The crowd waited quietly, and after a while, there were bursts of engine sounds on the quiet street, and the engine sound became louder and more manic, and finally, a black car drove suddenly from the opposite street When it came out, it was like stepping on the gas pedal to death, and the car was suddenly driven out of the feeling of a racing car.

The black car sped past, and then stopped abruptly beside Amon Kotaro who was waiting on the side of the road with the harsh sound of brakes. The car door opened, and a young woman in smart clothes stepped out. She was wearing light golden hair. Hair, wearing OL business attire, stepping on high heels, with a cold face, looking at Amon Kotaro with an expression as if Amon Kotaro owed her money.

Amon Kotaro showed gratitude on his face, bowed slightly, and said something to the woman in a low voice. The woman seemed to be completely ungrateful. After saying a few words, her eyes gradually shifted to Li Yexing and the others.

"That's your girlfriend?" Li Yexing looked at Yamon Kotaro and said, "It doesn't seem easy to talk."

The woman took a deep look at Li Yexing, and then said to Li Yexing in standard American English with a cold face: "You don't need to talk to Mr. Yamen with your poor tongue-rolling English just to avoid me."

"You can also speak English?" Li Yexing looked at the woman in surprise.

"My English scores in college have always been very good." The woman replied with a cold face.

"It seems that they are indeed a couple..." Kanan next to him put his arms in his arms and nodded in a serious manner.

"Don't get me wrong..." Amon Kotaro hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Miss Mado is the daughter of my colleague, we are just ordinary friends..."

"When did our relationship become friends?" Miss Mado asked with a cold face.

"Forget it, I don't have time to watch you show your affection..." Li Yexing waved his hands and said, "Where's the equipment?"

"In the trunk." Yamen replied, he was about to open the trunk, but Miss Mado's hand was firmly pressed against his hand, preventing him from moving.

Ms. Mado first glanced at Li Yexing and others, and then looked at Amon Kotaro. She looked into Amon Kotaro's eyes and asked something, and Amon Kotaro nodded heavily. Then, Madoka When Ms. Hu said something else, Amon Kotaro shook his head immediately, as if expressing his disapproval, his tone sounded heavy.

Seeing Li Yexing looking at the two with a confused face, Rita translated to Li Yexing in a low voice: "Miss Mado asked if we were worthy of trust, Mr. Yamen said it was worth it, and then Miss Mado said she would go too, Mr. Yamen firmly opposes..."

In the end, Ms. Mado didn't say anything about Amon Kotaro after all. She sighed and let go of Amon Kotaro's hand, her expression was not as cold as before.

Amon Kotaro nodded his thanks, opened the trunk, and beckoned to Li Yexing.

Li Ye walked up, saw a lot of things in the trunk, and was stunned for a moment. He raised his head in surprise, and asked Ms. Mado: "May I ask... what do you do?"

"The clerk of the Nagaba Police Department is on vacation." Ms. Mado replied.

Looking at the various types of automatic rifles, shotguns and pistols, as well as a large number of accessories and bullets in the trunk, Li Yexing asked strangely: "Are you... a clerk?"

"It's just my father's collection during his lifetime." Ms. Mado replied.

"It's a bit powerful..." Li Yexing nodded, admired sincerely, and then asked, "Can we use all of these?"

"Otherwise why would I bring it?" Miss Mado replied with a cold face.

Li Yexing turned his head and shouted to the girls behind him, "Come on, let's choose the equipment! Tonight we will do the big ticket!"

After a while, everyone selected their equipment. Li Yexing got a modified AR-15, Tiriris used a shotgun, Kanan picked two pistols, and Rita and Amon Kotaro Both chose the MP5 submachine gun.

After choosing the equipment, everyone was about to board the van and leave. At this moment, Ms. Mado called Li Yexing to stop.

"What's the matter?" Li Yexing turned around and asked, holding his gun, so naturally he had to be more polite to him.

Miss Mado looked at Li Yexing, and after a long time, she said softly: "Please bring Yamen-kun back intact, his mind is not very good, I'm afraid of him..."

"Don't worry, when you're sure to go, you'll come back." Li Yexing nodded with a smile.

Everyone got into the van and closed the door. Li Yexing asked, "Rita, do you still remember the location of the Qiandao family compound?"

"Of course I remember, sir." Rita smiled.

"Then let's go, to be honest, I don't want to collect that chick's body..." Li Yexing said.

So, under the watchful eye of Ms. Mado, the engine of the van started slowly, and then drove towards the dark street.

At this time, it was the evening rush hour for the overtime party to get off work. Fortunately, the old city was very close to the Qiandao family mansion in the suburbs. In addition, there were no people in the old city, so the road was unimpeded. Soon, the van carrying everyone drove away. After entering the suburbs and driving for a few more minutes, the car finally entered the Qiandao family's territory. Li Yexing could already see the flames burning in the direction of the Qiandao family's mansion in the distance.

The car was getting closer and closer to Qiandao's compound. Suddenly, Rita stepped on the brakes, and she said loudly, "Sir, the front is blocked!"

Pulling open the door of the van suddenly, Li Yexing jumped out of the car and saw a large group of compound-eyed demons in various suits. He even saw a woman surrounded by compound-eyed demons who was about to board the van to leave, and the woman's body. Standing next to him was a tall monster carrying Hitomi Chishima.

"Cub! Put that girl down!" Li Yexing shouted, pointing at the woman who was about to board the truck...

One more.

Volume 4 Mission.51-[-]. Strong man violent warning

Hearing Li Yexing's shout, the woman was stunned for a moment. After a while, she turned her head and looked at Li Yexing with great interest.

The moment Li Yexing saw her face, Li Yexing was stunned, as were Tilly Liss and Rita.

"That woman..." Rita looked at the woman's face and couldn't help frowning.

"Ada Wang." Tiriris read out the woman's name softly.

That's right, the woman in front of me with short black hair and smiling like a fox is not Ada Wang, who could it be?

"This is your acquaintance?" Seeing everyone's uneasy reaction, Kanan was slightly taken aback.

"No, it's not her, that woman is not Ada Wang..." Looking at the woman standing side by side with the monster carrying Hitomi Qiandao in the carriage, Li Yexing frowned and said softly, "Kara..."

Kara, whose full name is Kara Radames, is one of the villains from "Resident Evil 6" and the ruler behind the new Umbrella organization. She is fanatical, paranoid, and ruthless, but the most commendable thing is—— She has the same face as Ida Wang, why does this woman have the same face as Ida Wang?Speaking of this, we have to mention another person, he is another big villain in "Resident Evil 6", the national security adviser of country A, and the leader of the organization "family" - Derek C. Simon s.

To put it simply, Carla used to be a typical European and American blond beauty with high attainments in biotechnology and virology. At the same time, this woman was madly in love with her boss, Simmons, but Simmons , the problem is big, he is a queen accusing, who is he accusing?Accusing Leon's default wife - Ada Wang.

To be reasonable, Simmons wants money, power and power, and he is not bad in appearance. Isn't it easy to chase a woman?But he was crazily deflated by Ada Wang. Ada had already secretly agreed with a certain high-paying agent, and Simmons was involved in the handling of the Raccoon City incident, which directly led to Ada's extreme dislike of Simmons. .

As the saying goes, what you can't get is always in turmoil, and Simmons's scalp hurts when Ida is hungry. At this time, his talented researcher Kara has developed the C virus, and Kara himself also admires Simmons... At this moment , Simon Sford is heartfelt.

Since Ada Wang doesn't like me, why don't I pinch one?

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