Suddenly, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Picking up the phone and answering the call, Chopper said in a low voice, "Buccarati, how are things going?"

"Very well..." Accompanied by bursts of gunshots, Bugarati's voice came from the other side of the phone, and he whispered: "Our people bit them hard. According to Li's plan, they There should be an early division of troops due to pressure soon."

"It's also possible that the next card will be played directly..." Shaking the wine glass in his hand, Chopper said in a low voice: "Let our people be careful, I don't want what happened five years ago to repeat itself."

"Understood..." Bugarat on the other side of the phone said.

After hanging up the phone, a smile appeared on the corner of Chobana's mouth. He raised his head, looked at the girl sitting opposite him, and said with a smile, "As Li expected, the progress is going well."

"That would be perfect..." Rita, the perfect maid sitting across from Chopper, raised her gray hair and said with a smile, "I don't know if it's my illusion, but your subordinates seem to be very happy. "

"I made you laugh..." Chopper shook his head with a smile and said: "After all, there are very few opportunities for Lopules to let them pour firepower on the streets in such a big way, even I occasionally feel that This kind of life is somewhat boring, let alone them who have a fire hidden in their hearts?"

Plain white fingers wrapped in black lace gloves gently covered her lips, Rita smiled and did not reply.

"Speaking of which, don't you want to have a drink with me?" Seeing that Rita didn't touch the red wine on the table, Jobana asked with a smile: "In order to entertain Miss Griffith, I even took out the red wine in my collection." .”

"Then it would be better to be respectful than obedient, Mr. Chobana..." With an elegant smile on her face, Rita stretched out her hand, picked up the red wine glass on the table and shook it, and after a while, she put the glass in front of her, gently After sniffing and taking a sip, he exclaimed, "It really is a good wine."

"Miss Griffith may not believe it, but this is actually the wine Bugarati begged from your office a few years ago..." Chopper said with a smile.

"Really?" A trace of surprise flashed between her brows, and Rita said softly, "This is beyond my expectation."

"It's ridiculous to say that after I got this bottle of wine, I was reluctant to drink it, but thinking that today is a memorable day, I took it out." Taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, Chopper smiled road.

For a while, there was no sound in the top lobby of the hotel, only the continuous sound of firefights outside the window.

"Speaking of which, I remember that there should be a lot of good wine in Li's warehouse..." As if remembering something, Jobana suddenly smiled and said: "Buggarati told me that he had the honor to visit Passing through Li's warehouse, the guns were polished like new and hung neatly on the wall, but those good wines were randomly piled up in the corner like garbage, and some were covered with a thick layer of dust... "

"That should have happened many years ago..." Rita smiled and said, "I won't let my husband's collection be dusted."

Taking another sip of the red wine, Jobana showed a happy expression on his face. He groped his chin and said in a low voice, "It's really convenient to have a maid. Do you want me to hire one too? After all, the man around me is too much too much…"

"Don't say this in front of Mr. Bugarati, he will be sad..." Rita teased with a smile.

"You really know how to joke, Miss Griffith..." Giovanna ran his fingers through his blond hair playfully and curled it, and Jobana said with a smile: "I have to say, I am very grateful to you, since you came After Lopulus, my relationship with Li has improved a lot, and you have also changed Li a lot. You know, that guy never smiled before. My face is like a mad dog, wanting to bite the people around me all the time."

"Really..." Out of courtesy, Rita smiled symbolically.

It turned out that before I met myself, was Mr. such a person?


I'm afraid it wasn't me who really changed my husband, but Ms. Tiriris...

Rita remembers very clearly that from the first time she and her husband met, that man was like this now. He had no big ambitions, nor was he smart. Suddenly arrogant, only in front of the enemy, that gentleman will show his crazy and ruthless side. To be honest, this kind of contrasting personality can sometimes cause strong damage to girls. No wonder that Austrian The eldest lady of the Leanna family will be fascinated by the fascination of the husband...

Thinking of Li Yexing's face, Rita's legs wrapped in black silk were tightly clamped together, rubbing gently, her face flushed a little, and even her breathing became a little short...

