This is the selfishness of monsters.

"What a sin..." Looking at the lights blurred by the rain outside the car window, Rita whispered to herself, a trace of melancholy flashed across her face.

The taxi gradually left the city center, the lights outside the window gradually decreased, and the street became quiet again, with only the sound of dripping rain. Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped steadily at the door of the small hotel.

Everyone got out of the car in the rain, passed by the front desk, walked through the corridor, went back to the room, turned on the light, Rita came up and smiled and helped Li Yexing take off his slightly wet coat.

"Finally settled down..." Sitting on the tatami, Kanan seemed to regain her vitality. She took off her coat and threw it aside, and then stretched her body vigorously. Her upper body, which was only wearing a black sports bra, was pulled by her Draw a sexy arc, and the tattoo on her arm also squirmed and stretched.

After stretching, Kanan opened a can of beer casually, turned his head and asked Li Yexing, "Do you want a drink?"

"Here's a can." Li Yexing stretched out his hand, so Kanan took out another can of beer and threw it to Li Yexing casually. While Li Yexing was still pulling the ring, Kanan took a big gulp and said with a smile : "This is so comfortable, much better than that Japanese sake!"

On the other side, Tiliris was lying on Li Yexing's lap, playing PSP. Seeing Tiliris playing a game, Li Yexing stretched his neck and glanced at the screen, and then saw Tiliris operating the The character with two swords accurately avoids the attack of the dragon, and at the same time, the backhand is a flurry of dances.

"Monster Hunter..." Li Yexing asked, "Tiliris, do you want to go together?"

"Yes..." Tiriris whispered.

"Wait for me a moment, I'll finish this can of beer..." Li Yexing stretched out his hand and scratched Tilly Lisi's thin waist, then turned to Rita and said, "Please help me get the bag, thank you. "

"No problem, sir..." Rita stood up with a smile, and brought Li Yexing's oversized shoulder bag over. Li Yexing unzipped the zipper with one hand, then fumbled through the change of clothes in the bag and took it out. own PSP.

Turning on the phone casually, Li Yexing suddenly turned his head and asked Rita, "By the way, do you want to go together?"

"Let's forget about Rita..." Rita said with a forced smile on her face, "This is indeed too difficult for me. I have to admit that there are things that even a perfect maid can't do."

It's a little strange to say that Rita is not good at video games. For some reason, she always likes to go up against the enemy's attack, which causes her to die suddenly in the game. After many attempts, Rita gave up.

It is strange to say that although it is the world of "Resident Evil", the game company CAPCOM still exists, but the series of "Resident Evil" is gone, and it is "Dinosaur Crisis", which has been forgotten in the original world. The game will release new works every once in a while.

After drinking the beer in his hand, Li Yexing held the game console and started the online journey with Tiriris, while Rita sat on her knees and read serious literature full of middle-class white women. As for Kanan, she seemed to be Feeling a little bored, he leaned over to Li Yexing and watched Li Yexing play games with Tiliris attentively.

Feeling the soft touch on his back, Li Yexing was distracted and was struck to death by the red lightning.

Accompanied by the sound of mission failure, Tiriris turned her head and took a deep look at Li Yexing. The emotions conveyed by those red eyes were extremely complicated.

Li Yexing just smiled awkwardly at this.

It wasn't until this time that Li Yexing realized that this guy Kanan was really unexpected. I don't know if it was because he was always wearing a sports bra. Li Yexing hadn't noticed it before. It was different from Tiliris's hill and Rita's softness. , Kanan's touch is very hard and firm, which gave Li Yexing a different feeling.

hell!What are you thinking!She is your subordinate, not your wife!

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Li Yexing was just about to call Tilly Lisi to come again when there was a knock on the door.

I looked at my watch, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, at this time, who will come?

Walking cautiously to the door, Li Yexing exchanged glances with the girls in the room, and then yanked the door open.

Outside the room, I saw Hitomi Qiandao wearing a thin black top, black skirt and knee socks, soaked all over, standing in front of the door like a drowned chicken...

