Country A is even more xenophobic than imagined, Bai Muqing was bullied, those white skins have arrogance from the bone marrow, they look down on the people of the Celestial Dynasty, and this has stimulated Bai Muqing's overly strong self-esteem.

From then on, on the basis of ensuring her studies, Bai Muqing gave up dancing and piano practice, started to learn martial arts, and successfully beat up those ignorant little girls in the school all over the place. From then on, those The bullies all avoided Bai Muqing.

A few years later, Bai Muqing was admitted to STF University with excellent grades when she was a girl, and received a Ph.D. she.

"Do you want to stand above all living beings and overlook the reality of this world?" the gentleman asked, his voice seemed to carry some kind of mysterious temptation, the young Bai Muqing thought about it, and agreed.

Without telling her parents, Bai Muqing entered the black Umbrella.

At first, Bai Muqing worked in the laboratory, but soon, members of the joint committee took a fancy to her talent, and they hoped to give Bai Muqing more power, so Bai Muqing left the laboratory and began to receive military training. Years later, she became the youngest executive of Black Umbrella and worked in this position for three full years. During these three years, she solved many difficult problems for Black Umbrella, and other executives began to laugh and call her "The Hound of Black Umbrella".

Any outstanding girl will have many suitors around her, and Bai Muqing is no exception, but she has rejected them all one by one. According to the tradition of the Bai family, the boys of the Bai family should marry the girls of the Celestial Dynasty, and the girls of the Bai family should marry He is a boy from the Celestial Dynasty, and because of his experience in school days, Bai Muqing has an instinctive dislike for these white-skinned men who are courting him.

Bai Muqing believes that in the future, she will marry a man who is better than herself. He is handsome, decisive, brave, romantic, capable, and self-motivated... Only in this way can she be worthy of her long-term efforts.

It is no exaggeration to say that, looking at the past twenty-three years, Bai Muqing's life is like a cheating heroine in a third-rate novel. She is young, beautiful, and in a high position. As long as she works hard, she can do anything. It's done, it's simply the chosen daughter of heaven.

In this way, with the pride unique to young people, Miss Bai made great strides along the road of life, and then stepped into the cesspit.

First, he was put aside by a group of psychopaths, and then he had to work hard because of the constant urging of his exasperated boss. He came to Itonia confidently with the strongest armed force of black umbrella, ready to bully and bully the poor. The local who dropped his pants was beaten badly, and even his hometown was copied. He was thinking of stopping the battle and stopping the loss in time, but he was stabbed in the back by his own people.

Ever since I took over the handling of the European branch, nothing has been under my control!There is no logic at all in all this!God is going to kill me!Miss Bai suspected that her first twenty years had used up all the good luck in her life!

That's all...

Gently embracing her legs in the dark, Bai Muqing chose to give up thinking. Presumably, her consciousness will disappear completely in the near future. Instead of dying in resentment like the villains in those movies, why not go calmly? ?

The consciousness sank deeper and deeper, the ability to think gradually disappeared, and her memory seemed to become blurred. Bai Muqing knew that the time was coming, and just when she was about to face death calmly, suddenly, a warm feeling came from behind her. It came, and then slowly covered the whole body.

So warm, is this what death feels like?

nice temperature...

Wait, why is it a little hot?

So hot!

The trance consciousness was pulled out of the abyss in an instant, the shadow wrapped around the body no longer dragged Bai Muqing, but suddenly gathered towards Bai Muqing's body, and as the senses began to return, the consciousness rose rapidly, and in the darkness, There seemed to be a faint light, and Bai Muqing was pushed and shoved by that invisible force, getting closer and closer to that light.

Her body became hotter and hotter, and a strange desire suddenly occupied Bai Muqing's consciousness. As an adult woman, Bai Muqing knew exactly what this desire was!She blushed and rubbed her legs subconsciously, trying to dispel this embarrassing feeling, but instead of weakening with the friction, the feeling began to stimulate Bai Muqing's body more unscrupulously, finally, a strong release of pleasure Filling Bai Muqing's body, Bai Muqing couldn't help letting out a low moan. With this low moan, her body suddenly passed through the light in front of her eyes, and then fell hard. In an instant, a hard feeling came down from her body, accompanied by Hearing the "cracking" sound of the flames burning beside him and the faint quarrel coming from ahead, Bai Muqing's consciousness returned.

I am... still alive?

Ignoring the embarrassment caused by some strange and unknown reasons, Bai Muqing, who was limp and unable to exert any strength, struggled to open his eyes. Under the light of the fire, his blurred vision gradually focused. Suddenly came the sentence "You're awake..." Immediately afterwards, she saw a man with an Asian face walking towards her, and when he stood in front of her, he squatted down.

Facing between the man's legs, Bai Muqing frowned subconsciously, she tried her best to raise her head, but saw the man was looking at her with a proud face, and the corners of his mouth could not be restrained.

This face... I seem to have seen it somewhere?

