"What model?" Li Yexing asked casually: "It doesn't matter, we have money, and customization is not expensive, as long as there is a prototype."

"Rita wants that gun that Mister always hides..." Rita smiled in a cloyingly sweet voice.

Li Yexing didn't realize it for a while, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

This maid is terrible!

Seeing that Li Yexing didn't want to delve into this topic, Rita on the side said to herself with a resentful face: "Mr. is really ruthless. When you have a new person, you forget the old one. It's obvious that Rita hasn't been able to get along with you for several days. The husband is alone, and finally settled down, but the husband secretly dotes on the new sisters, a maid like me who can only rely on the body to attract the husband has become the tears of the times..."

As she spoke, Rita ignored Li Yexing's increasingly weird expression, stretched out her hands wrapped in black silk gloves, pinched the hem of the skirt with her fingers, and then slowly lifted it up while smiling softly: "Sure enough, at this time You should slowly lift up your skirt in front of the master, revealing the black silk hollow suspenders underneath..."

"Stop!" Li Yexing waved his hands hastily and said, "Please stop for me, you silly maid!"

Rita let go of her hands, lightly covered her cherry lips with her fingers, and said with a giggle, "Sir, Rita... want it..."

Tilly Lisi, who had been playing the game in silence, suddenly raised her head and said, "Four together?"

"Rita is fine..." Rita covered her mouth, narrowed her eyes and revealed a charming fox-like smile and said, "It's better to say that Rita is looking forward to it... But Miss Kanan doesn't seem to agree?"

After listening to Rita's words, Tiriris looked at Kanan with a blank expression on her face.

"Me? I'll forget it..." Seeing Tiriris staring at him, Kanan hurriedly shook his head and said, "You guys are playing too much, I can't get used to it."

"By the way, don't you all ask the boss's opinion?" Li Yexing, who had been silent on the side, raised his head and said, "Don't mess with me, I'm just like your human fairy stick."

"What do you think sir?" Rita asked with a smile.

"What do I think? I'll stand and watch!" Li Yexing responded, "Don't worry, we still have work to do right now. When the work is over, we have plenty of time..."

As he said that, Li Yexing showed an evil smile to the three girls in front of him and said, "When the time comes, I'll put all three of you on the bed, and none of you can escape!"

"Rita...I'm looking forward to it..." After listening to Li Yexing's words, Rita covered her mouth and smiled lightly. Although Tilly Lisi didn't speak, her red eyes seemed to brighten. As for Kanan, she looked desperate. Clutching his forehead, he said: "What kind of company did I enter... It's fine to be unspoken by the boss, but I still have to sleep with the boss' wives? Please spare me..."

After tidying up the equipment, while the girls were still chatting, Li Yexing left the house, ready to be alone for a while, he went straight across the small wooden bridge and came to the small wooden pavilion on the pond.

Sitting on the long wooden chair in the pavilion, blowing the soft evening breeze, looking at the big yard and the brightly lit house in front of you, and then slowly closing your eyes.

It's so peaceful...

Tapping the back of the wooden chair lightly with his fingers, Li Yexing hummed the tune and nodded his head lightly following the rhythm. And very different.

The voice was getting closer and closer, and finally stopped near Li Yexing. Li Yexing couldn't help but opened his eyes, and saw a girl standing in front of him. The girl was tall and slender, with long black hair combed. She was wearing a white kimono with red prints on her body, and two tender little feet protruded from under the kimono, stepping on clogs.

"Hitomi Qiandao?" Looking at the girl in front of him, Li Yexing couldn't help but whispered.

The girl seemed not in a good mood, with inexplicable emotions flickering in her eyes, she said something softly to Li Yexing, but Li Yexing couldn't understand at all, so he could only stare at the girl in front of him stupidly.

Qian Daotong looked at Li Yexing, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, she said something, then came to Li Yexing's side, and sat down gently next to Li Yexing.

