"Okay, get out of the car, my mission is over, you have to go the rest of the way." The owner of the tavern turned his head and said to Li Yexing.

Hearing the tavern owner's words, Li Yexing pushed open the back door of the car and got out of the car. He reached out and pulled out his big backpack. Just as he was about to say goodbye to the tavern owner, a childish girlish voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Why did you come here! Pig!


Three shifts.

I went to rest and couldn't stand it anymore.

Volume 5 Mission.7-[-]. The hunk meets his sister-in-law for the first time

Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head following the voice, and saw a short girl standing behind him.

The girl has a delicate and lovely baby face, her smooth blond hair is squeezed into two long ponytails and hangs down from behind. Her right eye, which is as red as a ruby, hides a touch of unruliness. She is fair-skinned, wearing a black Umbrella uniform and a HK-416 full of accessories. It was full of magazines, and she was wearing black waterproof tactical boots on her feet. Behind her was an indistinctly large silver-white metal box like a coffin.

The doll-like girl reminded Li Yexing of Tiriris.

At this time, the charming girl was raising her eyebrows, and she skipped Li Yexing who had just got out of the car with a displeased face, and pointed directly at the tavern owner sitting in the driver's seat. She said loudly: " I’m asking you something! Piggy!”

Sighing insignificantly, the tavern owner did not get out of the car, but saluted the blond girl from the car window, and said: "Sorry, Commander-in-Chief, due to some force majeure, we were delayed a little on the way. time."

"Huh, sure enough, a pig is a pig, and I can't even do such a small thing well..." The blond girl pinched her waist, turned her head, her mood seemed to have improved a lot, and she said proudly: "Remember, don't be an example !"

"Yes, commander in chief..." the tavern owner nodded with a depressed face.

After teaching the owner of the tavern, the blond girl turned her gaze to Li Yexing. She stared at Li Yexing's face as if she was thinking about something. Just when Li Yexing couldn't help but want to say something, the girl Her expression suddenly changed as if she had seen a ghost, and she pointed at Li Yexing and said loudly, "Ah! I remembered you! You are the perverted sensualist who kidnapped my lord sister!"

Li Yexing:?

On the other side, the girl's face turned red quickly, and she wasn't just shy, she first stumbled and said, "You... your... my lord..." Immediately afterwards, a blush popped out of her head. Then, the girl stomped her feet angrily, and said while stomping: "Damn human! Damn human!"

Looking at the irritable blond girl, Li Yexing scratched his head. He turned his head and whispered to the tavern owner in the driver's seat: "Just now you called this thing...General Commander?"

"Although it's a pity, this child is indeed the commander-in-chief of the crazy bar..." The tavern owner nodded, and he said in a low voice: "As for whether she is the commander-in-chief of your operation, I'm not very clear..."

"Let her command the battle?" Li Yexing frowned and said, "Why do I feel... her head is a little... abnormal?"

"I don't intend to comment on our commander-in-chief..." The tavern owner shook his head with an indescribably complicated expression on his face. After a few seconds, he whispered: "But you don't have to worry too much, after all, if you are in that The supervisor's subordinates work, and it doesn't make much difference who directs the battle..."

On the other side, the girl finally recovered from her mental runaway state. She was blushing, panting lightly, and just stared at Li Yexing, like a little milk dog ready to pounce on him at any time.

"Then, I'll withdraw first, commander in chief..." the tavern owner in the driver's seat saluted the girl with a military salute.

"Get out! Piggy!" The blond girl gritted her teeth and said viciously, but she didn't intend to take her eyes off Li Yexing's body at all. The bar owner just shrugged his shoulders when he saw this, and then drove away, leaving only Li Yexing and Li Yexing behind. The somewhat manic-looking blonde girls looked at each other in blank dismay.

"You are the mercenary Li Yexing of Lopulus, am I right?" After a long while, the blond girl said with an unkind expression.

"It's me..." Li Yexing only felt a little baffled, he nodded and said, "Are you the commander of this operation?"

"That's right, it's my lord!" The girl nodded and said.

Li Yexing thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to the girl and said, "Then we... have a good cooperation?"

The blond girl lowered her head, looked at Li Yexing's hand stretched out towards her, then suddenly froze, and then, as if thinking of something, her face flushed instantly, and then she slapped Li Yexing Li Yexing reached out to her hand and said angrily, "Don't touch me! You stupid and dirty human being! A perverted sensualist who specializes in BOW!"

Veins popped faintly on his temples, and a refined and easy-going smile appeared on Li Yexing's face. Immediately afterwards, he made a sudden move, grabbed the blond girl by the collar, and dragged the girl into the room amidst the girl's exclamation. In his arms, two fists were clenched for an instant, and they were firmly clamped on the sides of the girl's head. Li Yexing squeezed the girl's temples on both sides with his joints like an electric drill, and said fiercely: "Little brat, you Do you think I dare not deal with you, huh?"

"Ahhh! Don't! My lord is about to be raped by a BOW hunter!" The girl who was punished by Li Yexing with a rolling mine waved her hands wildly and screamed loudly.

Hearing the girl's screams, Li Yexing subconsciously stopped the movements of his hands, raised his head, and saw that the black Umbrella staff and security personnel who were still busy in the surrounding open space all focused their eyes on himself and There was an inexplicable color in the girl's eyes.


"What are you looking at?!" The little commander who was violently ravaged by Li Yexing cursed: "Kill you all! Kill them all! Kill, kill, kill!"

The people around the black Umbrella immediately lowered their heads and continued their intense work.

Looking at this scene, Li Yexing suddenly felt a little funny. It was different from the serious and serious per capita conspirator he imagined. The black Umbrella seemed... funny?

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge force suddenly came from Li Yexing's arms, and the girl stubbornly broke free from his arms. She flicked her ponytails with a gloomy face, and said to Li Yexing: "Don't be too presumptuous, human."

"Well, whatever you say is whatever you say, after all, you are the employer..." Shrugging, Li Yexing shook his head helplessly. He already had some guesses about the girl's identity.

Throwing the big backpack on the ground and putting the equipment inside on his body one by one, Li Yexing asked the girl casually, "By the way, what's your name?"

"T...Tillylian..." the blond girl beside her whispered.

"Are you that sister of Tiriris?" Li Yexing installed the holographic scope on the AR-15, and asked while aiming at the flying birds in the distance.

"That's right, I am my lord sister's sister!" Speaking of her lord sister, the girl named Tillylian finally had a gleam of joy on her face, but the joy immediately turned into a touch of nervousness, and she said in a low voice. Li Yexing asked: "Perverted human... that... my lord... did you mention me in private?"

How could Tiliris have mentioned you?Are you thinking of farting?

"Ah, I mentioned it..." Li Yexing nodded.

"My lord sister...what did she say about me?" the girl asked quickly, looking at Li Yexing with a hint of expectation and eagerness in her eyes.

After finishing his equipment, Li Yexing put his backpack on his back, picked up his gun, turned his head to look at Tilly Lian and said, "It's a pity that Tilly Lisi said you.


One more.

Volume 5 Mission.8-[-]. The macho old man sells his daughter online

After packing everything, everyone boarded the helicopter.

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