Carrying large and small bags of ingredients, Li Yexing turned around, walked through the office, and pushed open the corridor door. The sound of footsteps receded a little bit, while Hitomi Qiandao gently lifted his right foot and stepped on his left foot. The heel of the short boots, and then the left leg was slightly lifted up, and the left foot, which was emitting a faint heat, was pulled out of the boots.

Her gaze stayed on the white bunny plush slippers and clogs placed at the door for a moment, Hitomi Qiandao finally chose to insert her left foot into the plush slippers, she leaned on the wall with one hand, raised her right leg, With the other hand, she gently took off the flaxen short boot from her right foot. After changing into slippers on both feet, she turned around and placed the boots she had taken off neatly on the shoe cabinet. Then stepped into the office.

As soon as she entered the office, her ears were filled with gunshots. Hitomi Chishima was not surprised. She turned her head and saw Tiriris and Kanan sitting side by side on the sofa, holding a game controller in their hands, and their eyes were dead. He stared at the TV screen. On the screen, two muscular men were holding strange sci-fi-style submachine guns, unleashing firepower on the gray monster with a glowing belly.

"Yo, are you back?" Seeing Hitomi Qiandao entered the office, Kanan immediately turned his head and greeted enthusiastically with a grin.

"Well, I'm back." Hitomi Qiandao responded with a smile. In her impression, Miss Marfar has always looked like that, looking cheerful, enthusiastic, cool, and full of energy.

On the other side, Tiliris also turned her head. She didn't speak, but nodded to Hitomi Qiandao expressionlessly, which was regarded as a greeting, and Hitomi Qiandao immediately nodded in response. In her eyes, compared to being straightforward, Miss Marfar, Miss Tiliris looks a little mysterious, she almost never shows her thoughts on her face, so most of the time, Hitomi Qiandao can't guess what Miss Tiliris is thinking, but, She had a faint feeling that what Miss Tillyris was thinking was not complicated.

It's not that Tilly Lis is simple-minded. If I insist on describing it, it's like stuffing a lot of cotton candy in a main computer case that can be equipped with many expensive accessories.

After greeting the family members on the sofa, Hitomi Qiandao did not intend to take a short rest as Li Yexing said. Although this time should only be counted as afternoon in Japan, it was already dark outside. While working hard to ensure that every girl is equal, Hitomi Chishima still has the self-consciousness of being a concubine.

It's time for her to make dinner.

When he came to the door of the office, Hitomi Qiandao pushed open the door of the office, and then went straight to the kitchen. The rabbit slippers stepped on the ground, making a soft clicking sound. This sound accompanied Hitomi Qiandao across the bathroom. The bedroom, as well as the office's warehouse, eventually stagnated in front of the kitchen door.

In the kitchen, large and small packages of ingredients were spread out on the marble counter. In front of the counter, Li Yexing frowned slightly and rubbed his chin. Staring at the ingredients in front of him, he seemed to be thinking about how to deal with them.

"Ye Xing Jun..." Seeing Li Ye Xing's posture about cooking in person, Qian Dao Tong hurriedly stepped forward, she held Li Ye Xing's hand that kept turning the kitchen knife, and said to Li Ye Xing with a blushing face: "Yoxing-kun is already very tired from busy work these days, please go and have a rest, and leave the cooking to Hitomi."

Recalling the two days since he came back from the front line, Li Yexing realized that he really didn't seem to be idle. After all, fooling Chris was a big project, and there were too many details to take care of. It was really cumbersome to communicate one by one, but Li Yexing could I swear to God, he really didn't feel tired, not only didn't he feel tired, he even enjoyed it a little bit.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Li Yexing was about to tell Qiandaotong that he was not tired, but he found that there was a hint of stubbornness in Qiandaotong's eyes. She seemed very persistent in cooking for herself.

"Okay..." Li Yexing compromised, he nodded and said, "Then let me help you."

"Don't..." Contrary to Li Yexing's expectation, Hitomi Qiandao stubbornly shook his head and said: "Mr. Yexing, please go and rest. It should be the wife's job to go to the kitchen."

Seeing the stubbornness in Qiandao Tong's eyes, Li Yexing smiled and said, "For me, carrying a gun is work, and cooking is rest..."

As he said that, Li Yexing suddenly moved his face closer, looked straight into Qiandao Tong's eyes, and whispered with a slightly evil smile: "Still, the harsh Miss Tong, even Lord Yexing's right to rest Take it all away?"

Feeling Li Yexing's breath on her face, Hitomi Qiandao's face turned red immediately, she subconsciously shook her head and said, "'s not like this..."

"Isn't that enough?" Li Yexing stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand, patted Hitomi Qiandao's shoulder with a smile and said, "You are the chef tonight, and I will help you. No need to say anything, just Let's start like this."

"Oh..." With a feverish head, Hitomi Qiandao agreed in a dizzy manner.


Two more.

Chapter 76. The Macho Kitchen

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

It wasn't until the sound of the body being hit came from the ears that the dazed Hitomi Qiandao suddenly realized what she had just promised. She turned her head hastily, and saw the focused Li Yexing holding a kitchen knife in his hand and slapping it continuously. The piece of fresh pork on the chopping board.

"Wait..." A trace of anxiety flashed between his brows, Hitomi Qiandao subconsciously wanted to stop Li Yexing, but Li Yexing turned his head and said with a bright smile on his face, "Don't you want to make pork chops?"