Volume 4 Mission.13-[-]. The hunk is heartless

"Qiandao Tong?" Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

Seeing Li Yexing opened the door, Qiandao Tong immediately bowed, and she was about to open her mouth to say something when Li Yexing stopped her.

Turning his head, Li Yexing said to Rita, "Ask her what she wants to do."

"Okay, sir..." Rita smiled and put the book in her hand on the tatami beside her. She stood up and came to Li Yexing's side, and then the two began to communicate in Japanese that Li Yexing couldn't understand.

After a while, Rita turned her head and said, "Sir, Ms. Qiandao wants us to reconsider the entrustment."

"Father fucks his daughter if it doesn't work?" Li Yexing leaned against the door frame and frowned, "I said it all, you don't accept commissions during the vacation, why is your family so difficult?"

Seeing that Li Yexing's complexion was not very good, the girl bowed anxiously and spoke Japanese loudly, while Rita on the side translated in a low voice: "Miss Qiandao thinks that Mr. is a good person, and now the Qiandao group is being threatened by the Black Dragon Society. Miss Qiandao hopes that we can accept the entrustment and help us."

"I'm a good person... I'm a good person..." Li Yexing laughed angrily at the little girl's words. He tilted his head and said, "Leaving aside how I look like a good person, the matter between your local gangs is not Should it be resolved internally?"

Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Qiandao, and Hitomi Qiandao gritted her teeth and said something to Li Yexing. Rita on the side translated: "Miss Qiandao said that the strength of the Qiandao Group cannot compete with the Black Dragon Society that is in full swing. In the event of a head-on conflict, the Thousand Island Group will not be able to protect that commercial street from the hands of the Black Dragon Society..."

"Guard the commercial street? Isn't it just gangsters grabbing territory, can't you beat them? Why are you talking so noble?" Li Yexing mocked.

Rita thought for a while, organized her words, and conveyed Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Qiandao in a more polite way. Hitomi Qiandao's complexion suddenly became ugly, and even her eyes became sharper. She said something to Li Yexing angrily, and Rita translated from the side: "Miss Qiandao said that the Qiandao Group is a chivalrous organization. Expand the territory, please don't insult them..."

"Heh, it really made me laugh..." Li Yexing mocked, "Then let your father bring his chivalry to fight that black dragon."

Rita felt a little uncomfortable. Li Yexing's words were too straightforward, but as a perfect maid, she couldn't speak like this. After thinking about it, she conveyed Li Yexing's thoughts to Tong Qiandao in a more acceptable way.

"Don't let her waste our precious vacation time anymore, send her away..." Li Yexing was a little bored, he frowned and waved to Rita, turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Hitomi Qiandao Suddenly, he yelled a sentence in Japanese with a crying voice. The voice sounded very sad, desperate, and hysterical.

Li Yexing probably understood. She seemed to say that someone died just now.

Turning his head impatiently, Li Yexing frowned and said angrily, "Why are you yelling so loudly?!"

Regardless of Li Yexing's ugly face, the girl yelled something loudly, and Rita on the side whispered: "Under the attack of the Black Dragon Society, many people in the Qiandao team died..."

"Then they should call the police!" Li Yexing frowned.

The girl cried hysterically, and finally bowed abruptly, and stopped talking.

Rita whispered: "She said that those who died were good people, I hope we... can consider her request..."

"Those people who died are none of my business?" Li Yexing looked at the black-haired girl in front of him coldly, and said coldly: "You can say such naive words, let me are really the next The boss of the underworld?"

The bowing girl did not speak.

"You are really capable. In order to keep your team members alive, you ran out in the rain at night to beg someone you don't know at all. With this brain, what's the point even if you win the Black Dragon Society? Anyway, Qiandao The team will still be defeated by you..." Not paying attention to the girl's expression, Li Yexing said to himself: "Think about it carefully, you might as well be wiped out by the Black Dragon Society, at least it sounds better than killing yourself Be nice."

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