On top of the luxurious desires and wild sensuality, there is a quiet hall on the top floor. The two sides of the hall are filled with seats, but no one is seated. On the wall behind the main seat in the hall, there is a huge black dragon relief, and On the front seat, an elegant and handsome young man was sitting there. He wore black-rimmed glasses, combed neat black hair, and was wearing a fancy purple suit. He was quietly sipping the red wine in the glass.

The sound of high-heeled shoes sounded beside his ears, and a somewhat bewitching smile crossed the young man's lips. He raised his head, looked at the woman who entered the hall, and said with a smile, "Would you like a drink?"

"I'd rather have a drink with you, Mr. Nine-headed God..." The woman gently flicked her long red scarf, two beautiful white legs poked out from under the lavender wrap-around skirt, and stepped on high heels to the young man. around people.

Taking the wine glass used by the young man, the woman took a sip, then asked with a smile, "Bordeaux?"

"Bravo!" Seeing that the woman could guess the origin of the red wine with just a sip, the young man couldn't help laughing and applauding.

"It's nothing to be surprised about..." The woman put the wine glass on the table beside her with a smile, turned her head and said to the young man, "And I really don't understand why you, who don't know how to taste wine, are so obsessed with red wine?"

"You don't understand..." The elegant young man smiled and picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, then looked up at the woman standing beside him, and said softly: "The more red wine is within the shelf life, the more The more mellow after the precipitation of time, and the same is true for women..."

As he spoke, he gently raised his hand, touching the woman's smooth calf with his fingers, and then slowly moved upwards.

"Women within the shelf life, the more time passes by, the more charming they will be..." The young man smiled softly, and just when his fingers were about to cross the skirt, the woman took a step back with a smile, she turned her head, her face With a charming smile on his face, he said softly to the young man sitting on the chair: "It seems that you don't understand neither red wine nor women."

Regardless of the young man's ugly face, the woman smiled and said, "I heard that your plan failed, and your subordinates failed to tie up the daughter of the Qiandao family. In view of this situation, I have to reconsider Cooperation between us, Hydra."

The man known as the Nine-Headed God suppressed his anger, showed a refined smile and said, "Ms. Wang, this is your fault. The nutrient enhancement you provided me is very mediocre, far from what you described. look, and... this failure was an accident."

"Accident?" The woman asked with raised eyebrows.

"That's right, it was just an accident..." The young man said with a smile, "My men said that just when he was about to succeed, the little girl from Qiandao's family called out a very powerful guy, who broke his arm with just one blow." arm."

"Did you break someone's arm with one blow..." The woman smiled and said, "It's really ruthless, it doesn't look like the Qiandao family's style..."

Immediately, the woman asked again: "Where is the guy whose arm was broken?"

"I put him in place..." The young man said with a smile, "After all...you won't be able to see people with your arms in that shape."

"It's true..." The woman said with a light smile, "Then there's nothing else to do, I just want to see how your affairs are going, don't forget our agreement."

"Of course..." The young man smiled and said, "How can I forget the promise I made with Miss Wang?"

"That's good..." The woman turned around and waved her hand, "Don't forget how I transformed from a dog in the water to the president of the Black Dragon Society..."

The elegant man smiled and watched the woman leave the hall. The smile on his face gradually disappeared until the woman walked out. Gradually, his facial features became distorted due to anger.

"Female cousin!" He cursed viciously.


Li Yexing put his arms around Tiliris, chatted with Kanan casually, watched the car drive into the brightly lit city center, and the number of pedestrians on the road gradually increased. Until then, there were no more people on the street. A touch of humanity.

Passing through the bustling city center, the car drove straight into a commercial street. The car stopped in front of the brightly lit three-story building at the end of the commercial street. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for Li Yexing. Then he made a "please" gesture again.

After getting out of the car with everyone, Li Yexing looked at the commercial street surrounded by cherry blossom trees, and whispered: "It's really a nice street..."

"Yeah..." Rita on the side smiled and said softly: "This street is filled with a happy atmosphere, which makes people feel very at ease."

