"Why is your face so ugly? Perverted brother-in-law?"

The corner of his clothes was pulled, and Li Yexing turned around, only to see Tilly Lisi and Tilly Lian looking at him. Tilly Lisi was expressionless as always, but there was a little questioning in the pair of red eyes, and Tilly Lisi was looking at him. Lilian frowned slightly, and from Li Yexing's expression, she read an unusual flavor.

"I'm in trouble..." After a while, Li Yexing stretched out his hands and rubbed the little heads of the sisters while whispering, "There's something wrong with the battle situation in Itonia, and it's very different from what I expected."

"Are you going?" Tiriris asked.

"Hmm..." Li Yexing nodded, and said to Tiriris, "Chris and his team are all trapped, and I have to go and fish them out myself."

"Ah?! Are you going to fight?!" Upon hearing Li Yexing's words, Tilly Lian immediately became excited. She grabbed Li Yexing's hand and shook it: "My lord is going too! My lord is also going!" go!"

Looking at Tillylian's pair of expectant eyes, Li Yexing shook his head and said, "No."

"Oh?! Why?! Doesn't the perverted brother-in-law not love me anymore?" After thinking for a while, Tillylian said with displeasure: "Could it be that you look down on me?! I'm super good at fighting!" Well done!"

"Of course I know you are very good at fighting. My sister-in-law is very powerful..." He rubbed Tilly Lian's head vigorously, then put his palm flat on Tilly Lian's head, gesturing all the way to his chest, Li Yexing patiently explained Said: "The problem is, my sister-in-law is too petite. If a delicate and cute girl like you goes to the battlefield, other forces will become suspicious."

On the side, Tilly Lisi frowned when she heard what Li Yexing said to Tilly Lian. She knew that these words were not only meant to Tilly Lian, but also to herself. Obviously, Li Yexing Not only did he not intend to take Tilly Lian there, he also did not intend to take himself there.

Immediately, the expressionless little face of the beautiful girl with silver hair and red pupils swelled up like an inflated balloon.

"This is something that can't be helped..." Seeing that Tilly Lisi was unhappy, Li Yexing said helplessly, "This time, it's not just a small fight between us and others, with so many friendly troops watching, you can't do anything about it." Just pull out the street lamp and use it as a stick like in the Middle East, don't you?"

Tilly Lisi put her hands around Li Yexing's neck, then jumped up, her legs wrapped around Li Yexing's waist, and hung on Li Yexing's body like a koala, with a swollen little face, she didn't understand Reasonably, she just wanted to have a little girlish temper with Li Yexing.

Tilly Lian on the side stared blankly at her elder sister hanging on Li Yexing's body. She thought for a while, then decisively imitated Tilly Lisi's appearance, held her breath and propped up her little face, and then jumped lightly. Like Tiriris, it hung on Li Yexing's body.

"You two are really..." Facing the little temper of the two sisters, Li Yexing felt a little helpless and a little funny for a while.

At this moment, the door of the corridor was pushed open, and Kanan, who had been lying in bed all afternoon, entered the office sleepily. She habitually walked to the small refrigerator behind the desk, wanting to open a bottle of beer to refresh herself. Then she saw Li Yexing with a subtle expression in front of the window, and the tyrant sisters hanging on Li Yexing's body from left to right.

Immediately, Kanan woke up.

Walking briskly, Kanan raised his eyebrows and came to Li Yexing with an expression as if he was watching a joke. He first looked at Li Yexing pretendingly, and then at Ti Lilith and Tillylian, finally, she refocused her eyes on Li Yexing and grinned.

"Boss, what are you playing?" With an uncontrollable smile on his brows, Kanan thought for a while, then leaned lightly in front of Li Yexing, wrapped his hands around Li Yexing's neck, and smiled at the same time He said softly, "Boss, why don't you... bring me one?"

"How old are you?!" Li Yexing asked back, frowning.

"Hey, then I don't care..." Kanan licked his lips and said to Li Yexing excitedly.

A burst of chatter and laughter mixed with Japanese sounded from the corridor outside the office. A few seconds later, accompanied by this sound, Rita and Hitomi Chishima pushed open the half-open corridor door, and entered the office talking and laughing. Then they both froze.

In front of the window, Li Yexing leaned back slightly to maintain his center of gravity. Tiriris and Tillylian hung on either side of him, while Kanan curled up and hung on his chest.

