The next second, I heard a panicked voice shouting: "Grenade!" Immediately afterwards, the explosion sounded, and the old man suddenly got out from the corner of the alley, and fired into the thick smoke from the explosion. Suddenly, someone seemed to shout "enemy attack", and then, accompanied by a burst of gunshots, inaccurate bullets swept over from the other side of the smoke. Replace the magazine with a new one, then turn around and step on the sundries piled up in the alley, jump up, grab the eaves with a skill that doesn't look like an old man, and then climb directly to the top of the house.

Lowering his figure and holding the AK-47, the old man's eyes shot out a cold light. He was as nimble and swift as a wild wolf on the permafrost of Siberia. He quickly approached the enemy from the roof, and the smoke from the grenade gradually dissipated. , the captain of the soldiers in black below was shouting "cease fire", the old man stuck his head out without hesitation, and fired condescendingly at the soldiers in the alley. The black-clothed soldiers who had reached the extreme immediately raised their guns and shot towards the roof.

Being under fire from the enemy, the old man made a tactical roll to avoid the dense firepower. He was about to stand up when he saw something flying towards him in the dimness. It was a grenade!In the blink of an eye, the body made a judgment instead of thinking. The old man flew up and kicked the grenade, and the grenade flew upside down, and then exploded not far away.

The shock wave knocked the old man to the ground, and the fragments of the grenade cut the old man's trousers. The old man got up unsteadily and shook his dizzy head. Little by little, after a while, the whole body was silent, only the continuous gunshots in the distance remained.

"Huh..." The old man breathed a sigh of relief. He cautiously came to the edge of the roof, poked his head out, and saw several corpses in black combat uniforms lying in the alley below.

After repeatedly confirming that there were no enemies, the old man jumped down from the roof. He squatted down and began to check the corpses on the ground. His eyes swept over their AK-12s. The old man struggled for a few seconds, and finally just shook his head. The grenade on the corpse was hanging on his waist. Just as he was about to stand up, he heard a gunshot behind him. The old man instantly felt as if he had been punched in the back, and he staggered and fell to the ground. , Even breathing began to become difficult. Enduring the pain and turning over, the old man opened fire without even looking at him. The gunshot drove back the attacker who wanted to end the old man. Afterwards, but in the next second, a pillar of fire suddenly burst out from the alley, and then, the previous attacker burst into flames and ran out screaming, the old man lying on the ground seized the opportunity and opened fire instantly , directly shot through the man's head, the screams stopped abruptly, and the burning attacker fell to the ground without moving.

A few seconds later, a black figure came out from the alley. The figure didn't look very tall. He was holding a flamethrower that was still emitting flames. He was wrapped in a black fireproof suit. He was holding a fuel tank and wearing a strange black mask on his face. Seeing the old man lying on the ground, the figure walked towards the old man. When he got in front of the old man, he pulled off the mask with his hand wrapped in black gloves, revealing the person who came true colors.

This is a girl who looks very young. Her big eyes glow with water, and are sandwiched by long eyelashes. She has fair skin, and her flaxen hair is tied into braids behind her. Dots of freckles, these freckles did not damage the girl's appearance, but added a bit of innocence and youthfulness to the girl.

With an innocent smile on her face, the girl with the flamethrower bent down and asked with concern: "Mr. Petronev, are you okay?"

"It's a real smile, Talian..." the old man grinned.

In an instant, the sunshine-like geniality on the girl's face disappeared, replaced by a maliciousness like substance, her eyes narrowed slightly, and with the pride of a successful prank, the girl named Talian turned towards Pietro who was lying on the ground. Nev stretched out his hand and said with a smirk, "Get up, old man, don't pretend to be dead."

"Well, it's much more comfortable, you little cousin..." With a smile in his eyes, Petronev grabbed the girl's hand and stood up with the girl's help. He covered his waist and sucked He took a breath, and then said to Talian: "I really didn't expect you, a little girl, to come out tonight."

"I'm weeding the garden..." Patting her flamethrower lightly, Talian's eyes exuded substantial malice, and she sneered, "Those kids are not good at all, their helicopters smash My flower shop, all the flowers I carefully cultivated are gone."

"That's bad enough..." Petronev said: "So you came out to weed for your own flowers?"

"Of course not..." Talian shook her head, with a hint of charm in her eyes, she chuckled and said, "Who else can make me give up my beauty sleep and run out to weed, except my dear?"

"It's still 'dear', Li is already full of wives and concubines, and you are still guarding your flower shop..." With a smirk on his lips, Petronev joked: "I heard that people in the Celestial Dynasty have mental cleanliness , there is no doubt that the little scavenger may still have a chance, but you and that girl Terris have screwed up."

"Shut up! Immortal thing!" A trace of sullenness flashed between her brows, and Talian said angrily, "Li is not mentally clean! Do you know how many ecstasy nights I have spent with him?!"

Speaking of this, Talian seemed to be reminiscing about something, mist appeared in her eyes, and a faint flush appeared under her freckles. She murmured softly: "I really miss those years. I was only sixteen years old at that time. The two of us had a very romantic time together, Li Ke likes to make me cry and call him 'daddy', whenever I call him daddy, he will be very hard, as if he wants to enter my heart, oh , God, what could be better to enter the heart of an empty girl than this?"

"This is really unheard of..." Seeing Talian faintly showing signs of going into heat, the old man smiled wryly and rubbed the bridge of his nose...

Volume 6 Mission.27-[-]. The Macho Generation

Tuval Petronev, from Country R, ​​used to be a soldier of "A Team". Later, "A Team" was renamed "Alpha Special Forces". After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, this veteran who once fought for the great motherland Losing his faith, he reversed several times, and finally drifted to Lopulus in Itonia, where he became a mercenary. With a strong personality, Petronev soon became the earliest legend of Lopulus, and people called him: the mad dog of Lopulus.

