"Six years...have we known each other for that long?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Chris couldn't help murmuring softly.

"No, no, no, we've known each other for more than six years..." Turning his head and looking at Chris, Li Yexing's eyes seemed a little meaningful, as if he was hiding something, and then he smiled and said: "And , when talking about Tiriris, I have to talk about you, and you and Tiriris have a certain fate."

"Really?" Chris joked with a smile: "It seems that there is still a story between the three of us."

"Well, there are some stories..." Looking at the blue sky in the distance, Li Yexing said with emotion.

"So... what kind of story is it?" Chris asked curiously.

"It's not a complicated story..." Li Yexing smiled, then turned his head and said, "However, since you have lost your memory, I will tell you..."

Stepping on the snow, accompanied by the sun, facing the cold wind, Li Yexing smiled and described the story between the three of them to Chris. In the story, Chris was a low-key and steady old mercenary. But because of his style of work, he is not well-known. The only friend he has is another old mercenary who runs an office. One day, the old mercenary hired a new employee named Li Yexing. Obeying the rules, unrestrained, and acting perversely made the two of them suffer a lot, until one day, Li Yexing's boss, that is, Chris's friend, capsized in the gutter, so his office was logically inherited by Li Yexing up.

Although the old mercenary died, the relationship between Chris and Li Yexing was still close. The two often drank together and occasionally went to accept some easy commissions. Their lives were quite nourishing.

Until one day, Li Yexing carried back a silver-haired girl.

Li Yexing told Chris that the girl was the employer's goods, and his lower body commanded the upper body, hacking the employer's goods.

When Chris heard this, his first reaction was to drive Li Yexing out of his den, but he calmed down. After judging that this matter could not end well, Chris decisively helped Li Yexing, and the two fought their lives together. He almost died, and finally repelled the employer who came to recover the goods, and the employer also compromised. He said that he is a sheep seller, and there is no need to sacrifice his hard-earned family property for a beautiful sheep. Knocking in, not only that, this far-sighted employer turned to discuss cooperation with Li Yexing, so Li Yexing and Chris had a better life, and they continued to repeat the previous days, eating and waiting to die.

Originally, both of them thought that their lives would continue like this, but at the end of April 2011, a security company called "Huanya Armed Forces" was suddenly established in Loples. I went to apply for the job, and after the assessment, Chris became a senior combatant, while the stronger Li Yexing became an instructor, and also served as an internal officer, responsible for pre-war command.

In layman's terms, it's better than Chris.

Then, the story came to that embarrassing moment. A few days ago, there was a heavy snowfall in Loples. Chris, who was cleaning the roof of the warehouse, accidentally slipped and fell, smashed his head, and lost all his memories.

"Probably so..." After talking eloquently, Li Yexing smiled at Chris, and then said: "The details will not be clear for a while, you can try Go ask the other people in Huanya Armed Forces, but they may not be able to answer you, after all, even over there, you don’t talk to them very much.”

Contacting the small details before, under Li Yexing's narration, Chris generally understands what kind of person he was before he lost his memory. He seems to be powerful, experienced, and very loyal, but A mercenary who is not very gregarious and rarely steps out of his social circle. He has a history of serving in country A, but his service experience was not pleasant.

"Tsk..." He smacked his lips subconsciously. Chris always felt that something was not right. Familiar and unfamiliar people, as well as the attitude of the previous restaurant owner, seemed to imply to Chris that Li Yexing had not lied to him.

It seems that before I lost my memory, I should be a suspicious person...

Chris quickly puts a new label on his pre-amnesia self.

No longer entangled with those unfounded feelings of disobedience, Chris gradually began to chat with Li Yexing familiarly. The content of the conversation was basically about some small details before amnesia. Chris solved each doubt, which made Chris completely let go of the man in front of him.

"However, I always feel that you are different from what you said..." After the aimless conversation, Chris smiled and said to Li Yexing: "In the story you described, you have a weird personality and a bad mouth. Still can't control the violent psychosis in the lower body, but I didn't feel this way when I chatted with you."

Hearing what Chris said, Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a warm smile. He gently stroked Tilly Lis' soft silver hair, then smiled and whispered to Chris: "People are always changing, aren't they? "

Looking at Li Yexing's tender eyes, Chris had the answer in his heart.

Indeed, nothing changes a boy more than a girl.

