Amid the noise, Li Yexing stuffed the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, took a puff, but felt lonely. He frowned and looked at his fingertips, but saw that the cigarette in his hand had burned out at some point, and only A piece of cigarette butt smoking green smoke was dropped.

Sighing softly, Li Yexing flicked the cigarette butt away with his fingers, and then silently watched the street. At this moment, a voice sounded from behind.

"Night travel..."

Li Yexing turned his head, a gust of wind blew by, carrying the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the long silver hair was blown down on his face, gently scratching Li Yexing's face, Li Yexing smiled, and moved the hair with his fingers Si gently pushed aside, and said softly: "Tiliris..."

Tilly Lisi sat down slowly beside Li Yexing, leaned on Li Yexing's shoulder, and silently watched the chaotic street with her pair of red eyes. As in the past, the silver-haired girl had no expression on her face. It's hard to see what she's thinking.

After a while, Li Yexing asked in a low voice, "Where's Rita?"

"Handing over with the Italians..." Tilly Liss replied in a low voice.

"Where's Kanan and Hitomi?"

"Kanan is resting, Hitomi and Rita are together."

"Is your sister back?"

"I'm back, with Papa Casimir."

"Where is that Miss Bai?"

"At the Crazy Bar..." Tiriris whispered, "Still unable to move, lying on the second floor, Kasimir's father seems to have something to say to her."

"Really..." Li Yexing paused, and then whispered, "How long have you been hiding it from me?"

"Soon, only a few days..." The red eyes became a little dim, and Tiriris lowered her head and whispered: "Yexing, are you angry?"

"Of course not..." With a smile on his face, Li Yexing reached out and touched Tili Lisi's head, and said softly, "I'm just a little..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud voice. Li Yexing raised his head following the voice, and saw Yegel pointing at him at the side of the street, as if he was saying something to the people beside him. , and then waved to Li Yexing and said, "Li! People from BSAA are looking for you!"

"Here we come!" Sliding down from the ruins as if escaping, leaving Tilly Lisi in place, Li Yexing ran towards Yegel in a hurry. He squeezed through the dense crowd and came to Yegel's side, waiting to see When he saw the person next to Yegel, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback.

It was a very capable Caucasian woman. She looked about thirty years old, with good facial features, and her brown hair was tied into a single ponytail and thrown behind her head. She was wearing a tight-fitting BSAA uniform. Wearing a thick coat to block the cold from Itonia.

Jill Valentine!

After Chris, Ada, Leon and Jack, Li Yexing met the protagonist in the game again.

Jill Valentine, one of the most powerful women in the "Resident Evil" series, has appeared in "Resident Evil", "Resident Evil 3", "Resident Evil. Umbrella Chronicles", "Resident Evil. Apocalypse" and "Resident Evil 5", Chris's old partner, and Chris are known as the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" of BSAA, with rich combat experience.

Li Yexing really didn't expect that he would meet Jill under such circumstances, so he couldn't help but look at Jill more.

On the other side, Jill was also looking at Li Yexing. After a while, she said in a deep voice, "You are Li Yexing? The mercenary Chris mentioned?"

"That's right, it's me..." Li Yexing responded immediately after being pulled out of his thoughts.

"Very good..." Jill nodded, then stretched out his hand towards Li Yexing and said, "I am Jill Valentine from BSAA, Chris's old partner, and I was sent to deal with the incident in Itonia Biohazard event."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Valentine..." Logically speaking, Li Yexing would be very excited to meet the protagonist in the previous game in reality, but now, Li Yexing is in a state of disarray, so he is just out of politeness Shake hands with Jill.

Keenly aware that Li Yexing's mood was not right, Jill raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "It seems that you are in trouble."

"This is Lopulus, everyone is in trouble..." Li Yexing prevaricated Jill, looked around, and then asked with some doubts: "Chris didn't come?"

"Chris is on his way back to the headquarters..." Jill said in a deep voice, "He made too much of a mess. He acted against the orders of the higher-ups and caused casualties. It is estimated that he will come here soon. Made me write the report for him and it's been such a dire situation that I think he's going to be suspended...temporarily."

Yegel, who was standing aside, looked left and right, then patted Li Yexing on the shoulder and said, "You come to entertain BSAA, I'm still busy."

Li Yexing looked at Yegel, and saw that his face was covered with mud and blood, his hair was full of dust and fine sand, his eyes were bloodshot, and his lips were slightly chapped, as if he would fall down in a second. like going down.

"Go ahead, don't push yourself too hard." Li Yexing nodded and said softly.

Yegel was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, pointed his left ear at Li Yexing, and said at the same time, "Speak louder, I can't hear you clearly."

"I said I'm going to kill you girl! Get out of here!" Li Yexing frowned loudly.

"Hey, you crazy dog! You go crazy in broad daylight!" Pretending to be angry, but unable to suppress the faint curve of the corner of his mouth, Yegel pointed at Li Yexing and said, "You dog, I will clean you up when I finish my work!"

After that, Yegel turned around and left. He walked to the other side of the street and shouted to the government soldiers on the side of the street: "Kay? Where is Kay?! Let them give the battlefield to the soldiers!" I'll clean it up! This battle can't be fought in vain! The guns of those guys are much better than the guys in our hands! I'll get them all back! Don't let a single one go!"

"Is this Itonia..." Looking at Yegel's back, Jill shook his head with a smile and said, "I always think that people in the Slavic cultural circle have a unique charm, whether they are good guys or villains."

"They are really great..." Li Yexing nodded, a little perfunctorily.

Seeing that Li Yexing seemed to have no intention of chatting, Jill turned his head and said to Li Yexing: "This time, I have some personal things to do besides assessing the situation at the scene and recovering those BOW's corpses..."

"Is it related to me?" Li Yexing asked in a deep voice.

"That's right..." Jill nodded and said, "Chris asked me to communicate with you. Once the guys on the upper floor ask Chris where he knew about the situation in Smolensk, Chris must have a suitable statement. To prevaricate the people above."

"I understand..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "The reason has been prepared, let's talk as we walk..."

Before leaving, Li Yexing turned his head and glanced at Tiriris who was sitting on the ruins, and saw that Tiriris was looking at him with those red eyes, and there seemed to be some inexplicable emotions hidden inside.

Seeing that Tiliris didn't intend to follow, Li Yexing sighed softly, and he whispered to Jill: "Let's go...


Two watch, don't wait three, I have something to do at night, I don't know what time I can go home.

Volume 6 Mission.88-[-]. Macho Maid and Frenzied Bar

Carrying a silver metal box, the perfect maid with short gray hair stood silently in the alley. She raised her head, looked at the sign in front of her, and said in a low voice, "Crazy Bar...?"

As Li Yexing's perfect maid, Rita is well aware of the true identity of this bar - the first agency's resident in Loples, which is secretly operated by Black Umbrella, where the first agency's special operations team is stationed. In a sense, they were Li Yexing's thugs.

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