About an hour ago, Li Yexing who found Pierce made a decision when he was about half an hour away from the city hall. Then escort Pierce back to the camp.

Li Zhiyu didn't care about this order. After all, apart from field sampling, her task was to obey Li Yexing's arrangement. Gretel and Hansel were full of reluctance, but they were quickly suppressed by Teresa.

"I said, shouldn't you ask my opinion?" Pierce, who looked a little ugly, asked.

"I'm so sorry, this handsome little brother, people without fighting power have no right to give opinions~" Letting go of Gretel and Hansel who were about to be suffocated by her, Terese walked With two long white legs, he walked forward in three steps and put his arms around Pierce's neck. Pierce fell directly into Tyrese's arms as if he had been hit hard. He just wanted to struggle, but his face Instantly wrapped in a soft and sweet feeling, Pierce subconsciously held his breath for this strange touch.

"So good, so good..." Gently stroking Pierce's cheek, Terris's eyes lit up with a seductive light, and the corner of her mouth curled into a charming smile. She said softly, "Little handsome guy, go back with my sister." Well, you are too tired, my sister will help you relax tonight..."

Almost indulging in the gentleness of Teres, Pierce suddenly flashed Chris's resolute back in his head, and he began to struggle violently, trying to push Teres away while talking continuously, just because of his Its mouth was blocked, so the people around it couldn't understand what it said.

Moreover, what the hell, why is this woman so strong? !

"What? What did you say? I hope my sister will help you relax tonight?" On the other side, Tyrese squeezed Pierce's face to her chest, narrowing her eyes and smiling charmingly: "Oh, little Handsome guy, you are so serious, why do you say such things in front of so many people? You are so ashamed~"

Finally, when Terese's hand reached out to where she shouldn't be touching, Pierce finally resigned to his fate. He gave up resisting, then raised his hand and patted Terese's shoulder lightly.

"You won, miss..." Weng's angry voice came from Tyrese's chest, and Pierce said with a look of lovelessness: "I'll go with you..."

"That's right~" Released Pierce's face, and helped him up, Tyrese smiled charmingly and said to Pierce: "Let's go, my little handsome guy, go home with my sister, my sister will show you some good-looking..."

Pierce's complexion became ruddy, and he was no longer as pale as before. He tilted his head and cursed softly: "The female horse..."

"Okay, although the process was a bit tortuous, we finally reached an agreement..." Nodding to Tyrese, Li Yexing said to the surrounding members of the Ring Asia Armed Forces: "Since there is no problem, then prepare Let's go, Kanan and I go to the city hall to check the situation first, and you take Mr. Nevins back..."

"Wait..." Pierce, who was supported by Tyrese, suddenly interrupted Li Yexing, and he said to Li Yexing: "I have a suggestion, if you can't find them near the city hall, you can try Look east, they might be there."

"Huh?" Hearing Pierce's words, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows. He turned his head to Pierce and said, "Aren't you separated from your team? How do you know where to find them?"

"Last night, before the communicator was completely damaged, I spoke with them..." Pierce said with a serious expression.

As soon as these words came out, there was no sound in the room.

After a while, Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Nevins, are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Pierce nodded.

"What did you tell them?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"I didn't say anything. There's something wrong with my communicator. They don't seem to be able to hear me..." Pierce shook his head and said, "However, judging from what they said, their situation doesn't seem to be very good , and during the call, there was an exchange of fire in the enemy-occupied area on the east side of the city, so I judged that they might be on the east side."

"Understood..." Li Yexing nodded and said: "The information you provided is very important, Mr. Nevins, but now, please follow my people back honestly, and leave the rest of the work to us Just fine."

After the simple tactical deployment, Li Yexing led Kanan to continue in the direction of the city hall, while the rest led Pierce back along the same path as they came.

"Mercenary!" Before leaving, Pierce, who didn't know Li Yexing's name, stopped Li Yexing.

Li Yexing turned his head and looked at Pierce, who was supported by Teres, with a look of questioning in his eyes.