Hitomi Qiandao's voice came from his ear, Li Yexing turned his head and saw Hitomi Qiandao surrounded by a large group of men in suits waving at him.

"Let's go." Li Yexing said to Rita and Kanan, holding Tiliris' hand.

Next, Li Yexing led everyone into the rather luxurious building in front of him, following Hitomi Qiandao, who was protected by the members of the Thousand Island Group.

Entering the interior of the building, the sound of loud music came faintly from the other side of the gate next to it. Li Yexing guessed that this place was probably a nightclub or something, and Hitomi Qiandao obviously didn't intend to take everyone there. The man in a suit wearing sunglasses in the front row quickly Stepping forward to remove the blockade in front of the stairs, everyone went directly up the stairs.

The stairs were a bit narrow, with a clean red carpet on the floor and elegant wooden handrails beside the stairs. The people did not stop on the second floor, but followed Hitomi Qiandao and other members of the Qiandao team to the third floor.

When we reached the third floor, the whole corridor suddenly opened up. Li Yexing followed Qiandao Tong with everyone, and at the same time carefully looked at the corridor. There seemed to be few rooms on both sides of this corridor. At the end of the corridor was a huge floor-to-ceiling window. , you can have a panoramic view of the entire commercial street.

Walking in the corridor, Kanan suddenly leaned over and whispered: "If I want to get rid of the boss of this gang, I will just find a high-rise building with a sniper X gun, and wait for that guy to run around in front of the window when he is free." Look, I'll shoot him in the head with one shot."

"That's why I said they are all sheep in the sheepfold." Li Yexing replied in a low voice.

When they arrived at the door of a room, all the members of the Qiandao team stopped at the same time. At the same time, Hitomi Qiandao, who was walking in front, turned his head and said a few words in Japanese to everyone with a smile.

"Miss Qiandao said that her father is inside." Rita whispered to Li Yexing.

Hitomi Qiandao in front of the door didn't change her blood-stained school uniform. She straightened up, took a deep breath, suppressed the smile on her face, and her expression became serious and solemn. The other side said something in Japanese, and after a while, a deep and short Japanese reply came from the other side of the door.

After receiving the reply, Hitomi Qiandao gently pushed open the door of the room, and at the same time waved to Li Yexing.

"Let's go..." Li Yexing said to the girls beside him, "Let's see what kind of quality the boss of the Qiandao group is...


Third watch, hidden...

PS: Add a small setting that was not mentioned in the article, about the communication problem of the firm.

Li Yexing's native language is Chinese, and he can speak some Thai and Vietnamese. His Russian level can barely support daily communication. He usually speaks American English with a little Maozi accent.

Tilly Liss originally spoke standard British English, but after staying in Loples for a long time, her pronunciation would unconsciously be a little tongue-rolling.

Rita usually uses standard American English, but she can also use standard British English. In addition, Rita is also proficient in Japanese, Russian, French and some minor languages, and can only speak a little Chinese.

Kanan is special. She uses American-style English, but she often makes some grammatical mistakes, but this will not affect her daily communication.

Volume 4 Mission.10-[-]. The macho has no manuscript

Li Yexing led the girls into the room in front of him following Qian Daotong.

It's not quite the same as I imagined. This room is just a very ordinary office. There are flowers that can't be named in the office. There are bookshelves with various books next to it. The two sides of the room are used for receiving guests. A black leather sofa, and further inside is a wooden desk, on which are neatly placed various documents and some handicrafts that cannot be named, and behind the desk, a middle-aged man who looks rather awkward , wearing a black suit, sitting upright, while Hitomi Chishima stood upright beside the desk, with a serious expression, without saying a word.

Seeing Li Yexing and others entered the office, the middle-aged man stood up immediately. He quickly stepped forward and asked everyone what they were doing. Rita smiled and nodded and answered him. Then, the man grabbed Holding Li Yexing's hand, he spoke Japanese in a chattering manner, which seemed to be quite enthusiastic.

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