After the quarrel was over, Li Yexing quickly arranged a new task for Tilly Lian, and hung up the phone. Li Yexing thought about it, and it seemed that only Tilly Lisi and Tong hadn't arranged yet, right?It stands to reason that the task of Tiliris and Hitomi is to guard Director Kazimir, and there is no extra arrangement, but out of concern, he still decisively called Tiliris.

To Li Yexing's surprise, no one answered the phone.

Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Li Yexing's heart slowly rose, thinking that something must have happened, right?Just when he was about to hang up the phone, the phone was connected suddenly. Amidst a burst of gunshots and shouts, a familiar voice came from the other side of the phone: "Nightwalker?"

"Tiliris?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment when he heard the continuous noise coming from the other side of the phone, then frowned and said, "Why are you so noisy? Is something wrong?"

"Is it very noisy?" Tiriris whispered on the other side of the phone, and in the next second, there was a sudden loud noise from the other side of the phone and Tiriris' "shut up", followed by a burst of screams , the noise on the other side of the phone suddenly disappeared, and after a while, Tilly Lisi whispered: "Is it still noisy? Nocturnal?"

"No...don't make any noise..." Li Yexing said in a low voice. He faintly felt that there might be something wrong with the hospital, but he didn't really want to get to the bottom of it, so he said to Tilly Lisi, "Is your side okay?"

"It's okay..." Tiriris whispered: "Ye Xing wants to come to me? I'm so bored, I want to hug Ye Xing..."

No, my heart is about to melt...

"I'm afraid I can't do it now, I still have things to do..." His blood pressure rose, his face flushed, Li Yexing cleared his throat, and said, "Where's Tong? Are you with me?"

As soon as Li Yexing finished speaking, he heard another loud noise from the other side of the phone. Then, he seemed to faintly heard Qiandao Hitomi yelling something in Japanese. The tone sounded very pleasant. After a moment of silence, Tiliris whispered Said: "For Hitomi, go to the bathroom..."

"That's right..." Nodding mechanically, Li Yexing said, "Anyway, it's good that you're all fine, I'm going to get busy now."

"Yexing go busy..." Tilly Lisi whispered in her unwavering tone: "Remember to come back and give me a hug..."

After hanging up the phone, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yexing's mouth. He knew very well that something must have happened at the hospital, but it seemed that Tiliris and Tong could handle it completely.

Maybe I don't want to worry him...

"Forget it, since you can handle it, let's leave it to them..." Li Yexing stood up, stretched, and inserted the red "Joker" playing card under his buttocks into the body armor, and then He grabbed his AR-15 from the wall behind and said with a smile on his face, "Finally it's my turn to play."


After hanging up the phone, looking at the lock screen wallpaper of herself and Li Yexing, the expressionless Tiliris turned off the phone, and then stuffed the phone back into her pants pocket with her snow-white slender hands.

Under the buttocks, something stirred, struggled, and then slowly supported itself.

"Oh Duo..."

Feeling the hard touch coming from her buttocks, Tilly Lisi stood up and slid down, allowing the T-103C tyrant who was sitting under her buttocks to stand up slowly, she didn't turn around, just turned her face sideways, I looked at the monster out of the corner of my eye. At this time, the tyrant's body was already covered with scars, his coat had become tattered, and part of the muscles under his body had begun to swell, as if he was about to be unshackled. What caught the attention was the tyrant's head. At this moment, the shape of the tyrant's head became very weird, like a gourd that had been cut in half.

It seems that the skull was deformed by myself...

Under the contemptuous eyes of Tilly Liss, the T-103C tyrant stood up slowly from the cracks all over the ground, shook off the debris on his body, and then let out a roar, as if to vent his anger at being beaten. Tilly was half angry, she didn't pay much attention, she just looked around, in the corridor of the hospital, thugs in white coats, thugs in bandages and thugs in wheelchairs were quietly looking at Tilly. Silk, as if waiting for something.

"Continue." Like a queen sitting on a throne, the expressionless silver-haired girl gave orders to everyone coldly.

In the next second, crazy and excited roars and fierce gunfire filled the entire corridor again, all kinds of firepower greeted the tyrant from all directions, and the fanatical thugs wantonly vented their inner passion. They also knew very well that the firepower in their hands didn't seem to be able to shake the huge monster, but this did not prevent the simple and honest local people from welcoming this big foreigner who didn't seem to be very good at talking with their own enthusiasm.

Just now, Tiliris, who wanted to have a phone conversation with Li Yexing, used her rude behavior to shut up all the noisy doctors and patients.

According to the style of the Roples people, if you are a hated guy, no matter how good you are at fighting, the locals will not show you good looks, but the Roples mascot Ti from a certain firm Miss Lilith is obviously not among the haters. After all, who doesn't like beautiful girls with silver hair and red eyes?

