Sitting down beside Li Yexing, Kanan skillfully reached into Li Yexing's trousers pocket, took out a pack of cigarettes, put one in his mouth, and handed the other to Li Yexing. The two lit cigarettes skillfully, then sat on the sofa and drank beer together, and began to puff.

"She woke up really early..." Kanan, who was smoking from his nostrils, said softly after a while.

"Maybe it's because sleeping on the sofa is uncomfortable..." Li Yexing replied in a low voice.

After a short conversation, the two fell silent. For a while, only the sound of typing on the keyboard and Tillylian's scolding were left in the office.

"This is a bit like her sister..." After a while, Kanan suddenly smiled and said: "Don't look at the eldest lady who doesn't talk much, in fact, the eldest lady is quite good at cursing when she is angry, but she doesn't say a word like the second lady." Next sentence..."

Speaking of this, Kanan paused, and then said to Li Yexing with a bit of ridicule on his face: "Boss, who do you think she learned this from?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, Li Yexing turned his head away, and whispered: "You can learn without a teacher... right?"

Li Yexing knew very well that he had to bear a lot of responsibility for the golden and silver sisters Tiliris and Tililian who turned into a bad-mouthed girl.

Just as she was lamenting the impermanence of the world, she saw the office door was pushed open again. This time it was Rita who had just cleaned up the kitchen. She was wearing the familiar backless maid outfit with black silk wrapped around her legs. Ta stepped into the office on high heels, and when she saw Li Yexing and Kanan, she nodded with a smile, and then she came to the desk with a delicate small tray, put a cup of black tea on the desk, Li Ta slightly bowed and said, "Second Miss, please have some tea."

"Oh, thank you..." Without looking at Rita, Tililian stared at the computer screen, she casually brought the teacup to her mouth and took a sip, then immediately let out a small animal-like cry, and put the teacup on the table Going up, Tillylian fanned her tongue and said, "It's so hot!"

On the other side, putting the remaining two cups of black tea on the tray on the tea table, Rita said softly: "Sir, Miss Kanan, please use tea."

"Thank you Rita..." Li Yexing said with a chuckle.He casually embraced Rita, then stretched out his arms to wrap around Rita's neck, and gently kissed Rita's side face.

"Sir, really..." Rita stood up with a chuckle, holding the tray in both hands, as if she had no intention of leaving.

"Is Tiriris still asleep?" Li Yexing asked casually after a while.

"Yes, sir, Miss is still asleep..." Rita replied softly, "Miss seemed unable to sleep last night, playing games until late..."

"Really..." Li Yexing nodded, and then he suddenly realized that the noise in the office seemed to have decreased. Li Yexing subconsciously turned his head in the direction of the desk, and he was sitting on his boss chair Tillylian stopped typing on the keyboard, and stopped swearing. In an instant, the irritable blond girl made no sound.

After a while, it seemed that she lost interest in torturing her teammates. The blond girl slid down from the office chair, her snow-white feet stuck into the pink plush slippers. She turned red, but she didn't speak, she turned around, and like a thief, she carefully opened the door of the office and walked into the corridor.

"Oh, it's over..." There was a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, and Kanan said maliciously: "This girl is really amazing, she remembers eating but not beating."

Rita didn't speak, but the curved arc of the corner of her mouth became wider. The perfect maid at the moment smiled like a little fox.

Sure enough, just as everyone expected, a few seconds later, with a loud noise and Tillylian's screams, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open. With dark circles under her eyes, Lilith came out with a blank expression on her face. She stepped on the cold floor tiles with her bare feet, and dragged Tillylian, who was slumped after being hit by a cannon hammer, to the door of the office quickly. Pushing open the door, he threw his sister out like throwing trash.

After doing all this, Tiriris clapped her hands, turned her head and looked at Li Yexing with resentment on her face.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside the house, Hitomi Chishima, wearing a kendo suit, rushed into the room immediately. She held the Kuanggu bone, looked around at everyone in the office, and subconsciously shouted in Japanese: "What happened?" ?”

"The night attack failed, don't worry about it..." Kanan drank a sip of beer and waved his hands with a smile, then whispered: "No, this time doesn't seem to be considered a night attack..."

