With that said, he stood up and wanted to light the stove in the wooden house.

"No...no need..." The housekeeper hurriedly waved his hand.

"No need to fart! Look at you, you are almost freezing to death! And your young lady is wearing a rag, you two can't survive tonight without the stove!" the brown-haired middle-aged man said viciously : "You two are dead, who will give me the money?!"

The old man seemed to still want to stop the brown-haired man, but he also seemed to have some scruples, and finally gave up.

As the flames rose in the stove, the somewhat dark cabin suddenly lit up.

The brown-haired middle-aged man was named Nadia Kroen, and the young Asian was his employee named Li Yexing.

The two of them are mercenaries from the neighboring country of Itonia.

In the beginning, the two received a mission with a reward of [-] US dollars. The mission requirements were very simple, to arrive at the designated location on time, and then escort a target to evacuate.

The two arrived at the target location ahead of time according to the mission instructions, and successfully accepted the commissioned employer, but from then on, nightmares followed one after another. They didn't expect that what they were fighting against was not the police, the army, or even their colleagues. It's a large group of green-skinned monsters wearing collars!

It was the first time for Li Yexing to see these things, and he was in a hurry to deal with them. Fortunately, Nadia seemed to be familiar with these monsters. He commanded Li Yexing to fight against these monsters. The two of them covered the employer's evacuation together. After a fierce battle, They finally wiped out the monsters and found the hut according to the signs in the woods.

The house, presumably a temporary residence for the rangers or nearby hunters, just doesn't look like it's been lived in for a long time.

"Those things are hunters..." After the fire was lit, Nadia leaned against the warm fire and introduced the monsters that had just chased them to Li Yexing, "They are the products of Umbrella. Brothers of mine have helped test the combat data of that thing, it can be said that it is the best monster made by Umbrella in the early years..."

With that said, Nadia took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it into the stove and lit it, put it into his mouth and took a sip, then turned his head and asked the old man who was afraid to speak: "I said, Who did you offend? You can actually send out such a monster..."

"I...I don't know..." The old man replied with dodge eyes.

"Tsk..." Seeing the old man's reaction, Nadia knew that he was lying, but it didn't matter anymore. Anyway, the situation has become like this, and there is no point in asking any more questions. In many cases, knowing more may not be a good thing .

While the fire was burning, Li Yexing, who was standing next to him, silently lit a cheap cigarette, and then looked at the girl lying on the bed.

The girl looks very thin, with a head of blond hair, the blond hair is very dry, like the thatch piled up in the yard, it seems to be on fire, the girl's body is dirty, her skin is sick The only thing that could attract Li Yexing was the tear mole at the corner of the girl's eye. The tear mole seemed to have some kind of magical power, and it firmly caught Li Yexing's sight.

If he eats a little fatter, he will probably be a good bed partner.

Noticing Li Yexing's gaze, the old man moved his body vigilantly, covering his young lady.

It seemed that he felt a little bored, so Li Yexing looked away and smoked silently.

For a while, there was no sound in the wooden house, only the whistling wind outside the house remained.

Seeing Li Yexing look away, the stooped old man heaved a sigh of relief. He turned his head and looked at the girl lying on the bed with her eyes closed, with a trace of sadness flashing across her face.

The old man's name was Harman, and he was the steward of the great aristocratic Ashford family.

At that time, the Ashford family had a great reputation. Together with other nobles, they founded the Umbrella Pharmaceutical Company, but the good times did not last long. With the development of time, the Ashford family gradually declined. Ashford used genetic engineering technology to create a pair of brothers and sisters. Both of them are very intelligent. One is in charge of the army and the other is engaged in scientific research. It seems that everything is developing in a good direction.

Until one day, Alexander said to Haman: "My children may put me to death."

"Why?" Haman was extremely puzzled: "Those two...are very good children..."

"They sneaked into the room that I never let them in." Regarding Haman's doubts, Alexander explained: "According to the characters of the two children, if they know the truth, my fate will not be very good ..."

"Master..." Haman said nervously, "Do you need me to do something?"

"Well, there is indeed something that you need to do..." Alexander nodded and said, "I want you to help me take care of my third child."

"Third Miss..." Haman seemed to be a little hesitant. At the beginning, he didn't understand why Alexander wanted to create a third clone, but now he seems to understand, because he probably already expected that he would have this day.

Sure enough, knowing a son is better than a father...

"Why don't we explain to the young master and miss? If we can explain..." Harman wanted to say something more, but Alexander waved his hand and interrupted him.

"It's useless..." Alexander said with a smile, "Those two children are very stubborn. It's meaningless to explain. I really can't be a qualified father to raise my own children like this..."

"Master, do you want to leave here?" Haman suggested: "Miss is too smart, if she wants to kill you, then you are really in danger..."

"No need..." Alexander smiled and said, "It's better to say, I'm looking forward to it, what kind of method will they use to kill me?"

"Master!" Haman said anxiously.

"Mr. Harman, it's okay..." Alexander shook his head with a smile as if resigned to his fate, "As you can see, I have been marginalized by Spencer, and the Fuxing family has already Impossible, since that's the case, why not turn it into my child's nourishment?"

Harman was speechless.

Alexander put away his smile, and said seriously: "Remember, Mr. Harman, no matter what happens to me in the future, you have to pretend not to know, Alfred and Alexia are enough to take care of themselves, next , I need you to take care of my last daughter, Alexa Lisa."

In the end, Harman compromised


The second update directly, and the third update in the afternoon.

Volume 3 Mission.[-]-DLC. Blood of the Macho

Not long after Harman had a night talk with Alexander, Alexander Ashford disappeared.

This incident shocked the entire Ashford family, and even the management and noble circles of Umbrella Pharmaceutical Company. Almost everyone was talking about Alexander's whereabouts, but only Haman knew the truth.

Haman watched Alexander grow up, and he couldn't accept such a thing.

Suppressing the sadness of the Patriarch's departure and the hatred of the father-killing brothers and sisters, Haman continued to serve the Ashford family, but his work focus has completely changed from taking care of the two siblings to secretly training the former Patriarch's first son. Three daughters - Alexisa.

A few years later, he resigned on the grounds of being too old, completely left the Ashford family, and turned to serve the girl who secretly entered Umbrella's special department under Alexander's arrangement.

Time passed, and the girl finally knew what had happened at home. She didn't say anything, and she didn't go back to Rockfort Island in a fit of anger to unplug the power plug on her sister's refrigerator. After the Raccoon City incident broke out, she chose She took another path and left Umbrella directly with the special department that was completely controlled by her, and started her own path. The incident in Raccoon City convinced her that her ignorant sister would inevitably fail.

Rather than making herself a lonely ant queen, Alexisa, who has only had Harman's butler by her side since she was a child, hopes to lead all mankind to a new level. However, both the former and the latter require unprecedented strength .

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