Putting the quilt away, taking off his clothes, Li Yexing put his phone next to the pillow, and then got into the bed. In an instant, the residual alcohol climbed into his brain, and Li Yexing only felt exhausted. After a while, he fell asleep again up.

In a trance, there seemed to be some movement.

There was a strange touch on his body, Li Yexing opened his eyes suddenly, he lowered his head subconsciously, and saw his quilt was swollen, it was obvious that there was something else in the quilt besides himself!

On the other side, she seemed to have noticed something, the warm and greasy touch and the sense of weight slowly rose, and then, a head emerged from the bed, and the perfect maid with gray hair silently spoke with her gray eyes. Staring at Li Yexing, after a while, she smiled and whispered, "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning?" Looking at the dark sky, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly pulled his phone to turn on the screen, only to see that the time was just past half past twelve.

"Rita, why don't you come to me in the middle of the night?" Although he could vaguely guess the answer by looking at the purple lace rose hollow underwear on Rita, Li Yexing still didn't quite believe it. After all, in his impression, Li Ta has always been the perfect maid who kept her word and said she would ban him for a month, and she would definitely ban him for a month.

"Sir, what is Rita looking for at such a late hour, won't you understand?" Seeing Li Yexing's puzzled expression, Rita replied with a smile. After she finished speaking, she licked her lips and kissed him.

After a passionate kiss that almost suffocated Li Yexing, Rita panted softly and said, "It's great, that's how it feels, Rita...Rita will continue..."

Feeling Rita's fingers, Li Yexing's breathing also became quicker. He said in surprise, "Didn't you say that you would abstain from sexual intercourse for a month? It's only been a week, right?"

"No, not for a month, Rita can't bear it anymore..." The voice became sweeter and hotter, and the tone became more eager, Rita lowered her body and said: "Rita will be killed by Mr. Rita will be punished by Mr. Rita To be with Mr...”

"Wait, stop for a second..." Li Yexing frowned and said, "I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it, but can you do this? After talking to them for a month, you ended up climbing up first yourself. Is it the same for the betrayal sisters to eat alone?"

"Eating alone?" Rita was slightly taken aback, and then said in a daze, "Wouldn't that be better? Behind my sisters' backs, and my husband secretly..."

"Okay..." Li Yexing stopped being hypocritical, he slumped on the bed and said, "End it as soon as possible, don't let others hear..."

"Hmm..." A gleam of joy flashed across her face, and Rita nodded.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and with the sound of "creaking", the door of Li Yexing's room was suddenly and slowly opened, and then, Tilly Lisi, who was wearing a white silk gauze pajamas, walked in and looked at him. Rita pressed on Li Yexing, Tiriris whispered: "As expected, Tiriris knew it would become like this..."

"Miss..." Being arrested, even Rita, who was always calm, became a little flustered, but Tilly Liss said softly, "It's okay."

After finishing speaking, Tilly Lis closed the door gently, she threw off her slippers, climbed onto the bed, and said to Rita, "Rita is an accomplice, she must keep it a secret."

"Hmm..." blushing and nodded excitedly, Rita continued to work, while Tiriris was assisting, but not long after, there was only a slow opening of the door, and another girl entered Li Yexing's room. In the room, Hitomi Chishima, who was wearing a white kimono, froze as soon as she entered the room. Looking at Tiriris and Rita on the bed, the kendo girl blushed instantly.

Faint steam leaked from the red cracks, Hitomi Qiandao just wanted to leave, but Rita smiled and said in Japanese: "Miss Qiandao, you are here, why are you in such a hurry?"

"It's okay." Tiriris whispered.

Hitomi Chishima thought for a while, and then slowly closed the half-opened room door. She blushed, lowered her head, and walked to the bed in small steps, took off her clogs and kimono, and then climbed up directly.

"So, what is the meaning of your punishment?" Li Yexing frowned and whispered, but the girls didn't answer, they were focused on the work at hand and refused to relax for a moment.

"Okay..." With a helpless sigh, Li Yexing whispered, "Let me guess when Kanan will come..."

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the room rang again. Kanan, who was wearing a sports bra and shorts, carefully pushed open the door of Li Yexing's room. She tiptoed into the room and whispered: "Boss, your My good brother is here to help you deal with it..."

Before he finished speaking, Kanan was stunned, and saw Li Yexing's bed was covered with white flowers, shining with moving colors under the bright moonlight, it was simply a stunning scene.

"Damn it!" Turning on the light in Li Yexing's room suddenly, exposing everyone's activities to the light, Kanan looked at Tiliris, Rita and Hitomi Qiandao, and said loudly with a confused face: "You guys also Isn’t it too fake?! Didn’t you say it’s been a month? It’s only been a week and you’ve climbed up with me behind your back?!”