For a while, there was no sound in the office. Looking at the scene in front of him, Hitomi Chishima widened his eyes and did not hide his surprise, while Rita still had that elegant smile on her face, but at this moment, The smile looked a little stiff, and the corners of the eyes seemed to be still twitching slightly.

"Go on, Kanan..." Being stared at by Hitomi Qiandao and Rita with weird eyes, even Li Yexing couldn't stand it, but Kanan didn't care at all, she pursed her mouth, imitating the child's coquettish tone Said: "No, I won't, I won't!"

After a long while, the surprise on Qiandao Hitomi's face disappeared, replaced by a hint of joking, she turned her head with a smile, and deliberately said to Rita in English that Li Yexing could understand: "Miss Griffith, look, There is one last place left behind Yaxing-kun."

"Really, I didn't even notice it..." The stiffness on her face softened, Rita smiled and said to Hitomi Chishima, "Do you want to use finger-guessing to decide who is behind Mr.?"

In front of the window, Mr. Li was overwhelmed and looked confused.


One more.

Volume 11 Mission.DLC. Frostbite Chapter A-[-]. Macho Decision

After some playfulness, Li Yexing had to use a slightly tougher way to suppress his girls. After all, the problem before him was very serious. The team is still stuck eating bullets on the Yidonia battlefield.

Seeing his girls sitting on the sofa neatly lined up in a row, Li Yexing stood in front of the coffee table and cleared his throat, explained the ins and outs of the matter roughly, and then said with a serious expression: "In short, the situation is In this way, I am going to transfer a group of people from Huanya, and go with me to fish out Chris and his team."

"I'll go too!" Kanan raised his hand like a primary school student.

"Stop making trouble, Kanan, I'm not going to take you there." Li Yexing shook his head and said.

"Boss, are you stupid?" To Li Yexing's surprise, Kanan's face was serious at this time, completely gone from the previous heartless look, she frowned and said: "Are you Going to find that Chris guy, right?"

"That's right." Li Yexing nodded, and then said, "What does this have to do with my not planning to send you to the battlefield?"

"Of course it has something to do with it..." Kanan nodded, and then slowly said: "I still remember that when we were in Africa, we were beaten up by that superman in sunglasses."

"And then?" Li Yexing asked with a frown. After all, this memory is really unbearable.

"I remember, the guy wearing sunglasses was finally taken care of by that Chris from BSAA, wasn't he?" Kanan continued to ask with a slight frown.

"That's it..." Li Yexing nodded. He mentioned this matter to Kanan back then.

"Think about it, that Superman in sunglasses, neither of us can beat him together, that Chris took a human woman and got him done, how tough is this Chris?" Kanan said with a serious look on his face Said: "Then boss, think again, that guy is so strong, but he is still trapped in the battlefield, and he can't even find anyone. One can imagine how dangerous the battlefield over there is..."

Sitting up straight, Kanan looked at Li Yexing and said, "Miss Eldest and Miss Second are not in the right shape, so I can't go to the battlefield with you. The maid's temperament is too far from that of mercenaries, and they are not suitable for the battlefield. Hitomi You can't use a gun, and you can't split bullets in front of those guys, and she can't go with you, let alone Xiaobai, she is a dead person, and she can't show her face casually outside Loples ..."

Speaking of this, Kanan stood up, and she said in a deep voice: "Except for the Huanya gang, I am the only one who can fight with you. I must follow you. You know, I am not only a fighter , is the insurance by your side, once the situation over there is out of control, I must ensure that you can get out of the battle smoothly."

Looking at Kanan with a serious face, Li Yexing was a little stunned. His thoughts seemed to be brought back to that thunderstorm night. The mamba leader seems to be back.

"Okay, you can come with me." After a while, Li Yexing nodded solemnly.

"When are you leaving?" Kanan asked directly.

"Leave tonight." Li Yexing replied.

"Understood, I'll go get ready." Kanan said in a deep voice, she left the sofa directly, passed Li Ye into the corridor, and walked towards her bedroom.

"It's really resolute, Miss Marfar..." After Kanan left, Rita couldn't help but nodded and said, her gray eyes seemed to have a trace of envy. After a moment of hesitation, she raised her head and said to Li Yexing : "Sir, since you allow Miss Marfar to accompany you, why can't you add me? After all, I have also experienced the battlefield, haven't I?"

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