After a while, three figures appeared in the field of vision. They were wearing gray combat uniforms without any logos, black bulletproof vests, strange gas masks on their heads, and invisible masks in their hands. A model of automatic rifle, with a pistol and an ice pick on his waist, and one of them was holding something like a Pad in his hand.

"No abnormality was found." After a long while, the person holding the pad whispered, and the soldier walking at the end of the three quickly turned back and disappeared from Tillylian's sight, while the other two continued to move forward. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to Tilly Lian.

Looking at the two people carefully passing by, Tillylian held her breath. She listened carefully, trying to hear the two people's conversation, but the two people still didn't speak, and they walked forward quietly. Then, suddenly, the person holding the pad stopped and raised his right hand at the same time, and the person following him stopped immediately.

The place where they stopped was just in front of Tillylian.

The person at the head was staring at the pad in his hand, and after a few seconds, he quickly hung the pad around his waist, and at the same time raised his gun in Tillylian's direction, and said loudly: "Who is there?" ?come out!"

Tillylian instantly realized that she had been discovered, but what was the reason?Because of that pad?

Looking at the two people who were raising their guns towards her in front of her, Tillylian acted first. She raised the gun without hesitation, and fired at the person holding the Pad. As soon as the bullet was fired, the person who was shot fell to the ground in an instant, while the other person standing beside him quickly rushed behind the tree beside him.

"Tsk..." She smacked her lips in displeasure, and Tillylian stood up straight away. She took the gun and ran quickly to the tree where the person was hiding in the distance, but at this moment, she was knocked down by the tree just now. The man on the ground suddenly opened fire on Tillylian, and the bullet hit Tillylian's body armor. Tillylian only felt a tightness in his chest, and then a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"Trash!" She stretched out a hand to cover her face, and then rushed up against the man's bullets, and the man hiding behind the tree also poked his head out, and the two fired at Tilly Lian together, but Tilly Lilian didn't care at all. Finally, the person lying on the ground emptied the bullet in his hand first. With a fanatical smile on her face, Tillylian rushed forward, clenched her fists with both hands, and then pointed at the person lying on the ground. The chest was hammered down hard, and there was only a crisp sound of bone breaking, and the blood spit out by the man covered the entire gas mask.

"The advance team encountered the enemy! It's a humanoid BOW! Repeat, the enemy unit is a humanoid BOW!" The person hiding behind the tree panicked and pressed the communicator and shouted, completely forgetting the fact that the communicator was no longer usable. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound behind him, and the man turned his head, only to see that the big tree he used as a cover had been uprooted. The petite blond girl had a fanatical smile on her face, and she directly put the waist-high Throwing the thick tree aside, the person hiding behind the tree panicked and raised his gun and fired at the girl's face, but after three or four bullets were fired, the magazine was emptied.

Seeing the girl in front of her unhurriedly squeeze out the bullets that had hit her face one by one from the wound, the man pulled the trigger in vain, and when Tillylian cleaned up the wound on her face, she stretched out her hand Grabbing the man's collar, he rushed forward, roaring as he charged, "Do you know how important a face is to a girl?! Crap!"

After rushing out more than ten meters, Tillylian pressed the person in his hand to the ground, and then punched him violently in the stomach. This punch directly smashed the internal organs, and the person vomited blood , the body bowed like a shrimp.

"Next, my lord asks, you answer..." The blond girl squatted beside the man and said viciously: "Listen, my lord is in a very bad mood right now, so don't let my lord become more irritable! Listen clearly Is it? Garbage!"

The man clutched his stomach and nodded with difficulty.

"Who are you?!" Tillylian asked sharply.

"We are... BSAA..." the man said with difficulty.

"Did you shoot down my lord's helicopter?!"

"No...I don't know what helicopter...we came by boat..."

"Why did you come to this island?!"

"No...don't know...the order from above..."

"Then what are you going to do next?!"

"Go...go turn off the signal tower..."

