"This is to distinguish between the enemy and us..." Jiang Xueyang explained patiently, although she was a little annoyed by Paglis: "Of course we know who our enemy is, but the locals may not be able to. Our combat equipment Although it is different from the regular troops of black Umbrella, they are still very similar in essence. They are all equipped with HK-416 as standard and black combat uniforms. The gangsters and mercenaries were rounded up and beaten."

Paglis was stunned, and after a long time, she whispered: "That's right..."

Seeing that Paglise's mood seems to be quite stable, Jiang Xueyang thought about it, and then tentatively said to Pagliese: "Get off me, it's work."

"No!" Sure enough, Paglis immediately rejected Jiang Xueyang's request. Not only did she refuse, but she tightened her arms around Jiang Xueyang's neck. Not only that, she also rubbed against Jiang Xueyang's back vigorously.

"Don't grind it, it's not uncomfortable at all..." Jiang Xueyang frowned and said, "It's separated by two layers of body armor, I'll let you wear it after tonight."

"That's what you said." Paglis smiled, and she was about to rub Jiang Xueyang's face again, when Jiang Xueyang suddenly said: "Relax, there is a situation!"

Subconsciously loosened the arms around Jiang Xueyang's neck, turned over and rolled off Jiang Xueyang's back, Paglis turned her head, saw Jiang Xueyang's expression was serious, he was frowning, and his finger was rubbing lightly on the trigger , as if ready to buckle down at any time.

In Jiang Xueyang's scope, a toad-like monster suddenly jumped to the roof of a hut, and that thing was Hunter γ!

Seeing the appearance of the BOW, Jiang Xueyang pulled the trigger on the monster's head without hesitation. With the roar of the large-caliber sniper rifle, the bullet shot out, but at this moment, I don't know if he noticed it. What, that monster jumped up suddenly, but the bullet that was supposed to hit the head hit its leg directly. This shot directly tore the skin and muscles on Hunter γ's leg, and shattered its bones. The monster let out a scream like a frog in the air, and then fell directly into the alley.

"Damn it, it missed..." Jiang Xueyang frowned and said in a low voice. He pulled the bolt, ejected the cartridge, and set up the gun again, only to see a man in khaki clothes suddenly emerge from the house on the other side. He wears an old-fashioned military uniform, holds an AK-47, and has white hair all over his head. He looks like an old man.

Jiang Xueyang instantly judged his identity, he was a local mercenary from Lopules.

But... Lopulus is really tough. Judging by the age of this old man, he is estimated to be almost seventy years old. At this age, he can be a grandfather in other countries, but this old man is still fighting with a gun, and Looks very neat hands and feet.

Just when Jiang Xueyang was feeling the folk customs of Lopulus, he saw another hunter γ climbed up to the roof, and seemed to be chasing the old man.

Jiang Xueyang didn't speak, he moved the scope silently, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the monster's head, and then pulled the trigger immediately. This time, he didn't miss the shot, and the large-caliber sniper bullet directly hit the monster for half The monster flew out and fell into the alley.

In the distance, the old man running on the roof suddenly stopped and turned his head. Through the scope, Jiang Xueyang could clearly see that the old man was looking at him. After a while, the old man nodded to him , and then ran towards the place where the gunfire was most dense without looking back.

Pulling the bolt and withdrawing the bullet casing, Jiang Xueyang entered the state again. He dragged the scope, and constantly manipulated the muzzle to sweep across the roof of the lower building. After a long time, there was no change in the surrounding buildings. Next to her, Paglis, who was once again in a state of boredom, couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Didn't they say that they left a lot of hunters behind? It seems that there are not many of them, have they been killed by the locals? "

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, there was a burst of ear-piercing frog croaking. On the lower building in the distance, several toad-like monsters climbed onto the roof, and one of the monsters with a broken leg looked up. Stretching his neck, he kept screaming, as if he was calling for something, and then, as if he was deliberately responding to the call, the frogs below rang out one after another, covering up the gunshots in front of him for a while. .

Hearing the ear-piercing screams, Paglis turned her head stiffly to look at Jiang Xueyang, and then she found that Jiang Xueyang was also looking at her, with inexplicable emotions in her eyes.

"Crow's mouth." After a long while, Jiang Xueyang said with an ugly expression.


