"Really?" The coldness on Nine-Headed God's face disappeared instantly, and he said with a smile, "I think it's kind of funny to do this once in a while."

"You're wasting my patience with you, Mr. Nine-headed God..." Seeing that Nine-headed God didn't care, Ms. Wang gradually put away the smile on her face, and she said seriously: "Instead of questioning me, you should Commit yourself to dealing with the problems in front of you. The Qiandao group is still in the commercial street, and your mission has not been completed. I only give you a week. After a week, if you still can't solve this small city the size of a palm, I will immediately Report the situation to my superiors and stop working with you."

The smile on the face of Nine-Headed God Kyuhara disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye


One more.

Volume 4 Mission.30-[-]. Macho thinking

In the early morning, Li Yexing put on his trousers, topless and barefoot, and gently opened the door of the house. After making sure that he did not wake up the sleeping Kanan, he stepped out of the house and breathed in the yard. The humid and cold fresh air in the room, his aching body was moving, because he had been lying on the wooden floor all night, so now he felt uncomfortable all over.

Then he saw the perfect maid Rita standing quietly outside the door.

"Good morning, sir." Seeing Li Yexing walking out, Rita bowed slightly. She raised her head and looked over Li Yexing to see Kanan lying on the floor in the room, covered with clothes and sleeping soundly. Then an elusive expression appeared on her face smile.

"Sir, how were you doing last night?" Rita asked softly with a smile like a fox, "Don't mention it, it felt like a fight..." Rita caught him straight, and Li Yexing arrived as well. Not feeling embarrassed, he moved his body, then looked at Rita and asked in a low voice, "Where's Tiriris?"

"Miss is still asleep. Yesterday, Miss specifically told Rita not to disturb Mr...." Rita replied with a smile. She looked at Li Yexing who was not wearing a shirt, and suddenly said, "Sir, I need Rita to accompany you today." Do you exercise in the morning?"

His brows twitched fiercely, Li Yexing shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm too tired today..."

"Really, that's a pity..." Shaking her head pretending to be regretful, and then putting on her iconic smile again, Rita whispered, "Sir, what are your plans for today?"

"There is no arrangement..." Li Yexing said: "And if my guess is correct, Shinjiro Qiandao will have a new commission soon."

"Do you think that the Qiandao Group will not be able to reach an agreement with the Heilonghui at the negotiating table?" Rita said softly, "I think so too..."

"No, I don't think they will be unable to reach an agreement at the negotiating table..." Li Yexing shook his head, and said to Rita, "I don't think that Nine-Headed God will even give the Qiandao Group a chance to negotiate."

"Why?" This time, Rita was puzzled, and she said softly: "The Thousand Islands Group suffered casualties in the previous confrontation, and the Black Dragon Society also lost a high-level cadre in the counterattack of the Thousand Islands Group. After all, it is a country of order, I think at this time the two sides should control the scale of the conflict as much as possible, and then sit down and reach an agreement to stop the loss in time, why do you think that the black dragon will not die?"

"Rita, in fact, I have been thinking about what the Black Dragon Society is going to do..." Without answering Rita's question directly, Li Yexing frowned and said softly: "As far as I know, before the Black Dragon Society changed its boss, there was always It is a very law-abiding society, although it has a lot of influence in Changye, it rarely conflicts with other forces, and its relationship with the police and ZF is pretty good."

"The problem is with the new leader." Rita whispered.

"That's right..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "Actually, I've always been curious. According to the information provided by the Qiandao Group, the nine-headed god was just a lost dog who was kicked out by the Black Dragon Society. Rise in a short period of time without the help of any Changye local forces?"

"Someone is helping him..." Rita concluded without thinking.

"That's right, there are outsiders helping him..." Li Yexing nodded with a smile and said, "Besides, the ones helping him are definitely not from the Japanese gangsters or people in the ZF circle."

"Because that guy's behavior is too wild, ZF will not want Changye Zhian to fall into chaos, and other outside gangsters will not support Heilong to act like this. Being caught by ZF will not do them any good." Rita Analyzing on the side.

"So, think about it, a gangster turned into the boss of a gangster, and then acted in public, and the forces behind him are not afraid of the Japanese ZF..." Li Yexing said with a sneer on his face: "Except for a few top chaebols and Japanese Father of country A, I really can't think of any other force that would dare to do this."

