"You are our informant?" Chris was shocked.

"So what about the informant, I don't believe a word of your nonsense." Li Yexing said.

"Forget it, I knew I couldn't explain it when it got like this, but it doesn't matter." Kelly said, "Listen, I'm here to help you remove the child's locator."

"Where is the child's locator?" Li Yexing asked.

"Chest," Kelly replied, "We need a little surgery on this kid."

"FNNDP!" Li Yexing scolded: "There are not even professional medical facilities here, so you want to perform surgery on Tilly Lisi in the open air?"

"It's not that complicated, as long as the incision is taken out." Norman on the side said: "T-Lilith is not that fragile. For her, a wound of this level will heal quickly even if it is not stitched. "

Li Yexing wanted to say something, but Tiriris held him back and shook her head at Li Yexing. She turned to look at Kelly and said softly, "Do it, we don't have time to waste here."

The minor surgery started, and Li Yexing watched Kelly focus on cutting Tilly Lis's chest little by little. He wanted to rush up several times but was held back by Chris.

"Trust her," Chris said.

After a while, Kelly used the tweezers in her hand to take out the blood-stained locator from Tilly Lisi's chest. Run on your ass.

Norman took the locator from Kelly's hand, and then squeezed it lightly, and the thing was declared useless with a crisp sound.

"When the monster suddenly loses its target, it will stand still and wait for new orders. We are safe for the time being." Kelly wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "Speaking of which, I just know that the organization has such a BOW. The scientific research group of the company has never carried out the development of similar projects, so I really don’t know where the organization got this stuff.”

"That thing is called a tracker, and it is Umbrella's legacy..." Finally able to catch his breath, Li Yexing sat in a corner, lit a cigarette and said slowly: "Back then, Umbrella produced a total of three trackers. Later, this project was stopped because of the high cost. Before the Raccoon City incident, Umbrella’s Paris branch lost one, and now we know where this one was lost.”

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Norman subconsciously looked at Li Yexing more.

"So who are you?" Chris asked the question in his heart instead of Kelly, "Don't say that you know more because of work, and you even know the details of Umbrella's research project. If you are not too young, I They will suspect that you are a former Umbrella employee."

"The short-lived boss of our firm used to work for Umbrella." Li Yexing said: "He used to belong to UBCS, and he would tell me about his past after drinking."

Chris took a deep look at Li Yexing, but in the end he didn't say anything, but Norman said coldly, "Full of nonsense."

On the day of the armed escort, Li Yexing's reaction after the tyrant opened the box was too strange. At first, Norman thought he was shocked, but now it seems that he clearly recognized it!

Li Yexing finished smoking, stood up, turned to look at Chris and asked, "The positioning is released, what shall we do next?"

"That BOW is too dangerous," Chris said, with a determined light in his eyes.

"We have to get rid of it! The organization behind it is the same!"

Li Yexing smiled and picked up the gun. At the side, Kelly had already treated Tilly Liss' wound, while Norman stuffed a grenade into the grenade launcher reluctantly, with a terrible and ugly expression on his face.

The horn of counterattack is about to sound


The collection does not increase but decreases, which is the taste of rushing to the street.

Volume 1 Mission.18-[-]. Macho dating

"The positioning failed, the signal source disappeared, what? The security department? The security department should be completely wiped out."

On the truck in the outskirts of Loples, the man in white sitting in the driver's seat was fiddled with the tablet in his hand while communicating with his boss.

"Those stupid pigs naively thought that they could bring down T-Lilith by holding an anesthesia gun. Of course, this is impossible. Otherwise, why would we develop BOW? That is the highest masterpiece of our biotechnology department's research for several years .”

"Boss, we can no longer send conventional armed forces into the current Lopulus. The local armed forces have blocked the entire town. People from the BSAA will soon intervene, so I recommend activating the tracker's intelligent enemy tracking system." , In this way, we can not only avoid direct conflict with local armed forces, but also collect a wave of actual combat data of T-Lilith."

"Don't worry, the suitor can definitely defeat T-Lilith head-on. Although T-Lilith is also a BOW of the Tyrant series, we have not fully developed the functions of T-Lilith. At present, it cannot perform power liberation like the traditional Tyrant. We You can safely let suitors snap off its limbs and recycle them."

"Relax, BOSS, we will complete the recovery of T-Lilith before the BSAA intervenes."

The man in white hangs up the phone and looks at the tablet silently. On the computer is the image sent back by the exoskeleton armor worn by BOW, code-named Lover, before it was scrapped. Tiriris at the entrance of the alley, and the Asian mercenaries and BSAA fighters around it.

"Although I don't know what the hell you are doing, it doesn't matter."

His fingers tapped nimbly on the tablet, and soon, the powerful monster far away in Lopulus moved again.

"The power of BOW is enough to crush everything!"


"BSAA's reinforcements have already set off, and the team we evacuated just now are also on their way back. They will be the first batch of BSAA's reinforcements to arrive." After receiving the latest news from the BSAA headquarters, Chris said to Li Yexing: " In addition to the BSAA, the second batch of reinforcements will also include regular UN troops stationed nearby, with a scale of more than a hundred people, equipped with armored vehicles and heavy firepower."

"What is this, coming out in full force?" Li Yexing was a little surprised at the scale of the reinforcements.

"After I reported the tracker's appearance in Loples, the BSAA Headquarters attached great importance to it. They immediately contacted the nearby UN forces for help. The A Army stationed there went directly to Los Angeles after obtaining the consent of the above. They are expected to reconcile with the BSAA and enter Loples within an hour." Chris explained: "There is very little information about the tracker, so they attach great importance to the sample of the tracker, and recover a Tracker helps us better understand this BOW, which will allow our team to avoid many unnecessary sacrifices when encountering similar BOWs in future operations."

Looking at Chris's upright and dignified face, Li Yexing wondered if he just wanted that BOW sample?What the people above really said was high-sounding, and what's even more funny is that Chris, a fool, still believed it.

Li Yexing shrugged. He had no intention of evaluating Chris, and it was unnecessary, because Li Yexing knew very well that in a few years, reality would mercilessly beat this idealistic muscular man to death.

"Now, let's discuss the next battle. Although there is no positioning, if my guess is right, that guy will find us again soon." Li Yexing said.

"Why?" Norman asked beside him.

"There is no reason." Li Yexing said in his heart that I don't know why. I also want to know how precisely the trackers hunted down the STARS survivors in Raccoon City.

"He's not wrong." Kelly, a BOW expert on the side, helped Li Yexing out: "I have heard that other project teams in the technical department have tried to equip it with some kind of pursuit system, which can be detected by analyzing the surrounding traces. To roughly determine the direction of the prey, as long as it receives the order again, it will not be long before it can follow the traces to get here."

"So what we have to do next is to avoid confrontation with this guy as much as possible, until the backup troops arrive, right?" Norman asked.

"This is generally the case, but we can create obstacles for it as much as possible." Chris said: "There are still many ordinary people in Lopulus, and we have to protect them as much as possible."

"No need, there are no ordinary people in Lopulus." Li Yexing waved his hand, "But now we have no advantage in alley guerrilla warfare with the trackers. We have to choose a battlefield by ourselves."

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