Li Yexing always felt that the atmosphere was a little weird. He couldn't help but glance at the house on the other side of the yard. At this time, Rita, who could understand Japanese, was in the house, and he was wondering whether he should go to find Rita. At that time, Hitomi Qiandao beside her suddenly spoke on her own, her tone was flat, as if she was talking about something.

Li Yexing looked at the girl beside him who was confiding softly, and suddenly understood something.

Maybe... Hitomi Chishima doesn't hope that he can understand what she said at this time...


Second update, the code has been saved.

It is estimated that the update will be late for a long time in the future. I was tortured by the training class crazily. When I finish the exam and go home, we can almost add more...

Volume 4 Mission.33-[-]. The macho listens

"Excuse me, can I have a chat with you, Mr. Li?" Looking at the man sitting on the bench in front of him, Hitomi Qiandao hesitated.

Li Yexing's eyes widened, as if he couldn't figure it out.

Hitomi Qiandao smiled. She knew that Li Yexing didn't understand Japanese, so she sat gently beside Li Yexing, smiled and said to Li Yexing: "Actually, it's nothing, I just... want to talk to you very much." Things, of course, are insignificant things..."

Hitomi Qiandao said cautiously while paying attention to Li Yexing's expression. Seeing Li Yexing glanced at the room where Rita was, Hitomi Qiandao felt a little nervous. Others knew what was on his mind, but fortunately Li Yexing gave up for some reason. He withdrew his gaze and stared at Hitomi Qiandao quietly, which made Hitomi Qiandao heave a sigh of relief.

Is it because you noticed my thoughts?No, it's probably just because he finds it troublesome. Mr. Li doesn't seem like such a delicate person.

Hitomi Qiandao thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Mr. Li... Are you actually from the Celestial Dynasty?"

Without Li Yexing's answer, the girl in kimono said to herself, "I'm really, really grateful to Mr. Li, who not only saved my life, but also agreed to my willful request to help my father deal with what should have been done by me. No matter what language we use to deal with the matter that our Qiandao team has handled by itself, it is not enough to express my gratitude to Mr. Li."

After finishing speaking, Hitomi Qiandao turned his head and observed Li Yexing's reaction carefully. At this moment, Li Yexing seemed to be in a daze. Although he put on a look of "I'm listening", his eyes didn't know where to gather at all. .

fair enough…

"Mr. Li, he is really a remarkable person..." Clearing his throat, Hitomi Chishima continued, "I heard from Miss Rita that Mr. Li is a mercenary, right?"

Li Yexing didn't answer, but nodded from time to time following the girl's words.

Seeing Li Yexing's reaction, Hitomi Qiandao smiled and said: "Mr. Li... is really strong. To be honest, when I was in the dojo yesterday, I was hiding evil intentions and wanted to bully Mr. Li. Who knew Mr. Li was so strong, even if I got the sword, I still couldn't match Mr. Li..."

With that said, Hitomi Qiandao turned to look at Li Yexing and said, "Why is Mr. so strong? I didn't feel any moves or skills from Mr. Li's fighting style. Mr. Li's shots didn't even have a single extra movement. It's almost like a machine that was born for fighting..." Hitomi Qiandao had a trace of melancholy on her face, and she whispered: "It's really enviable..."

Every time Hitomi Qiandao finished speaking, Li Yexing nodded and frowned, like an elementary school student pretending to listen to the teacher's lecture seriously even though he didn't understand anything.

Qian Daotong suddenly wanted to tease Li Yexing, she smiled and whispered: "If I want to marry Mr. Li, will Mr. Li agree?"

Li Yexing looked serious and nodded silently, so Hitomi Qiandao smiled even more happily.

"Mr. Li, you must remember the promise you made today..." Hitomi Qiandao said softly, so Li Yexing nodded again.

Inexplicably feeling better, Hitomi Qiandao smiled and said: "But speaking of it, Mr. Li is really amazing, there are so many beautiful girls around, just picking any one out is enough to drive most men crazy, right? How did you manage to make them all willing to follow you, sir?"

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