The happiness of men and men is often interlinked.

On the other side, seeing the T-103C tyrant who stood up again and rushed towards her, Tiliris looked as usual, and just stood there quietly, waiting for the tyrant to raise his fist towards Tiliris, Tiliris Si dodged sideways, then stepped on the tyrant's fist and jumped up suddenly, and kicked the tyrant's side face with a whip kick in the air, and suffered another heavy blow to the head. in the ward.

"Oh oh oh oh!" In an instant, cheers resounded throughout the corridor, everyone was cheering for the girl's earth-shattering kick, a nurse in white silk bravely ran up, she was holding an AK- The doctor at 47 borrowed a mobile phone, stepped over the tyrant lying on the ground and came to Tiliris' side, squatted down and raised the mobile phone, as if he wanted to take a photo with Tiliris.

Tiliris raised her hand, lightly blocked the camera of the phone, shook her head at the nurse at the side, and said in a low voice, "Yexing said not to take pictures with outsiders."

Hearing Tilly Lisi's words, the nurse lady instantly lost her enthusiasm. She stood up like a salted fish, and was just about to turn her head to leave when she heard a loud noise, and the door of the bathroom next to her suddenly flew with a large piece of rubble Come out, and then, a tyrant ran out waving his arms indiscriminately, Tilly Liss looked up indifferently following the sound, and saw that the tyrant's face was covered with knife marks, which looked like a piece The squid flowers carefully processed by the chef are average.

The pipe exploded, and the cold tap water continuously sprayed on the ground. Hitomi Qiandao, who was soaked all over her body, walked out of the bathroom slowly, stepping on the water all over the floor, with a murderous aura so thick that it almost made the local people shut up. Tilting his head slightly, with a bewildered smile on his face, he whispered in Japanese: "Kill, kill, kill..."

There was a sound in front of her, and Tiriris lowered her head silently, and saw that the tyrant who had been hammered into the ward just now was struggling to stand up, like a stubborn little strong that could not be beaten, but before he could stand up , the shaved tyrant stepped on its ass and pressed it to the ground again.

The silver-haired and red petite girl sighed infrequently. To be honest, she was a little tired. After all, at this moment, her mind was full of sticking with Li Yexing...

One more.

Paste, you can paste.

Volume 6 Mission.55-[-]. Macho Su

The soldiers in old military uniforms shouted in Russian, took a gulp of vodka, and then launched a brave charge with their AK-47s. The anti-aircraft artillery with the tank chassis continued to weave a firepower net, chasing after the fleeing people in the sky. Black armed helicopters, the flames shrouded the entire street, the furious fighters pressed the enemy tightly in the alley, did not dare to show their heads at all, and the rockets trailed the smoke and shot straight at the ground formation, killing those in black. Soldiers and surrounding buildings were thrown into the air in the flames.

The sound of gunshots, artillery, engines, and shouts of soldiers, at this moment, Lopulus finally turned into a real battlefield. Next to a tank that broke down, Yeger closed his eyes and sniffed. With the breath of gunpowder and the passionate "Soviet March", he slowly opened his arms, as if immersed in the intoxicating atmosphere of this battlefield.

Wait, why is there music?

Yegel suddenly came back to his senses, looked around, and said loudly at the same time: "Who is playing music?!"

"Report to the colonel, it's me!" Yeger's adjutant ran out with a loudspeaker in his arms.

Eyebrows raised slightly, Yegel looked at the speaker in his adjutant's arms, and then slowly looked back along the wires of the speaker, only to see that the wires stretched all the way, and finally climbed into a small house on the side of the street. Inside the shop.

"This is Major Stanwell's proposal. Play music to boost morale when the soldiers are fighting..." Under the intense gunfire, the adjutant said loudly, "What do you think? Sir?"

"Not so good, Kay, I have to remind you that "Soviet March" is not a real Soviet song, it was created by the little Bolsheviks in country A to insult the Soviet Union, with the intention of exaggerating the aggressiveness of the Soviet Union..." Listening to the music coming out of the speaker, Yegel couldn't help saying to his adjutant Science.

"Shall I turn it off then?" the adjutant asked loudly.

"How can there be music playing during the war?" After thinking about it, Yegel said to his adjutant: "But let's just play it like this, it's quite atmospheric..."

"Yes! Sir!" The adjutant replied loudly, and Yegel could tell that both the adjutant and the soldiers under him seemed very excited.


There was a sudden explosion in the sky in front of him. Yeager raised his head following the sound, and saw that an armed helicopter had turned into a big fireball, spinning continuously in the sky, and then smashed directly towards the enemy's garrison. After a long while, there was another explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud shot up into the sky, and black smoke continued to rise in the firelight.

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