On the other side, Li Yexing let go of the contempt in his heart a little bit. It seemed that Hitomi Qiandao's thunderous blow just now was easily resolved by him, but in fact, Hitomi Qiandao's attack speed completely exceeded Li Yexing's imagination. Li Yexing felt that if both the girl and the thug were to fight with cold weapons, the thug was not worthy to be the girl's one-on-one enemy at all.

There's something about this girl


One more.

Volume 4 Mission.24-[-]. Macho Martial Arts

The dim yellow light of the setting sun passed through the porch and shone on the wooden floor of the ashram.

Wearing protective gear, Hitomi Qiandao, who was sore all over, was lying on his back on the ground, looking at the ceiling and panting heavily, his numb fingers trembling slightly, while Li Yexing was standing five steps away from Hitomi Qiandao, barefoot and sweating. The wet shirt had already been taken off, revealing his strong but not bloated muscles and the hideous scars on his body. Sweat trickled down his body little by little, and it emitted a pale golden light after being penetrated by the sun.

This afternoon, Hitomi Qiandao and Li Yexing had a high-intensity sparring. This was the first time Hitomi Qiandao fought against such an opponent. Hitomi Qiandao suffered a lot from Yexing's various punches and kicks and parrying movements in actual combat.

Although Hitomi Qiandao was beaten almost the whole time, she was not depressed. Not only that, she also gained a very novel feeling in the battle with Li Yexing, and that kind of waving with the opponent wearing protective gear in the arena. The swords are completely different. During this duel, Hitomi Qiandao faintly felt a strong desire to win and a hearty thrill of fighting. Even Hitomi Qiandao didn't realize what kind of expression was on her face at this time. smile.

With difficulty, he raised his hand to take off the protective gear on his head. Hitomi Qiandao sat up with force, watching Li Yexing's muscles and scars shone golden in the setting sun under the sweat, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes, She spoke Japanese softly, which Li Yexing could understand.

Hitomi Chishima was saying just now: "It's so strong..."

Reluctantly stood up, Hitomi Qiandao bowed to Li Yexing, speaking Japanese, as if asking something, Rita on the side smiled and translated: "Miss Qiandao is asking Mr., how can I become obedient?" Mister is generally strong?"

"You don't need to ask, after all, you can't learn it." Li Yexing shook his head and said.

Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Qiandao, Hitomi Qiandao showed a puzzled face, she asked Li Yexing what, Li Yexing understood this sentence, Hitomi Qiandao asked "Why?"

"Because of environmental problems..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "I live in a world dominated by death and chaos. Our world will never understand."

Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Qiandaotong. Qiandaotong looked at Li Yexing thoughtfully. After a long time, she asked Li Yexing in a low voice.

"Miss Qiandao asked, is there any way to become stronger even without stepping into that world?" Rita smiled and translated to Li Yexing: "Miss Qiandao feels that she has encountered a bottleneck in the practice she saw, and she doesn't know what to do. How to improve yourself."

"There are many ways to do this..." Li Yexing said with a smile, pointed at Qiandao Tong's body and said to Qiandao Tong: "I think the easiest and most direct way to become stronger is to temper your body. Look at yourself , although the figure is indeed good, but as a fighter, don't you feel that you are too thin and thin?"

With that said, Li Yexing pouted at Kanan who was watching and said, "If you want to become strong enough to fight me, you must at least train your muscles to the level of that muscular girl, right?"

"Why is it on my head?!" Kanan on the side shouted dissatisfiedly: "Besides, is there something wrong with the muscles?! And my muscles are beautiful! It doesn't affect my figure at all, okay? !"

Ignoring the noisy Kanan, Rita smiled and translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Qiandao. Hitomi Qiandao thought for a while and said something to Li Yexing. Rita on the side translated: "Miss Hitomi Qiandao thinks that the body The tempering of the sword is important, but the most important thing in the way of the sword is to cultivate the mind..."

"Really?" Li Yexing's expression was a little surprised, he said to Hitomi Qiandao: "I should have thought you understood..."

Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Qiandao, a trace of doubt flashed across Hitomi Qiandao's face, she asked Li Yexing something, Li Yexing probably guessed it, Hitomi Qiandao probably didn't know what she should understand.

"I said, didn't you notice how excited you were smiling when you swung your sword at me?" Li Yexing shook his head helplessly and said, "I can feel the killing desire in your eyes through the protective gear , At that time, you looked like a real swordsman, so maybe we are quite alike, if you are thrown to Loples, maybe you can also achieve a great career."

On the other side, Hitomi Qiandao, who was standing opposite Li Yexing, gradually froze after listening to Rita's translation.


Hitomi Qiandao lowered her head, looked at her hands holding the sword, and quietly thought about what Li Yexing had said.

Hitomi Chishima's kendo talent was discovered by his father, Shinjiro Chishima. Hitomi Chishima has been fascinated by the movement of swinging a sword since he was a child. Shinjiro Chishima did not hesitate after discovering it. At that age when she was supposed to be carefree, the young girl who was obsessed with wielding a sword was like a different kind. Unknowingly, those real brothers and sisters who were older than her began to hide consciously. She, and her master no longer taught her sword skills, but taught her how to cultivate her mind and nature.

Even so, the girl's swordsmanship is still advancing by leaps and bounds. She joined the school's kendo club in order to participate in the kendo competition. Then in the first year of high school, she defeated all opponents from all over Japan and won the championship. Hobbies, in addition to waiting to take over her father's club, her life seems to be only kendo. For a long time, she has followed the teachings of her master, wielding the sword, and tempering her heart.

The girl firmly believes that those brothers and sisters who alienate her are jealous of her talents, and the master teaches her to cultivate herself to make herself stronger.

Until Qian Daotong heard Li Yexing's words, the mercenary rolling on the battlefield said that her eyes were full of killing desire.

In a daze, Hitomi Qiandao seemed to catch something. In the dojo that year, he suddenly raised his head while waving a sword, and met the eyes of his senior brothers and sisters. At that time, Hitomi Qiandao couldn't understand the emotions hidden in their eyes. , I don't bother to understand, but now that I think about it, what is hidden in those eyes is clearly fear, and the master let himself focus on self-cultivation, I am afraid that he has noticed something early.

Back then, when I was young, did I like swinging a sword or beheading?

Hitomi Chishima was confused.

On the other side, seeing Qiandao Tong with her hair lowered in a daze, Li Yexing picked up the clothes thrown on the ground and put them on her body, then inserted the wooden sword in his hand back into the sword rail beside him.

"Thank you, sir..." Rita stood up and said with a smile.

"It's quite tiring..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "This kid's fighting spirit is a little too strong."

"But Boss, you are also very good. You have been able to fight with this silly sweet girl for so long..." Sitting on the side, Kanan put his knees on his chin and said with a smile: "Could it be that you have a crush on her?"

Tilly Lisi hugged her knees and said nothing, but showed two red eyes and looked at Li Yexing with complicated eyes.

"Come on..." Li Yexing waved his hands and said, "I just feel a little bored...


Second watch, the manuscript has been saved, and the training is about to begin.My skull is about to crack.

Volume 4 Mission.25-[-]. Macho Heart Knot

The sky was completely dark, and a round of bright moon hung high in the sky, pouring down soft white light, and in the cloudless night sky, there were still some stars.

After dinner, Li Yexing sat alone in the small pavilion above the pool, drinking Japanese sake, staring at the sky in a daze.

Li Yexing smiled and did not bow his head. He just raised his right hand and landed on the small head of the person in his arms with precision.

"Where are Rita and Kanan?" Li Yexing asked softly.

"Rita is chatting with Miss Qiandao, if Kanan is talking, wandering in the garden..." The silver-haired girl rubbed against Li Yexing's chest and whispered after choosing a comfortable position and lying in Li Yexing's arms.

Li Yexing and Tiriris didn't speak, so the vast courtyard returned to silence.

After a long time, Li Yexing looked down at Tiliris in his arms, and said softly, "You don't seem to be in a good mood."

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