On the other side, Hitomi Qiandao blushed and said something directly to the little maid in a low voice, while Rita turned her head and smiled and looked at Li Yexing and said, "Sir, what do you want to write?"

"What should I write..." Li Yexing thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Why don't you write your names on it in the order we know each other..."

"Is that so?" After listening to Li Yexing's words, Rita smiled slightly, and she said to Li Yexing, "I have an idea..." Immediately afterwards, she whispered something to the enthusiastic little maid standing aside, The little maid was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and handed the ketchup to Rita.

"Why don't we write our names on sir's omelet rice respectively..." Rita shook the ketchup in her hand, and said to the girls around with a smile: "As for the words on our omelet rice, let the husband write it himself." Write it for us."

In this way, the four girls took ketchup and left their respective names on Li Yexing's omelet rice, and Li Yexing left the words the girls wanted on their omelet rice respectively, and waited until they wrote it. When Hitomi Qiandao was serving omelet rice, Li Yexing had a problem, so Rita smiled and held Li Yexing's hand holding the ketchup bag, and gently helped Li Yexing write "Li Yexing" on the last omelet rice. Thousand Island Hitomi".

Seeing that Li Yexing and the girls got their own omelette rice, the little maid standing by the table showed a sweet smile. She made a heart shape with her hands on her chest, and then said enthusiastically to Li Yexing and his girls Thinking about something, Rita smiled after hearing this, and she said softly: "She said, next we will follow her to release the magic that can make omurice delicious."

"Isn't it? You still have to chant the mantra..." Kanan muttered in a low voice with a sad face: "Isn't it just for lunch? Why is it so troublesome?"

"Because life always needs a sense of ritual..." Rita said with a smile: "It's like washing your hands before meals, doing housework carefully, and carefully thinking about what clothes to wear before reading and making out with your husband."

"As expected of you..." Kanan said with a little disgust.

In this way, under the leadership of the little maid, Li Yexing made weird gestures with the girls. While doing movements, he imitated the little maid and chanted strange spells. Tirilith and Rita didn't seem to mind , Kanan frowned, with a look of chills in his heart. Although Li Yexing felt quite embarrassed, his movements were quite satisfactory, while Hitomi Qiandao was a little different. Although her expression looked shameful, she Still working hard to complete the whole set of actions.

After completing this ritual-filled spellcasting, the two little maids applauded happily, and left after saying a few words, and everyone's lunch finally began, perhaps because they hadn't drunk before, so Li Yexing felt that the drink that looked like laundry detergent tasted pretty good, while the omelet rice seemed quite satisfactory, although it wasn't unpalatable, it could only be said to be ordinary.

After the meal, the two little maids came up again. They warmly invited Li Yexing to take pictures with his girls. Li Yexing did not refuse, so everyone stood up and followed the two little maids to the back to prepare to take pictures. Suddenly, a little maid pulled out a large box of rabbit ear headdresses from the counter and asked everyone to put them on.

Tilly Lisi directly picked up a pair of rabbit ears and put them on her head, then picked up another pair and handed it to Li Yexing. It was almost there, with a broken smile, Li Yexing put the rabbit ears on his head under the expectant eyes of Tiriris, and Qiandao Tong who was standing by looked at Li Yexing silently, then red She chose a pair of rabbit ears of the same style as Li Yexing with a straight face, while on the other side, Rita smiled and chose a pair of black rabbit ear headdress, just about to put it on, when she turned her head, she saw Kanan constantly stepping back, Seeing Rita looking over, Kanan shook his head frantically, and said, "Don't make me wear that thing! I won't wear it even if I'm killed!"

"Really..." Taking out a pair of pink rabbit ears full of girlish hearts, Rita smiled and said to Kanan, her eyes were slightly squinted, as if there was some danger hidden...

A minute later, Kanan with pink rabbit ears on his head and a reluctant face stood with the crowd, waiting to be photographed. A relatively tall maid smiled and pointed her camera at them and the two people next to her. The little maid was talking happily, while the girls around Li Yexing subconsciously leaned on Li Yexing's body, and Tilly Lisi hugged Li Yexing's arm directly.

A few seconds later, the photo was taken, and everyone took off their rabbit ears and returned to their seats. After waiting for a long time, the two little maids came back with the photo that had just been developed. With subtle emotions, he enthusiastically handed over the photo in his hand to Rita.

Rita glanced at the photo, the corners of her mouth curled up in a happy arc, then smiled and handed the photo to Li Yexing, she said softly, "What do you think, sir?"

Li Yexing picked up the photo, and saw that everyone in the photo was wearing rabbit ears of various colors. The two little maids who took the photo were unsurprisingly squeezed out to both sides of the photo. No matter whether it was appearance or height, there was no sense of existence. Rita With an elegant smile on his face, Kanan looked as if he would rather die than live. Hitomi Qiandao blushed, with a little dodge in his eyes, but his smile was very happy, while Tilly Lisi hugged herself expressionlessly. In the end, surrounded by the girls and standing in the middle of the photo, was himself with a helpless smile on his face.

To be honest, Li Yexing was quite surprised by his own smile in the photo, because no matter whether he was a migrant soldier or a violent mercenary, it was impossible to imagine that Li Yexing would show such a smile.

