"The Chosen One..." Li Yexing was subconsciously startled after hearing Supervisor Casimir's words.

Could it be that his identity as a time traveler was discovered by this guy?

No, it's unlikely, this guy is probably just teasing his own luck...

Dispelling the rambling thoughts in his mind, Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "Let's believe you once, but there are other problems right now. I don't think this entrustment can go on. There are no mining companies and no locals. There are only infected people." Zombies infected with unknown viruses and armed forces in a mess, I lack intelligence in my hands, I think it's time for us to retreat."

"No, don't retreat, why do you retreat?" Contrary to Li Yexing's expectations, the opposite director Kasimir directly rejected Li Yexing's idea, and he said excitedly: "To be honest, I was very interested in the things on this island at first. I really don’t care much about it, but after seeing these messy forces making such big gestures one after another, I started to wonder, what is hidden on this stupid island?”

"So?" Li Yexing asked in a deep voice.

"So, no matter what it is, I hope you can get that thing..." Casimir said in charge: "Other forces sacrificed the king bomb, so we will also be king bombs. As long as the warship is settled, the security forces will directly board Island, we will contain most of the armed forces for you, and you will be responsible for finding the things on this island, how about it? Is it possible?"

Li Yexing fell silent after hearing Supervisor Casimir's words.

"Of course, I never force myself to do things..." Seeing that Li Yexing didn't reply, Supervisor Casimir noticed Li Yexing's hesitation, so he said, "I've always been pragmatic in my work, and the reason for my mission failure is lack of intelligence. It’s irrelevant, if you quit now, you can still get a reasonable remuneration, and I believe we still have opportunities for further cooperation.”

"It seems that you are a very fair person. That's good. I'll take Tilly Lian back to the shore immediately, prepare to evacuate, and then..." Li Yexing was relieved when he saw that Director Kazimir did not intend to renege on his debt. Abandoning this entrustment, Director Casimir suddenly said: "By the way, by the way, the warship parked on the shore is from a faction you are very familiar with."

"A force I'm familiar with?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, he said in a deep voice, "Could it be Neo Umbrella?"

"Bingo!" Director Casimir said with a smile, "A warship has arrived, and a landing force of hundreds of people has been dispatched. It seems that Neo Umbrella is very interested in the things on this island..."

After a moment of silence, Li Yexing said coldly: "You bastard, you really know how to plan, but you won, I changed my mind, I think I can continue the commission..."

"But you need to pay more, right?" Director Casimir said with a smile: "It's okay, just do it, don't be afraid of making a fuss, remember, for this operation, Black Umbrella European Branch is your most solid backing !


One more.

Hit, hit the big one!

Volume 5 Mission.30-[-]. The macho duo exchange information

Li Yexing knew that Director Casimir played a trick with him.

That guy knew that Li Yexing had some complaints about Neo Umbrella, and Director Casimir himself was really interested in the things hidden on the island, so the two reached a consensus that Li Yexing would be responsible for helping Casimir Director Get what he wants, and Director Casimir is responsible for helping Li Yexing to block Neo. Umbrella.

Li Yexing didn't dislike this kind of win-win situation where everyone gets what they need.

"As early as the last century, Umbrella began to build research facilities all over the world, some of which were placed on the table, while others were scattered and hidden in some places where no shit. With the destruction of Umbrella, The current secret research facilities have been closed one after another, and many related documents have been destroyed or lost. These lost documents have been hidden in the historical research facilities. We collectively call them 'Umbrella's Legacy'... "On the other side of the communicator, Director Casimir said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: "In the early years, there was a rumor in our circle that on a small island in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, there was a closed The former Umbrella research facility, but no one has seriously searched for it. After all, it was just a rumor. Until some time ago, news came from the intelligence department that a woman named Alex Wesker contacted the A mining company said that they found rare earth resources on a small isolated island..."

"Alex Wesker..." Subconsciously repeating the name that Supervisor Casimir said, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback.

"What? You miss the name Wesker, don't you?" Supervisor Casimir asked with a smile, "I've heard that you have dealt with another Wesker..."

"I did..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice, "I was beaten badly by that bastard, but it's a pity he didn't make it to the day I found a place..."

