At this moment, the monster was constantly retreating while howling, and the tongue-like mouthparts sandwiched between the big mouths slowly retracted into the monster's mouth, and as the mouthparts were retracted little by little, The monster's stomach gradually swelled up, and it looked like it had been stuffed with a rubber ball.

Looking at the monster in front of him, Sawyer only felt a chill. Leaving aside the combat effectiveness of this thing, just looking at this disgusting appearance is enough to cause serious mental damage to the girl.

Subconsciously took two steps back, Sawyer picked up the chainsaw in his hand, and stared at the monster in front of him, and the monster also stopped backing, it was motionless, its head was facing Sawyer's direction, as if It's like looking at Sawyer.

Sawyer has already begun to regret it. She had thought that what was in the container might be the so-called BOW, but she really didn't expect this thing to look so disgusting. Besides, this monster is also very difficult to handle. The feeling of the hand has clearly told Sawyer that the monster's body is very strong and strong. Although the counterattack just now was hasty, it also used all its strength. However, such a blow was only on the monster's mouthparts. A fairly deep wound was left, but there was no injury at all.

On the other side, the monster tilted its head and faced Sawyer quietly. After a while, it suddenly opened its mouth slowly and made a strange cry. The sound was a bit like a frog, but it was louder and more unpleasant Ear-piercing, seeing the monster screaming so loudly, Sawyer felt a surge of anger rushing to the top of his head, and she grabbed the chainsaw and rushed forward.

Barking so loudly, are you trying to laugh at me for not being able to speak? !

In an instant, Sawyer rushed in front of the monster. Just as she raised the chainsaw, the monster's cry stopped abruptly. Then, the bloody tongue-like mouthpart shot out of its mouth again, bringing The mouthparts of the wound tore open from the head like flowers, revealing a bloody mouth full of mucus and sharp teeth, as if wanting to swallow Sawyer in one gulp, but Sawyer had expected it a long time ago. She suddenly lowered her figure, turned around to avoid the monster's mouthparts, and came to the side of the monster. Before the monster could turn around, she raised her foot and stepped on the monster's nose fiercely. The chainsaw in his hand aimed at the monster's head and stabbed it fiercely.

Accompanied by the roaring sound, the chainsaw tore open the mucus film, bit the pustules on the skin, squeezed out layers of flesh and blood, and gradually descended under the tremendous pressure from Sawyer's arms. The monster suffered from pain and suddenly It let out an ugly scream, and it tried hard to turn around and swallow the attacker, but Sawyer firmly stepped on it, making it unable to move. With the roaring chainsaw slowly going deep, that The screams of the monster became more and more miserable, but the louder the monster screamed, the more furious Sawyer became. As Sawyer exerted force again, the resistance against the chainsaw suddenly disappeared, and the chainsaw passed through the monster directly. Then it protruded from the monster's upper jaw, and pierced into the monster's mouthparts hidden in the giant mouth.

The screams stopped abruptly, and the monster that was trampled on it gradually stopped resisting. It was lying on the ground, motionless, only its four legs twitched from time to time, and it looked like it was dead.

Sawyer pulled out the chainsaw, and the anger on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by the gloomy face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly heard bursts of extremely unpleasant crowing of frogs.

Turning around slowly, Sawyer's face became more and more ugly, and around her, frog-like monsters were constantly crawling out of dark corners...

Second watch, old rules, don't wait for three.

Volume 6 Mission.30-[-]. Hunks and good brothers are extremely boring

Although the streets around the hospital are in chaos, the interior of the hospital is still orderly. The female nurse is smoking a cigarette, crossing her legs, sitting behind the consultation desk and playing with her mobile phone. The doctor who is halfway through the operation suddenly runs out. The operating room answered the phone and cursed from time to time. The amputee doctor on the other side brandished a saw and yelled at the assistant: "I told you to saw below the knee! Not above the knee! You stupid pig, I'll take your skull Open it!" The assistant retorted loudly: "Anyway, this leg is useless! How can a saw be a saw?" The Asian man lying on the bed raised his neck and shouted: "You two sawed the wrong leg! You idiot! This It's just outrageous NMB!"