"However, Miss is a little too much from time to time?" On the other side, Rita smiled and said, "Anyway, Second Miss is also Miss's younger sister."

Hearing Rita's words, Tilly Lisi thought for a while, then nodded, she seemed to think that what Rita said made sense, she walked out barefoot again, and after a while, Tilly Lian was dragged away again. Come back, and then throw it on the ground, like throwing a dead dog.

Sighing, Li Yexing stood up and walked over to Tilly Lian. Just as he was about to help her up, he heard Tilly Lian who was lying on the ground gasping, "Don't touch me, pervert, just let me My lord will die here..."

"Huh?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Turning her head with her face on the floor tiles, showing a loveless expression, Tillylian said in a low voice: "My lord is hated by my elder sister, my lord is even worse than the people of country F, my lord is going to die..."

Ah, there is no greater sorrow than death.

Seeing the painful and barren appearance of Tilly Lian, Li Yexing was about to say something when suddenly there were knocks on the door, and Li Yexing raised his head following the sound, only to see a woman with a small belly The middle-aged man was standing at the entrance of the office. He lowered his head to look at Tilly Lian, who was lying on the ground, and then looked up at Li Yexing. After a while, his expression became complicated.

"Li, I know a little bit about the 'wives' and 'concubines' of the Celestial Dynasty..." After a moment of struggle, the bar owner said in a deep voice: "But, are you a little bullying too much? She is also the tactical commander of the first agency, the second lady of the European branch of Black Umbrella..."

Hearing what the bar owner said, Li Yexing covered his forehead in despair


Second watch, back pain, rest meeting, third watch later.

Volume 5 Mission.83-[-]. Macho Santa Claus

Scratching his short hair, Li Yexing turned his head and said, "Hank, why are you here?"

"Come to deliver some things, and pick Tilly Lian back by the way..." the bar owner, or "Reaper" Hank said with a smile.

"Send something?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and whispered, "What?"

"The things Director Casimir asked me to deliver..." Hanke waved his hand at Li Yexing and said, "Come out and have a look."

After that, Hank turned and walked out of the office.

Out of curiosity, Li Yexing also followed Hank out the door, stepping on the stairs, Li Yexing looked down, and saw several people in black combat uniforms getting out of a black truck on the side of the street. Box after box of goods was unloaded. Those boxes had a metallic texture and were completely black in appearance. After the boxes were unloaded, these people in black combat uniforms looked at Hank, so Hank turned his head to face Li Yexing. : "Is it convenient to move in?"

"Let's move it by ourselves..." Li Yexing smiled, then turned his head to Kanan, who was standing at the door watching the excitement, and said, "Come out to move things."

"Tsk, you will order me..." He smacked his lips in displeasure, and then the corners of his mouth curled up again. Kanan shrugged, and quickly followed Li Yexing down the stairs. All the boxes were moved into the office. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing received the goods, several people in black combat uniforms nodded to Hank, then got in the car and left.

Putting all the goods on the ground, Li Yexing looked down at the black metal boxes of different sizes, then raised his head and asked Hank, "What are these?"

"Good stuff..." Hank smiled.

With curiosity and doubts, Li Yexing opened the largest box directly, and saw a huge silver-white object lying quietly in the box, which looked like a coffin, with a metallic texture, printed on it Wearing the black Umbrella logo, there are gaps around the logo, as if it can be deformed at any time.

"This thing... I seem to have seen it somewhere..." Li Yexing was wondering, but Tilly Lian, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up. She ran to the box in three steps and then grabbed the box. The huge silver-white coffin inside was lifted up, hugged tightly in his arms, rubbed his small face and said excitedly: "Ah! It's a new 'coffin'!"

"'Coffin'? That weapon specially developed for Tillylian?" Hearing the name, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback. He stood up, looked at the other boxes, and said in surprise, "No way..."

Eagerly opened the next box, and saw a black straitjacket lying quietly inside, with silver-white locks on the straitjacket, and the body of the clothes exuded a metallic luster, and the texture was a bit strange to the touch. .

Seeing the clothes in the box, Tilly Lisi's ruby-like eyes lit up instantly, and she exclaimed in a low voice, "Wow..."

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