Different from Kanan's disdain, Li Yexing looked at the big sword in front of him with some fascination, then turned his head and said to the little old man, "Can I try?"

Although he couldn't understand what Li Yexing was saying, the little old man still understood his request through Li Yexing's eager eyes. With a smile on his face, the little old man nodded and said something in Japanese. Rita beside him translated: "Mr. Qiancheng said that if it is an evil spirit like Mr. who crawled out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood, maybe he can control this knife."

With the master's permission, Li Yexing immediately stepped forward, untied the chain and took the knife off the wall. The moment the chain was untied, Li Yexing frowned.

This knife is...so heavy!

Because he was used to the weight of the previous knives, Li Yexing subconsciously thought that this knife was not much heavier. As a result, when the knife fell into Li Yexing's hands, Li Yexing almost let go.

Holding the handle of the knife, he slowly pulled out the blade of the "Bone of the Dead" under the dim red light. Li Yexing thought to himself, no wonder no one used it, and the knife was too heavy. It is simply not for human use. He thinks that his strength is already great, but he is still not sure that he can wield this big sword freely, let alone use it to slash and fight.

Under the somewhat disappointed eyes of the little old man, Li Yexing inserted the "Ghou Tian Kuang Bone" back into the scabbard, then shook his head lightly. Just as he was about to hang the knife back on the wall, a The slender and tender hand held the handle of the "Ghou Tian Kuang Bone".

Li Yexing turned his head and saw Qiandao Tong holding the handle of the knife in Li Yexing's hand, staring at the knife with rapt attention.

Seeing that the little old man didn't stop him, with the mentality of giving it a try, Li Yexing casually handed the big sword in his hand to Hitomi Qiandao, and Hitomi Qiandao took the "Gutian Kuanggu". She closed her eyes and felt the power of the sword. Weight, then hold the hilt with your right hand, and lightly press the scabbard with your left hand.

Li Yexing subconsciously dodged backwards.

Exhaling a foul breath, Hitomi Chishima's eyes suddenly opened, and in the next second, Hitomi Chishima pulled out the big sword in his hand with a burst of red light. The blade resounded in the air, like an evil spirit that had been sealed for thousands of years The cheers when he finally reappeared in the human world, the iron chain on the handle of the knife lingering and ringing, echoing the dim red light on the knife pattern, and the murderous intent erupted instantly.

Li Yexing smiled. He turned his head, and just wanted to ask the little old man how to sell this knife, but found that the little old man looked at Hitomi Qiandao with extremely complicated eyes. The joy, on the contrary reveals a faint worry.

After a while, the little old man sighed and whispered something in Japanese.

"Mr. Qiancheng said, Ms. Qiandao...after all, she has taken this step..." Rita on the side moved closer to Li Yexing and translated in a low voice.

"Ask him, how do you sell knives?" Without understanding what the little old man said, Li Yexing whispered to Rita, so Rita turned around and said something to the little old man. He waved his hands helplessly, and said a few words in Japanese to Rita, a trace of surprise flashed across Rita's face immediately.

"Mr. Qiancheng said that this 'Ghoutian Kuanggu' was given to Miss Qiandao..." Rita said to Li Yexing.

Leaving the dark room, the little old man put the "Ghoutian Kuanggu" on the counter, carefully wrapped it in a black cloth, and handed it to Hitomi Qiandao, who immediately took the "Gutiankuanggu", looking like he couldn't put it down, After packing up the knife, the little old man turned his head again and gave Rita a few words of advice, and Rita nodded with a serious expression.

When everyone was about to leave, the little old man suddenly stopped Kanan. Seeing Kanan's puzzled eyes, the little old man returned to the dark room. A few seconds later, he came out with something wrapped in black cloth and handed it to Kanan, then smiled and said in broken English: "Your soul."

Kanan untied the black cloth, and what appeared in front of Kanan was a brand-new Karkao saber. The handle of the saber was wrapped with a red cloth full of strange inscriptions, and the blade flashed a threatening cold light.

Kanan raised his head, looked at the smug face of the little old man, his eyes gradually became terrified...

Three shifts.

More, just harder.

Volume VI Extra.4.5-4. Macho Ceremony ([-])

Walking on the street, Li Yexing turned her head with some concern, only to see that Kanan, who was following behind, didn't even look at the road. She looked down at the Gurkha saber in her hand, and her expression was like a demon.

"Do you know that?" Li Yexing couldn't help laughing.

"It's too evil, boss..." Kanan raised her head, her expression seemed to have suffered some kind of culture shock, she looked at Li Yexing in a daze and whispered: "That old man...too evil..."

"Okay, the evil door is the evil door, put the knife away quickly, do you think this is Lopulus?" Li Yexing smiled with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh..." After listening to Li Yexing's words, Kanan reluctantly wrapped the general knife in black cloth, and then inserted it into the waistband of her trousers. However, looking at Kanan's expression, she could tell that her heart was still not calm. The old man was terrified.

No longer paying attention to Kanan, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered to Rita beside him: "Rita, where do you think we are going next?"