"Signal tower?" Tillylian frowned and said, "Why did you turn off the signal tower?"

"Because... that ghost thing... released some kind of jamming signal on the island... all the communication equipment on the island has failed..."

"That's right..." Tillylian nodded and stood up.

"Please...excuse me...may I go?" the man asked with difficulty.

"Sorry, I can't, because you lied to me!" With a cruel smile on her face, Tillylian raised her foot, and then stepped on the man's head fiercely. In an instant, the man's head was mixed The gas mask burst like a watermelon.

"The identity is unknown but it is definitely not the BSAA. There is no helicopter attacking us. The purpose is likely to be the same as my lord..." Tillylian read softly: "Turning off the signal tower can restore communication..."

After all, Tillylian squatted down and quickly searched the corpse. Soon she found a dog tag from the neck of the corpse. She looked at the dog tag carefully, and saw the dog tag painted A circular sign, that is a red circle, with a white dragon head silhouette drawn in the circle, and two Chinese characters printed under the sign: Shenya.

"Tsk, Chinese... I don't understand..." Tilly Lian scratched her head and said, "Go and find the pervert, my lord remembers that the pervert is from the Celestial Dynasty...


Volume 5 Mission.13-[-]. The macho lingers

Accompanied by the gunshot, a flower of blood exploded on the head of the infected person, and then he fell straight down, and the chaotic street returned to silence.

Holding the FAL in his hand, Biggs was sweating on his head. Although they had killed all the infected, he still didn't dare to relax at all. He always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark, as long as he Let down your guard a little bit, and the man will rush out and rip his neck open.

"Boss, I'm running out of ammunition..." The man who followed Biggs was a little worried after inserting the last magazine into the M4A1 in his hand.

Hearing that man's words, Biggs' face became even uglier, because he didn't have many bullets left in his body.

The female horse, first touched Morris under their noses, tricked them to go upstairs, and then killed Julie with a series of booby-traps, and then used the sound of booby-mine explosions to attract a large group of monsters to consume their ammunition …

Blunt knives kill!

Who is it?

For a moment, a terrifying idea popped up in Biggs' mind, but he himself immediately rejected the idea.

The helicopter is blown up like that, how will that mud-legged mercenary survive?

"Boss, what should we do?" A trace of fear appeared on the face of the man following Biggs, and he said anxiously: "Judy is gone, Morris is probably gone, and we have no ammunition on us. Second mission..."

"Let's retreat, Carl..." Biggs said in a deep voice: "Half of the staff is reduced, there is no backup, there is a lack of supplies, and there are still people watching us in the dark. We no longer have the ability to continue the mission..."

"Just withdraw like this?" The man named Carl was taken aback for a moment, and then panicked: "Boss! We didn't get the approval from the higher authorities for this mission! Now that Morris and Judy are gone, we are just so disheartened." Go back, once the higher-ups check it out..."

"Then what are you going to do? Put your life here?" Biggs said coldly: "Let's withdraw, the problems we have to face after we go back, we can figure out a solution after we go back, the biggest problem we have to face now Yes, can we go back alive."

After a long while, Karl flinched, and he whispered: "You are the boss, what you say..."

"Let's go, retreat to the shore and find our boat..." Biggs said: "Look aside, nothing is more important than survival."

After all, he changed a magazine for the FAL in his hand, and then led Carl carefully out of the house, back to the street dominated by rain and darkness.

After killing a large number of infected people, the village seemed to be in a state of death. Lack of ammunition, the physically and mentally exhausted two walked through the village cautiously, fearing that there would be no further disturbances. After a while, the two returned to the dense forest in the direction they came from. It didn't take long for the village to be left behind by them.

"Honestly, I just want to have a sip of beer right now..." Carl, who was following Biggs, whispered: "Maybe that old guy Prince is right, we shouldn't have troubled that guy, we could have Have some drinks at the bar and find some pretty girls, but now that Maurice and Judy are gone, it won't be easy when we go back..."

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