"What does it have to do with you..." There was finally a hint of softness in the cold tone, like the reproach between lovers, Bai Muqing pulled her tender foot out of Li Yexing's palm, and then lightly kicked Li Yexing's stomach A kick, very lightly.

"Continue..." Bai Muqing whispered.

Li Yexing smiled, buried his face in the gap squeezed by his thighs, and then protected Bai Muqing's feet between his palms again. This time, neither of them spoke. Bai Muqing pouted, blushing slightly. Li Yexing knelt down on one knee and warmed Bai Muqing's feet stained with his own color with both hands. The two of them maintained their postures, and they didn't know how many times the second hand of the wall clock rang before Bai Muqing reluctantly pulled his foot out of Li Yexing's palm.

"Put it on for me..." Bai Muqing whispered.

"Hmm..." Li Yexing nodded. He picked up the black high-heeled shoes placed under him with one hand, and gently held the soles of Bai Muqing's feet with the other hand. Her long toes were covered with shiny black nails, which were gradually engulfed in the black package, and the hand holding Bai Muqing's sole was also lifted up a little bit, wrapping the heel gently, and finally resting on the ankle.

After putting on the high heels for Bai Muqing, the two stood up at the same time. Li Yexing and Bai Muqing faced each other without speaking. A few seconds later, Bai Muqing raised her head. , then lightly brushed the thin hair that was not messy by the ears, and said with a trace of indifference between the brows: "Go make dumplings..."

As he spoke, Bai Muqing squeezed past Li Yexing and walked towards the door of the office, but at this moment, Li Yexing turned around suddenly, he stretched out his hands, wrapped his arms around Bai Muqing's waist from behind, and wrapped Bai Muqing into a I held her in my arms.

Bai Muqing stood there, didn't respond, but didn't resist either, while Li Yexing closed his eyes, buried his face between Bai Muqing's neck, breathed in the fragrance of Bai Muqing's body, and said in a low voice, "It's hard for you to admit it. Is it hard to say?"

Feeling the temperature coming from behind, Bai Muqing didn't reply, and after a while, she whispered: "Stop rubbing, how do you make dumplings like this?"

"That's right..." Li Yexing let go of the hands around Bai Muqing, he smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm going to wash my face and calm down."

Bai Muqing looked down, and suddenly remembered that she had overheard outside the door in the afternoon, and she subconsciously turned her head away and swallowed about what Kanan said about helping Li Yexing solve the problem when she was outside in the morning. , for some reason, she actually wanted to try it.

Those girls are probably still busy in the kitchen at the moment. If it is now, the bathroom might be...

In the fantasy, Li Yexing's painful expression because of herself resurfaced in her mind again. Bai Muqing wanted to turn this fantasy into reality. After all, she had been taking the medicine for more than two months, and she knew very well how to make Li Yexing Feel the pain.

Confidence and a cold arc once again curled up from the corners of his mouth a little bit, coldness and charm mixed together in the wine red eyes, Bai Muqing raised his head, and looked at Li Yexing.

"If you, a wild dog, really can't bear it, I can help you as hard as I can."

As the words came to her lips, Bai Muqing gently parted her vermilion lips, but before she could utter the first word, Li Yexing suddenly said, "By the way, I almost forgot, before you make dumplings, remember to wash your hands."

The words that were about to be spoken were instantly blocked back, Bai Muqing was stunned, as if surprised by Li Yexing's thoughtless words.

On the other side, seeing Bai Muqing's puzzled face, Li Yexing thought she didn't understand what he meant, so he smiled and explained to Bai Muqing: "Look, after all, you've been casting spells there for a long time, if you go to cover it later Dumplings don't wash their hands clean, so it's a bit..."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing continued: "And you know, Tilly Lisi and sister-in-law have good noses, if you don't wash your hands, when the time comes, they will know everything when you enter the kitchen, how embarrassing it is ..."

Under the long eyelashes, the pair of wine-red eyes widened in astonishment. It wasn't until Li Yexing finished speaking that Bai Muqing realized what this guy was talking about. The smile disappeared, and Bai Muqing's face was once again filled with shame and anger. She kicked Li Yexing's calf directly. This kick was not light, and Li Yexing subconsciously shrank back and said, "Damn it!"

