"Anyway, let's work hard..." Cara smiled and said, "Remember, the adult behind me and I are watching you."

After hanging up the phone, Kara smiled slightly and said to the monster sitting in front of her, "Did you hear that? That idiot, he wants to join us..."

The monster opposite Kara didn't reply, it just sat there quietly, and it was impossible to judge whether it was listening to Kara's words just from its reaction.

Seeing that the monster didn't respond, a trace of disappointment flashed across Cara's face, and she said softly, "Forget it, it's just a defective product, and it's pretty good to be able to do what it is now."

With that said, Kara said to the monster sitting in front of her, "Pass me the box."

The monster sitting opposite immediately turned around and handed the silver metal suitcase on the side to Kara. Kara took the box, put it on her lap, and entered the password. With a soft "chi", the box opened Opened a slit, spewed out traces of white gas, and then slowly opened it. Inside the box, there were four small glass tubes placed side by side, and the glass tubes were filled with a clear liquid.

Those glass tubes are actually syringes, and what is contained in the syringe is an enhanced test-type C virus sample, code-named C-012, which was developed and transformed by Kara himself. At present, the C virus is still in an unfinished state, not only not enough It is stable, and it is difficult to produce the pupation that Kara expected. Even if a small number of compound-eyed demons successfully pupate, it is difficult to survive until they break out of the cocoon. In order to improve this situation, Kara tried to modify the C virus, so there are The four virus samples in the box were collected.

"There are only four..." Looking at the four syringes in the box, Kara murmured to herself in a low voice, "If that's the case, the test subjects must be carefully selected..."

As she said that, Kara raised her head, looked at Hitomi Qiandao who was thrown in the carriage and lying opposite her, and said with a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "Just use this, the daughter of the Qiandao family, she looks quite good. What about the body..."

As she spoke, Kara took out a syringe from the box. She stood up, took the syringe and slowly walked to the unconscious Hitomi Chishima, then squatted down, rolled up Hitomi Chishima's sleeve, and put the syringe in her hand. One end was pressed on Chishima Hitomi's snow-white arm, and then the switch on the other end was lightly pressed. With a soft "chi", a burst of pressure slowly pushed the liquid in the syringe into Chishima Hitomi's blood vessel.

Hitomi Qiandao, who was unconscious, frowned slightly.

After finishing all this, Kara stood up and sat back to the original place. She put the empty syringe back into the box, closed the box, then smiled and raised her legs, and said softly to herself: "It's really exciting. I can't wait to know what kind of butterflies can be bred in your chrysalis..."

As the truck drove into the city center of Changye, the streets gradually began to become chaotic. Citizens who were fleeing and those who did not know the truth crowded the streets, and were blocked from the police cordon. Nervous, holding the walkie-talkie, he seemed to be talking to someone. When he looked up, he saw a truck driving straight towards the cordon. He hurriedly waved the fluorescent baton in his hand towards the truck, and said loudly with the horn: "There is a blockade ahead, violence is happening! Please don't approach, please don't approach!"

The next second, the truck's gas pedal was slammed to death. Seeing that the truck had no intention of stopping at all, the police officer quickly dodged to dodge. Then, the truck directly smashed through the police cordon and headed towards Changye Commercial Building. The direction opened.

"Damn it!" Looking at the truck driving straight in, the police officer couldn't help cursing. He picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly: "Attention ahead! Attention ahead! There is a truck crossing the blockade of Springfield Road and heading in your direction passed!


In the second shift, take advantage of the lunch break to see if you can code Braille, and continue the training in the afternoon.

Volume 4 Mission.55-[-]. The macho training is over

The truck carrying Kara rushed across the police blockade and entered the city center. As the truck got closer and closer to the Changye Commercial Building, Kara could already hear bursts of gunfire from the street.

Suddenly, there was a screeching sound of brakes, followed by a burst of horns from outside the truck: "You have entered the police cordoned off area! Please get out of the car immediately for inspection! Repeat, please get out of the car for inspection immediately! "

"Really, wasting my time..." Carla, who was sitting in the truck compartment, said a little displeased. She raised her head and said to the monster sitting opposite her, "Go, clean up the road."

The monster stood up and got out of the car with heavy steps. After a while, there were bursts of gunshots and screams outside.

Carla leaned against the warehouse, crossed her legs, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and dialed Kuzuhara's number. After a while, Kuzuhara's voice came from the other side of the phone, and he was flattering. He asked, "Miss Wang, do you have any orders?"

"What's going on with you? Are the police still there?" Carla asked.

"Still, they are very tenacious..." Jiutou Shen Kuihara said on the other side of the phone: "However, we have enough time to play with them tonight, don't we?"

"No, you haven't." Kara said coldly, "I'm going to Changye Commercial Building soon, I'll give you three minutes to clean the entrance of Changye Commercial Building for me."

"Three...three minutes..." Nine-headed God Kuuhara seemed to hesitate a bit.

"Mr. Nine-headed God, this is also a test for you..." Kara said impatiently: "How long has it been since I entered the city? You can't even deal with a group of policemen?"

