"Mr. Bai, aren't you too idealistic?" As soon as Bai Muqing finished speaking, Kanan raised his hand like a primary school student and said, "You have to know that this is Lopulus, the base of the villains, and the boss hired them to do it. It's one thing to live, but it's another thing to make them work for the boss obediently. Besides, if you act as an intermediary, isn't that the same as stealing the job of that guy Agor? Even I know that in Loppler Try not to offend that guy."

"Beckett Agor, real name Omo Hemings, [-] ​​years old, formerly a Texan from country A, once worked for the FBI, and was framed and exiled here due to personnel changes related to the CIA and power issues. One of the smugglers of Lopulus, whose main job is intermediary and information trafficking..." Under Kanan's surprised eyes, Bai Muqing summarized Agor's life in a few words, and she raised the corner of her mouth and said: "Of course I have Keep an eye on this guy, he's the second highest priority in the hiring pool after the first off-the-wall monsters, because if we're going to snowball down, he's going to be the one we can't get around."

"Then Miss Bai, how do you get Mr. Agor, who makes money as an intermediary, to work for us?" Rita asked with a slight frown.

"This kind of poor bastard who hides his name in a small corner, as long as you give him a chance to see the light again, he will be able to embarrass you..." Bai Muqing said with a sneer: "I will make a plan that makes him unable to see the light." No price tag, as long as he accepts our employment, we will directly take over most of his contacts."

Speaking of this, Bai Muqing paused for a moment, picked up the bottle of tempting cider to moisten her throat, and then continued: "As for those mercenaries and mercenary groups with low priority and at the bottom of the snowball, we can help you They provide good medical care and even insurance, and the Durand Technology Medicine under the First Organ also needs a long-term source of income, and this is a win-win situation for us.”

"It's still unreasonable..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "It's impossible for Yeager and the Italian to watch us integrate those guys. In their view, this approach is like putting a knife on their necks." .”

"Then cooperate!" Wielding a marker pen, he wrote "Military" and "Gangster" on the whiteboard, and then wrote a big "wild dog" between them, while Bai Muqing drew an arrow between the three parties. Dao: "We can assist those guys to maintain the order and security of Lopulus, we can pay more taxes, and we can even accept their entrustment at a low price. We don't need to take money so seriously. Money is just for development. The by-products brought are used to continue to affect development! As long as they are still human, I can offer them a price they cannot refuse!"

Marked characters one by one on the arrow of the black marker pen, from taxation to medical treatment, and even arms procurement. He smiled and said: "Believe me, they are all smart people. They know which is more important, the small rights in front of them or the future full of possibilities in the future."

For a while, the office was silent, Li Yexing groped his chin, Rita frowned slightly, Kanan and Tillylian looked confused, Qiandao Tong nodded, only Tiliris kept the original Sitting in the same posture, he stared at Bai Muqing motionlessly.

"Miss Tiriris, do you have any thoughts?" Sensing the inexplicable emotion in those red eyes, Bai Muqing asked with a smile.

"It's nothing..." Tiriris shook her head, and then said with a blank expression, "Tiliris just wants to know, how will Xiaobai deal with BSAA?


Three shifts, call it a day.

I'm going to spend some time today and tomorrow talking about RE6's Jack and Chris lines.

Volume 6.5 Extra.40-[-]. Macho Takeoff Plan ([-])

"How to deal with BSAA?" Hearing Tiliris' question, Bai Muqing was slightly taken aback, and then showed a confident smile, as if to say, "I knew you would ask such a question a long time ago..."

"Of course I have thought about the BSAA issue, but we can put it later..." Bai Muqing tapped on the whiteboard, and then said with a smile: "The next thing I want to discuss with you is that after our firm transforms into a security contractor development issues."

After all, Bai Muqing turned her back to everyone, picked up the whiteboard eraser that was attracted to the whiteboard by the magnet, and erased the graffiti "Three Kingdoms", after erasing, she picked up the black marker pen in her hand, and drew directly on the whiteboard An Umbrella logo.

Covering the pen cap, turning her head confidently, nudging the glasses with white jade-like fingers, Bai Muqing said with an excited smile on her face: "After our firm has successfully transformed into a security contractor, I suggest implementing an Umbrella-style development route." !"

"Umbrella style...development route?" Looking at the very familiar logo on the whiteboard, and then at the energetic Bai Muqing, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "You want to engage in BOW?"

"Stupid! Stupid! IQ of a wild dog!" She opened her mouth to insult, and Bai Muqing became more emotional. She took a signal pen and wrote a new line of letters under the logo: Raccoon City.

"You may not know some things, but I know it very well. After all, I have read all the files about the Raccoon City incident within the purview of the Black Umbrella headquarters..." Bai Muqing tapped the whiteboard lightly, raised her head and said: "I'm sure you're all familiar with the Raccoon City incident, but today I don't plan to bring you back to that matter that doesn't mean much to us. Today, I want to tell you about the development of Raccoon City!"

"I seem to understand what you mean..." As if thinking of something, Li Yexing suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Oh? Really?" Seemingly surprised by Li Yexing's words, Bai Muqing turned her head, her wine-red eyes were filled with coldness, but there was more anticipation. She sneered and said, "Since You understand, so why not tell me, if you are right, I will reward you."

"Okay..." Li Yexing smiled, and then whispered: "If I remember correctly, almost everything in the entire Raccoon City is built around Umbrella. A lot of money has been invested in the development of various industries. In Raccoon City, from education to medical care, to catering and even charity, almost every industry and group has Umbrella's shadow behind it. It has boosted the economy of the entire Raccoon City, and almost everyone in the city is directly or indirectly working for Umbrella..."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing turned his head, looked away from the Umbrella logo on the whiteboard, and whispered to Bai Muqing: "You want our firm to bind Lopules like Umbrella development, right?"

