"We may have to go back to the banquet hall..." Li Yexing turned his head and said to Tilly Liss: "At that time, we will act according to the actual situation. If there are too many enemies, we will find another way."

Tiriris nodded, and the two began to turn back.

The road just now was already stained with blood. Li Yexing and Tiriris bumped into a fugitive nobleman in a suit. The nobleman had a terrible scar on his neck, and blood was constantly oozing out. His body Water was pouring out continuously, as if being drenched, when he saw Li Yexing and Tilly Liss holding guns, the nobleman was covering the wound on his neck, and his pale face showed a smile as if seeing a savior. expression.

"Save...save me, there are many monsters in the banquet hall, they..."

Before the nobleman could finish speaking, Li Yexing raised his hand and fired a shot. The bullet penetrated the nobleman's forehead, and a flower of blood exploded on the nobleman's forehead with the sound of the gunshot. With a puzzled expression, he fell on the ground. on the ground.

On the next road, Li Yexing saw many fugitives, they screamed and fled from the direction of the banquet hall, and wanted to go back to the room to take refuge, but the ship was powered off, and the magnetic cards in their hands could not open them. In the bedroom, these poor creatures had to flee everywhere, and they ran aimlessly to the upper cabin, as if they could survive if they stayed away from the banquet hall.

Li Yexing knew that they had no chance to escape tonight. Just now Li Yexing noticed that there was no mobile phone signal on this ship, and the power-off ship itself could not send out a distress message. The Mediterranean region sails for two to three days, and this time is enough time for the infected on board to suck the survivors out of the banquet hall dry.

Finally, after running around for a while, Li Yexing and Tiriris returned to the banquet hall.

Without the flickering lights, the banquet hall that was full of people just now became gloomy and terrifying. Stains and bloodstains can be seen everywhere on the beautiful carpet. There are at least [-] infected people in the hall at the moment. They either gather together to form a small circle and eat the corpses on the ground, or they wander aimlessly in the hall and see Li Yexing who pushed the door and entered. With Tiliris, several infected people made strange noises and rushed towards the two of them. Li Yexing and Tiliris drew out their pistols and quickly dealt with the oncoming infected people, while most of the infected people were still gathered in the Cheerfully smoking next to the corpse, unmoved by the visit of the two.

"Our ammunition is limited, so try to avoid direct confrontation with these monsters." Li Yexing told Tiriris, the two walked carefully, bypassing the piles of infected people who were eating, and checking the clothes of those infected people by the way After confirming that there was no captain, the two quickly walked through the entire banquet hall to the back kitchen passage of the banquet hall.

This is a long corridor with no shelter on both sides. The walls of the corridor are stained with bloody handprints, and the floor is covered with blood and white pulp left by infected people.

To be honest, this kind of terrain is not ideal, and if you are not careful, you will be flanked by front and rear. Li Yexing took advantage of the inattention of the infected people in the hall and closed the door tightly, so that the infected people behind him should not be blocked.

Holding guns, the two walked slowly through the deep corridor, their feet stepped on the mucus, making disgusting noises, and finally, the two arrived at the back kitchen.

Pushing the door open, I saw that the whole back kitchen was in a mess, the ingredients were thrown wantonly on the ground, the stove was still burning, blood and mucus were everywhere, and there was a shriveled corpse lying on the dirty floor.

There are no infected people in the back kitchen.

Li Yexing looked up at the ventilation duct, and saw that the duct was dripping blood and white pulp.

"Damn it, where the hell is this bastard?"

Li Yexing was thinking about it when he heard a noise from the ventilation duct. Li Yexing and Tilly Lisi tensed up subconsciously, and they raised their guns to the ventilation duct together.

The ventilation duct was shaking violently, and blood and white pulp were constantly spraying out of it. Li Yexing couldn't help frowning. At this moment, the vibration of the ventilation duct stopped.

Then, a person covered in white paste fell out of the ventilation duct. Li Yexing keenly observed that the uniform of that person was the captain's uniform...

The first watch is coming, and the second watch will be slower tonight. The relatives have something to do, and they are exhausted after a day of tossing around.

Volume 2 Mission.16-[-]. Macho Strategies

Li Yexing raised his gun and looked at the captain who fell out of the ventilation duct. At this time, the captain showed no signs of infection except that his body was covered with white pulp and blood.

The captain who fell out of the ventilation duct was panting on the ground. He raised his head and saw Li Yexing and Tilly Lisi who were pointing guns at him, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't shoot, I'm human..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yexing pulled the trigger on his head without hesitation.

With the gunshots, the captain led the dog on the spot without saying a word.

"Okay, let's touch the corpse." Li Yexing said to Tiliris.

After all, what Li Yexing needs is only the authority card on the captain. As for whether the captain is a human or a monster, it doesn't matter. If he is already infected, then this bullet is a kindness for him. He died quickly, anyway, he definitely didn't have a ticket for the lifeboat.

Li Yexing walked towards the captain's body, and reached out to touch the captain's jacket pocket, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The captain suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Yexing's arm. Li Yexing tried to break free but couldn't. The captain raised his head, the bullet hole on his forehead was still bleeding, and he was chanting "Help, help!" Me, help me quickly," Tilly Lisi had sharp eyesight and quick hands, she rushed forward and stepped on the captain's arm holding Li Yexing, Li Yexing fell to the ground, he hurriedly stood up and stepped back, looking at the captain in front of him, Cold sweat gradually flowed down.