Really, can tonight's affairs end quickly?That woman named Bai Muqing is really a sight...

"Miss Griffith? Miss Griffith?" Rita was pulled out of the storm in her head by a voice. Inquiring, he whispered: "Is there something wrong with Miss Griffith? Your face is very red."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I lost my composure..." Covering her embarrassment with an elegant smile, Rita gently stretched out her hand to support her head and said, "I'm just a little drunk..."

"Really..." Chopper nodded, thinking that it didn't look like he was drunk. Rita's state just now reminded him of those women on Huajie who took drugs to provide special services, but At this time, Chopper chose to pretend to be confused. Although there was always a feeling of spring breeze when communicating with Miss Griffith, but for some reason, Chopper felt that this woman was scary.

Now, Chopper probably knows the reason, and I have to say that Li really has a good waist.

Taking a sip of red wine to suppress his shock, Chobana quickly thought about how to skip this topic without embarrassment. At this moment, the cell phone on the table rang, and Chobana hurriedly picked it up, He answered the phone and asked directly, "How is the situation?"

It seemed that he was stunned by the sudden question, and after a few seconds, Bugarati said: "Giorno, they have divided their troops, and there is news from the government army that they saw several helicopters coming from Flying in different directions to the heart of Lopules, where the government forces just shot down one."

"Understood, let our people disperse. The first phase of the battle is over. We may not have the advantage in the next street battle, so unless you are sure, don't fire at will. Put the intelligence transmission about the enemy's movements in the first place. A priority..."

"Understood, I'll do it right away..." Bugarati's voice came from the phone, and then the phone hung up.

"They turned over the next card, didn't they?" Rita, who was sitting opposite, asked with a smile.

"That's right..." Jobana nodded.He said in a deep voice: "The government army saw the enemy's reinforcements flying over."

"It doesn't matter, this is still a temptation, they still haven't turned their cards up..." Rita said with a smile: "The frontal charge has failed, and they will hide themselves in the dark next, but it doesn't matter, sir's arrangement has been completed." In place, ready to move at any time."

"Miss Griffith..." With a little curiosity on his face, Chopper asked in a low voice, "Excuse me for asking, when does your husband plan to end?"

"No hurry..." Rita said with a smile: "The chessboard has not been laid yet, if Mister ends up personally, it means that the dust of this war is about to be settled.


Second watch, old rules, don't wait for third watch, see if I can wake up.

Looking at the post, I feel that the old buddies don't like Bai Muqing, is there something wrong with my description?She is positioned as a woman who is stinky and proud but has some capabilities, and what Li Yexing has to do now is to break the back of this woman's pride.

Don't worry, sooner or later, I will let you use "awsl" in her post

Volume 6 Mission.21-[-]. Macho Sister-in-Law Handjob Online

In the dark alley, the clear and noisy voice of the girl continued to be heard.

"Helicopter?! Of course I know there is a helicopter! The sound of the spiral wings is so loud, how can it be hidden!" Fingers lightly pressed on the communicator next to the ear, and the one-eyed girl with blond ponytails held a lollipop , said impatiently: "Get out! Pervert! Can I still use you to tell me?! It's just a pervert!"

After cutting off the communication, Tillylian, who was squatting in the dark alley, said in a low voice: "It's so noisy, you're so perverted..."

Hearing the sound of helicopters flying by nearby, Tillylian looked around and saw that there was no one around. She curled up her slender white legs, then jumped up suddenly, and jumped onto the roof of the nearby house , raised his head, and saw a helicopter flying towards him, and farther away, another helicopter was hovering in mid-air, and people in black combat uniforms were constantly sliding down from the helicopter.

"Tsk..." Tillylian smacked her lips. After thinking for a while, she untied the "coffin" on her back and pointed it at the helicopter flying towards her. On the roof of the building, a blond dwarf was holding something at him. He hurriedly pulled up the joystick, and at the same time panicked to the communicator: "We are being targeted! Get ready to crash!"

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