After leaving the hole, Jiang Xueyang directly slumped on the muddy and slippery wall of the mine pit. Immediately afterwards, Anna also climbed out, and then Fisher.

"You guys came out by yourself..." Looking at the frenzied team paralyzed under the pit with her head stretched out, Tillylian said in surprise, "I was just about to go down with the pervert to find you..."

"My God, what have you all experienced down here..." Seeing the miserable appearance of all the members of the frantic team injured and almost collapsed, even Li Yexing was shocked enough. At this moment, he keenly noticed What happened? He frowned and said in a low voice, "Where's the boss? Where did he go?"

"Damn...boss..." Suppressing the pain all over his body, Fei She gritted his teeth and stood up and said to Li Yexing: "The stinky tofu didn't come out, he said he would complete the task alone..."

"Still finished!" Li Yexing held back and said in a low voice: "The mission has been cancelled! Don't you know? The HCF bomber will enter the field in less than half an hour!"

"Bomber?" Although I don't know what that HCF does, but when they heard the bomber, everyone in the frantic team immediately regained their spirits. Jiang Xueyang almost scrambled to his feet. When he was pulled to the wound, he gasped. After taking a breath, he said anxiously, "What bomber?"

"A bomber is a bomber!" Tillylian said, "In less than half an hour, this island will be wiped out by the bomber."

"My God..." Anna whispered, she quickly pressed the communicator next to her ear, and said to the bar owner who was still under the facility: "Captain, in less than half an hour, this island will be completely bombed Already!"

" doctor...don't see..." The moment Anna finished speaking, the intermittent voice of the bar owner came from the opposite side of the communicator.

"His female horse..." Li Yexing frowned after putting Tilly Lian down from behind, "I'll go down and get him up."

"Don't..." Paglis waved her hand directly at Li Yexing, she whispered: "The captain has sealed the door to the storage area, if you go down this side to find the captain, you need to take a detour, if we are not careful It will be staggered with the captain..."

After all, Paglis took off a small pad from her waist, directly called up the map in the facility, and then said to Li Yexing: "According to the boss's instructions, he will leave the facility through the exit on the other side." , we need to go to the other side to meet him."

"Let me see..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice. He slid down to the mine pit, grabbed the Pad from Paglis's hand, and kept sliding his fingers, carefully observing the map on the pad. Soon, he found it. The identified location of the exit.

"Where the hell are you going to find this?" Li Yexing asked in a low voice.

"Bypassing this hillside..." Standing up and patting the dirt sticking to his body, Jiang Xueyang said in a low voice: "According to the map and our actual experience in the facility, we can bypass this hillside within ten minutes. to the exit on the other side..."

Jiang Xueyang said in a low voice, and at the same time called up the hand-drawn map of the island stored in the Pad. After zooming in on the map, he pointed to a place not far from the hand-painted marking area and said, "It's probably here."


On the helicopter, Tirilith looked through the window at the sea of ​​trees that had been devastated by Neo.

"Miss..." Rita, who was wrapped in a blue rubber tights, gently held Tiliris's hand as if sensing Tiriris' displeasure, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, sir will be fine. .”

"Yes, Night Walk is very strong..." Hitomi Chishima nodded in broken English.

Kanan didn't speak, she sat by the window, she stepped on the ground with one foot, stepped on the seat with the other, her left arm with cracks rested casually on her knees, after a long while, she subconsciously took out a bag from her pocket Cigarette, took one in his mouth, and then realized that he didn't bring a lighter.

"Damn..." Cursed in a low voice, Kanan said: "The boss is not here, and there is no one to light the cigarette..."

Just as everyone was heading towards the depths of the island in a helicopter, the familiar and somewhat disgusting voice suddenly came out from their communicators, and they only listened to Kasimir's main voice: "I tell you a piece of good news, your The boss is in good condition, he has successfully received the frantic team..."

"What's the bad news?" Rita asked directly.

"Bad news? How could there be bad news? Haha..." Director Casimir's embarrassed laughter came from the opposite side of the communicator.

Rita didn't speak, but her face was frosty.

"Well, there is indeed some bad news..." Sighing, Director Kasimir said slowly: "The captain of the frantic team did not withdraw from the facility, he chose another retreat route, Li decided to talk to The frantic team members who have already been received detour and go to another entrance and exit of the facility to meet the captain of the frantic team."

"It's...reckless..." Rita whispered.

"I didn't tell Li that you are flying to the interior of the mountain to find him..." Chief Casimir said, "Do you need me to tell him about the ladies?"

"No need..." Rita, who twitched the broken hair on her forehead, slightly curved her mouth, and didn't have the slightest smile in her eyes, said in a low voice, "I want to give my husband a surprise."

"Okay, this is your family business, I don't care about it..." Director Casimir's voice came from the other side of the communicator, and he said in a deep voice: "In short, the coordinates of the entrance and exit on the other side of the facility have been found. The command room has already sent the coordinates to the driver, if there is no accident, you will meet Mr. Li directly at the destination..."

"Of course it's great..." Rita smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to the moment when I'm reunited with my husband...


Volume 5 Mission.79-[-]. Marriage crisis of macho

According to Jiang Xueyang's logo, Li Yexing carried Tilly Lian on his back and moved together with the members of the Frenzy Squad, and they arrived at the predetermined location not long after.

"So, where is the entrance and exit?" Looking at the surrounding woodland, Tillylian frowned and said, "Isn't it all just trees?"

"Strange, it should be in this area..." Jiang Xueyang said anxiously: "According to the comparison between the structure diagram in the facility and the map of the island, it should be near here, why not?"

"Because this map of the small island itself is not accurate..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "If I remember correctly, this map should be used by Paradise Mining for mining, but in fact, Paradise Mining cannot have time Draw a map of the island, this map is probably lent to Paradise Mining by the locals, how can a group of villagers who have lived on the island for almost generations have the ability to draw an accurate map?"

"That is to say, this map is crooked?" Paglis frowned.

"It's true that the drawing is crooked, but it may not be without reference value..." Li Yexing whispered: "According to your description of the facility and the map of the facility, I think we should go down and continue in this direction, even if the entrance and exit If it’s not here, it shouldn’t be too far away.”

After all, Li Yexing set off again with the members of the frantic team. Halfway, Li Yexing couldn't help asking: "By the way, what did you encounter down there? What made it so miserable?"

"That's a long story..." Fisher said: "The group of people from the foreign forces who went down before us have all died, leaving only a crazy woman who watched us through the monitoring system in the facility. While saying some inexplicable things, it sounds like a goddamn..."

"I've said it all, it's Kafka..." Jiang Xueyang whispered from behind.

"Kafka?" Hearing Jiang Xueyang's words, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback.

Surveillance, many comments, Kafka, this reminds Li Yexing of a very vicious woman, the villain from "Resident Evil Revelation 2", Albert Wesker's sister--Alex Wesker sk.

"It seems that you have collided with that female Wesker..." Li Yexing said casually, "But I still can't imagine that she alone can make your entire team look like this?"

"Of course she can't do it herself..." Paglis on the side suddenly said: "But if she holds dozens of hunters in her hand, it will be different..."

"Dozens of heads..." Thinking of a large group of green-skinned monsters jumping around in front of him, Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched violently. After a while, he whispered: "It's a good thing you guys came out alive..."

"After all, the captain is very strong..." Paglis shrugged.

"Then why didn't he come out with you?" Li Yexing asked, "He thought you were in the way, so he kicked you all out?"

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