As almost the first group of mercenaries to enter Loples, Petronev can be said to have witnessed the entire history of Loples. At the beginning, it was just a poor and chaotic town, just like Itonia Like other small town cities, nothing special.

Until one day, a man named Diablo came here with his Italian gang.

No one knows why Diablo came here, only know that this guy is rich, he brought development to this town, but also brought nightmares, Diablo is cold-blooded but cautious, he is a real The cold-blooded scum, under his rule, the drugs in Lopulus were flooded unprecedentedly, and the people were in dire straits. That is to say, from here, the government army and the gangsters colluded, and a large number of lawbreakers poured in here, which made the already bad Social security has become more chaotic, civilians are forced to hoard weapons, and Lopulus has become a huge black vortex.

Just when everyone thought the city would just rot and degenerate, a young man with blond hair stood up and raised his arms and shouted: "I, Giorno Giobana, have a dream!"

In this way, the young man overthrew Diablo's brutal rule and quickly integrated the local gangs. At the same time, the government army stationed in Loples mutinied, and the young officer Yegel shot himself dead. Commander, replaced him. Since then, the military and the gang have reached a new balance, but the changes caused by Diablo's period to Lopulus have been irreversible. Make a special set of rules, a set of rules that apply to the villains and are used to restrain the villains.

There is no doubt that the Italian gangster superstar and usurper warlord has become the new legend of Lopulus, but no one knows that a few years later, another legend will come to this land full of scum.

A few years later, a young man from Asia came to Loples. He was fierce, brutal, cruel, tough, and seemingly inhuman. The military, however, was still alive and kicking, and even slept through the flower streets of Loples.

This person is Li Yexing. After Petronev stopped frequently accepting commissions due to his age, he took over Petronev's name and became the new mad dog.

Of course, in Petronev's view, these are all old millet and rotten sesame seeds, but when people get old, they always like to recall the past. I have to say that in a sense, Loples really They are outstanding people. In this land, there are many monster-like guys who have no military training but are inexplicably strong. For example, the girl standing in front of me with a flamethrower is like her lover who burned to death. The old pyromaniac is a virtue.

It's a pity that Talian's old lady didn't end well, and she didn't have a good piece of meat on her body when she was buried.

Thinking of this, Petronev looked at Talian with a little more kindness in his eyes. After all, this child can be regarded as the child he grew up with, although it looks a bit crooked.

On the other side, just after recovering from the beautiful past between herself and Li Yexing, Talian looked up and saw Petronev staring at herself with some weird eyes, so she said displeasedly: "What are you looking at? Old stuff?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of your mother, she is a wonderful woman..." Petronev sighed softly.

"In bed?" Talian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not bad under the bed," Petronev replied.

"Oh, that bitch..." A trace of disdain flashed between her brows, and Talian said coldly, "She is not worthy of being a mother at all. If Li and I have children in the future, I won't be like her."

"No, you will, you and your mother are carved out of the same mold..." Petronev lit a cigarette for himself, and then smiled.

"Tsk..." Regarding Petronev's evaluation, Talian smacked her lips in displeasure, but did not refute it. It seemed that she wanted to change the topic. The flower girl with a flamethrower said to Petronev He said: "To be honest, I really didn't expect Li to even invite you out. He is not afraid that you will break your old bones here?"

"Anyway, I'm quite scared. After all, I'm so old, how can I run around with a gun like you young people?" Petronev said with a wry smile, "But Li doesn't seem too scared. For some reason, I always feel that he has an inexplicable confidence in me, and his appearance reminds me of myself when I was young, so I agreed immediately."

Having said that, Petronev turned his head, looked at the corpses beside him, and said quietly: "To be honest, I regret it, I really shouldn't have accepted that child's commission, now, I just feel that I The joints all over my body are hurting, and there is still a bit of tinnitus, I am old and I can't move anymore..."

Seeing Petronev's heroic look, Talian suddenly couldn't bear it, so she smiled and said, "Isn't this a good job? I'm afraid the group of guys that Agor found couldn't do it." to be like you."

"Are you trying to comfort me or are you cursing me?" Petronev frowned and said, "No matter how old I am, I can't compare myself to those morons, right? Let me be twenty years younger. I can take care of all these wastes."

"Okay, it's what you say, old man." Seeing Petronev's face showing a stubbornness that didn't look like an old man, Talian shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

After taking a puff of the cigarette and flicking the ash, Petronev raised his head, looked at the girl in front of him, and asked in a low voice, "To be honest, what are you going to do about Li's matter?"

"What else can I do?" With a self-deprecating smile on her face, Talian shook her head and said, "Give up, I'm not Tyrese's fool who can't see the status quo, look at the girls around Li, one by one She is beautiful and capable of fighting, how can an outdated woman like us have a chance?"

"So I said, if you like it, you have to catch up and hold him firmly, even if you tie him up with a child! Tyrese, that stupid bitch, always thinks that Li will definitely choose her, and you stupid The child is waiting for others to come to you every day, and so is the little scavenger, who is so gloomy all day that he can't even utter a word..." The old mercenary who turned into the second uncle next door shook his head with a look of resentment: "This It's all done, it's all someone else's, the best young man in Lopulus was taken away by a woman from outside!"

"Sawyer is dumb and can't speak, you old fool!" Unable to refute Petronev's words, Talian had to find fault with Petronev in other details.

"Forget it..." Waving his hands in disappointment, the old man said in a low voice, "You guys are really worthless."

Talian was getting more and more annoyed by the old man's murmurs and being poked in the sore spot. She was about to say something to Petronev when there was a sudden sound of footsteps around her.

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