Among the five dancing girls, Hitomi Qiandao's friend stood at the front, she was the lead dancer, and she was the only one who was pretty. As for the four girls behind her... they were too ordinary to attract Li Yexing's attention at all. interest.

It's so strange, Hitomi Chishima is Japanese, and those five radish legs are also Japanese. Why is there such a big gap in body shape?

On the other side, the girl leading the dance saw Hitomi Qiandao, and a smile appeared on her somewhat indifferent face, and Hitomi Qiandao also waved her hand. As for Li Yexing, he completely lost sight of this so-called festival dance. Interested, she simply found a big stone on the side of the road and sat on it. Just watching from a distance, when Tilly Lisi saw Li Yexing leave, she immediately followed, and then sat directly on Li Yexing's lap. Unlike Li Yexing and Tilly Liss, Rita who was standing on the side watched with relish, nodding her head from time to time, but Kanan's performance was much more real. She tilted her head directly and asked Rita in a puzzled voice. "What are they dancing?"

"Witch God Music..." Rita replied softly with a smile: "In the early years, the main purpose of this dance was to pray to the gods, pray for the blessings of the gods, and please the gods. This is a very traditional Japanese dance. It has a long history in Japan.”

"Oh, I see..." Kanan nodded and said, "I have seen similar dances in Malvia. The local rebels would take off their clothes before fighting and sing and dance, praying Hahahaha Blessed by God Ga, the bullets they shoot can automatically fly into the enemy's body, and the boss seems to have mentioned that there is a dance in their hometown, which seems to be called...'Dancing God'?"

"In essence, they are indeed very similar. The main purpose is to communicate with the gods..." Rita frowned slightly, and said with some confusion: "But I don't know why, when I say it from Miss Kanan, it makes people feel strange. a feeling of…"

In this way, Hitomi Qiandao quietly watched her partner dancing under the melodious music, with a little nostalgia in her eyes, as if she was reminiscing about something, while Rita patiently explained to Kanan that "Witch God Music The difference between "African Black Uncle Bullet Turning Dance", as for Li Yexing, he is hiding in a dark corner, taking a bite of the sugar-coated apple candy with Tilly Liss.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!

Accompanied by a girl's exclamation, the harmonious scene was instantly broken, and the melodious music stopped abruptly. Li Yexing, who was chewing apples, looked up and saw the staff hurriedly surrounding him, even Hitomi Qiandao He and Rita also squeezed past, while Kanan stood still.

Putting down Tiriris in his arms, Li Yexing went straight to Kanan and asked, "What's going on?"

"Ankle injury..." Kanan shrugged and said, "The little girl in a civilized country really can't stand the toss..."

Ignoring the panicked uncles around, Li Yexing squeezed directly beside Rita, and saw the little girl who had just led the dance sitting on the ground. On top of the snow-white footbag, the girl's ankle is obviously red, and it is estimated that it will swell up soon, and Hitomi Chishima is squatting beside her, with tension and concern between her brows, she opens her mouth, but The more anxious she became, the more speechless she became. In desperation, she could only look at Li Yexing for help.

Looking at the anxious Hitomi Qiandao, Li Yexing frowned, turned his head to Rita and said, "How about... I will straighten that little girl's bones?"

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita gave him a rare white look. She frowned slightly and said, "It's already this time, sir, stop joking."

On the other side, even though the pain did not ease, the girl with an ankle injury still struggled to stand up, but she lost her balance as soon as she stood up, and if Hitomi Chishima hadn't helped her in time, she might have fallen straight down.

Seeing the pain on his friend's face, Hitomi Qiandao stumbled to persuade him, but the girl shook her head firmly. Seeing this, Li Yexing frowned and said to Rita, "Ask why they don't change?"

Rita turned her head and said a few words in Japanese to the middle-aged man with glasses wearing a Mediterranean hairstyle. The man with glasses was a little dissatisfied at first, but when he thought that the woman in front of him came in with Hitomi Chishima, the displeasure on his face immediately He restrained himself, and he patiently explained something to Rita. After a while, Rita turned her head and said with an ugly expression: "There was originally a backup candidate, but the backup candidate was injured in the Changye Commercial Building incident. .”

