Tiliris is very clear about where the cognitive boundaries of the local people are, so she dared to release her power to a certain extent, but Hitomi Chishima couldn't do it. Hitomi has been deliberately suppressing her own strength during the battle. It's not that the locals can't accept a strong ghost-like samurai girl, but once Hitomi Chishima uses power beyond the limit of human beings, her body will start to dissipate heat. Hitomi couldn't expel a large amount of steam from her body in front of so many people, so she had to suppress herself in order to maintain her body temperature.

On the other hand, Chishima Hitomi's battle was indeed a bit restrained. In her eyes, the tyrant was still just a slow-moving monster even after his power was released. It was not difficult to avoid its attack, but in contrast, Chishima Hitomi It is also difficult to cause enough damage to the monster. Although the Kuang Tian Bone is a good knife, it still cannot withstand the full blow of the tyrant head-on. The bone blade made of his own bones as raw materials is fine. Entering the burning state can also cause effective damage to the tyrant, but Hitomi Chishima couldn't pull the bone blade out of his chest in full view.

At the same time, he had to suppress his own strength, and at the same time, he had to protect the Ghoutian Kuanggu in his hands. Of course Hitomi Qiandao was restrained.

However, the results of the battle were not in vain. Right now, the tyrant's neck has been cut with a deep gash. If it is an ordinary human being, such a cut is enough to touch the blood vessels, but if the opponent is a muscular tyrant, such Hitomi Qiandao cut every knife on the same wound with the help of superb swordsmanship and vigorous skills. She knew very well that as long as she cut a few more times, she would be able to cut through the monster Large arteries hidden under the muscles.

In a roar, the angry tyrant waved his giant claws, leaving deep scratches on the wall, and then slammed towards Hitomi Qiandao's slender body, Hitomi Qiandao frowned slightly, Putting Ghou Tian Kuang's skeleton by his side while dodging slightly, the next moment, the "ding" sound of iron striking sounded again, Hitomi Qiandao suddenly changed his saber posture, leaned forward and slid into the tyrant's arms, the back of Ghou Tian Kuang Bone's sword Scraping across the tyrant's giant claws, layers of sparks were splashed. Taking advantage of the tyrant's unstable center of gravity, Hitomi Qiandao slashed from bottom to top, and slashed into the wound on the tyrant's neck again. , the angry tyrant stood up abruptly regardless of his own wounds, but saw Hitomi Qiandao took advantage of the opportunity to swipe the Ghoutian Kuanggu in his hand, and suddenly, a wonderful feeling came from the iron chain on the binder's arm.


Hitomi Qiandao was overjoyed, and pulled out the Kuangtian Kuangbone close to the tyrant's wound, then lowered his center of gravity, and flashed the violent blow of the tyrant again with his body against the ground. Immediately afterwards, Hitomi Qiandao jumped up, With the sword drawn, the blood-stained Ghouten Kuanggu once again scratched the wound on the tyrant's neck. In just a split second, the girl holding the katana whispered in Japanese: "Shen Nian Mingjing flow, superb view. Higan Sakura!"

A cold light was hidden between the flowing black long hair. The girl squatted halfway, back to back with the tyrant, and passed by.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

A few seconds later, the black-haired samurai Ji suddenly trembled, and threw the blood dripping from the blade onto the wall. She squatted halfway, with her left hand behind her back, and her right hand raised the long and narrow samurai sword. Looking back, he slowly inserted the blade into the scabbard held in his left hand. After finishing all this, Hitomi Qiandao stood up silently, and walked slowly towards Tiliris.

Behind Hitomi Qiandao, the tyrant maintained a posture of bowing and waving his claws, as if he was frozen.A few seconds later, blood spurted out, splashing on the ceiling, walls and the cold ground. The tyrant opened his mouth wide, turned around staggeringly, and walked towards Hitomi Qiandao step by step, and finally his body softened and fell on the ground. on the ground.

At this moment, cheers and applause filled with foul language resounded through the entire corridor. Amidst the cheers of madmen, Hitomi Chishima came to Tiriris, bowed lightly, and spoke in awkward English. Said: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

Tilly Lisi looked at the warrior Ji in front of her, and the corners of her mouth curled into an undetectable arc, she lightly parted her cherry lips, and said in a deep voice, "It's okay.


Three shifts, call it a day.

As I write this, I have to sigh with emotion that the painting style of the macho harem group has gradually drifted away from Resident Evil. When the protagonist group in the original work was beaten to the brim, these girls were playing Wushuang. It is my crime.

Volume 6 Mission.66-[-]. Macho before the war

The scorching breath dispelled the coldness of Itonia. In the middle of the street, a huge white metal ball exuded heat that distorted the surrounding air. The corpse of the tyrant under the metal ball made a burst of sound under the heat of this temperature. A strange burnt smell mixed with the tyrant's blood slowly evaporated.

"What the hell is this?" Yegel, who was hiding behind the tank, frowned while staring at the giant falling from the sky. The troops on both sides were also stunned, Idoni The soldiers and officers of the Asian government army looked at the huge metal ball with suspicion in their eyes, as if hesitating whether to open fire directly, and in the alley on the other side of the street, the remaining security forces were also stunned, as if they were a little displeased. Believe your eyes.

After a while, a security team leader hiding in the alley whispered in surprise: "My God, it turned out to be 'Ymir'..."

"Ymir? A giant in Nordic mythology?" Hearing what the captain said, a bandaged team member next to him said with some doubts: "This thing...doesn't look like a person..."