"Since you are very familiar with that guy, I can explain it to you..." Director Casimir smiled and said, "Alex Wesker is Albert Wesker's younger sister, and the two are not related by blood. They are the products of the "Wesker Project" in the Umbrella era. They select a hundred couples with high IQs and name their children "Weskers". Two people, this pair of Wesker brothers and sisters..."

"And then?" Li Yexing asked in a deep voice.

"Then? Then they all started working for Oswell E. Spencer, one of the founders of Umbrella, until the eve of Umbrella's downfall, Albert Wesker defected to HCF, and Alex Wesker disappeared with old Spencer's research funds and research materials, and disappeared without a trace until a few days ago, she suddenly appeared."

The sound of water came from the opposite side of the communicator, and Director Casimir seemed to have taken a sip of water before continuing: "According to my assumption, I originally planned to preemptively find what she wanted in Alex Wesker Sometimes I directly bring things back through friendly negotiations, but obviously, many forces have the same idea as me, damn, I thought no one but me would be bored enough to pay attention to a middle-aged woman who has been missing for several years ..."

"After all, that guy's surname is Wesker..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice.

"In short, the current situation is like this. Besides us, Shenya Pharmaceutical and Neo. The action has been taken, so there is not much time left for you..." Chief Casimir said.

The female horse, HCF, Li Yexing felt his scalp tingle when he heard the name.

HCF, the full name is Hive/Host Capture Force, which is the lair/host capture force. This mysterious organization only appeared once in "Resident Evil. Code Veronica". Among these messy BOW organizations, its style of painting It is the most irritable. For example, Black Umbrella has submarines, Neo. Umbrella has the Far Eastern Legion and the Armada, and this HCF... not only has troops with outrageous combat effectiveness, but even strategic bombers!In "Veronica", they paralyzed the USS troops on Rockford Island, spread the T virus, and finally plowed the entire Rockford Island with bombers.

Li Yexing once suspected that the government of country A stood behind this organization.

"It seems... I don't have much time left..." Li Yexing scratched his muddy head a little irritably, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you have any good plans?"

"Of course, but the prerequisite is that we can find Umbrella's research facility..." Supervisor Casimir said with a smile.

"You don't need to worry about that, I probably know where that thing is..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice, and at the same time, he took out his phone and found the map stored in the phone. On the map, the side of the island was covered with dense marks.

"It would be great if you could find that..." Supervisor Casimir said with a smile.

"So next, do I need to take Tilly Lian there directly?" Li Yexing asked.

"Of course not!" Chief Casimir said on the opposite side of the communicator: "Considering that the situation on this island is getting more and more complicated, I have prepared a foreign aid team for you. Let's go." Casimir said in charge.

"Let's go?" Li Yexing was slightly startled, and then said: "Didn't you say that you can't go to the island?"

"It's just that we can't land on the island on a large scale..." Director Casimir said with a smile: "Send a small team to sneak up from the cliff on the side of the island, we can still do it."

"So, I need to rendezvous with that team, right?" Li Yexing asked, "Where is the rendezvous location? How can I identify them?"

"The rendezvous point is on the east side of the village on the small island. There is no need to screen them. They are all your acquaintances..." Casimir said in charge.

"My acquaintances?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Why don't I remember any acquaintances I have with you?"

As soon as the words fell, Li Yexing seemed to suddenly think of something, and he whispered: "The female horse... no way..."

"That's right, it's the 'no way' you said!" Director Casimir said cheerfully: "The one who will be responsible for cooperating with you in completing the task is the strongest special operations team of the first agency under my banner, led by the black Ambre It is composed of elites drawn from the security forces of various branches, code-named 'Frenzy Squad'."

"Frenzy..." Li Yexing whispered softly, the owner of the bar with a small belly, the underage female waitress, the dead fish-eyed bartender, the red-haired manic-depressive disorder, and the blond bartender girl...

Isn't this the problem children's day group? !And what happened to the "elite drawn from various divisions"?Isn't it "a decent-looking bar owner with freaks kicked out of various divisions"?

"Okay..." In the end, Li Yexing could only reluctantly say: "But I have to make it clear in advance that I am a mercenary, not a nanny. When there is a real fight, I may not care about your...elites."

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