"That girl... is holding... a chainsaw?" After a long while, Chu Chen was a little uncertain.

"It's a chainsaw, that's right..." Will nodded and said, "Because the paint is too fancy, I didn't recognize it at first sight..."

With some weird moods, the two kept sliding down. Sure enough, not long after, a blond girl with a machine gun, an innocent girl with a flamethrower, and a cute and indistinguishable silver-haired girl appeared on the screen. twin…

Chu Chen glanced at the website subconsciously, he suspected that he accidentally clicked into his favorites.

"These few don't look like mercenaries..." After a long while, Will frowned slightly.

"It should be a gimmick..." Chu Chen was a little uncertain: "Aren't many websites talking about online card dealing by sexy croupiers? I guess it should be about the same?"

"I really don't understand..." Will shook his head and said, "Isn't the Huanya Armed Forces a mercenary group? Isn't it a bit too boring to do this kind of thing to attract customers' attention?"

Just as Will finished speaking, a voice suddenly rang out from beside his ears.

"If you have any curiosity about the Ring Asia Armed Forces, you may wish to ask me directly, but considering the things over there, I haven't worried much, even if you ask me, I may not be able to answer you.


One more.

Volume 8 Mission.DLC. Frozen Chapter A-[-]. The macho is numb

The sudden voice startled Chu Chen and Will. They all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a man in black standing there. At [-] meters, the figure is not considered burly, because the light in the room is dim, so I can't see it clearly for a while.

However, what both of them were most concerned about was that the man was already standing at the door, but they didn't notice it at all.

"Who are you?" After a while, Will frowned. There were obviously BSAA soldiers standing guard outside the door. Why did this guy walk in so grandly?

"It's from our side..." There was a sound of footsteps from the corridor outside the house, followed by a sentence of English with a thick retroflex, behind the man in black, a taller figure came out, he was wearing Wearing a green military uniform, with eyes like eagles, Will subconsciously asked in the dim light, "Yager?"

"Meet you again, Mr. Will..." The officer named Yegel nodded, and he turned slightly sideways, exposing the man in black to his view, and then turned to the officers from the BSAA North American Branch and Far East Branch in the room. The two commanders said: "Let me introduce to you, this is Li Yexing, the instructor of the Ring Asia Armed Forces who also serves as the commander and chief sergeant."

Accompanied by Yegel's introduction, the man in the shadow came out and stood under the dim light. He said to Chu Chen and Will in a low voice: "Get to know me, my name is Li Yexing, the instructor of the Huanya Armed Forces , and also the commander in wartime, you can call me whatever you want.”

Under the dim light, Will squinted his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. To his surprise, this sergeant chief from the Rim Asia Armed Forces was younger than he imagined, and there was even a hint of aura on that typical Asian face. He looks a little immature, but the faint shadow between his brows shows that he is definitely not a character to get along with. He is wearing a black combat uniform on his upper body, with a silver wolf-head epaulette representing the Huanya Armed Forces on his shoulders, and black on his hands. His waist was bound by a tactical belt, and his lower body was wearing black military trousers. The trousers were neatly gathered in the black military boots that wrapped around his ankles.

Although there are no bloated muscles, this black combat uniform is still supported by Li Yexing. Experience tells Will that the absence of those muscles that want to jump out of the clothes does not mean that the kid in front of him is thin. Now, that body is likely to have the terrifying explosive power of a cheetah. This kind of figure reminds Will of Chu Chen beside him.

This guy may not be inferior to me in hand-to-hand combat, but he may not be stronger than Chu Chen...

Soon, Will analyzed the fighting power of the young man in front of him. Just as he was thinking about whether to ask Chu Chen to show him off like in the army, Chu Chen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly widened his eyes. Closing his eyes, he raised his hand, pointed at Li Yexing in surprise and said, "Yes...it's you!"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback. He turned his head to look at the terrified Asian man in front of him, frowned slightly and said, "You know me?"