The captain's subdued body began to swell wildly.The buttons of the clothes were blown away, revealing the pale and misshapen flesh. The purple blood vessels were climbing wantonly under the pale skin, which looked extremely strange. The captain's shoulder was cracked, and the inside was full of jagged fangs and sharp teeth. Then, the cracked shoulder continued to swell, turning into a big protruding mouth. The captain's right half of his body also kept swelling, and the right arm that was trampled off grew a mess of bone spurs, sticky white pulp. It kept secreting it from its body, and soon, the captain turned into a strange monster. Its body was pale and huge, more than two meters high. Instead, the captain's own upper body turned into something like a proliferating sarcoma, hanging roughly on the monster's left chest.

The monster opened its weird mouth and roared, but the captain who was hanging on the monster like an accretion was shouting "Help me quickly" while stretching out his hand towards Li Yexing and Tiriris.

Li Yexing felt his scalp go numb.

This monster is very much like the first roadblocking BOSS in "Resident Evil Revelations", that is, the captain of the Zenobia Queen. The structure of the saw rushed towards him, while the human part of the monster was still crazily shouting "May Day, May Day...", junior high school student Li Yexing's young heart was deeply shocked, he couldn't imagine the game producer How warped my mind must be to weave such a monster.

But now, looking at the mutated captain of the Orianna in front of him, Li Yexing felt as if his nightmare had recurred.

Li Yexing raised his gun and fired three times at the human part of the monster. The alienated half-length captain screamed: "Don't shoot! I'm human!", and the bloated monster was already waving its arm with bone spurs towards the monster. Li Yexing and Tiliris rushed over, "Damn it!" Li Yexing and Tiliris dodged the mutated captain's brutal charge from left to right, only to see that the mutated captain couldn't control his body and crashed into the pile of ingredients without looking back. Among the rows of shelves, and then fell down inside, Li Yexing and Tiriris took this opportunity to shoot the mutated captain several times. However, for the mutated captain with rough skin and thick flesh, small-caliber pistol bullets are not Can't do enough damage.

Li Yexing took out the shotgun behind his back, and Tiriris also took out the large-caliber revolver he found in the captain's room earlier. While the mutated captain stood up, Tiliris raised her hand and shot, and the large-caliber bullet shattered. The hole came out and penetrated into the human part of the mutated captain. With the captain's scream, the bullet exploded a flower of blood on its body, splashing everywhere with a bit of broken flesh. The captain stretched out his only The remaining left hand covered the wound, and let out a horrifying scream, but the monster turned around as if it didn't feel pain, squirmed its bloated body and rushed towards Tiliris, Tiliris was expressionless, she He took the revolver and fired another shot at the monster. This shot directly knocked off the captain's head. The half-headed captain finally stopped talking, and his body hung down from the monster's chest, as if he was dead. The monster couldn't help but staggered a few steps back after taking the shot. Li Yexing seized the opportunity to bully him, and the shotgun hit the monster's bloated belly one after another, leaving white pulp and blood on it. The mixture was scattered and splashed under the blow of the shotgun, and the monster finally couldn't support it and sat on the ground.

Even so, Li Yexing still didn't dare to be careless, and the attack on monsters was based on strong firepower, but the shotgun in Li Yexing's hand didn't have enough bullets to squander, and Tilly Lisi's large-caliber revolver bullets were also very powerful. Limited, I'm afraid that once the bullets from the powerful weapons in their hands are exhausted, the monster will regroup, and at that time, Li Yexing and Tiriris will be unable to parry.

Gotta figure out a way.

Li Yexing paid attention to the environment around him, and then he was lucky and thoughtful.

"Tiliris, stop hitting!" Li Yexing shouted, although he didn't know what Li Yexing was thinking, but Tirilith had always trusted Li Yexing unconditionally. Li Yexing raised his shotgun and pointed at the monster's body. The body kept firing until the shotgun in his hand ran out of bullets, and then he kept backing away, reloading the gun in his hand while backing up, and didn't stop until he backed up to the stove behind him.

Without the suppression of firepower, the monster quickly stood up, and it let out an extremely unpleasant roar, the sound was like a baby crying, but it was sharper, a sausage full of barbs came from it The big cracked mouth protruded from it, flicking the mucus wantonly in the air.

Li Yexing looked at the monster in front of him. He took a deep breath, put the shotgun behind his back, then clapped his hands and made a dog-motivating gesture.

I don't know if it was aroused by Li Yexing's provocation. The monster rushed towards Li Yexing like crazy. The small tank-like figure made the ground under Li Yexing's feet vibrate, but Li Yexing didn't Looking away, he just looked at the monster rushing towards him with tense nerves.

It's now!

Seeing that the monster was about to hit him, Li Yexing dodged it, and the monster slammed into the stove. Li Yexing quickly rushed to Tiliris, grabbed her hand and rushed straight to the back kitchen door, waiting to run out. After leaving the back kitchen, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the monster had stood up and was about to turn around. Li Yexing took out a lighter from his pants pocket, lit it, threw it back, and then slammed the door shut.

"See you again, you girl!"

In the next second, with the violent explosion, the door of the back kitchen was blown away by the shock wave. Li Yexing threw Tilly Lisi to the ground and held her tightly in his arms. Feeling the heat wave behind him, he smiled slightly.

"Stupid? Stupid!


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