"Oh, absolutely..." I don't know how to evaluate it, Li Yexing can only say this in the end, now, everyone can see that this lead dancer can't dance, and the lame dance, the gods will definitely not be happy, but the festival is still Can't do without the lead dancer, at present, the only way is to let this injured little girl fuck hard.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Chishima Hitomi sighed as if she had made up her mind. She patted the girl's shoulder lightly, and at the same time said a short sentence in Japanese to everyone present.

After a moment of silence, the audience was in an uproar. They chattered and chattered Japanese with Hitomi Qiandao who couldn't speak properly. On the other side, Rita turned her head and said to Li Yexing: "Just now, Qiandao The lady said she wanted to lead the dance.


Two more.

Volume VI Extra.4.5-21. Macho Ceremony ([-])

Under the bright lights, accompanied by bursts of noise, the pedestrians at the festival gradually approached the direction of the festival stage. They stood under the cherry blossom trees with anticipation on their faces, ready to appreciate the tradition of the annual long-leaf cherry blossom festival The program is the music of witches and goddesses brought by the maidens of Nagaba Shrine.

Avoiding the crowded crowd, Li Yexing put his hands in his pockets. At this moment, he really wanted to light a cigarette, but there were too many people around him, so he could only stand aside and quietly look at the stage covered by the curtain. He frowned and said nothing.

"Sir... are you worried about Miss Qiandao?" Rita asked with a smile as if sensing Li Yexing's restlessness.

"No." Li Yexing replied simply, looking in the direction of the stage.

After a while, Rita whispered: "Actually, sir, there is no need to worry, you can trust Miss Qiandao a little more..."

Just ten minutes ago, behind the stage, the girl who was supposed to be on stage to lead the dance accidentally sprained her ankle. In order for her to recover from her injury, Hitomi Chishima resolutely decided to lead the dance for her on stage. The uncles were extremely surprised. According to Rita’s translation, Chishima Hitomi once performed the lead dance of Nagaba Cherry Blossom Festival Witch Kagura when she was in junior high school, and she did quite well. She has never done it again because of the reason she likes it. Compared with jumping around on the stage, this girl prefers to spend her time swinging a sword, and this time, for the sake of her friends, she decided to go on stage again.

Even if he had the experience of leading a dancer, it was a long time ago, and there were only ten minutes left before going on stage. Hitomi Chishima had to recall all the movements within ten minutes and perfect them, which was almost impossible. task.

After hastily dancing to the music, all the onlookers showed expressions as if the sky was about to collapse. Only Hitomi Qiandao didn't realize it. She turned her head and looked at Li Yexing with a touch of red on her face. Xia, with her vermilion lips parted lightly, said something to Li Yexing stumblingly.

"Miss Qiandao asks you, if she takes the stage later, will you watch her from below?" Rita, who was standing by the side, translated with a smile.

"Of course." Li Yexing nodded solemnly.

But now it seems that Li Yexing doubts whether he has given that girl too much confidence?Hitomi Qiandao's proficiency in witch goddess music is too low, and there is only time to practice dancing once before going on stage. This is simply rushing ducks to the shelves.

Of course Li Yexing doesn't care whether Qiandao Tong dances well or not, but the audience in the audience will care. Li Yexing is indeed a little worried. He is worried that the negative reactions of the audience will directly stimulate Qiandao Tong, which is not very stable. emotions, resulting in some unpredictable consequences.

Just when Li Yexing was still thinking about how to control the scene as soon as possible in the event of an emergency, the melodious music from the stage suddenly sounded in his ears.

"It's about to start..." Rita, who was standing aside, said softly, while Li Yexing raised his head in an instant, staring at the stage intently.

Accompanied by a soft sound, all the spotlights above the stage were turned on, fully illuminating the stage. Amid the low exclamations of the audience, the wide white curtain slowly opened to both sides accompanied by melodious music. Under the spotlight, the five girls in witch costumes with their backs facing the audience were exposed. They sat on the ground dignifiedly, and stood up one by one from both sides to the middle in the melodious music, and then turned to the audience. When the prelude was about to end, the leading girl stood up slowly, and then gradually turned around with the music.