Leaving Li Yexing alone in the office with her arms around her calves, Bai Muqing walked into the corridor with a cold face, and went straight to the bathroom. She turned on the faucet, let the water wash over her hands, raised her head, and looked at herself in the mirror. , Bai Muqing sneered again.

Heh, in this kind of atmosphere, you can still say such mindless and stupid things, you are worthy of being a wild dog, just stay in the kitchen for a while, gnashing your teeth because of the pain that you can’t vent, and repenting for what you missed...

Second watch, there is something to do at night, don't wait for the third watch.

Is the sugar I sent sweet?Or is it that someone doesn't understand what I'm saying?It's sugar!Not a car!Someone else brushed me driving in my post and comment area?ill?I don’t want to look at the neck and just say it straight, so the plot advances faster and it’s easier for me to write, it’s really unspiritual, I’m convinced.

Volume 6.5 Extra.24-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

"Happy New Year!"

Beside the big round table in the office, Li Yexing said loudly with a smile on his face. He left his seat, holding a bottle of Erguotou in his hand, and poured a little for every girl on the table around the table.

Tilly Lisi looked at the wine in the glass silently, without saying a word, but Tilly Lian picked up the glass and shook it lightly, then took it under her little nose and sniffed it, and then her expression became distorted.

Rita just smiled. During the Spring Festival, Rita decided to be presumptuous once, and let her favorite husband pour wine for herself as a maid.

Kanan watched the wine in the bottle pour into the glass little by little, and raised her eyebrows vigorously, as if she had an inexplicable resistance to the wine in the glass.

Hitomi Qiandao sized up the glass of wine in front of her, seeming a little curious. Seeing Tillylian's ferocious grinning expression, she also learned to lean up and sniff it lightly. Immediately afterwards, her smile became forced .

Bai Muqing's expression softened a little, perhaps because of the warmth of the New Year's Eve banquet, the coldness rarely receded from the brows.

After pouring wine for each girl, Li Yexing was not in a hurry to return to her seat. She stood behind Bai Muqing, holding the wine bottle with one hand, and supported the back of Bai Muqing's chair with the other hand, cleared her throat , and then said with a smile on his face: "This... I don't know what to say specifically. In short, it's another New Year. In the past year, we experienced a gang war in Japan and brought back Hitomi , On a small tropical island, we fought a lot of messy forces, gained a small diner who often stopped by, and..."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing paused, and then continued: "And, we have found a very good civil servant from the executive department of Black Umbrella, this is the first real civil servant in our firm, The kind that can write war reports..."

Bai Muqing, who was sincerely praised by Li Yexing, frowned slightly and murmured softly: "Why do I feel that you are scolding me..."

"Cough..." Clearing his throat to cover up his embarrassment, Li Yexing held up the wine bottle in his hand and said, "In short, I hope that in the next year, we can also help each other and overcome difficulties together..."

"Enenaiaiai..." Tiriris said expressionlessly.

"Song every night?" Rita thought for a while, and then asked a little shyly.

"Wear a pair of pants!" Kanan excitedly held up his wine glass.

"Shuang... Shuangsu Shuangfei..." Hitomi Qiandao said shyly.

"Huh? Hmm..." Tillylian thought for a while with her clever little brain, then shook Tiliris's arm and said, "I don't care! The perverted brother-in-law wants to spoil me! What does my lord want?" What will the perverted brother-in-law want to give!"

"What about you?" Seeing that everyone had finished speaking, Li Yexing bent down and asked Bai Muqing, "Do you have any good wishes for the new year?"

"When I think about being tied to the same boat as your wild dog in the future, I have no hope for the future."

Originally, Bai Muqing really wanted to say that, but looking at the girls at this table, she couldn't say it after all, with a somewhat forced smile on her face, Bai Muqing held up her wine glass and said, "Be healthy and everything will go well."

"It's so vulgar, it doesn't sound like something said by a highly educated intellectual..." Li Yexing couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

After pouring wine for the girls and saying New Year's messages, the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve officially began.

The big guy with garlic sauce was placed in the middle, surrounded by plates of dumplings, and everyone laughed and moved their chopsticks.

Picking up one from the plate, Li Yexing looked at it in front of him, then smiled and said, "Let me guess, who made this..."

After pondering for a moment, Li Yexing smiled and said, "It's the dumplings made by Tong, right?"

"I don't know..." Hitomi Qiandao shook her head, she really couldn't tell which one was made by herself from the mixed plates of dumplings.

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