"We're here..." Suddenly, Li Yexing stopped, then pointed to the buildings in front of him and said to Chris, "It's right there, Huanya Armed Forces."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Chris followed Li Yexing and turned his gaze, and saw buildings standing directly in front of the remote street, one of which was several stories high, and there were low buildings all around. The bungalows are connected together, surrounding the wide open space like a playground, and finally separated on one side of the street by a big iron gate. The silver wolf head logo, next to it is written in large silver characters:

Huanya International Armed Security Contracting Company.


Ten more.I owe 2 more.

Chapter 69. The Macho Guard


Staring at a row of large characters on the tiled wall, Chris murmured softly, "Is this where I work?"

"It's also where you live..." Smiling at Chris, Li Yexing said casually: "Before, the place you lived was destroyed by the Central Asian Armed Forces, the Italians, and the military's plan to renovate the city of Loples." It was leveled, and you have been living in the dormitory of the Ring Asia Armed Forces since then."

"Do you live in a dormitory?" Looking at the row of low but clean two-story buildings on the opposite side of the field in the distance, a faint sense of familiarity came from his heart. Although there was no basis for it, Chris felt inexplicably that he Before the amnesia, it seemed that he lived in the dormitory all the year round.

"Let's go..." Seeing Chris staring straight at the dormitory in the distance, Li Yexing held Tilly Lis's hand, smiled and said to Chris, "I'll take you back to have a look."

After all, Li Yexing led Chris directly into the gate of the Huanya Armed Forces.

As soon as he stepped through the gate, there was a sudden noise from the guard room next to him. A middle-aged strong man with a mohawk in black combat uniform walked through the wooden door of the guard room with his trousers in his hands. When he came out and saw Li Yexing and his party, he greeted Li Yexing enthusiastically and said, "Hey, why is Boss Li here today?"

"It's just a matter of bringing the new buddy to recognize the family..." Li Yexing smiled and said to Mo Xigan, pointing his thumb at Chris behind his back.

"New buddy?" Moxigan was stunned for a moment, then followed Li Yexing's fingers and turned his eyes. When he saw the person behind Li Yexing clearly, he raised his eyebrows and said with a strange expression: "What kind of new buddy is this? Isn't this Redfield?"

As he said that, Mohawk leaned his head on the window sill, leaned forward, and said to Chris through the window glass of the guard room: "Are you discharged from the hospital?"

"Well..." Nodding awkwardly, Chris smiled embarrassingly. After all, he couldn't remember who the person standing in the guard room was, and this expression fell on Mohawk. He frowned, and said dissatisfied with Chris: "I said, Redfield, what's your reaction? Even if we don't talk much, we still work for the same boss." Look up, see you down, you can't pretend you don't know me, can you?"

"Don't say a few words, Durgen..." Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Chris has lost his memory."

"Amnesia?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Moxigan named Duergen was startled slightly, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Damn it, I really broke my brain."

"Anyway, during this period of time, you just treat Chris as a newcomer. If he has any questions, please answer patiently..." Li Yexing patiently instructed Durgen about Chris, and then pointed out something Said: "Of course, don't talk nonsense about things you don't know."

"The group of people under me are definitely fine, but others..." Shrugged, Durgen said with a smile: "Instructor Li, you'd better go and explain to them yourself."

"I will..." Li Yexing nodded and was about to take Chris away. He just took two steps forward when he suddenly turned his head and said to Duergen in the guard room: "By the way, there is One thing, if Chris owed any of you money before he lost his memory, remember to ask him to ask me for it, come in person."

"Oh..." Duergen smiled awkwardly after being exposed to the little calculation in his heart.

Following behind Li Yexing, raising his eyebrows slightly, this weird feeling of "everyone knows me, but I don't know anyone" made Chris feel a little subtle. At this moment, Li Yexing, who was walking in front, suddenly said : "That guy is Duergen, who joined the Huanya Armed Forces later than us. He has a small but quite good mercenary group under his command."

"Really..." Hearing this strange name, Chris shook his head slightly and said, "I have no impression..."

"It seems that you have really forgotten everything..." Sighing rather melancholy, Li Yexing looked at the distant sky and said: "When there was no Huanya Armed Forces, this guy molested my assistant, After being rejected, I brought my men into a fight with my assistant, I remember I told you about this..."

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