"What is Miss Kanan talking about?" Turning her head, her plain fingers gently covering her vermilion lips, Rita smiled and said, "I know that the sisters agreed for a month, but you didn't think the same Do you want to run over and steal something?"

"That's different..." Pinching his fit waist, Kanan said proudly, "I'm not a sister, I'm a good brother of the boss, so I don't count!"

"As expected of Kanan..." Tiriris whispered, "Tiehanhan."

"Ahhh, forget it! Never mind..." Shaking her head vigorously, Kanan jumped onto the bed, and while taking off her clothes, she said, "I will give you the egg with a long name that I sent over there this afternoon. I'm stuck, I don't know why I really want to have a fling with the boss now, boss, don't be hypocritical, hurry up, I'm not missing anyway..."

"Damn..." Looking at the girls on the bed, Li Yexing's facial muscles kept twitching, and after a long while, he whispered: "You guys are really... perfect!"

In a week, Li Yexing's one-month abstinence punishment plan proposed by Rita was declared bankrupt...

Three shifts, 5 shifts still owed.

Volume 5 Mission.88-[-]. Beyond the macho, the undercurrent rises again

Dark clouds covered the top, cold wind gusts, and the frenzied airflow carried pea-sized raindrops pouring down, hitting the apron and the nearby open space. In front of the apron, a slightly fat old man in a black suit was leaning on a black safety helmet. The gold-encrusted cane with the Brera logo seems to be quietly waiting for something.

After a while, he wiped his monocle, raised his arm, glanced at his quartz watch, and then raised his head to look at the sky, his face full of age marks showed a trace of solemnity.

Not long after, there were footsteps coming from behind. The old man turned his head and saw a woman in business attire and high heels walking towards her with a black and white umbrella. Under the umbrella, A man with black-rimmed glasses, disheveled hair and a white coat came up tremblingly.

"The female horse..." Director Kasimir sneezed, he tightened his white coat, and then said to the female secretary beside him: "Galiya, you should hold the umbrella yourself, the wind is so strong, this broken Umbrellas can't cover anything."

Jia Liya thought for a while and put away the umbrella directly, so the two of them were directly exposed to the rain just like the old man.

The raindrops hit the disheveled hair, and then dripped down the cheeks. Director Kasimir walked to the old man's side with light steps, and then slightly bowed: "Minister."

"You're here, Durand..." The old man known as the Minister nodded. He turned around and looked at Director Casimir, who had become grim due to the rain, with a smile on his face.

"Really, can't that woman pick a good day to come?" Seeing the rain soaking the old man in front of him, Director Kasimir frowned, and he whispered: "Minister, if you want me to tell you, don't come here." It's raining, I'm enough, you're already quite old, in case there's something wrong..."

"Go away, I'm tough..." Picking up his crutches and lightly hitting Director Kasimir's calf, the old man put away the smile on his face, and said in a deep voice: "The person who came is the executive officer of the executive department under the joint committee." Officer, let alone rain, even if it is hail or magma, I must stand here to receive her, this is the rule of Black Umbrella."

"Mama, I really hope their helicopter crashes, anyway, the weather is so bad..." Supervisor Casimir showed displeasure, he cursed the coming visitor in a low voice, then turned his head, and said to Jialia behind him: "Hurry up , hold an umbrella for the minister."

When Jia Liya heard the words, she was about to walk up, but she saw the old man gently raised her hand and said, "It's okay, it's fine to get in the rain once in a while, it reminds me of what happened a few years ago."

"A few years ago..." Director Casimir muttered in a low voice: "It seems that it was also such a rainy day, and it was also a person from the executive department. They took away my immediate boss. I was still a doctor at that time."

Speaking of this, Director Kasimir's expression became a little ugly, and he whispered: "This time, these guys won't come back to take you away, will they? Do they have enmity with our European branch?"

Hearing Supervisor Casimir's words, the old man's expression instantly became a little subtle. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Why did you take me away? No matter how you look at it, you should be taken away, right?"

"Huh? Why did you take me away? I'm honest and responsible, hard-working, and I have achieved outstanding results during my work..." Director Casimir said quickly: "I think they must have come to take your old bone back to take care of yourself. Years, I guess it won't be long before I will take over your class."

"Honesty?" The old man laughed angrily at the words of Supervisor Kasimir. He turned his head and said, "You mean the misappropriation of public funds by honesty? Or do you mean condoning the embezzlement of public funds by subordinates? Or is it behind my back and the headquarters?" An inexplicable organization was set up there? Or did you call the security department privately? Oh, by the way, you also used the above appropriation to pay a certain mad dog in Eastern Europe, right?"

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