable to analyze the current situation. Li Yexing was a little dazed. He raised his head, but met Wesker's heavy punch. This punch hit Li Yexing's mandible again. Li Yexing felt top-heavy and fell down.

Seeing Li Yexing fell on the ground, a cruel smile appeared on Wesker's face. He raised his right leg high, and then slammed it down on Li Yexing. Li Yexing, who was still conscious, rolled awkwardly. After this fatal blow, Wesker kicked Li Yexing's head up in the next second. Li Yexing, who fell on the ground, had no time to dodge, so he had to cross his arms to resist. Painful as if he was about to break a bone, Li Yexing was kicked out again, and fell heavily to the ground.

"You're great..." Wesker, who was a little tired, moved his wrists and said coldly: "I have to admit, you caused me a lot of trouble, but it was just trouble."

Wesker walked towards Li Yexing step by step. At this time, Li Yexing squinted his eyes, his mind was blurred, his face was covered with blood, and he was motionless as if dead. Only the eyeballs that followed Wesker's figure told others that he was still alive.

"You could have survived, but you wasted too much of my time, which made me very unhappy..." Wesker said coldly, "So, now you'd better tell me, where is that silver-haired BOW?"

Li Yexing lay on the ground, motionless and silent.

"Tsk... Are you going to die... I can't even say a word..." Wesker shook his head quite dissatisfied and said: "Forget it, if you can't get it, you can't get it. After all, in a few months, the world will It's different, I will lead the revolution and lead mankind into a new era, but you can't see it...it's a pity."

Li Yexing thought to himself, in a few months, you will be soaking in magma and eating rocket launchers...

Seeing that Li Yexing didn't respond to his words, Wesker was a little disappointed. He turned his head, looked at Capone who fell on the ground, frowned slightly and said, "Waste is waste, even this little thing can't be done well...but that's all, although As a subordinate he was weak and stupid, but as a litmus test, he passed."

Looking at Li Yexing who fell on the ground, Wesker smiled slightly and said, "It can't be said that I got nothing during this trip. Although I didn't get the sample of the new tyrant, I found something more important to me. .”

As he said that, Wesker turned his head to look at Kanan who was also lying on the ground and said, "I never thought that such a perfect Las P lagas parasite body could exist in this world, and it can be retracted so freely. Can the leader of the Light Religion do it? If this body can be recovered, it will definitely be of great help to the next plan..."

Li Yexing's fingers moved slightly, and his lips twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but Wesker didn't care, and he walked straight to the unconscious Kanan.

Suddenly, his ankle was firmly grasped by a hand.

With a face full of disdain, Wesker turned around and looked at Li Yexing who was lying on the ground. His posture didn't change, he just stretched out a hand and grabbed his ankle, that's all.

"Heh..." Wesker snorted coldly, and broke free from Li Yexing's hand, but Li Yexing did not give up. After being freed, he reached out and grabbed Wesker's ankle again.

Li Yexing's lips moved slightly, and the weak Li Yexing said softly, "After shaking hands, we are partners we can trust each other..."

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