"What's next..." Rita thought for a while, and then said: "I think it's better to go back to the hotel. Affected by the previous days, many shops were closed, and the long-leaf cherry blossom festival will be a few days later. The most important Yes, Miss Qiandao is still carrying that knife. Although it is wrapped tightly, anyone with a heart can tell that it is a knife at a glance. No matter where we are going, we must put Miss Qiandao's knife back in the hotel. "

As he said that, Rita suddenly leaned into Li Yexing's ear and said, "What's more...tomorrow we will accompany Miss Qiandao to Mr. Qiandao's funeral. Gang members, we don’t know if there will be hostile forces from the Qiandao group among those attending the funeral to make trouble, in order to deal with emergencies, I think we need to recharge our batteries.”

After listening to Rita's words, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Aren't they all local gangsters? Can't they be so serious?"

"You misunderstood, sir, what Rita is worried about is not that she will suffer losses if she conflicts with them..." Rita shook her head and said worriedly: "Miss Qiandao is emotionally unstable, and she just got a new knife... "

Speaking of this, Rita frowned slightly and said: "I'm afraid that Miss Qiandao can't help but try their knives with them..."

"Probably... no way..." Li Yexing turned his head a little uncertainly, looked at Hitomi Qiandao who was following behind him, and saw that Hitomi Qiandao was keeping the same half body position as him, with a knife on her back. , with a steady stride, under the shadow of the beige hood, those sharp eyes stared straight ahead, as if he would draw a knife and cut out in the next second.

Sensing Li Yexing's gaze, she turned her head and looked at Li Yexing. Although she couldn't speak, Li Yexing still read a trace of inquiry from her eyes. It looked like those in historical dramas. The samurai who stood beside the lord waiting for orders would commit seppuku as soon as the lord spoke.

Shaking his head helplessly, he told Hitomi Qiandao that he was fine, so Hitomi Qiandao looked forward again, and on the other side, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered to Rita: "This child is really stubborn, tomorrow's funeral If someone makes trouble, stop Hitomi Qiandao, don't let her chop people up..."

"Is this a bit wronged Miss Qiandao?" Rita asked with a slight frown.

"It's okay, I'm not wronged..." Li Yexing shook his head, and then said with a sullen expression: "If someone dares to disturb the old Qiandao's funeral tomorrow, please help me remember, I will visit after the funeral."

"Okay sir, no problem..." Rita covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "It's really like a gentleman."

Li Yexing smiled, and wanted to say something to Rita, but at this moment, Tiriris, who had been walking in front, suddenly ran back, and she bumped into Li Yexing's arms, and then looked up at Li Yexing , pointing to the side of the street opposite the intersection, Li Yexing looked in the direction Tillyris pointed, and saw a large-scale shopping mall on the opposite side of the street, and a huge TV wall outside the shopping mall, and on the TV wall, An unknown advertisement poster was playing. In the advertisement, a man with long hair hugged a JK girl in a short skirt like a princess. The girl smiled sweetly, showing two canine teeth.

"What's that for sale?" Li Yexing, who couldn't read Japanese, frowned and whispered, but saw Tiliris shook her head. She pulled the corner of Li Yexing's clothes and said expressionlessly: "Tiliris is tired. gone."

Will Tiriris be tired?Just because you took two steps?Of course Li Yexing didn't believe it, but looking at Tilly Lisi's big eyes that seemed to be shining with anticipation, Li Yexing immediately understood. Crouching down, a princess hugged Tiriris up.

This kind of behavior of showing affection on the street naturally attracted the attention of passersby around. Most of them just glanced at it and left in a hurry, but there were also some people who would secretly point at Li Yexing, and a little girl wearing a scarf took out a I picked up my phone and wanted to take a photo of Li Yexing and Tiriris.

Ignoring the eyes of the people around, after Li Yexing hugged Tiliris and led the girls behind him through the bustling intersection, Tiriris patted Li Yexing's shoulder lightly, indicating that Li Yexing could take her Put it down, so Li Yexing bent down and put Tiriris down. When Li Yexing turned around, he suddenly found that Rita's eyes seemed to have some inexplicable color.

"Really, are you tired too?" Looking at Rita, Li Yexing asked with some uncertainty.

"Sir, you're really rude..." Rita frowned slightly, pretending to be angry and said, "I'm still a girl anyway, so it's not surprising that I want to be hugged by my other half, the princess, isn't it?"

Li Yexing smiled, opened his arms and said, "Then why don't you come too?"

"Forget about Rita..." Putting away the teasing emotions on her face, Rita shook her head with a smile and said, "I'm just Mr.'s maid when I'm away from home. It's inappropriate to be hugged by Mr. and Princess on the street. .”

Keenly aware of the regret that flashed in Rita's eyes, Li Yexing smiled, and suddenly leaped up, and in Rita's soft exclamation, he hugged Rita by the waist, passed his left arm under Rita's armpit, With his right arm supporting Rita's beautiful black silk legs, Li Yexing smiled at Rita in his arms and said, "Do you like it?"

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