Looking at Hitomi Qiandao on the stage, Li Yexing felt very amazed.

At this moment, Hitomi Chishima changed her white kimono and put on a maiden costume intertwined with red and white. Her black and smooth hair was coiled behind her head, and she wore a rather gorgeous golden hairpiece. Crown, her face lost the previous shyness, and the threatening sharpness between her eyebrows and eyes became softer, coupled with exquisite makeup, the girl who always talked about samurai and swordsmanship turned out to be like A fairy generally has a touch of ignorance of fireworks in the world. She holds a Kagura bell full of bells in her hand, and the red ribbon tied at the end of the Kagura bell is held in the other hand. Under the skirt of the dress, her snow-white feet were wrapped in foot bags, and she stepped directly on the stage.

Although the distance is a bit far, Li Yexing can vaguely see Qiandao Hitomi's eyes are very erratic, her eyes are constantly sweeping over the audience in the audience, as if looking for something, gradually, there seems to be more eyes between her brows. There was a hint of imperceptible anxiety, and even the movements of the dance became a little uncoordinated.

Li Yexing thought for a while, then stood up straight, and under the strange eyes of the audience around him, he waved vigorously towards the stage. It didn't take long before Hitomi Qiandao noticed him, so Hitomi Qiandao seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, she He raised his head, his face was reddish, and his eyes were fixed on Li Yexing, as if he wanted to convey something to Li Yexing.

Amidst the melodious Japanese music, Hitomi Qiandao standing on the stage watched Li Yexing below the stage. She stretched her waist and gently shook the Kagura bell in her hand, making a pleasant sound, then turned around suddenly , let the red streamer on the Kagura bell rotate with her, while she tilted her head slightly, looked at Li Yexing from the corner of her eye, and looked at Yanxing coquettishly. In this music, the girl named Qiandao Hitomi tried her best to show Yamato Nadeko is uniquely elegant and restrained, yet conveys her passionate love to Li Yexing with her eyes.

Before he knew it, Li Yexing was stunned. He suddenly realized that maybe it wasn't that he couldn't appreciate this kind of dance, but that he couldn't appreciate the people who danced before. At least now he felt that Hitomi Qiandao danced really beautifully.

Just like that, the girl on the stage stared at Li Yexing with love in her eyes, as if this dance was only for the man she liked, and Li Yexing also ignored everything around her, seriously admiring the graceful and graceful dance of the swordsman girl. dancing.

After a while, the song ended and people dispersed.

Going against the flow of people leaving, Li Yexing took the girls around him back to the stage, and saw Hitomi Qiandao had changed into the previous white kimono, was taking off her foot bag and tiara, while her little carrot-legged friend was Sitting next to her, talking to her excitedly, even the staff members around had smiles on their faces, as if they were very satisfied with Chishima Hitomi's on-the-spot performance.

Seeing Li Yexing approaching, Qiandao Tong's pale complexion immediately turned rosy. She looked at Li Yexing, but her gaze was a little dodged, as if she couldn't understand Qiandao Tong's awkward appearance. Qian Dao Tong's friend was behind Pushed Hitomi Qiandao hard, and kept saying something, while Rita at the side also gave Hitomi Qiandao an encouraging look.

Just like that, Hitomi Qiandao lowered her head, blushed, and walked towards Li Yexing with small steps. When she was in front of Li Yexing, she took a deep breath, then opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something. What, but she couldn't say anything, the more nervous she was, the more she couldn't say anything.

"Forget it, I got it..." Shaking her head helplessly, Li Yexing was about to say "I do" to Hitomi Qiandao, but Hitomi Qiandao who was speechless suddenly raised her head, her face was already blushing , and those sharp eyes were full of stubbornness, she gritted her teeth, made a sudden move, grabbed Li Yexing's arm, and then turned her head and ran away under Li Yexing's bewildered eyes.

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