"Galia, didn't you feel it? Since the loud noise just now, the corridor outside seems to be extremely noisy..." Supervisor Kazimir said with an ugly look: "Obviously there were only two gunshots from time to time. , but now, the gunshots are all in one piece!"

"It may be that a very few doctor-patient disputes have developed into a fight between the medical team and the patient group..." Hearing what Director Kasimir said, Jia Liya's expression also became a little serious. She stood up and watched At the door of the ward, at this moment, Russian yelling and cursing that she couldn't understand were constantly being heard into the ward mixed with gunshots. It was hard not to feel that something was wrong outside.

Slowly took out the pistol at his waist, and just as Jia Liya was about to go out to take a look, Director Kazimir suddenly raised his hand and said, "Stop! Don't move!"

Jia Liya immediately stopped moving. She turned her head and looked at Director Kazimir with some puzzlement, but saw that Director Kazimir was frowning, with a serious expression, and his eyes were focused on the door of the ward, as if he was listening. what.

After a while, Supervisor Kasimir whispered, "Galia, did you hear anything?"

"I heard it, the shouting and gunshots were quite loud." Jia Liya replied.

"No, it's not a gunshot..." Director Kazimir frowned, and said in a low voice, "It sounds like...footsteps?"

"Footsteps?" Jia Liya was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look at the door of the ward. She also seemed to hear some voice, which was getting closer and closer, as if...


In the next second, there was a loud "boom", and the door of the ward flew up mixed with broken bricks and rubble, brushed against Galiya's body, passed over Supervisor Kasimir's legs, and then slammed It smashed hard on the window of the ward, and the glass of the window was shattered in an instant. The vase containing the withered flowers fell from the window sill and fell on the cold concrete floor. It collapsed, and amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a tall figure walked in with heavy steps. It was expressionless, with a gray bald head and a heavy straitjacket, like an emotionless killer.

This is not a tyrant, what could it be? !

"Damn it! It's T-103C! Jialiya! Run!" Recognizing the model of the tyrant at a glance, Director Kazimir on the hospital bed couldn't help but shouted: "By the way, take me!"

Although he shouted to run, there was no way to retreat right now. There was a shattered window behind him. This place was three stories high. If he jumped down, both Jialia and Director Kazimir would die on the spot. The crisis Among them, Jia Liya raised her pistol without hesitation. Although this firepower is basically useless for the tyrant, it is still necessary to struggle.

At the moment when Jia Liya was about to shoot, the tyrant's forward pace suddenly stopped, and then, as if being pulled by something, the tyrant suddenly fell down on his face, and his heavy body threw the side The empty hospital bed was crushed, and the gray-white head fell directly at Jialia's feet. Jialia was taken aback for a moment, but she saw Tilly Liss, who was pulling the tyrant's thigh, rushing up, her ruby-like eyes As if burning with fire, the silver-haired and red-eyed girl rode on the tyrant's back, raised her white and tender pink fist high, and then slammed it down on the back of the tyrant's head.

In an instant, a burst of smoke and dust surged up, and a crack was punched in the concrete floor under the tyrant's head. This heavy punch directly smashed the tyrant who was struggling to get up to the ground again. Before the tyrant got up, The silver-haired girl stood up expressionlessly and quickly backed away, wrapping her arms around the tyrant's legs hidden under the coat, and then directly dragged the tyrant out of the ward. When the tyrant's face was dragged away from the concrete floor, A few pieces of fine rubble were also brought up.

For a while, only Jia Liya, who was still in shock, and Director Kasimir, who looked bewildered, were left in the ward.

Lowering his head, he looked at the mold of the tyrant's face printed on the concrete floor, and then raised his head to look at the already chaotic corridor outside the ward. The smile on Director Kazimir's face gradually became wild, and he said excitedly: "As expected of my daughter!"

"Director Kasimir..." A trace of worry flashed between her brows. When Galiya turned her head, she saw Director Kazimir struggling to get off the hospital bed. The pain caused by the torn wound made Director Kazimir grin his teeth, but he However, his movements were extremely agile, struggling to get out of the bed, Director Kazimir got off the bed directly, he subconsciously wanted to get up, but the pain in his thigh made him go limp, and he threw himself directly into Galiya's bed arms.

"Director Kazimir, what are you doing?!" Subconsciously catching Director Kazimir, Galiya became a little angry. She was just about to scold Director Kazimir, but she saw Director Kazimir lying on two white flowers. Da Shang's face suddenly lifted up, his eyes flashed with indescribable excitement.

"Jaliya! Help me out!" Because the lower half of her face was still pressed between the white and big, Cazimir's supervisor's voice was very strong. Unimaginable enthusiasm and eagerness can be heard in the supervisor's tone.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Director Casimir?!" This time, Jia Liya really lost her temper, and she said angrily: "Don't you know that you are injured? According to your fragility that is close to disability Your physique, this kind of injury is enough to kill you!"

"No! Jia Liya! I have to go out!" With unprecedented firmness in his eyes, Casimir said in charge: "That is a war between BOW! It is very important for the next research! Even if you lose this life! I have to..."

Before Director Kazimir finished speaking, Jia Liya interrupted her roughly, and the female secretary said coldly: "Haven't you already collected Miss Tiriris' battle data?!"

"That's different! Jia Liya! That's different!" Supervisor Casimir, who half buried his face between Bai and Da, shook his head, causing waves, and said with a serious expression: "Look closely at T-Lilith The product of the plan has the ability to fight after the gene is perfected. This is a rare opportunity. It will allow me to have an intuitive understanding of the perfect product of the research on the miniaturization and latent of the tyrant! At this moment, I must use my eyes to witness !"