In the line of sight, there seemed to be pieces of cherry blossom petals sprinkled around Li Yexing like snow, hiding Li Yexing's smile in it, Hitomi Qiandao blushed again, and she subconsciously replied in Japanese: "Yes. ..”

So Li Yexing turned his head and slapped the pork on the chopping board again, and the sound pulled Hitomi Qiandao out of the nympho state again.

Seeing Li Yexing's focused look, Hitomi Qiandao finally gave up, her face flushed, she sighed helplessly, then turned her head and whispered in Japanese: "It's suddenly coming up again, and it's showing that What kind of expression, Ye Xingjun, is too cunning..."

"Tong, go and take out the flour from the cupboard, and take two more eggs..." Li Yexing, who was patting the pork, ordered softly, "We don't have bread crumbs at home, so let's make do with flour."

"Hmm..." Nodding slightly, Hitomi Qiandao leaned over slightly, put his finger in between the delicate thigh and the black pantyhose, pulled out a black hairband from it, and skillfully put his hands behind his back Tied it to her hair, and when the long black hair turned into a neat ponytail, she reached out to the refrigerator beside her, took off the apron hanging from the hook on the side of the refrigerator, and skillfully wearing it on his body.

After packing up everything, Qiandao Tong bent down according to Li Yexing's instructions, opened the cabinet below, and searched back and forth in the dim cabinet with faintly red eyes, chanting in Japanese non-stop: " Flour... flour..."

Although he is very confident in his own cooking, Hitomi Chishima has not been in the kitchen a few times since he entered the office. After all, almost all the housework is done by a tireless and perfect maid. When helping in the kitchen, Miss Griffith would show a puzzled expression and say something like "How can a perfect maid let the mistress cook and do housework?" Trouble the people around, it's more like defending one's own territory.

Otherwise, why did Miss Griffith almost never refuse Li Yexing's help as a cook?Why is it wrong to help the voices in the kitchen?

Before she knew it, Hitomi Chishima felt a little awkward between her brows. She dared not compare herself to the traditional Yamato Nadeko, but she never did the most basic thing of cooking for her man. Now After finally getting the chance, Miss Griffith and Miss Bai went on a business trip, and it was finally time for them to flex their muscles, but Lord Ye Xing took the opportunity again.

"Is it so difficult to cook a meal for your own man?" Closing the door of the cabinet in front of him, Chishima Hitomi rummaged in another cabinet, and at the same time whispered in Japanese: "Can cooking skills please Yaxing-kun?" Leaving aside her love, in this house, even controlling the kitchen is as difficult as reaching the sky, what kind of practice is this for a wife, isn't it more troublesome than stepping out of the Asura way?"

On the other side, seeing that the texture of the pork steak on the chopping board had been broken, Li Yexing put down the knife and let out a breath of foul air. He wanted to ask Hitomi Qiandao if he found the flour, but when he turned his head, he saw Hitomi Qiandao facing away from him Leaning over, he kept muttering in Japanese as if complaining about something, while rummaging through the cabinet.

I saw Hitomi Chishima bent over, one of the legs wrapped by the black knee socks was slightly bent, and the other was stretched straight, the black ponytail was draped over a white sweater, hanging obliquely on the girl's back, her back had a slight curvature , connected with the slender waist, and then connected with the absolute domain with light red lines slightly exposed under the skirt to the upright covered by the plaid skirt. Because of the posture, the upright It looked extraordinarily round and protruding. Looking along the side, Li Yexing found that the sweater on Qiandao Hitomi's chest was propped up by the falling objects. If you change the angle, you will be able to see a little different scenery.

However, what Li Yexing likes the most is the girl's expression. She frowned slightly, her face flushed slightly, and her cherry lips were constantly pursing, looking a little unhappy.

Is it because you can't find the flour?

So cute...

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand to the upturned plaid skirt, but his hand stopped in midair. A few seconds later, Li Yexing took a step forward, and then lightly patted Hitomi Qiandao on the back.

"Ah..." Standing upright and maintaining that weird posture, Hitomi Qiandao turned his head, but met Li Yexing's weird eyes, Hitomi Qiandao could feel that although Li Yexing had tried his best to restrain himself, But his eyes still glanced at certain positions unconsciously. It wasn't until this moment that she suddenly realized how shameful her posture was.

Immediately, the rosy glow on her cheeks became more intense, but her body was inexplicably stiff, and there was even a hint of excitement. Hitomi Qiandao didn't rush to get up, because she knew clearly that this was the kitchen, where Li Yexing and Rita once and more Where there was once a battle.

Could it be that Yexing-kun wants to...

Immediately, Hitomi Qiandao's head became dizzy again. She turned her face sideways, her face was flushed, and there was a trace of water mist in her faintly red eyes. She kept her posture while putting her hands on the marble table under the stove, and then quietly waited for Li Yexing's next move.

Seeing this, Li Yexing's expression became even more awkward. He decisively leaned towards Qiandaotong. As Li Yexing's breath got closer and closer to him, Qiandaotong's breathing became more and more rapid. She even squinted He closed his eyes, waiting for Li Yexing's caress.

Then Hitomi Qiandao saw Li Yexing leaning against her arm on the marble platform, squatting down beside her, and then opened the bottom cabinet. After searching for a while, he took out a whole box of Flour in a transparent plastic box.

Standing up a little bit, Li Yexing seemed to be preparing to walk out along the narrow space between Hitomi Qiandao and the marble platform. He whispered to Hitomi Qiandao, "I'm going to wrap the pork chops. The eggs are in the refrigerator."

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