On the roof deep in the alley, Sawyer stopped the chainsaw in his hand and kicked away the half corpse of a hunter δ. Between the black eyeliner, those cold eyes were silently watching the rising of the street. At this moment, there was a sound behind her. Sawyer turned his head and subconsciously wanted to pull up the chainsaw, but it was Teres who climbed up from behind. She looked a little tired. There were several holes in the exposed clothes, her heavy machine gun was carried behind her back, and in her hand was an HK-416 that was picked up from the body of a member of the security force.

Sawyer raised his eyebrows slightly, it seemed that Tyrese's machine gun had run out of bullets.

"Ah~ I'm so exhausted..." Throwing the HK-416 hanging on her shoulders behind her, Tyrese opened her arms and hugged Sawyer regardless of the blood stains all over her body, while rubbing against Sawyer. His face said: "Ah! Little Sawyer, save me, save me~"

"Don't rub..." Sawyer said with the sound generator on Bo's neck: "The powder. All. Rubbed... on the face."

"Little Sawyer is really ruthless..." Frowning slightly, the older technical worker who wiped blood all over his face imitated the cute appearance of a girl, pouted his lips lightly, and continued while rubbing against Sawyer's face: " However, I also like such a cold little Sawyer, hehe..."

To be honest, Sawyer wanted to lift up the chainsaw directly when Terese hugged her just now, but seeing Terese's powerless look, Sawyer's heart softened rarely.

Now, Sawyer, who was crazily squeezed by Tyrese, regretted it. Maybe she should have just sawed it. Sure enough, being kind to this female cousin is being cruel to herself!

Stretched out a blood-stained hand, his fingers resolutely passed through Tyrese's somewhat dry blond hair that was tainted by gunpowder smoke, and then grabbed it and dragged it aside. The human face was finally separated, it seemed that it was because the scalp was torn and hurt, and the cuteness on Teresa's face disappeared in an instant, and the irascible old technician who showed his true colors shouted angrily to Sawyer: "It hurts! You girl watch!"

Sawyer didn't speak, but refocused his gaze on the street in the distance.

"By the way, what was that thing that fell from the sky just now?" Seeing that Sawyer didn't react, Teresa was a little disappointed. The billowing thick smoke rising from the street said: "When the thing fell from the sky, the movement was unusually loud. It seemed that the whole Lopulus trembled. It's strange. Is it a meteorite?"

Speaking of this, Terris suddenly laughed. She turned her head to look at Sawyer, and said mockingly: "By the way, does little Sawyer know what a meteorite is? Probably not? After all, little Sawyer doesn't even have a book. Have you read it~"

Unintentionally arguing with an old woman who failed to graduate from elementary school, Sawyer frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "That's a weapon."

At this moment, not only the scavengers and poisonous scorpions were watching the street, but also the old mad dog and the flower girl hiding in the dark. Petronev walked over the corpses of the security forces members lying on the second floor of the small building. , Cautiously poked out half of his face from the window, under the white eyebrows, the cloudy but energetic eyes sent his gaze past the low houses below, pointing directly at the street that was almost smashed into pieces.

"Talian, come and see what fell over there? I'm presbyopic and can't see clearly!" After a while, Petronev greeted in a low voice behind him.

"Tsk, old man, you are really troublesome. The people in charge of that area are Yeger's people. Just leave this kind of matter to them..." Although she complained, the girl with small freckles still stood up Come on, she grabbed the flamethrower fuel tank that she had randomly placed on the table, and carried it back behind her back. At the same time, she walked unhurriedly to Petronev's side, squinting her eyes to see Looking at the street in the distance, he said, "Come on, let me see what it is?"

"Back back a little..." Seeing Talian looking out carelessly, Petronev stretched out his hand, pushed Talian back, and said in a low voice, "If there is anyone below, you just now are a A living target!"

"The old thing is so long-winded!" Talian waved her hand, and then continued to focus on the street on the other side. After a while, she was a little uncertain: "That thing looks a bit like a space capsule..."

"Space capsule?" Petronev froze.

"Yes, a round ball, white, looks very sci-fi, very Hollywood..." Talian described what she saw to Petronev, and added at the end: "Maybe this thing is from the former Soviet Union. It was launched into space!"

"Stop watching little Bolshechoa's movies!" Petronev was a little annoyed at the mention of the Soviet Union, so he frowned.

"Heh, did you hit your sore spot? An old thing?" A nasty smile crossed his face, and he just made a joke to the limit of Petronev's patience, and then changed the subject naturally. Talian looked at Thinking outside the window: "However, what is that thing?"


"What is it?!" Hansel, a silver-haired young man with a heavy machine gun on his back, stood on the eaves, excitedly waving his arms to the frantic team in the alley, and said, "My sister said that thing looks so big! Hard! It's amazing!"

Confused by this strange description, Fisher subconsciously looked between his legs, and when he looked up again, he found Anna on the side staring at him with disdain on his face.

Hank was also confused. He frowned and asked Hansel, "Are there any more features? How big is that thing? What shape is it? Is it a weapon?"

Hansel, who was standing on the roof, was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to Gretel who was lying at his feet, holding the NTW-20, and said, "Did you hear everything, sister? Uncle asked a lot of questions."

"Elder sister can't answer..." Looking at the distant street through the scope, Gretel said in a sweet voice: "After all, my elder sister is just a child like Hansel. This kind of big and hard How can something be known?"

"My sister said she doesn't know something big and hard." Hansel turned his head and smiled at Hank.

Hank's facial muscles twitched violently twice with the wrinkles on his face. Just as he was about to climb up to take a look himself, Gretel, who was lying on the roof, suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

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