Gently shaking the high-heeled shoes on her feet, Ada said in a deep voice: "You have to know that the things I gave you are all of the best performance. Now, you tell me that you are holding the best equipment but even A group of policemen can't handle it. I can understand that you tolerate you, but the adult behind me can't do it. If you can't even do this little thing, how do you let me praise you in front of that adult? Recommend you ?”

There was no sound on the other side of the phone, as if hesitating. After a while, Jiutou Shen Kuihara gritted his teeth and said, "No problem, Miss Wang, three minutes is enough. When you come, I will personally greet you and let you I saw a clean commercial building."

"That's right." Kara smiled and said, "I look forward to your performance."

He hung up the phone casually, and on the other side, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, the monster following Kara returned, boarded the carriage, and sat opposite Kara again, as if he had gone to the toilet Same, only the mottled blood on its pale skin and the bullet holes that have stopped bleeding automatically can tell others what it has just experienced.

With the sound of the engine starting, the truck started moving again, and drove towards Changye Commercial Building, passing several police cars that were violently pushed to the side of the road and several heavily armed SWAT corpses lying on the side of the road.

Finally, about three minutes later, the truck carrying Kara slowly stopped at the door of Changye Commercial Building. Ignoring the sporadic gunshots from around him, Kara got out of the car straight away, while the pale monster carried Hitomi Qiandao, who was unconscious, quietly followed behind her.

After getting out of the car, Kara frowned and scanned the surroundings. At this moment, the bustling city center was in a mess. The damaged police cars were piled up in chaos on the road, and some turned over on the sidewalk. Between the police cars, there were several police corpses lying here and there.

Looking around, Kara finally fixed her eyes on Kutou Kazuhara, who was standing in front of the gate of the commercial building, wearing a purple suit. Seeing Kara looking at him, Kala immediately brought two compound eyes in black suits. The demon came over and stood in front of Kara. He first bowed slightly towards Kara, and then shifted his gaze to the pale monster following Kara.

"This is?" Unable to suppress his curiosity, Nine-Headed God Kuuhara couldn't help asking.

"My deputy." Kara replied with a smile. She looked at Kuuhara, the nine-headed god, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is the thing I lent you?"

"I let them chase the police..." Jiutou Shen Kuihara shook the tablet in his hand and said, "Didn't Ms. Wang say that you must make sure the road is clean when you come?"

"Tsk..." Kara didn't know how to comment on the decision made by the nine-headed god Kuihara.

To be reasonable, most of what I said to Jiutou Shenkuhara before was a lie. The BOW that I lent to Jiutou Shenkuhara is actually a tyrant with the code name T-103C. Although it is not cheap, it has not arrived At the point of capital, this thing is just a cheap product bought in large quantities from the black market in the early days of the new Umbrella to cope with various possible emergencies. The highlight is controllability and cost performance. Later, with the new Umbrella Gradually, Kara’s power gradually grew, and they also had the ability to manufacture BOW, so the batch of goods rotted in the warehouse. The cannon fodder was airlifted to Kutokuhara, but Kara really didn't expect that, in order to save face, Kutohara would send out all the tyrants he had lent to him so simply.

I told him that this thing is very expensive, so he didn't think about what to do if it breaks?Does he really want to join the organization?

Gently flicking the hair covering her forehead, Kara waved her hands helplessly and said, "Call them back, their task is to guard the commercial building, there is no need to let them chase after the police..."

"Really, that's really a pity..." Jiutou Shen Kuihara shook his head and said: "When I think of the bastards from the Changye Police Department trying to trespass on my city that never sleeps, I want to kill them all. "

"Don't worry about these boring things..." Kara shook her head with a smile and said: "Mr. Nine-headed God, after today, you are one of us, you have to be aware of this, broaden your horizons, don't Bothered by these boring trifles."

"You're right, Miss Wang." Nine-headed God bowed slightly, then raised his head to look at Kara, and said flatteringly in his eyes: "Then, Miss Wang, can we talk about the rest in the commercial building? "

"Of course." Cara smiled, and then the nine-headed god Kuuhara bent down, smiled like a gentleman in those movies and stretched out his hand to Cara, and said softly, "Please, Miss Wang."

A trace of contempt flashed in her eyes, Kara stared forward, she stepped on high heels, and walked past Kuzuhara with elegant steps, without even looking at Kutohara, and the pale complexion The monster looked at Hitomi Chishima, kept a distance of only three steps from Kara, and followed silently, leaving only the nine-headed god Kyuhara standing on the side of the road in the same posture as before.

Under the shadow, Nine-headed God Kuuhara clenched his teeth, his eyeballs seemed to burst into bloodshot eyes. After a long while, he stood up gently, stretched out his fingers and pushed the black-rimmed glasses on his face, and then looked elegantly Turning around with a smile, he followed Kara unhurriedly while manipulating the tablet computer in his hand to control the T-103C Tyrant, the smile on his face became more and more cloudy...

One more.

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