Ignoring Rita, whose expression gradually became complicated, Li Yexing said to himself: "Now, back to the original question, what exactly is the Black Dragon Society going to do? I don't think they went for the so-called money from the very beginning. When it comes to making money, there are many methods within the rules, and there is no need to take risks at all, but the nine-headed god still chose the most troublesome method..."

"Sir, you mean..." Rita frowned, and she already had some guesses in her heart.

"That's right, from the very beginning, this guy has been running towards the goal of getting rid of all other gangs..." Li Yexing frowned and said, "As for the money or not, it's just an excuse to cover up his real gang. Purpose."

"So, sir, do you think Black Dragon will sit at the negotiating table..." Rita said softly.

"That's right, if I were the president of the Black Dragon Club, I wouldn't be at the negotiating table at all..." Li Yexing sneered, "Why should I negotiate with a group of dead people?"

"But...it doesn't make sense..." Rita looked suspicious, she whispered: "Kill all the gangs...what's the point of him doing this?"

"I don't know, and to be honest, there are so many unreasonable things..." Li Yexing shook his head, looked at Rita and said, "The Black Dragon Society has been targeting other gangs for so long, why? The police still can't find any evidence? Why has the Black Dragon Society not had any apparent casualties so far? Could it be that the cadres of other gangs are all dead, standing there for you to hack to death? Think about it carefully, the Black Dragon Society is as weird as It's like an urban legend."

"Hearing what Mr. said, Rita is getting more and more worried..." A trace of worry appeared on Rita's face, and she said softly: "Because we have been entrusted by the Thousand Island Group, we seem to be forced to go to the beach. The muddy water..."

"Hmm... We are indeed wading through muddy waters..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "So, we have to make a quick decision."

"A quick fix?" Rita asked with a puzzled face.

"That's right, a quick battle..." Li Yexing said: "I don't think it will be long before Shinjiro Qiandao will plan the next attack on the Black Dragon Association cadres. This time, we directly propose to be the nine-headed god."

"Get rid of the president of the Black Dragon Society directly?" Rita said in surprise, "Sir, is this too hasty?"

"Rita, killing people is not doing housework. Although there are indeed similarities, there are still essential differences..." Li Yexing said to Rita with a smile: "Since we can't solve the problem, let's get rid of the person who caused the problem. As long as he becomes that nine-headed god, Black Dragon will immediately turn into a mess, and by that time, no matter what kind of god is behind that nine-headed god, our operation will be enough for him to drink a pot."

"Then get the commission while they can't take care of themselves, and leave Japan directly?" Rita put a smile on her face again, and she said softly: "It is indeed a very gentlemanly plan.


Two more.

I had a headache yesterday, I didn’t code out the manuscript, it’s uncomfortable...

Volume 4 Mission.31-[-]. Macho care

It was not until the afternoon that Chishima Shinjiro came back.

Getting off the black car, Shinjiro Qiandao had an ugly expression on his face. He quickly walked across the stone road in the forest and entered his yard, and then he saw Li Yexing sitting on the pavilion on the pool like a salted fish , while Tiriris was sitting on Li Yexing's lap playing games, Kanan stretched his neck to watch, Rita sat on the other side, reading a book quietly, and his daughter was sitting on her shoulders. Holding the sword, he stared at the fish in the pond in a daze, as if he was thinking about something, and looked not in a high mood.

Not caring about his daughter's strange behavior, Shinjiro Qiandao quickly walked across the wooden bridge and entered the pavilion. Li Yexing saw Shinjiro Qiandao coming, and patted Tiliris lightly, and Tiliris moved her butt and left Li Yexing's legs sat beside Li Yexing, playing the game without talking.

Seeing Li Yexing looking at him, Shinjiro Qiandao bowed slightly with an ugly expression, and said something to Li Yexing. Rita, who was sitting beside her, closed the book in her hand, stood up, and translated to Li Yexing with a smile: "Qiandao Mister said that the Black Dragon would not accept negotiations."

"I knew it." Li Yexing crossed his fingers, pressed his elbows on his legs, looked up at Shinjiro Qiandao and said, "What are your plans next?"

Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Shinjiro Qiandao, and Shinjiro Qiandao immediately took out a photo from his arms and handed it to Li Yexing while saying something.

An imperceptible trace of sarcasm crossed Rita's face, she smiled and translated to Li Yexing: "Mr. Qiandao said that the person in this photo is called Huangcun Zhangmu, and he is a subordinate of Nine-Headed God Kuuhara. ..."

"Stop, Rita." Li Yexing waved his hands, so Rita immediately stopped talking and stood up straight with a smile.

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