Happy to be a little sick...

Speaking of which... I seem to have never taken a photo with my girls. Although this photo is not very good, even a little blurry, it is still Li Yexing's first family portrait in this life.

"Not bad..." With a simple smile on his face, Li Yexing answered Rita's question just now...

One watch, people just woke up.

Volume VI Extra.4.5-26. Macho Akihabara ([-])

After being sent off by a group of little maids, Li Yexing took the girls out of the maid cafe.

Back on the street, Kanan said quietly: "I don't want to come to this ghost place again..."

Li Yexing turned his head and found that Kanan's expression was quite exciting. Li Yexing vaguely remembered that the last time she showed such an expression, it seemed that it was in South Africa, after the two killed the big lizard together.

How do you say that word?Yes, aftermath...

"I think this store is not bad..." Rita on the side suddenly said, she said with a light smile: "I think, if you are willing to put aside the so-called shame and stereotypes and seriously try something you have never experienced , In the end, you can often reap unexpected happiness.”

After all, she turned her head and smiled at Li Yexing and said, "What do you think, sir?"

"I'm not sure..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "Before I met you, most of the choices I made were the result of being forced to do so, but after I met you, I seemed to enjoy it..."

"Are you enjoying it..." Rita gently lifted the hair between her frowning eyebrows, then smiled and whispered: "As expected of you, sir..."

"Is Rita not going to try games anymore?" Tilly Lis who was walking in front suddenly turned her head and said, she repeated Rita's words: "Trying things that you have never experienced before will bring you unexpected happiness."

"I have experienced the game, miss..." Rita showed a wry smile on her face, and she said helplessly: "After all, this is something that both sir and miss like, and Miss Kanan seems to be quite interested in games recently. , I should give it a try, but honestly, it's only when I'm playing that I fully realize that nothing in this world can be perfect..."

Sighing lightly, looking at the huge game poster on the opposite office building, Rita said softly: "I'm really not good at this, maybe it's because the thinking mode is becoming less and less human..."

After receiving Rita's answer, Tilly Liss nodded and stopped talking. It seemed that the little princess in the office was quite concerned about the fact that her maid didn't play games.

However, taking advantage of this topic, Li Yexing suddenly remembered that it seemed that he should buy a new game console for Tiliris. For some unknown reason, Tiliris damaged her PSP, although it was replaced with his own. It's okay to let her play with her own memory card, but after much deliberation, Li Yexing decided to buy a new one for Tiliris.

Stepping forward quickly, Li Yexing patted and hugged Tilly Lisi's shoulders lightly. Tilly Lisi turned her head and looked at Li Yexing. There was a little doubt in her big eyes whose color had been changed by the colored contact lenses. Li Yexing smiled. She smiled, and said to Tiriris, "I'll buy you a new PSP while you're still in Akihabara."

Tiriris' eyes lit up immediately.

Next, Li Yexing took the girls to look for a video game store on the street. It didn't take long before they found one. It was different from those large-scale video game stores. There were various game posters posted beside the glass door. Li Yexing pushed open the glass door and led the girls into the shop. The whole shop looked like a bookstore, with shelves full of shelves. Games on various platforms are densely placed, and several boxes of consoles are piled up on the cabinet by the wall. Li Yexing also saw the familiar PS3 and XBOX360 in it.

Buy one of each and take it home. When the office was bombed, all the mainframes at home seemed to be buried...

Behind the counter at the entrance of the store, a slightly fat man with glasses raised his head. After seeing Li Yexing and the girls, he was slightly taken aback for a while, as if a large group of beautiful girls appeared in the store. Surprised, he lowered his head again and focused his gaze on the PSP in his hand. Li Yexing could faintly hear the familiar singing voice of a virtual singer coming from behind the counter.

It turns out that this kind of old otaku really exists...

On the other side, Tilly Lisi looked at the dazzling array of shelves, her eyes sparkled with excitement, she walked slowly along the shelves as if she was admiring a work of art, and then she fixed her gaze on a certain table behind the glass counter. game console.

Li Yexing, who was following Tilly Lisi, took a closer look, and saw a somewhat special PSP lying quietly in the glass counter. It seemed to be a little thicker than ordinary PSPs, and the material of the casing was even more At first glance, it is different from the ordinary PSP. It presents a comfortable dark gray with a light matte texture, with shallow grooves on the virtual joystick, and the position of the speaker has become two Cute kitten paws.

Tiliris raised her head and looked at Li Yexing eagerly. Although she didn't speak, Li Yexing could feel that Tiliris seemed to be saying to him, "I want it so much!"

"Rita!" Li Yexing called over to Rita who was standing quietly at the door of the store. He pointed to the uniquely shaped PSP in the glass counter and said, "Tiliris wants this."

"Really..." Rita turned her head to look at Tiliris, only to see that the expressionless Tiliris was using her eyes to crazily launch "buy me buy me buy me buy me" radio waves to her and Li Yexing.

"Rita knows..." Nodding with a smile, Rita greeted the shop owner behind the counter, so the boss walked over quickly, looked at Rita, and said in Japanese: "Is there anything I can do for you?" ?"

"Excuse me, how do you sell this one?" Rita smiled and pointed to the uniquely shaped PSP on the counter.

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