From the first day of the new year, according to the custom of the Chinese New Year, Li Yexing took gifts one by one to deal with the acquaintances of Loples, first the Italians and the military, and then it was the turn of those who were relatively close and more acquainted. The people who talk, such as the scavenger in the warehouse behind, are the strongest in the flower street in various senses, or the little girl in a flower shop, but this year is slightly different from previous years. Under Rita’s proposal, Li Yexing finally chose to take Bai Muqing out.

"As the secretary of the firm, Miss Bai will replace me in dealing with various forces in the future, so it is very necessary to take this opportunity to let Miss Bai familiarize herself with various forces."

That's what Rita said that day, and Tilly Liss agreed. Li Yexing didn't think too much about it, and thought that he would get to know each other anyway. It wouldn't be a bad idea to take this opportunity to introduce the newcomers to those old scoundrels. .

Beating up blind locals in the New Wife bar, it's better not to happen again...

With this in mind, Li Yexing led Bai Muqing to meet all the forces. During the conversation, Bai Muqing just stood behind him, expressionless and silent. Only when the topic mentioned her, she Only then did she respond politely, like a real secretary. I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion. She seemed to be observing and thinking about something all the time, and there seemed to be something hidden in those wine-red eyes.

By the fourth day of junior high school, the visits were basically over. That night, Li Yexing and the girls were sitting on the sofa in the office playing games and joking, while Bai Muqing was sitting alone at the desk, frowning and staring at the computer screen. No post, until the girls went back to their room to sleep and Rita started tidying up the office, and she stood up abruptly.

"It's time to rest." With a cold face as usual, Bai Muqing went back to Rita's bedroom directly through the soiled stockings and high heels. I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion, but he seemed to see a glimmer of excitement in Bai Muqing's eyes. Li Yexing is very familiar with this kind of excitement, and he generally refers to this kind of excitement as "full of energy".

"What's wrong with Muqing?" After Bai Muqing left the office, Li Yexing turned to Rita and asked.

"Rita doesn't know either..." The perfect maid smiled and shook her head and said, "If you're curious, sir, you might as well ask."

From that day on, Bai Muqing became a little mysterious. She got up early every day, then dragged Li Yexing out of the bed, asked him to apply medicine to her feet, and then had breakfast with Rita and Hitomi Qiandao who also woke up early. , After breakfast, she will learn kendo with Hitomi Chishima, sometimes it’s just slashing, sometimes it’s sparring, two command knives from the black Umbrella executive department collide with the back of the knife in the air, splashing little sparks, waiting to be hearty After the morning exercise is over, Bai Muqing will start to study. She will learn almost everything, sometimes it is microbiology or medical related magazines, sometimes it is Japanese or other small languages, and sometimes it is business management. This kind of learning will continue. Continues until Rita is ready for lunch.

After lunch, after greeting Li Yexing, Bai Muqing went out. Sometimes she would be back in the afternoon, and sometimes it would be delayed until dinner. She even borrowed Tillylian's motorcycle for two days in a row. Every day until after dinner, She only rests for a while, does not study or work, sometimes she just sits at the desk like that, and sometimes chats with other girls, it's just that the appearance of getting serious by accident makes Hitomi Chishima a little Headache, as for Kanan...why do you take care of me seriously?

Of course, most of the free time, the icy secretary still tried to find a chance to get bored with Li Yexing.

As a traditional girl from the Celestial Dynasty, it is already very difficult to accept sharing a man with a large group of beautiful girls. Now, Bai Muqing is somewhat uncomfortable with letting Bai Muqing follow the example of those girls and sleep with them without any shyness. So as long as conditions permit, she still hopes to be alone with Li Yexing.

Although she always has a cold face, she is like a young deer in her heart who is in love with a young girl. Bai Muqing enjoys the precious time alone with Li Yexing. After getting along with him for a long time, Bai Muqing discovered that Li Yexing's temper was not so violent. He was like a sea urchin. On the surface, his whole body was covered with hard thorns. But the inside is extremely soft and sweet, even if he is a little angry because of too many poisonous tongues, as long as he is given a suffocating kiss, he will immediately calm down.

Vaguely, Bai Muqing felt as if he had grasped the knack of getting along with Li Yexing.

Miss Bai, who is just in love, seems a bit clumsy even in love, but objectively speaking, she is indeed a mature girl who is over [-] years old. Her love may be a bit naive, but her desire for Li Yexing's love is absolutely impossible. Only staying in the naive way of kissing, compared to this understatement of love, she is more eager to have that kind of frank communication with Li Yexing that can hit each other's souls.

What's more, thinking of Li Yexing's sea urchin-like characteristics, Bai Muqing couldn't help but want to bully Li Yexing more, whether it was mentally or physically, watching Li Yexing's distress after being bullied by him Bai Muqing only felt that his heart was instantly filled with a great sense of satisfaction and happiness.

After the sweet snatch was over, Li Yexing would either go to sleep directly, or do some pre-bedtime activities with other girls, while Bai Muqing took a short rest, and then continued to start the long work.

During the period, it's not that Li Yexing never asked Bai Muqing what she was busy with, but Bai Muqing always used "serious things" to prevaricate. This morning, her attitude finally relaxed a little, and the result was "Meet the parents..."

Li Yexing instinctively felt that he shouldn't ask any more questions.

Although Bai Muqing vowed to change Li Yexing's work and rest habits, in fact, Li Yexing slipped back into the bed and got out of bed after eight o'clock. After washing up, he opened the door of the office, Qiandao Hitomi and Bai Muqing had finished their morning exercises and were sitting on the sofa. Hitomi Qiandao was wearing a white kimono, while Bai Muqing was wearing a custom-made business suit. Between them were two black alloy long knives with different serial numbers. Insert it into the scabbard and put it together.