Three shifts, call it a day.

To be honest, I wanted to write about the pair of eunuchs who were eunuchs in Black Lagoon, but seeing how much you reacted, I forgot it.

Volume 6 Mission.37-[-]. Macho Twins

"What the hell is this?" Fisher frowned amidst the ear-piercing and unpleasant croaking of frogs, "A frog? Frogs in the Mississippi River don't croak so badly!"

"It's Hunter γ!" Hank whispered, "Damn it, how many hunters have they lost in this city?!"

Hearing the name "Hunter γ", Anna's expression suddenly became a little ugly. The memory of the fierce battle with a large group of Hunter β in the large warehouse in the isolated island facility was still vivid in his memory.

In the distance, the roar of large-caliber sniper rifles sounded. Hank knew that Jiang Xueyang was the only one using this kind of sniper rifle in Lopulus. Hearing the gunshots one after another, Hank knew very well that those The monster has climbed overhead.

"We have to move, otherwise we might be surrounded by them!" After a short thought, Hank ordered to the team members behind him: "Let's get closer to the place where the gunshots are most dense while the arctic wolves can still cover us! "

After formulating a new course of action, Hank quickly moved the team members around him. Amidst the sound of gunfire and frogs, they continued to pass through the dark alley. In the darkness in front of them, a hunter γ suddenly Jumping off the roof at the side, it turned its head to look at Hank who was on the way. It was about to open its mouth and stretch out its mouthparts, but it saw Hank speeding up suddenly, bullying him, and the butt of the gun was hard against it. The monster's chin, for a while, the monster couldn't open its mouth, the next second, Hank turned the HK-416 in his hand, and pulled the trigger directly at the monster's chin, for a while, blood mixed with pus and mucus Splashing in all directions, it wasn't until Hank emptied half of the magazine that the monster limp and fell to the ground.

"It's disgusting..." Looking at the corpse of Hunter Gamma lying on the ground and kicking its hind legs, Anna couldn't help but look disgusted and said: "I don't even remember that BOW is such a disgusting thing."

"The Black Umbrella European Division has always paid great attention to the appearance of the product..." As the person in the Frenzy Squad who has served the longest in the European Division and has the deepest contact with Director Casimir, Hanke explained while leading the team. : "Director Casimir said that human beings are animals with appearance. A BOW product may have slight flaws in practicality, but its appearance must be cool. Only in this way, those fools are willing to pay for it. It is for this reason that I have never seen such a monster that does not meet the public's aesthetics."

"That's why there are Misses Tillyris and Tillylian?" Fisher, who was running behind, said quietly, "That supervisor is quite understanding..."

After running for a while, the Frenzy Squad crossed the alley in front of them. As soon as they turned the corner, they saw a man in a black combat uniform running out in panic and bumping into Hank. The man then wrung his neck and threw the body aside casually. Hank raised his head and saw that there were five or six hunters on the ground and walls in the alley ahead. Only, there were two kicking legs exposed outside the mouth of one of the Hunter γ. After seeing Hank, the monster froze for a moment, then opened its mouth suddenly, retracted its mouthparts and returned the man in its mouth. The exposed part was swallowed in one gulp.

"Fire!" Hank ordered directly. In the next second, three HK-416s rang out at the same time. Although the silencers effectively suppressed the roaring gunshots, they still couldn't completely cover them up. With a short sound, the bullets swept across the bodies of the hunters, and bloody flowers bloomed. For a moment, the terrifying and noisy cries of frogs dominated the entire street.

"Damn it, their skins are so thick!" After emptying a magazine, Fisher yelled "reload" while inserting a new magazine into the gun in his hand. After changing the bullets, He raised the gun again, but saw a Hunter Gamma suddenly poked its head out from the opposite roof, and then kicked its hind legs and jumped directly towards Fisher. In the mouth, the thick mouthparts made of muscles protruded from the bloody mouth, and then tore open like a flower, revealing the rows of sharp teeth inside.