As usual, everything seems to be in order, and all the medical staff are still sticking to their posts. They did not clamor to take personal leave because the outside has turned into a battlefield. This kind of lofty professionalism is beyond Lopulus It can be said to be very rare.

Embracing Ghoutian Kuanggu, the black-haired Yamato Nadeko sat quietly on a bench in the hospital corridor. Next to her was the ward of Chief Kasimir. Director Kasimir had just escaped from danger and came as usual. He should not live in this kind of ordinary ward, he needs to recuperate, but in the hospital in Loples, there is no ward suitable for recuperating.

The sound of pacing kept echoing in the ears accompanied by the surrounding noise. Finally, Hitomi Qiandao couldn't help but raised his head, and saw Kanan with a cigarette in his mouth, frowning, standing at the door of the ward like a demon. He dangled back and forth, looking very irritable, then Hitomi Qiandao turned his head, and saw Tirilith sitting next to him, wearing earphones, playing games, keeping his ears closed look.

"Everyone...are you a little too relaxed..." Looking at Kanan who was walking around and Tilly Liss who was concentrating on playing games, and then looking at the doctors in the corridor who were speaking Russian and holding guns to the patient's head, Hitomi Chishima couldn't help but whispered to herself in Japanese.

"Huh? What did you say?" As soon as Hitomi Qiandao finished speaking, Kanan suddenly approached her, her eyes shining brightly, as if she was expecting Hitomi Qiandao to lead her out of this boring situation.

The burning cigarette was brought in front of him, and the fragrance of second-hand smoke entered Qiandao Hitomi's nostrils along the air, Qiandao Hitomi frowned subconsciously, she shrank towards the wall behind her, distanced herself from Kanan, and then In some blunt English: "I didn't say anything."

After getting along for so long, Kanan can understand a little bit of Hitomi Chishima's Japanese English. After getting Hitomi Chishima's answer, she stepped back in disappointment, scratching her head vigorously while saying hysterically: "Ahhhhhh It’s so boring! It’s so boring! Really! Why haven’t the group of trash outside hit the door yet! It’s only a few hundred meters away? How long have they been fighting? Did they land in Normandy?!”

Looking at the bored Kanan, Hitomi Qiandao sighed softly. She stood up, walked lightly to the door of the ward, and looked inside through the narrow glass window. Lying on the hospital bed, motionless, his secretary, Jia Liya, was sitting in front of the bed, looking past Director Casimir at the flickering gunfire and explosions outside the window, her eyes full of worry.

It seems that Miss Jia Liya and Miss Kanan's wishes run counter to each other.

On the other side, Kanan, who was getting more and more irritable, was still thinking about it. She whispered: "Really, why do I have to stay in this damn place? It's fine to let those guys in the bar guard Why? Let me go out, I want to go out too, why can I just watch when the outside world is like this..."

Although she can't understand Kanan's thoughts very well, Hitomi Qiandao can still guess what Kanan is complaining about. She walked to Kanan's side with small steps and whispered softly in blunt English: "Nightwalk Jun said, we have a task, we have to wait for the arrangement, now is not the time to go out."

"Ah, of course I know about this kind of thing..." Kanan said with a bitter face, "But I'm just so bored..."

Speaking of this, Kanan turned his head to look at Hitomi Qiandao and said, "Aren't you bored? Do you also want to stay here and guard that guy? Don't you want to go out and kill people?"

Hitomi Chishima was at a loss for words for a while, recalling the pleasure brought by the blade cutting through the enemy's flesh in her mind, the face of the black-haired Yamato Nadeko instantly flushed, and she nodded after a long while, and said softly :"think."

"This is the end!" Kanan shrugged, then turned his head to look at Tiriris sitting on the bench, and Tiriris also just cut down the monster on the screen, she slowly raised her head, took off the He took off the earphones, raised his expressionless face, and quietly looked at Kanan with two ruby-like eyes, as if he was waiting for Kanan to say something.