Just waking up from the chaos, Bai Muqing's head didn't seem to be in the right state. After staring at the man in front of him with a confused face for a long time, Bai Muqing finally remembered where he had seen this face before!

Eyes widened little by little, and uncontrollable anger ignited between her brows, Bai Muqing gritted her teeth, looked at the proud man in front of her and said viciously: "Li Ye Ye Xing!


One more, tonight the resistance plan can't be played, the pc public beta tomorrow, I vomited.

Volume 6 Mission.84-[-]. The Strong Man Kills His Heart


Bai Muqing viciously pronounced Li Yexing's name, his voice was full of resentment, like a ghost from the Nine Netherworlds, but the voice was a little lacking in energy and seemed very weak.

Looking at Bai Muqing who was lying on the ground, Li Yexing's smile became more and more wild, he grinned and shook his head. After a while, his expression suddenly became a little weird, as if he was curious to see something strange. Then, he Suddenly he leaned forward and said with a puzzled expression, "Tsk... hiss... oops, isn't this a talented student who has received a doctorate from STF? Isn't this the youngest executive officer in the history of Black Umbrella? Why are you lying on the ground?"

After all, Li Yexing stood up abruptly, waving his arms upwards vigorously like a conductor, as if he was about to hold something up, and said at the same time: "Come on, get up and take two steps!"

"You... bastard..." With pursed lips, Bai Muqing really wanted to stand up, but at this moment, she couldn't use any strength in her body, and it became extremely difficult to even move her arms, let alone stand up. Woke up.

On the other side, seeing Bai Muqing's angry face but unable to move, Li Yexing lowered his arms, squatted down in front of Bai Muqing again, and said with a smile, "You know, I just like to look at this picture of you that hates me and takes me again." Helpless and miserable."

"Oh, it's just a villain's success..." Bai Muqing said bitterly, knowing that he couldn't take advantage of it, he turned his head slightly, and no longer met Li Yexing's eyes, but Li Yexing didn't mind. Butt sat down, smiled and said: "Don't be so unreasonable, Miss Bai, after all, I will be the last person you talk to before you die, don't you think you should cherish the chance that you can still talk? "

"When I think that the last moment of my life will be talking to an obscene mad dog like you, I really don't want to die immediately." Bai Muqing said coldly.

"Look, it's your fault. You know, my time is very expensive. I would condescend to say a few words with you. You should feel honored..." Li Yexing shrugged and said with a smile.

"You? Talk to me? Condescending?" Bai Muqing's eyes widened instantly, as if she was laughed angrily by Li Yexing, her eyes became fierce, and she said coldly, "I really don't know what kind of self-confidence it is. Can you support a mad dog drifting in the mud to say this to me? Why?"

"Of course I'm squatting, and you are lying on your stomach..." Li Yexing tilted his head and smiled, seeing that Bai Muqing's face became a little ugly, he slowly moved closer to Bai Muqing's ear, and said softly like a devil : "I know what you are thinking, Ms. Bai, you are an STF doctor, you are rich, you have power, you are a superior person, you look down on us war dogs, am I right?"

"Don't come over here, it's disgusting, it smells like sweat..." With a hint of disgust on her face, Bai Muqing didn't answer Li Yexing's question directly, but her eyes betrayed her thoughts completely.

"It's okay, it's not that I can't understand. After all, there are occasionally guys in Lopulus who have retired from certain front-line special forces to make a living. They generally don't think much of us at the beginning..." Li Yexing smiled, and then He said to Bai Muqing: "Guess what we call those rookies who retired from the special forces to make a living? We call them 'academics'."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing's expression gradually became vicious, and he whispered: "Come on, highly educated lady, can you introduce to me who is the professor of STF who can teach you a combat skill like yours?" What about the commander who lost Lao Di to nothing?"

"I admit that I lost, because I failed to collect enough reliable information, I was called an intelligence agent by you..." A gloomy trace crossed his face, but then he became ruthless again, Bai Muqing sneered: "But Don't think that this is the end of the matter. The head of the Eastern Europe branch has escaped. He will charge me with colluding with the BSAA with you. Soon, a new executive will take over the work here. Don't you Maybe take that supervisor and escape forever!"

"Wait... The head of the Eastern Europe branch escaped?" Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, thinking that the incident seemed a little different from what he thought.

"That's right, Alexei escaped!" Bai Muqing said fiercely: "That despicable villain lied to me about the military situation, and concealed the fact that the Eastern European branch was attacked by the BSAA to the headquarters. Seeing that I wanted to withdraw the troops to stop the loss, he So he locked me up, and after the battle was completely useless, he injected me with the virus! He wanted to kill people to silence me! He has been dazzled by power!"

"About this issue, I don't think you need to worry too much..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "None of you can leave tonight."

Bai Muqing stared at Li Yexing in a daze, then suddenly sneered, she said in a low voice, "It seems that you've even managed to block our retreat route, right?"

"Of course." Li Yexing nodded.

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