Every time Supervisor Kazimir said a word, there would be a hot breath in Jialia's chest, which made Jialia couldn't help but blushed a little. She lowered her head and looked at Cassie, who was pressing on her chest with clear eyes. Director Mill, Jia Liya suddenly felt helpless.

Why is this guy always acting like a child...

In the end, the glamorous female secretary gave in to her wayward supervisor, she nodded, and was about to get involved with Director Kasimir, but at this moment, Director Kasimir suddenly said: "Wait, Jialia! Don't move!" !"

Jia Liya was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Director Kasimir with some doubts, but she saw that Director Kasimir slowly closed his eyes, shook his head slightly and said with happiness on his face: "Don't move, this one is too soft Alright, let me rub it again..."

In an instant, Jia Liya only felt her blood pressure soar, her face was frosty, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and then she stretched out her arms to wrap around Supervisor Kazimir's neck, and locked them tightly.

"Wait! Galiya! No, breathe! I can't breathe! The neck is going to break! The neck is going to break!


One more.

As we all know, people who get along well with Lao Li usually have girls around them.

Volume 6 Mission.46-[-]. Macho Hospital

The two amputated legs were wrapped in gauze and stained with faint blood. The Asian male sitting in the wheelchair had a hideous face. He raised his AK-47 and fired wildly at the head of the tyrant in front of him. Behind the wheelchair, an old man One or two doctors in white coats dragged a wheelchair with one hand and retreated rapidly in the corridor on the third floor of the hospital. Holding a pistol in the other hand, they followed the man in the wheelchair and fired at the monster's head.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, the T-103C Tyrant is approaching step by step. The poor firepower in front of him is simply a tickle. It raises its hand, protects its face, and keeps moving forward. At the side of the counter, The nurse, who was smoking a cigarette, just looked up and saw that the giant bald man in a black windbreaker didn't seem to want to trouble her. Her legs were crossed, and the high-heeled shoes hanging between her toes were gently dangling through the white silk. , and took out his phone at the same time, wanting to take a selfie with the big guy and send it to Twitter.

With a pair of scissors hands, the nurse's bored and bored face instantly became sweeter. She gently stretched out her tongue and bit her lip. Just as she was about to slap it down, she heard a "bang" and her hand His phone flew out and landed on the hallway floor with a bullet hole.

The expression on her face instantly changed to the previous unmotivated look. The nurse thought for a while, put down her legs, and honestly inserted her white silk-wrapped feet into the high-heeled shoes, and at the same time walked from the counter. He took out a shotgun from inside, and while biting a cigarette butt that was about to burn out, he loaded the bullets one by one.

At this moment, the hospital is completely in chaos. Just now, two huge metal cans fell from the sky, smashed through the top floor of the hospital and fell directly into the corridor on the third floor. Immediately afterwards, the metal cans sneered. Open it, and two super muscular brothers in black windbreakers came out, looking unstoppable.

Although the muscle brothers who fell from the sky seriously disrupted the order in the hospital, their arrival effectively eased the tense doctor-patient relationship.

"Give me another magazine!" In the corridor, the man in the wheelchair emptied the bullet in his hand, he tore off the magazine, and at the same time shouted at the two doctors who were pulling the wheelchair behind him.

The young doctor tilted his mouth and bit his pistol with his teeth. At the same time, he took out a magazine from the body armor under the white coat and handed it to the man in the wheelchair. After the man in the wheelchair caught the magazine, He took the gun in his mouth back in his hand, and at the same time said to the man in the wheelchair: "King, you are so accurate! Hit the head!"

"It doesn't cover your face!" The man called "King" raised his gun and fired at the pressing tyrant, and said loudly: "Is it my fault that it can't be hit?"

Like a riot in the ward, everyone in the corridor, whether doctors or patients, was pouring firepower at the tyrant, but this little firepower could not stop a tyrant at all. Seeing the tyrant getting closer, a group of people dragging a wheelchair The two doctors, the old and the young, looked at each other, then put down the wheelchair without hesitation, turned around and ran.

"Hey! Hey!" Seeing the two doctors dragging the wheelchair and running away without looking back, the "king" in the wheelchair only felt his scalp go numb. Throwing aside, he turned his wheelchair vigorously, trying to stay away from the approaching tyrant, but no one was behind to help, and he couldn't escape the monster in front of him by himself.

The expression on his face became more ferocious, and the "King" couldn't bear it any longer. While turning the wheelchair, he shouted, "Where's your teammate?! Where's your teammate? Help me?!"

It was as if he heard the shout of "King". In the next second, a shadow mixed with a heat wave suddenly rushed out from behind the "King". , Immediately afterwards, a wound appeared on the tyrant's bald head, causing him to stagger back two steps.

The hot wind blew on the "king"'s face, leaving a faint lingering warmth. The "king"'s eyes slowly opened wide. Wherever his eyes could see, the girl flying in mid-air raised her soft black hair. He held the scabbard in his left hand, and the long knife in his right hand. On the tip of the knife, red blood floated in the air, turning into tiny round drops of blood.

The girl in front of me, the "King" has some impressions. It seems that every morning when I go to the restaurant on the corner of the street to buy a box of leeks, I can see this girl standing in front of a certain mad dog's office and brandishing a sword. If I remember correctly, this seems to be A Japanese girl, her name should be... Hitomi Chishima?

"Awesome!" In an instant, the "King" turned into a dog licking, and shouted excitedly: "Hitomi Qiandao! Forever God!"

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