"Miss, I can't take it anymore, I want to sneak away!" Kanan said without any concealment.

Tiliris didn't answer, but just watched Kanan quietly, looking at Tiliris' eyes, Kanan felt unexplainably hairy in her heart, she puffed up her chest, and said to Tillyris: "I'm not joking, I want Let's go! I'm going out to fight!"

Tilly Liss still didn't reply.

The footsteps began to move, Kanan turned around, took exaggerated and stiff steps, hummed a song, rested his head on the upper arm coiled behind his head, and walked towards the other end of the corridor as if nothing had happened, while Tiriris was dead. Staring at Kanan, his small head turned slightly following Kanan's movement.

"Then...Miss too..." Maintaining respect for the old woman, Hitomi Qiandao, who couldn't control her killing desire, bowed to Tiliris. Standing up, she wanted to follow Kanan, but just as she stepped out, a small snow-white hand grabbed her, Hitomi Qiandao was slightly taken aback, and turned around, only to see Tiliris gently Grabbing her wrist, his eyes were fixed on Kanan who was going further and further away. Heavy resentment leaked out from those pair of ruby-like beautiful eyes, creating a ten-meter-diameter low air pressure around her. Even the noise of doctors and patients in the corridor became faintly quieter.

A few seconds later, as if going back in time, Kanan backed back to the door of the ward quickly, maintaining the posture he had just left under the aggressive eyes of Tiriris.

Seeing that Kanan came back consciously, Tiriris withdrew her gaze and let go of Hitomi Qiandao's wrist. She said expressionlessly: "Yexing said, stand by and don't leave."

"Ah... I'm going crazy..." Kanan leaned against the bench and sat down on the ground in despair, leaning his head on Tilly Liss's white silk thigh, looking at the ceiling of the hospital corridor in despair, with his legs stretched straight , blocked in the middle of the corridor of the hospital, passers-by were blocked on both sides, and they didn't dare to step over, looking like they dared to be angry but dared not speak.

"Go over! Why are you standing next to my legs?!" Seeing the middle-aged doctor in a white coat and holding a shotgun, Kanan, who was in a bad mood, immediately yelled. Said: "Hurry up and go to my old lady! Don't stand here to block your eyes!"

Immediately, the corridor became unobstructed again. Passers-by stepped over Kanan carefully, for fear of stepping on Kanan's legs, while Kanan was holding a cigarette, rolling his eyes, and looking like he was about to die.

At this moment, Kanan's mobile phone rang suddenly. Kanan took out the mobile phone listlessly, and when he saw the caller ID, he regained his energy.

"Hello? Boss, what's the matter?" Kanan asked pretending to be nonchalant, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"Kanan, I need you to do something here." On the other side of the phone, Li Yexing's voice came out. This voice, to Kanan's ears, was simply heavenly!Listening to Li Yexing explaining the details of the mission, the expression on Kanan's face became more and more insane.

You girl!It's finally time for the wind


Volume 6 Mission.31-[-]. The macho lying in the office

In the dark alley, Sawyer was caught in a bitter fight.

Stained with mucus and blood, the girl in a dress wielding a chainsaw slowly stepped back. In front of her, a large group of frog-like monsters were slowly approaching. They opened their mouths and let out unpleasant frog sounds one after another. , while constantly stretching and contracting the barbed mouthparts in his mouth, as if looking for an opportunity to swallow Sawyer in one gulp.

The pair of dead fish eyes in the past became extremely sharp. Sawyer gritted her teeth and held up the roaring chainsaw. There are too many guys, and they are not afraid of death at all. The number of wounds on their bodies not only does not make them afraid, but also arouses their ferocity.

Pushed into desperation, Sawyer leaned against the wall, unable to retreat. In front of his eyes, those frog-like monsters screamed even more joyously, as if they were excited to drive Sawyer to a dead end.

Gritting his teeth, Sawyer picked up the chainsaw and pointed it at the large group of monsters in front of him, preparing for the last fight.

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