"Of course I know you! Don't you remember me?" Chu Chen said excitedly, "Nagaba, BSAA Extreme East Branch, Qinglong Team, do you have any impression?"

After staring at Chu Chen for a long time, Li Yexing showed a sudden realization expression, he nodded and said, "Oh, I remembered, you are the one from the Far East branch..."

Of course, Li Yexing lied to Chu Chen. He couldn't remember who Chu Chen was, and the only reason he showed a sudden realization was because he didn't want to waste time on this kind of problem. On the other side, seeing Li Yexing, he still remembered He, Chu Chen immediately showed a happy expression.

Look, isn't this great?

On the other side, seeing Chu Chen's excited face, Will raised his eyebrows, turned his face to Chu Chen's side and whispered: "Do you know him?"

"Let me tell you, this guy is too strong..." Looking at Li Yexing with an inexplicable expression on his face, Chu Chen said to Will, "This guy is your hero Redfield two years ago during the Changye Commercial Building incident. The invited foreign aid experts..."

After all, Chu Chen shifted his gaze to Li Yexing again, and said with sincere admiration on his face: "I really didn't expect to see you here again, Expert Li, Expert Li, hello..."

Li Yexing frowned slightly, thinking why does this guy look so weird?

"Since you know each other, it's easy to talk..." Seeing that Chu Chen seemed to know Li Yexing, Yegel nodded at the side, and then said to everyone: "I still have things to do, and the next attack will start soon Now, let you BSAA tell Li about the situation here..."

After all, Yegel turned his head and patted Li Yexing on the shoulder before leaving. He whispered, "I have arranged for your people at the end of the street. Let me tell them the situation ahead."

"Let them be honest and don't embarrass the Loples people." Li Yexing responded in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I know..." Finally, with a smile on his face, Yegel patted Li Yexing's shoulder again, and said to him, "I'll go first."

After exchanging pleasantries, Yeager left. For a while, there were only three officers left in the room, two from BSAA and one from the Central Asian Armed Forces.

"Okay, don't waste time, tell me about the situation ahead..." Clearing his throat slightly, and attracting the attention of two BSAA officers, Li Yexing came to the table in the middle of the room, and lightly brushed the sign with his fingers. A map full of various marks, then turned his head to Chu Chen, who seemed more enthusiastic, and said, "I heard that something happened here, and we need to deal with it, right?"

"That's right..." When it came to the business, the excited smile on Chu Chen's face disappeared, replaced by a trace of seriousness. He came to the table and said to Li Yexing in a deep voice: "You should know Mr. Redfield, so To make a long story short, Mr. Redfield was out of touch during yesterday's attack."

"Is Chris the only one who lost contact?" Li Yexing asked back with a slight frown.

"No, it's not just Redfield..." Standing in front of the table, Chu Chen said in a deep voice, "Including Nevins, Macaulay and others, the entire team has lost contact..."

As he said that, he moved his fingers to lightly press down the neighborhood near the city hall on the map, and then said to Li Yexing: "Redfield's last communication signal was sent here."

"And my task is to find them and bring them out, isn't it?" He lowered his head and looked at where Chu Chen was pointing. Li Yexing's brows became tighter and tighter. Find a route suitable for the infiltration of small-scale combat troops, but judging from the guerrilla defenses marked on the map, this idea is simply a dream.

"The fortifications are too outrageous, right? They're going to dig through the bottom of the city!" Finally, Li Yexing couldn't help but asked, "When was this map updated?"

"This morning, just before dawn..." Chu Chen frowned and said, "Yesterday's offensive failed. They hit the outer city, and the Yidonian government army was always retreating. The information on this map may not be accurate. .”

Unable to find a loophole enough for a small team to pass through safely from the guerrilla defense map, Li Yexing took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the map, and said to Chu Chen: "About our search and rescue operation, what else is there?" Any other useful information?"

"Unfortunately, there are no more." Chu Chen shook his head and said solemnly.

"Really..." Li Yexing nodded, and then refocused his gaze on the map.

You bitch, what are you talking about?


Two more.

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