Li Yexing still remembered that when Bai Muqing first came here, when she saw Hitomi Qiandao holding an executive command knife of the same style, she was stunned.

On the other side, seeing Li Yexing entered the office, Hitomi Qiandao smiled sweetly and said, "Good morning, Lord Yexing."

"I called you before seven o'clock, why are you getting up now?" Bai Muqing who was at the side said a little displeased.

"The gravity in the center of the bed is too strong, it took a while to fly out of orbit." Li Yexing half-jokingly said.

His expression froze, as if he was about to explode, but in just a moment, the anger between his eyebrows dissipated, Bai Muqing sighed, and said in a low voice: "I was really infected by your stupidity, and I actually expected you to be so wild. Dogs learn to get up early."

"It's okay, Miss Bai, people are like bowstrings, you can't be tensed all the time..." Hitomi Qiandao gently took Bai Muqing's hand, and at the same time smiled softly: "This is a holiday, let Ye Xingjun indulge yourself."

For a gentle and lovely girl like Hitomi Qiandao, Bai Muqing naturally wouldn't lose her temper, she just said earnestly: "Miss Qiandao, my mother said that men should not be too used to them, otherwise they will learn bad things."

"Really?" Hitomi Qiandao smiled slightly: "But my mother said that men should be given enough respect and freedom. Excellent men know what they should do and what they should not do. As a woman, as long as they support silently. "

Li Yexing couldn't help raising his eyebrows seeing the good sisters on the sofa talking to each other about their attitudes towards their men.

It seems that my two old mothers-in-law have some differences in the art of imperial husband...


One more.

Volume 6.5 Extra.32-[-]. Macho Takeoff Plan ([-])

"Sir, are you up?" Just as Li Yexing was standing in the office, listening to Hitomi Qiandao and Bai Muqing exchanging imperial skills, the corridor door behind him suddenly opened, and the perfect maid walked gracefully. Stepping in, she came to Li Yexing with a tray, then smiled and said to Li Yexing: "Rita just made a sandwich and warmed up coffee, do you want to try it, sir?"

"Thank you, Rita..." Li Yexing took the tray, gently placed it on the coffee table, and picked up the sandwich on the tray.

Standing beside Li Yexing, Rita listened with great interest to Hitomi Qiandao and Bai Muqing's discussion on Yufushu. During the words, Hitomi Qiandao expressed her own ideas. She believed that as a woman, she should silently endure behind men's backs. , give warmth and encouragement when a man is not self-confident, and occasionally encourage him appropriately, but don't hurt the man's face by all means.

Compared with Hitomi Qiandao's Yufushu, Bai Muqing's ideas are more radical. As a hardworking and highly educated woman, she believes that the relationship between a woman and a man is like a driver and a steering wheel. When the road conditions are good, there is no need to overdo it. But once there is a problem with the road conditions or the direction of the car is wrong, the woman must hold the steering wheel tightly to bring the man back on track.

"What an interesting way to say it..." Listening to the exchange between the two, Rita couldn't help but lift up her catkin wrapped in black lace gloves, and said with a smile, flicking her side face.

Seemingly interrupted by Rita's monologue, Hitomi Qiandao and Bai Muqing, who were sitting on the sofa, turned their heads at the same time and looked at Rita.

"Miss Griffith, what do you think of this matter?" Hitomi Chishima asked with a slight frown, as if hoping that her ideas would be recognized by Rita.

"Me?" Rita was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I am the maid of the husband, and my task is to faithfully carry out the orders of the husband, that's all..."

Speaking of this, Rita paused for a moment, and then continued: "However, if you start from my love and longing for Mr., I don't think it is necessary to restrain Mr. Encouragement and spurs are unnecessary. Love is enough, as the husband's woman, I just need to pamper him, and as far as I am concerned, the only thing that cannot be let down is the love with him."

"It's because of your doting mentality that this guy is just a wild dog so far..." Frowning, Bai Muqing curled her lips in displeasure.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what the husband becomes, I will spoil him unreservedly..." Turning around, Rita hugged Li Yexing with a blushing face, her arms slightly tightened, letting each other's warmth It can be passed on through clothes. She raised her head, and said with a hint of trouble between her brows: "What should I do, sir? I know that if you spoil him too much, you may become a useless person, but Rita still wants to spoil him~"

"I will not become a useless person." Li Yexing's face was stained with resentment. He held the sandwich in one hand, and gently stroked Rita's gray hair with the other hand, and said to Rita at the same time: "These days Where? Haven't gotten up yet?"

"Get up!" As soon as Li Yexing finished speaking, an angry voice came from behind him. Li Yexing turned his head and saw Kanan standing at the door, holding the door frame with one hand and holding a toothbrush in the other. , her hair is disheveled, her face doesn't seem to be washed, she is wearing a familiar black sports bra on her upper body, the baggy army green pants on her lower body, and slippers on her bare feet. If it weren't for her beautiful muscles, Li Yexing would have I thought she was an older female diaosi who came out of some urban sitcom.

"Miss Marfar, you have to pay attention to your image..." Seeing Kanan entering the office like this, Rita couldn't help but whispered.

"Ah? Huh?" The toothbrush was stuffed into his mouth, and the foam of the toothpaste continued to expand. Kanan, who failed to hear Rita's words, widened his eyes with doubts on his face.

"Go to the bathroom to wash up!" Li Yexing frowned.

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