"Please...be sure to bring back my captain and all my comrades..." Pierce said to Li Yexing in a deep voice, "Please..."

After a while, Li Yexing nodded to Pierce, and he said softly, "I will try my best."


One more.

Chapter 52. The hunk tells the truth

"Bring them all back..." whispering the half-hearted promise, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the flames of war outside the window. After a long while, he whispered, "How can it be so easy?"

Taking the last puff of his cigarette and throwing the butt on the floor illuminated by the dim light, Li Yexing turned around and said, "Let's go, Kanan."

"Are you still going to look for it?" Flicking the remaining half of the cigarette on the wall, Kanan shrugged with a smile. She followed Li Yexing's pace and asked in a low voice, "Boss, what's your reaction?" To?"

"Since Pierce said it's in the east, let's look east..." Pushing open the wooden door of the room, Li Yexing looked around, and after confirming that it was safe outside, he took Kanan into the second floor of the municipal office. Corridor, and at the same time frowned and replied: "If they are very close to the front line, it is estimated that as long as they are not dead, they will have a chance to meet with the coalition forces. If the coalition forces find them, they will definitely contact us as soon as possible. At that time, we will directly Just go back the way you came.”

"What if they didn't make peace with the coalition forces?" Kanan continued to ask, following behind Li Yexing, with his head slightly tilted back and his hands folded under his pillow.

"That means they are far away from the battle line, which is the place I plan to focus on next..." Li Yexing replied in a deep voice: "If they are really eager to withdraw, they will definitely find ways to make peace with the coalition forces. In other words, if they are not in a hurry to make peace with the coalition forces, then they must have unfinished business, and if this is the case, then they must be far away from the battle line."

"The premise is that they are really still alive..." Kanan teased with raised eyebrows.

There was thought in his eyes, as if he was making a decision. After a moment of hesitation, Li Yexing frowned and said in a deep voice: "The offensive of the coalition forces this time is very smooth. If there is no accident, the war can be completely ended before midnight. If it is dark The search hasn't progressed yet, so we just pull out and let the BSAA people figure it out themselves."

"What about the reward?" Kanan curled his lips and said, "If no one is found, isn't our work in vain?"

"We took the BSAA through the entire outer city and rescued the dying Pierce. If the BSAA dares to renege, then their good reputation will come to an end..." Li Yexing sneered, and then continued: " What's more, the person who hired us in name is not BSAA, but Yeager, Yeager will not lose our money."

"Well, you can get the money anyway..." Kanan nodded and said, "Remember to pay me for overtime."

"Why don't I remember that Huanya Armed Forces is the kind of company that pays overtime pay? Or do you think I usually don't pay you enough?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, and Li Yexing suddenly felt a little funny. After a while, he turned Looking over at Kanan behind him, he said, "How much do you plan to ask for?"

Kanan thought for a while, then grinned at Li Yexing and said, "Half a day, how about it? I want to go to the Italian boxing ring with you, and have a drink at Old Hank's in the evening. We can borrow it after we get home." Take a drink and relax."

"No problem..." Li Yexing won without hesitation.

"Hey..." Kanan smiled, moved closer to Li Yexing, and then whispered: "Really, find those annoying guys quickly, thinking about how we spent Christmas this year, I feel irritable."

With a helpless smile, Li Yexing whispered to Kanan, "You know what? You really look like you're on vacation."

"After all, except for the monster wielding the big stick, the enemies are all rotten fish and rotten shrimps. They can't make me serious..." Kanan responded with a smile, and then, as if remembering something, Kanan suddenly Turning his head to Li Yexing, he said, "Boss, Boss, you said that there are no coalition forces around us now, and we don't have the light bulb Xiaobai found, can I..."

Li Yexing was startled subconsciously, he stared at Kanan and said, "Don't you?"

"Why?" Kanan asked in confusion.

"Really, I said this is a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield!" After repeatedly emphasizing it, Li Yexing said helplessly, "We can go home to solve our physical problems. Please don't always be in heat during work, okay?"

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