"Right..." Rubbing Li Yexing's chest with a happy smile on his face, Hitomi Qiandao continued: "But the snow in Loples is different. It is very hard, and when it hits the skin with the cold wind, it feels like being scratched by a knife, but when the snow stops and the sun comes out, the whole snow field will light up, pure, flawless, but thick... "

As he said that, Hitomi Qiandao raised his head, smiled and said to Li Yexing, "The snow in Loples is just like Lord Yexing..."

"Tong..." The tenderness in her eyes seemed to condense into substance and flow out. Li Yexing wanted to say something more, but Qiandao Tong raised her eyes and pressed her index finger gently on Li Yexing's lips. She whispered: " Before the new year, Lord Yaxing and Miss Mafal did it outside, right?"

Seeing the lust in Qiandaotong's eyes, Li Yexing instantly understood Qiandaotong's intention, he shook his head slightly and said, "No, it's too cold here..."

"Would it be too cold to pass the rooftop on New Year's Eve?" Hitomi Qiandao had a playful smile on her face.

Hearing Qiandao Tong's words, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, then smiled helplessly and said, "Tong, you've failed in learning."

"Hey..." Letting go of her arms around Li Yexing, Hitomi Qiandao took Li Yexing's hand, and walked towards the snow-covered mound hidden by the woods on the side of the road. She stretched out her arms as she walked. She gently pulled the zipper of the white padded jacket, and when she was in the woods, she spread the white padded jacket on the snow, turned her head and smiled at Li Yexing: "Mr. Yexing can't refuse, after all, we have to go back before lunch. to the office, no?


Three shifts, call it a day.

I sent out all the candy in one go, and then coded and saved the manuscript. Thousand Island sauce is still quite sweet.

Volume 6.5 Extra.37-[-]. Macho Takeoff Plan ([-])

"That's why Brother Yexing and Miss Qiandao were in the snow that day..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yexing slapped Jiang Xueyang on the head. Jiang Xueyang was taken aback for a moment, and then realized.

This is the Frenzied Bar, the shutter door is half-drawn to cover the sunlight outside the glass door, under the dim light, Jiang Xueyang seemed to have lingering fears, he whispered: "It's okay, it's okay, brother Ye Xing's slap saved my life..."

"Save your life? I don't want you to yell loudly. This is a matter between men. If you understand it, forget it. Why are you yelling so loudly?" Li Yexing said a little displeased: "Why, the two of your family still Asleep?"

"Asleep..." The little puppet sniper with a single ponytail frowned and said, "The captain and Fisher have been back to the branch for the past few days, and they must seize the time to torment me day and night, so I Said it was saved..."

As he spoke, Jiang Xueyang lowered his voice and said: "If I let them know that they can still come in the snow, I'm afraid I'm going to fight in the field tonight..."

"It's hard for you too..." Li Yexing lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. Li Yexing casually took out half a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to Jiang Xueyang, raised his eyebrows and said, "One?"

"No..." Jiang Xueyang looked at the stairs next to him while waving his hands. When Li Yexing took back the cigarette case, he suddenly made a move, pulled the half-exposed cigarette out of the cigarette case and put it into his mouth, while whispering: "Brother Yexing, borrow a fire."

"Oh, stick..." After a long absence, Li Yexing cursed in Chinese. Li Yexing smiled and lit the lighter. With the light in his hand, Jiang Xueyang lit the cigarette in his mouth. He took a sharp breath, then narrowed his eyes slightly, Two streams of white mist emitted from the nostrils.

"Look at you..." Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and mocked in a low voice: "Why, why are you afraid that Paglis and Anna will trouble you when you light a cigarette?"

"Those two guys are really serious. They obviously smoked themselves, but they still don't let me smoke..." Jiang Xueyang turned his head to look at Li Yexing and said with a hint of depression in his words: "And brother Yexing, aren't you the same? I never smoked. I heard from Miss Marfar that Executive Officer Bai is very difficult to get along with, right?"

"Tsk..." There was a trace of displeasure between Li Yexing's brows, he bit his cigarette holder and whispered, "He's really my good brother, he can say anything..."

"Well, Brother Ye Xing, we are real brothers and sisters now..." Pretentiously patted Li Ye Xing on the shoulder, Jiang Xueyang said in a low voice: "But to be honest, Brother Ye Xing, I am a little curious. Did you come here without her? Why did you come by yourself? Sneaked?"