Instantly, Fisher felt his hair stand on end. He directly picked up the gun and aimed at the monster's mouthparts and shot at it. Immediately, blossoming blood exploded under the sound of the gun, and the monster's protruding mouthparts twitched for a while. Convulsions, even the posture in the air began to become uncoordinated, Fisher dodged, the monster hit the ground, and then rolled to Anna's feet, Anna looked down at the monster lying on her At the foot, the monster was about to struggle to get up, with a strong disgust on its face, I saw that she pulled out the huge bone cutting knife hanging from her waist, and then slashed at the hind leg of the monster under her feet. In the past, in an instant, blood spattered.

I have to say that the big mouth is different, and even the screams are earth-shattering. This monster's back is very strong, and its bone strength and muscle strength are far from comparable to the previous Hunter β. Even so, it still suffers. Unable to stop Anna's machete, at this moment Anna was waving the machete crazily like a berserker, chopping on the monster's thigh one by one. In just a few seconds, Anna's bone-chopping knife chopped off the monster's leg bones.

"You're good at jumping? Can't you? Come on! Jump for me!" After cutting off the hunter's hind legs, Anna didn't give up. Without the cover of the gas mask, she directly revealed the sickly flushed face. face, raised her legs, and pressed the high-heeled hard-soled boots on the monster's head so hard that it couldn't even open its mouth. Anna threw the gun behind her, holding her hand high. The bone-chopping knife slashed at the monster's back fiercely. The machete, which was sharpened again after being sharpened by the mechanical roller, shone with a frightening cold light in the dark alley. The lieutenant lifted the flesh from the monster's back, exposing the slightly deformed spine, and then chopped it off mercilessly.

After a while, Anna, who was panting heavily, put away the joy on her face, and let go of the foot that was on the head of Hunter Gamma. She saw that the monster was covered with scars, and it was lying on the ground with its limbs spread wide. The body is constantly twitching, but it can't move. Behind it, you can see the completely broken spine exposed to the flesh and blood.

Some monsters are still alive, but it is dead.

"You had a great time, quack!" A voice woke Anna up from the aftertaste of excitement, and Anna suddenly came back to her senses, only to see Hank and Fisher continuously approaching those people with their guns raised. The toad monster opened fire and emptied the magazine again. Fisher first shouted "Reload!" Then he said to Anna while changing the bullet: "However, can you take a look around, these guys have already Gather here!"

As soon as Anna looked up, she saw a large group of hunters γ crawling out of the darkness. Although they had no eyes, they were staring at them.

"These guys are indeed a little too tough..." Being squeezed, Hank had to back away slowly, while frowning: "They may not be the original Hunter γ, but some kind that have not been black Umbrella." Pull the upper-level records to strengthen the type."

Although the mission of the Frenzy Squad is to help the mercenary regiments on the front line and the Italian gangsters deal with these BOWs, they really did not expect that they would be blocked before they could rendezvous with the front troops. When it was time to change the route, I only heard a gunshot above my head, and the body of a hunter with a hole in his head fell directly from the house in front of him. Immediately afterwards, two voices rang out from the top of his head: "Big brothers and sisters, pay attention to concealment~"

"My brother's big gun is about to fire~"

In an instant, the elite veteran's sixth sense firmly grasped Hank's nerves. Hank only felt his scalp go numb. He shouted: "Hidden!" Then he slammed against the wall, while Fisher and Anna also followed immediately, and the next second, the gunfire roared, and the bullets from the heavy machine gun poured down like a storm, punching bullet holes on the ground and the wall. Those rough-skinned and thick-skinned monsters were vulnerable to the violent firepower. It didn't take long for the entire alley to be stained red with blood, and the corpses of those monsters lay on the ground.

Swallowing, Hank regained his composure. He raised his head following the gunshot just now, and saw two short children standing on the opposite roof, a boy and a girl. The boy was wearing a big black windbreaker, She has short silver hair and holds a heavy machine gun in her hand, while the girl is wearing a long black dress with long silver hair and holds a terrifying sniper rifle that is no smaller than Jiang Xueyang's TAC-50...

One more.

After thinking about it, I decided to write about this pair of siblings and give them a good result. It's a pity that your reaction to the fact that Li Yexing's predecessor was a fake mother was too intense, and many subsequent plots and interactions could not be carried out. Today The second update is estimated to be slower, I have to rethink the interaction and relationship between characters.

Volume 6 Mission.38-[-]. The blood pressure of the macho old man suddenly rises

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