"That's right..." Bai Muqing nodded in satisfaction, she was a little surprised and said: "Your wild dog brain can think of this step, this is really beyond my expectation..."

After all, Bai Muqing leaned in front of Li Yexing, then bent down, wrapped his arms around Li Yexing's neck with one hand, and showed Li Yexing the snow white that was faintly exposed from the neckline because of her posture. Seeing clearly, she closed her eyes and kissed him directly. After a few seconds, she gently took Li Yexing's lower lip and sucked, and then reluctantly parted.

"This is the reward I promised you, accept it gratefully, Wild Dog..." Standing up, Bai Muqing sneered.

Seeing the weird flush on Bai Muqing's face, and remembering the topic of her sudden runaway before, Li Yexing suddenly understood that she seemed a little anxious.

On the other side, Bai Muqing licked her lips subconsciously, and then continued: "What the wild dog said is roughly correct, this is the development direction I set for our future, now, please turn the material in your hand to fifty-two Page."

With the sound of turning pages filling the office, Li Yexing lowered his head and looked at the headline on the fifty-two pages, and saw that it was written in bold and enlarged black fonts: Possibility of Umbrella-style development and specific plans.

"Okay, let's continue..." Seeing that everyone except Tilly Liss had turned the page, Bai Muqing took a sip from the bottle of tempting cider, then cleared his throat and said, "About the Umbrella-style development plan, First of all, we must ensure the success of our transformation. On this basis, we will become the largest tax-paying enterprise in Lopulus, and we will have enough funds in our hands. At that time, we will start to acquire Lopulus All walks of life in the country, first starting from catering, and then large and small shops, at the same time, we will invest in improving the infrastructure of Lopulus, which is very important!"

Opening the cap of the signal pen again, Bai Muqing wrote "Infrastructure" on the whiteboard in a big way, and then she tapped on the whiteboard and said: "You have also seen that thanks to the fact that all the civil servants in Yidonia are It can be said that the infrastructure and urban structure planning of Lopulos is quite unsatisfactory, and what we have to do is to change this situation, invest funds in infrastructure construction, and at the same time remove those randomly built and uninhabitable buildings. The houses are all flattened, we can develop real estate in Loples, and make a better plan for the residential area of ​​Loples, we can build wider and brighter gate houses, and then rent or sell them to the merchants, In this process, we can let the military and the Italians invest for us. In this way, not only will they be rewarded in the later stage, but they will be tied more tightly to us, and our capital chain will not be broken due to accidents. .”

Speaking of this, Bai Muqing turned his back, wrote "investment" on the whiteboard, and continued: "Speaking of investment, in addition to letting the Italians and the military help us invest in infrastructure and real estate development, we can also invest For the entertainment industry controlled by the Italians, we can provide funds to let the Italians open their flower streets longer, make underground casinos and boxing rings bigger, and build hotels higher. A considerable amount of funds will be distributed in the hands of the people, and in this way, within five years, we can build Lopulos into the most prosperous city in Itonia!"

"Then we can eat together and die?" Kanan asked with his hands raised.

"Of course not!" Bai Muqing slammed the whiteboard fiercely, and said angrily, "Are you satisfied with just a Lopulus? Bringing this city under our control and turning it into our money-making machine, is that enough?" It is only the second phase of the plan. When this phase is successful, we will center on Lopulus and radiate the whole of Itonia! We will go out of Lopulus step by step and push our advantageous industries to various regions , and then buy their land for new real estate development!"

"So we turned from mercenaries to property sellers?" Li Yexing asked with raised eyebrows.

"Of course not!" Bai Muqing shook his head and said, "Real estate is just a part of our industrial expansion. With money and land, we have the right to speak in a civilized negotiation with those rich and poor before we get on stage."

"What if they're not civilized?" Rita asked with a smile.

"Then point a gun at their heads and let them learn how to be polite and talk to people calmly!" Bai Muqing said viciously: "And, if it really develops to that point, I don't believe that group of poor people will have the courage Turn against us who hold the strongest armed force in Itonia!


One more.

Volume 6.5 Extra.41-[-]. Macho Takeoff Plan ([-])

After the generous speech, the office fell into silence. It seemed that everyone was thinking about the possibility of this development route. After a while, Li Yexing shook his head and said: "Forget it, I can't think of such a thing clearly, and you I didn't explain clearly, what is the relationship between industrial development and BSAA?"

"Of course it has something to do with it! And that's what I'm going to talk about next..." Bai Muqing smiled slightly, turned her back and erased the Umbrella logo and various small entries that had been written on the whiteboard before, and then took out a marker pen to write on the whiteboard "Cross-field cooperation" was written on it, and at the same time, he said in an unquestionable tone: "Now, we can turn to page ninety-three!"

After a while of noise, Bai Muqing turned around, with a confident smile on his face and said: "Listen carefully, what I said before is just foreshadowing, what I'm going to say next is the most important thing!"

"Tossing back and forth for so many years is just a foreshadowing?" Kanan was slightly taken aback, then shook his head and said, "Mr. Bai, I don't want to hear it anymore. I don't think it has anything to do with me. Just tell me when and where to kill and who to kill." enough…"

Bai Muqing thought for a while, and felt that it might not be very meaningful for Kanan to listen to this, so she nodded and said, "It's enough for Kanan to hear this, go get busy and don't disturb my next explanation. ..."

With Bai Muqing's permission, Kanan was relieved, she stood up and stretched, and murmured: "Oh, you should just do your own work on this kind of thing, and I can't give any advice if you tell me, Alas, went to bed..."

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