"Joke! I have to drink wine, smoke a cigarette, and I still have to look at that woman's face?!" There was a lot of disdain in his eyes, and Li Yexing stepped on the chair with his elbows on his knees. Showing a mysterious expression, she whispered: "She has to go out to do errands at this time every day, and she can only come back when it is getting dark at the earliest. As long as she is not drunk, it is not a big problem."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing threw the burnt cigarette butt into the beer bottle, turned his head and complained in a low voice: "I thought I found a secretary, but I didn't expect to find a real mother. What is Rita's name?" bad idea…"

"However, is Executive Officer Bai really that scary? Can Brother Yexing be afraid of her three points?" Li Yexing was deflated, which seemed strange to Jiang Xueyang, so he leaned over and said curiously: "I also It's not that I haven't met Executive Officer Bai, although he doesn't talk much, but it's not as described by Brother Ye Xing and Miss Marfar..."

"You don't know, that woman is dead!" Perhaps because of drinking some wine, the distress that never showed on his face in the past immediately appeared between his brows, Li Yexing took a sip from the bottle, and just I wanted to talk to Jiang Xueyang in detail, when suddenly the phone in my pocket rang.

"Female horse, I'll tell you later..." As if aroused, Li Yexing stared at Jiang Xueyang, took out his mobile phone without looking at the caller ID, and answered the phone, "Who is there?"

"Wild dog, where did you go?"

In an instant, there was no sound in the bar.

A few seconds later, when Jiang Xueyang was about to speak, Li Yexing immediately gestured for him to keep quiet, clamping the phone around his neck, and he replied loudly: "Oh, I'm shopping for vegetables, Rita said she's going to make lamb chops tonight Truffle, by the way, opened the remaining bottle of red wine."

In an instant, there was no sound on the other side of the phone. A few seconds later, Li Yexing heard Bai Muqing ask, "Rita, what shall we have for dinner tonight?"


Li Yexing's heart rose to his throat in an instant, as if he had been pressed onto the guillotine, quietly waiting for the death row prisoner who lost his head, but in the next second, Rita's reassuring voice faintly came from the other side of the phone, The perfect maid smiled and said, "We'll have lamb chops with truffles tonight. I'm going to open the remaining bottle of Lafite. I've sent my husband out to buy ingredients."

NICCCEEE Rita!Although I haven't communicated beforehand, I can still connect my nonsense perfectly!As expected of a perfect maid!

The hanging heart was relieved, Li Yexing pretended not to hear Rita's answer, and he said confidently: "Hello? Mu Qing, are you still there? Do you need me to bring you something back?"

"Hurry up and get out of the Frantic Bar, and come back after removing the smell of cigarettes and alcohol from your body." Immediately, Bai Muqing's cold voice came from the other side of the phone, and Li Yexing's ears felt cold through the phone , but what made Li Yexing even more incomprehensible was why did Bai Muqing know that he was in the bar?First rule out the possibility that he was betrayed, he knew very well that his girls would never betray him, then there was only one possibility left...

This woman, she's spying on me!

After getting the answer, Li Yexing frowned and bent down, looked at the glass door that was mostly covered, and frowned at the same time: "Mu Qing, where are you now?"

"Don't make wild guesses, do you think I can't see that you're lying to me?" As if seeing through Li Yexing's little idea, Bai Muqing sneered and said, "On the other side of the phone is your voice, why is it so quiet? You Did you buy vegetables and buy them into someone else's mourning hall?"

"Haha..." Li Yexing smiled shyly, turned his head in embarrassment, and then he saw Paglis and Anna on the stairs, wearing thin pajamas, leaning on the handrail of the stairs from left to right, as if I'm watching a joke.

"Anyway, come back quickly, I have something important to say..." On the other side of the phone, Bai Muqing seemed to have lost her patience, and she hung up the phone directly.

"Damn, it's a mess..." Li Yexing murmured softly and stuffed his phone into his pocket, then said to Jiang Xueyang: "That's the situation, I have to go back first."

"Then...Brother Yexing, I'll see you off..." Seeing Pagliss and Anna going downstairs, Jiang Xueyang immediately stood up, making a gesture to go out with Li Yexing, but in the next second, Pagliss and Anna came from He hugged him tightly behind him.

"The smell of smoke is so strong, Ah Jiang is disobedient, he should be punished..." Paglis sneered, licking Jiang Xueyang's left ear.

"Yeah, I should be punished. I just heard you talking about the snow with Boss Li..." Anna Mei said with a smile, licking Jiang Xueyang's right ear.

As for Li Yexing, he bent down and got out of the crazy bar, leaving Jiang Xueyang's cry for help behind him.

Frenzied Bar is only two streets away from Li Yexing's office, so it doesn't take much time to go back to the office. In less than a few minutes, Li Yexing arrived at the door of the office. He took out his key, looked at the door in front of him, For some reason, at this moment, in his eyes, the familiar office seemed to have become a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Forget it, stretching the neck is also a knife, shrinking the neck is also a knife...

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